Battle Brothers #HG


Even though the Corona situation has been and still is negatively affecting our schedule, we’re making steady progress every week. There are signs of normalcy on the horizon regarding the reopening of schools and daycare, so here’s hoping our productivity will also soon normalize again. In the meantime, we’ll take another look at several smaller additions coming with the next update. Read on!

As a thank you for your continued patience, and because having a guiding light in dark times seems fitting, we’ll include a new player banner in the free 1.4 update. Hurray.

The ‘Blazing Deserts’ DLC will introduce a variety of new human opponents. Several of these you can also face as more dangerous champions, like famed gladiators, nomad princes and southern officers of great renown. The screenshot below showcases some of the new named gear that these guys may carry.

We’ve also made more existing opponents into champions. For example, if you ever wanted to fight a particularly powerful necromancer with an illustrious name like ‘The Puppeteer’ or ‘The King of Worms’ who is carrying unique loot, you’ll soon be able to. And if you hire the Bounty Hunter as part of your retinue of non-combat followers, you can earn additional bounties for hunting down champions such as these, and find them more easily and more frequently.

In order to make fighting beasts, and particularly those of the powerful and dangerous variety, more rewarding, we’re introducing additional new treasure items. These are not for crafting, but only for selling. For example, a Hexe may now leave you a valuable jade brooch as you hasten her departure from this world, while an Unhold may have crushed and mashed any valuables that they found into a handy twisted ball, which you can loot and sell.

The southern city states come with a selection of their own settlement situations. For example, a city may hold slave auctions, which significantly increases the availability of slaves. Sand storms may temporarily limit the availability of goods transported by caravans, and bread and games will mean lots of activity in the local arena and increased availability of gladiators for hire. Other situations, like slave revolts, are directly linked to contracts, and completing them will resolve the situation for the city and, in this case, make slaves available again for purchase.

Northern settlements also get a few new situations, mostly to do with trade. A ceremonial season in a northern town with a temple means increased prices for incense and thus lucrative trading opportunities. Finally, tavern rumors now also include hints of settlement situations of nearby villages and towns, and less flavor responses, so that you get a better idea of trading, recruiting and work opportunities nearby. For example, if you’re set on hunting Unholds to wear their furs as cloaks, tavern rumors can now point you to villages where the giant creatures have been sighted.


7 días después

The bestiary of the south grows by another entry as we take a look at a scaled and slithery opponent this week: The Serpent. Read on!

While much of the south is made up of barren wasteland, the seas of sand are dotted with green islands that promise a treasure most sparse in these parts: water. Water means life in the great deserts, and so any caravans seeking to travel them will hop from one oasis to the next. They are lush refuges teeming with life, but also with danger, for they are home to a slithery predator: The Serpent.

The Serpent is a large non-venomous snake that preys on animals and humans alike in and around oases. Well-camouflaged on the ground, they are not always easily spotted from afar, but they are also slower on the world map than other beasts. Using their forked tongue to sample the air, they have a directional sense of smell and can hunt equally well in the darkness of night as they can in the bright of day.

In battle, a Serpent will seek to wind itself around their prey, to constrict their movement and breath, and to drag them away from allies where they can be more easily killed in isolation. Similar to human opponents using the ‘Hook’ skill of Billhooks, Serpents can pull apart a formation, drag your men into being surrounded by several opponents, and expose your backline. Although Serpents are not venomous, they will attack using their fangs until their victim is either dead or limp enough to be devoured whole.

Serpents can be dangerous for anyone traveling the south, but they also offer an opportunity for earning crowns. The body of a Serpent is covered with overlapping scales of different colors, and some serpent skin, particularly rainbow colored scales, is worth a lot to the upper class of the city states that seek to flaunt their wealth. A mercenary captain will often find contracts to hunt down Serpents, whether to turn them into expensive-looking slippers or simply because too many a caravan hand lost their live along a trade route so that business begins to suffer. The shimmering scales are quite resistant to heat and fire, and a taxidermist can also craft an armor attachment out of these for use with your own men.



The upcoming ‘Blazing Deserts’ DLC will introduce new southern-themed company origins for you to pick from. This week we’re taking a closer look at what these are. Just keep in mind that things are in development and the specifics may still change. Let’s go!

This is the southern variant of the ‘A New Company’ quickstart. It’s well-suited both for a southern-themed playthrough and for checking out right away many of the new things found in the south.

