Battle Brothers #HG


La maestría no está en tener los mejores combatientes, sino en elegir sabiamente tus batallas.

Sun Tzu, el arte de la guerra

#899 Steel Brow no existe en legends :)
pd: no he dicho nada, si existe pero es rara

PD: Acabo de matar mi primer swordmaster, madre mia con 9x melee skill 25% de acierto xdd


#900 entre este y Daskest Dungeon estuve a punto de tener que cambiar la mesa de cristal xD

1 1 respuesta

Yo he hecho muchos alt+f4 en este juego xdd

No soy violento pero es mi equivalente a un golpe en la mesa.


#903 Yo es que le quise dar a la mesa que era de madera pero el puño fue sobre una esquina del portatil, saltaron trozos de plastico y se bloqueo pero bueno tras reiniciar, todo iba bien. Supongo que la vibracion al HDD no le sentaria muy bien pero bueno al menos sigue vivo, a partir de ahi intente gestionar mi frustracion de otro modo porque veia que le volvia a meter un golpe.

Vamos nunca me he cargado un mouse, ni un mando, ni nada pero es que este juego a veces era superior a mi xd

2 1 respuesta

#905 Eres este? XD

3 2 respuestas

Joder, que CHUNGO es empezar Lone Wolf expert/expert ironman en legends



#906 Por lo general en los juegos no, pero este me sacaba mucho de quicio, ademas mi golpe iba a la mesa pero debo de ser subnor perdido.


#906 Lo estoy jugando desde ayer y madre mía, soy incapaz ni de pasarme la segunda mazmorra. Como no se puede curar uno entre combates... Al final acabo muriendo de un crítico de suerte. Y para colmo el sistema ese de estres y enfermedades y locuras es un despropósito.

1 1 respuesta

Teclado estallando en mil pedazos virtualmente :S


#909 si que te puedes curar entre combates. No mucho, pero puedes comer entre combates y algo te cura.

1 respuesta

#911 ya le estoy cogiendo el tranquillo.


Es el primero que edité y le dejé bastante chapucero xdd El de las armas ha quedado mucho mejor porque no tiene el borde ese horroroso y mantiene el original.

3 1 respuesta

#913 me pido ser el portaestandarte :D

Está guapísimo


Armored widergangers + Nachzehers


@Hipnos Sabes que han actualizado legends y entre las cosas nuevas se puede jugar siendo los ancient deads?

pd: estoy aprendiendo a modificar mods, ya que estamos

15 días después

First off, location environments will be included for free with the upcoming 1.4 update – this includes graveyards, ruins, and various camps for humans, orcs and goblins. If you choose to get the ‘Blazing Deserts’ DLC, you’ll also have desert raider encampments and southern ruins in battle, and if you own the ‘Warriors of the North DLC’, you’ll get to see barbarian camps and villages. But you don’t need to own either to see most of the new environments.

As we’ve said previously, we want fighting brigands in the open field to feel different from engaging them at their camp. Indeed, where their camp is located and what kind of camp those brigands have should also become more important. Smaller camps may be a loose collection of bedrolls around a campfire, providing a largely cosmetic backdrop for your battle, while larger camps may even have fortifications, like wooden palisades, that provide cover for the defenders. If a location does have fortifications, you’ll see it both in the location’s tooltip on the world map and in the engage screen before you start your assault.

A location with fortifications is harder to assault, but it doesn’t mean that you’ll have to bring siege equipment. Take a look at the barbarian camp below. It’s quite a defensible position, being the extreme example of a fortified camp built on a hill, but we’ve deliberately kept holes in the palisades. Those palisades are enough to limit your angles of attack, change up things and make you think twice on how to go about your assault, but never enough to bring the entire battle to a halt at a single chokepoint. Although the location environment doesn’t look like it makes the battle any easier, it does make it a lot more predictable where you and the enemy start, and more a question of good tactics and less of having luck with spawn positions.

Unlike with field battles, which most of your battles are still going to be, your men don’t start in a battle line right in front of your opponents when assaulting locations. You’ll still start in formation, but further to the left, whereas the enemy starts in their camp to the right. There’s also going to be a couple of instances where the roles are reversed and you have to defend a location against attackers.

If you don’t want to fight the enemy at their camp, you can attempt to lure out their garrison on the world map to fight them in the open and then return to easily sack the location afterwards. On the other hand, engaging the enemy at their camp may sometimes be advantageous over luring out their garrison onto difficult terrain. That’s because your enemies naturally cut down trees at their camps, making for open spaces, and build their camps only on dry spots within swamps. So instead of having to fight goblins in murky marshlands where your heavily armored men get stuck, you can descend upon their camp and fight them on solid ground. Ultimately, location environments are about bringing more variety and atmosphere to combat in Battle Brothers, and about adding another strategic consideration to the world map.



Pero qué mierda es esa? Mapas con elementos predeterminados y fuera, esas empalizadas son otro sprite más de un accidente del terreno (igual que un árbol o roca y se va a comportar igual, vamos que el 95% del código ya lo tienen).

Encima ni siquiera vas a poder atacar por todas direcciones estando desprevenido como cuando te hacen a ti cuando te emboscan.

Menuda basura de característica, ya me jodería que un puñado de randoms aporten más contenido que ellos en mods (excepto en el diseño gráfico y se ven cositas más que decentes)



Perdón por el triple post.

Alguien alguna vez se quejó de los horrorosos pedestales?