Just as with the northern quickstart, you’ll start with three companions. They’re southerners, however, with southern gear and starting right next to one of the city states. Where to go from here is your choice; will you fight in the arena? Work for the Viziers of the city? Travel up north?

If you prefer to overwhelm your enemies with superior numbers, and the commander you’re playing as is ruthless enough not to mind using expendable troops, then this origin offers a fresh campaign experience. Loosely based on historic slave armies of the middle-east, you can have a company of expendable slaves that don’t get paid in crowns instead of relying on expensive sellswords that you can’t afford to lose.

You’ll start with 2 slave-drivers and 4 slaves, and you can take up to 16 men into battle at once. Winning battles against human opponents will allow you to press any survivors into fighting for you in order to bolster your ranks as you go, and you can also just buy slaves in the city states. They’re treated harshly in your company, however, gaining experience at only half their normal rate and never surviving with a permanent injury if struck down. All those who are not slaves in your company gain a unique skill called ‘Whip Slave’, which instantly resets the morale of any slave within 3 tiles range to ‘Steady’ and gives them the ‘Whipped’ status effect. With a forceful reminder to give their everything for their masters, up to and including their lives, these slaves gain substantial bonuses in combat, the exact amount of which scales with the level of the character doing the whipping. Your men expect slaves to do the heavy lifting, and if there should ever be less slaves than non-slaves in your company, the men will get dissatisfied. Some northern backgrounds will also take offense with slavery and may not fit well with your company, lest you want to deal with it in events.

Rather than having a tightly knit team of experienced mercenaries, this origin promotes having a small team of slave drivers (of any background you want) and a mass of expendable troops to drown the enemy in numbers and to distract them. Because slaves get substantial bonuses from being whipped into line, even a fresh slave can instantly be a valuable asset, and lost slaves can easily be replaced. Essentially, as long as you keep your non-slaves alive and level them, they can uplift slaves to their level. Should a slave happen to survive long enough to gather experience and become good on their own, that’s a bonus, and you can always decide to grant a particular slave their freedom.

A different take on the popular ‘Lone Wolf’ origin, this origin has you start not with a hedge knight, but with three experienced gladiators. Once an unbeaten team in the arena, now starting a life as mercenaries, your three gladiators are at the very core of your company.

Each of your three gladiators comes well-equipped and experienced. Like a team of bare-breasted superheroes, each one of them also brings a unique perk that aids them in combat and opens up new synergies. They’re the team, and everyone else you hire is just there for support and to make them look good. Spoiled by adoring fans and an expensive lifestyle, they demand high pay right from the start. Even though they will never desert you, and you can not fire them, they will suck your coffers dry with expensive spa visits and buying jewelry that spells their name if you don’t ensure a steady cash flow. Playing this origin, you essentially have three lives – should all three gladiators die, the company will be left without their icons and dissolve, and the campaign will end. And because this origin only ever allows you to have 12 men in your roster, there’s no putting them in the backline without leaving you at a disadvantage. Despite starting out with very strong characters, this origin is a challenge best suited for experienced players that know what they’re doing.



Tanto el de esclavos como el de gladiadores pintan bastante bien, a ver como son en la practica, con el lone wolf me lo pase pipa.


A ver si se ponen un poco las pilas, porque van enseñando cosillas, pero no dejan de ser "reskins" en vez de nuevas mecánicas.


Echad un vistazo a Urtuk: the desolation


Las buenas emboscadas bárbaras

1 respuesta

#937 Si te ha pillado un posicionamientoi de putísima madre xd

Los 5 2handers (menuda sobrada jaja) en el puto medio con acceso a los cuatro flancos con al menos dos grupos)
Los 1handers fuertes repartidos por las 4 esquinas todos tanqueando
Los cultistas flojeras en ambas esquinas, no demasiado protegidos pero tampoco demasiado expuestos.

Te pilla esto con 3 2handers en un flanco y me cuentas jaja


The upcoming ‘Blazing Deserts’ DLC will introduce a new late game crisis to the mix. This week we’re taking a closer look at what this crisis is about and what it adds to the game. To arms!

In a harsh world where every single day is a struggle for survival, where man is but prey to terrifying beasts that stalk the woods, to savage greenskins that cannot be reasoned with, and to horrors from beyond the grave, man needs a powerful ally. The barbarians of the frozen wastes appeal to their dead ancestors to aid them in life. The people of the north pray to a pantheon of gods, often referred to as the old gods, for good harvests, health and victory in battle. And the south belief in but a single true god, the Gilder, sometimes referred to as the new god, manifest in the sun in whose shine they bask day in and out. The new late game crisis is about conflict between the religions of the north and the south, and called ‘Holy War’.

As a mercenary, war means opportunity for profit, and this war is no different. As a holy war is declared, the fires of religious turmoil engulf the southern city states on one side and the two southernmost noble houses on the other. Each faction offers contracts for you to aid them in their war efforts, and you’re free to work for either side, switch sides if the opportunity presents itself, or stay neutral. Like the war between noble houses, this crisis will bring misery and economic disaster to a part of the world, but it will not outright threaten to exterminate it, like a crisis with greenskins or undead do. Playing through this crisis will allow you to learn more about the pantheon of the old gods and the Gilder, as well as the history of the world of Battle Brothers.

A major objective during the holy war is access to and control of three holy sites that date back to the era of the Ancient Empire and a shared history of north and south. They all hold religious and cultural significance to both sides and are the destination of pilgrimages, if for different reasons. One of them, for example, a large meteorite, is believed by the northerners to be an imprisoned god, expelled by his own kind, while southerners believe it a teardrop of the Gilder. As the war is ongoing, you’ll be tasked both to conquer and defend those sites, as well as other places of strategic importance. Siding with the north, you’ll face armies of the city states in battle with terrifying warmachines for a fresh challenge.

The conflict will be proclaimed to be about irreconcilable differences in religion, but it is just as much about differences in culture, about grabbing land and gaining wealth, and about pride and prestige, all thinly veiled behind religious dogma to rally the masses. As a mercenary, you’ll be in a unique position to make up your own mind or dive deep into the madness that is a holy war yourself.



200 y pico días, 58 caídos, 7 sacrificados y otros tantos huidos me ha costado

3 2 respuestas

#940 Cómo tienes tan poquísimas batallas? Yo jugando en cualquier dificultad rondo o supero ligeramente el batalla por día.

1 respuesta

#940 Ni los de Waco oiga


#941 Tiendo a jugar muy safe, elijo con cuidado los contratos, los cancelo si veo que la batalla pinta mal y huyo para luchar otro día si la cosa se pone fea


Things are coming together, and we’ll announce a release date for the ‘Blazing Deserts’ DLC in next week’s devblog! In the meantime we expand on a feature that many of you have asked us for more details on: The Arena. To arms!

While northerners will duel for honor, southerners do so for the entertainment of the masses, and not always willingly. Arena fights are to the death, or at the very least incapacitation, and in front of crowds that cheer for the most gruesome manner in which lives are dispatched. It is a different way to earn money with advantages and disadvantages over mercenary contracts. The arena is a building found in the city states, and entering it you start an arena contract.

Unlike with mercenary contracts, in arena matches you’re limited to fight with just three men of your choice against various opponents. Also unlike mercenary contracts, you’ll know exactly which and how many opponents you’re about to face – a certain number of beasts, slaves, captured desert raiders or professional gladiators, for example. If the upcoming arena match is not to your liking, you can simply wait until the next day and the next arena match. There’s no lengthy travelling involved, nor ambushes along the road, and you’re paid well for quick battles – but only if you win. If you’re looking for a quickstart into the gladiator lifestyle, the ‘Gladiators’ origin is a good pick.

Once you accept to fight in the arena, you’re given arena collars to equip up to three men of your choice with that are to partake in the match. Because an arena collar is worn in the accessory slot, this also means that you can’t take wardogs into the arena with you – you’ll have to do the fighting yourself!

Arena bouts are fought on a smaller map than regular battles and in front of cheering spectators. Your every move is commented with cheers and boos; missed that attack with a 95% chance to hit? People will gasp alongside you. Killed that beast with one swift stroke? People will cheer and applaud. Flee from your opponents? People will boo, because they paid for a match to the death and expect you to die proper bloody. Unlike with mercenary contracts, you can’t retreat once a battle has started and you won’t be able to loot your victims after the battle has ended. But if your men survive long enough, fighting in the arena will earn them unique traits as they climb the ranks from pit fighter to veteran of the arena. Traits that aid them both inside and outside of the arena.