Todo empezó con un amable grupito de 24 indefensas arañas... y adiós a mi compañía de Northern Raiders


The next update to Battle Brothers will introduce not just major new gameplay features, many of which we’ve already talked about, but will also include countless smaller additions and improvements. This week we’re taking a look at some of those. Let’s start!

Naturally, the ‘Blazing Deserts’ DLC will come with several new banners to pick for your mercenary company. They all sport a southern look and are a good fit for a southern-themed playthrough.

We’ll also have a Supporter Edition again for those who want to support us in developing Battle Brothers above and beyond. As a thank you, you’ll get a unique southern-style banner with some extra bling this time.

The next update will include some rebalancing on currently available ambitions, but the upcoming DLC will add a whole bunch of new ones. Many of these new ambitions are tailored to specific playstyles – for example, perhaps you’re more into trading? There’s a new ambition for becoming a master trader. Or perhaps you’re into banditry and robbing caravans? We’ve got you covered. Because unlocking additional slots for your retinue of non-combat followers requires renown (the system was slightly revised since we last talked about it), these new ambitions also help out with more specialized playstyles that previously had a harder time at accumulating renown.

When picking ambitions, it’s obviously helpful to know beforehand what exactly is asked of you and what your your reward is going to be in order to make an informed choice of your company’s next steps. That’s why the ambition selection now includes a detailed tooltip showing exactly that.

In an effort to bring more reactivity to the world of Battle Brothers, we’ve added a few more ways to interact with parties on the worldmap. For example, if you happen upon a caravan that is being attacked, and you rescue them, they’ll now properly thank you and often provide you with some kind of reward. As they then tell the story of how you saved them to others, your relations to settlements will also improve this way.

Farmers travelling between settlements to sell their produce on local markets may now also offer it to you. That’s convenient for the farmers, as they don’t have to travel all the way to the next settlement, but can return early to their loved ones, and it may be convenient for you, as it’s a way to get cheaper supplies on the road. Of course, you can also decide to just take it from the farmers by force – after all, what are they going to do about it against a company of armed men?

The ‘Blazing Deserts’ DLC will introduce several new trade goods produced only under the blistering heat of the southern sun, such as silk, incense and spices. But while previously the prices of trade goods were affected only by the size of a settlement and whether it produced a trade good itself, it’s now also a matter of how far away a trade good is produced.

Southern trade goods, such as spices, will earn you a higher profit up north, where such goods are not commonly available. Conversely, northern trade goods, like thick furs, will earn you higher profit down in the south, where even a bear pelt is a valuable curiosity. All this makes trading across the continent and across larger distances more profitable.



Que pintaza este DLC


Yo lo tenía por la biblioteca de steam y me he comprado los dos DLC, solo llevo 20h jugadas alguna recomendación?
Tiene mods este juego?


1 respuesta


El mejor de largo es legends, pero ya no se actualiza allí, hay que buscar la última versión en su discord

2 1 respuesta

#925 Mil gracias, he entrado en su discord y me he bajado mod_legends_beta_13_3_1

Alguna cosilla mas?

1 respuesta

#926 Bájate las última versión, es la 13_4_2 si no recuerdo mal.

Y si vas a darle seriamente, los hotfixes que están en chincheta en la sección de builds

1 1 respuesta

#927 Cierto, tienen la test build en el discord la otra es "oficial" que es la que está en nexusmods.


Y si vas a darle seriamente, los hotfixes que están en chincheta en la sección de builds

Te refieres en el discord o en nexusmods?


1 respuesta

#928 Discord, hay bugs conocidos con el cruzado por ejemplo, que necesitan hotfix (alguno más que no recuerdo)


While Direwolves, Webknechts und Schrats dwell deep in dark forests of the north, the upcoming southern deserts have entirely different beastly inhabitants. We’ve already learned about the Ifrit, intended mostly as an opponent for well-established companies. This week is about a new beastly opponent for you to face in the early and mid game: The Hyena. Let’s take a look!

Prowling the southern deserts and steppe is the Hyena, a carnivorous mammal that resembles a poorly groomed cross between feline and canine. Prey can be few and far between in the endless sea of sand, and so the Hyena is both scavenger and nocturnal hunter. Many a traveler lost in the desert ended up a feast for a pack of Hyenas – but whether they tore him apart as he was still alive, or he died of thirst long before the pack came upon him, is another matter.

In the barren wastes of the south, no scrap of flesh can go to waste, and the Hyena has a jaw strong enough to crush bone so that it can get to every last shred. As it turns out, a jaw that can crush bone can crush armor quite well, too, making the Hyena a threat also to men in armor that would protect them against lesser wildlife. Although a Hyena is smaller than a northern Direwolf, and not always able to kill an unarmored man in a single turn, the way it rips flesh from its victims can leave terrible bleeding wounds and inflict the ‘Bleeding’ status effect. A battle against starved Hyenas is not lost as quickly as against a pack of Direwolves, but it may well be over before you even realize it when your men live on borrowed time as they slowly bleed out while the hyenas circle you in anticipation of a feast.

Hyenas roam and attack in packs that swarm and often surround their prey, attacking from multiple angles. They’re faster in combat than most other opponents, faster even than a Direwolf. A single Hyena can attack three times a turn, often overwhelming their victims and leaving them fatigued as they try to dodge every attack. However, their morale isn’t particularly good, and like most beasts they’re especially afraid of firearms spewing smoke and fire with a loud bang, unreliable as they otherwise may be. Naturally, Hyenas drop unique loot which can either be sold or used to craft new items, including a new armor attachment, if you own the ‘Beasts & Exploration’ DLC.