Every fifth arena match is a special one; you’ll face harder opposition than usual in front of particularly important spectators that crave entertainment most thrilling, but you’ll also earn a piece of rare gladiator equipment not otherwise available in the game if you manage to win. Because of the perils of the gladiator profession, hiring a Surgeon for your retinue of non-combat followers may be a good investment to ensure that your men survive after a lost bout to entertain the crowd another day.


5 1 respuesta

#944 Qué bestial.


Habemus fecha y precio

August 13th

$14.99 or your regional equivalent

New Lands – Visit new lands to the south with independent city-states that have their own lore, equipment and services, as well as entirely new character backgrounds to recruit.
Retinue – Hire non-combat followers for your retinue to customize your campaign experience to fit your playstyle. Hire a drill sergeant to train your men. Never lose shields again with a blacksmith that can repair gear no matter how damaged. Buy carts for additional inventory space.
Arena – Fight in front of cheering spectators to earn coin, experience and unique rewards as an alternative to mercenary work.
New Crisis – Survive a new late game crisis that tests the mettle of your company in the fires of religious turmoil.
New Opponents – Face new factions of city state soldiers and desert raiders, complete with their own gear and unique mechanics. Hunt down and get hunted by desert beasts.
New Origins – Play using one of three new southern-themed origins, each with special rules that shape your campaign into a different experience from beginning to end.
New Banners and Gear – Dress in style with a collection of new banners, shields, helmets and armors inspired by Arabic and Persian culture. Use new weapons, alchemical contraptions and primitive firearms.
Legendary Location – Visit a new legendary location and fight a new boss in a quest that leads to a legendary reward.
New Location Environments – Fight amidst southern ruins and nomad tents on the tactical combat map, in addition to graveyards and encampments by brigands, orcs and goblins that come with a free update to the base game.
New Contracts and Events – Earn your stay in the south by taking on new contracts. Immerse yourself in leading a mercenary company with even more illustrated events.
New Music – Several new music tracks set the mood on your adventures.
New Achievements – Challenge yourself with new achievements.

5 1 respuesta

#946 Será comprada, tiene muy buena pinta.

El otro día me acordé de que estaban desarrollando una versión para switch (para mi gusto, este juego en una switch seria la hostia).

Me pregunto si saldrá con dlcs o cómo cojones lo van a hacer, porque claro volver a la versión vanilla después de acostumbrarte a jugar con las expansiones....


Lo que echo en falta son cambios en los talentos, habra que ver si retocan algo pero no tiene pinta.

1 respuesta

#948 Poder cambiarlos o que haya otros?

Si es lo primero, hay opciones. Si es lo segundo hay mods con perks alternativos, o incluso puedes modificar los existentes tú mismo.

1 respuesta

#949 nah me refiero que le den una vuelta a los que hay actualmente porque muchos no compensa usarlos.


With the ‘Blazing Deserts’ DLC releasing on August 13, we’ve now entered the final leg of development. We’re currently ironing out all the bugs and balancing issues, and we’ll be able to show you actual gameplay in motion before release. For now, let’s take a look at a new human faction that we only mentioned in passing so far. Read on!

The southern deserts are dominated by mighty city states that impose their will on the surrounding lands. Outside their gates lies barren wasteland that is home to another people, called the Nomads. They’re a proud and free people that reject the strict and sometimes oppressive city state laws, their harsh criminal system and their corruption. But by doing so, they also reject the many achievements of the city states, which, for all their flaws, are also a place where knowledge and science have displaced superstition, where there is stability and order, and where there is food and water aplenty.

Nomads travel the barren desert from one source of water to the next, hunting and scavenging, and living the freedom that they chose. Faced with surviving in this harsh environment, many nomads turn to banditry. It’s not all of them, of course, but as a mercenary in this world it’s who you’ll be dealing with most of the time. Nomads have a roster of their own, roughly similar to that of northern brigands, but with their own equipment and a unique skill.

Home in the desert and experienced in desert warfare, nomads use the environment to their advantage. Quite literally, in that they may throw sand in the faces of their opponents, inflicting the new ‘Distracted’ status effect. A distracted target will inflict less damage and have less initiative for a single turn.

Nomad Cutthroats and Nomad Outlaws are roughly equivalent to Brigand Thugs and Brigand Raiders. They tend to have less armor than their northern cousins in crime, but are more evasive, and their cultural pride affords them a slightly higher resolve and thus makes them slightly harder to break.

Wearing traditional nomad armor fashioned from leather and hemp, they’re armed with commonly available southern weapons like saifs, scimitars and spears, but they also make use of whips in battle and use the nomad mace not found elsewhere.

Nomad Slingers and Nomad Archers are roughly equivalent to Brigand Poachers and Brigand Marksmen. Slingers are armed with nomad slings, a different variant of the regular staff sling, while archers use the composite bow. This bow has lower range than regular bows, but performs better against armor, putting it in between regular bows and crossbows on the spectrum.

Larger congregations of nomads are led by a Nomad Leader, roughly equivalent to a Brigand Leader, and may also be supported by higher tier specialists. The Desert Stalker is a master of using bows and killing from afar, the Nomad Executioner is a heavily armed and armored individual that likes to solve disputes by slugging it out with two-handed weapons, and the Desert Devil is a bladedancer of sorts, a whirlwind on the battlefield wielding a shamshir or a swordlance. He’s not quite as skilled in a duel as a Swordmaster, but makes up this fact by being considerably more agile and less vulnerable to getting peppered with arrows. Naturally, all of these characters may also appear as champions with named gear if you own the Warriors of the North DLC.



Polishing the ‘Blazing Deserts’ DLC continues as we take a look at another potpourri of smaller additions and quality of life improvements coming with the release on August 13. You can already wishlist the DLC on Steam and GOG. Let’s take a look!

A new and entirely optional way to play your campaign is with a map that is unexplored in the beginning, save for your immediate surroundings. You’ll have to discover the lay of the land and uncover every settlement yourself, as everything is hidden by thick fog covering the map at the start.

If you’re into exploration, this could make for an interesting and fresh campaign. It’s only recommended for experienced players that know what they’re doing, however, as exploring the map as you go adds some difficulty to keeping your men alive and well, and contracts may send you to settlements that you’ve never been to and that you have to find first.

As you probably know by now, the ‘Blazing Deserts’ DLC adds several new types of terrain. But if you’ve ever wondered from afar what terrain a particular enemy camp sits on, fret no more. The game will now tell you in the tooltip of camps what terrain your men would be fighting on, without having to first engage the camp. That’s even more important as the combination of terrain and fortifications is about to change the dynamic of battles thanks to objects like palisades making it onto combat maps!

Events are the spice of life, and the ‘Blazing Deserts’ DLC adds plenty of new ones both for your travels south and the interaction between characters. Observe a fire juggler in the city states, discuss astronomy with southern scholars, find cultists of Davkul doing something sinister in the desert, and have your men get sunburn. All events are illustrated with new art like that below.

Can’t do a new DLC without new achievements! A total of (currently) 12 new achievements to unlock await the completionists of you, as you can challenge yourself with defeating powerful new opponents, doing trick shots with a Handgonne, winning arena bouts, and more. Can you guess what other achievements there are based on the icons?

As with our previous DLCs, we’re again also offering a Supporter Edition for those of you who want to support us above and beyond in working on Battle Brothers. As a thank you, you’ll be given a special player banner that appropriately reflects the wealth, craftsmanship and culture of the south and its people!



Todos los viernes tengo una especie de presentimiento y sobre esta hora miro el foro de comunidad por si ha posteado algo dranreb, y efectivamente XD

26 días después

Mañana es el día, señores


Cambios interesantes en el free update
Added a new player banner as a thank you for your continued support.
Added combat environments reflecting locations where battles take place. Attacking a bandit camp will now have that camp appear in combat, and likewise will a graveyard or some ruins. Locations may have fortifications like walls and palisades, which you’ll be informed about in a location’s tooltip and the engage dialog.
Added exploration mode, allowing you to start with an entirely undiscovered map.
Added toggleable highlighting of any tiles blocked by environmental objects (such as trees) in combat via button and hotkey.
Added treasure items selling for full value as possible loot for all beasts, old and new, in order to make fighting them a more profitable endeavour.
Added a line to the tooltip of any items used in crafting to inform you of this fact, as to better differentiate between crafting and loot items, if the Beasts & Exploration DLC is installed.
Added tooltips explaining in more detail beforehand what is expected of the player, and what the expected rewards are, when choosing between ambitions.
Added tavern rumors about situations of nearby settlements, including some hinting at the presence of particular beasts, as well as rumors specific to each of the late game crises, and reduced chance of pure flavor rumors slightly.
Added ‘enter’ cursor to display over locations that can be entered on the world map, like friendly settlements.
Added better and up-to-date tutorial videos.
Added ‘-nohwcursor’ command line option for people experiencing issues with their mouse cursors.
Changed ‘Nine Lives’ perk to also clear any damage over time effects (e.g. bleeding, poisoned) upon triggering, and to give improved defensive stats until the character’s next turn.
Changed ‘Relentless’ perk to also remove the penalty to initiative when waiting with a character.
Changed ‘Head Hunter’ perk to guarantee a hit to the head for your next attack after hitting the head of your target once. Resets after your hit connects or if you miss your attack.
Changed ‘Fearsome’ perk to also carry a penalty equal to 20% of the attacker’s resolve for each morale check triggered by inflicting damage.
Changed ‘Sword Mastery’ perk to lower the threshold to inflict injuries with the ‘Gash’ skill to 50%.
Changed ‘Rally’ skill to cost 5 action points to use, down from 6.
Changed ‘Indomitable’ AP cost to 5, up from 3. The previous cost erased too much the choice between going offensive or defensive and allowed you to have the best of both.
Changed ‘Adrenaline’ skill to cost 1 AP, up from 0.
Changed ‘Fast Adaptation’ perk to give +10% chance to hit with each miss, up from +8%.
Changed ‘Brawny’ perk to reduce the fatigue penalty from armor and helmet by 30%, up from 25%.
Changed ‘Anticipation’ perk to always give a minimum of +10 to Ranged Defense.
Changed ‘Knock Back’ skill to have a fatigue cost of 20, down from 25.
Changed ‘Repel’ and ‘Hook’ skills to have a fatigue cost of 25, down from 30.
Changed ‘Split Shield’ skill to trigger the ‘Overwhelm’ effect.
Changed ‘Exposed Ribs’, ‘Stabbed Guts’, ‘Grazed Kidney’, ‘Deep Chest Cut’ and ‘Deep Abdominal Cut’ injuries to have more of an effect, including reducing hitpoints of the victim to certain thresholds if currently above. In essence, those injuries are now a bit more useful for the player to inflict upon enemies, and both the ‘Crippling Strikes’ perk and the ‘Gash’ skill were indirectly buffed this way.
Changed Ranged Defense levelups to range from 2-4, up from 1-3. Only affects characters generated after this update.
Changed damage of Scimitar to 40-45, up from 35-45, and increased efficiency vs. armor to 70%.
Changed damage of Three-Headed Flail to 30-75, up from 21-66.
Changed damage of Billhook to 55-85, down from 60-90, and efficiency vs. armor of 140%, down from 150%.
Changed armor efficiency of Polehammer to 185%, up from 175%.
Changed damage of Reinforced Boondock Bow to 30-50, up from 25-40.
Changed damage of Heavy Javelin to 35-50, down from 40-55.
Changed damage of Heavy Throwing Axe to 30-50, down from 35-55.
Changed Living Tree Shield to regenerate by 10% of maximum durability each turn.
Changed Undead Trophy to double the wearer’s resolve when defending against fear and mind control skills, and no longer grant complete immunity.
Changed surrounding mechanics to no longer count stunned characters, or characters armed with ranged weapons, towards the surround bonus.
Changed zone of control mechanics for actors that are stunned or without skills to actually perform attacks of opportunity (like if armed with a ranged weapon) to no longer exert zones of control.
Changed ‘Dazed’ status effect to -25% damage, -25% initiative and -25% max fatigue, down from -35% of each.
Changed ‘Charmed’ status effect to make the afflicted immune to some morale effects, as to avoid odd situations of characters fleeing after the charm has worn off.
Changed ‘Sleeping’ status effect to last for 3 turns, up from 2. It still can be removed at any time using the ‘Wake Up’ skill.
Changed ‘Cat Potion’ to be used on the worldmap and give a +20 bonus to Initiative for the duration of the next battle.
Changed ‘Lionheart Potion’ to be used on the worldmap and give a +20 bonus to Resolve for the duration of the next battle.
Changed ‘Iron Will Potion’ to be used on the worldmap and give the same effect as before for the duration of the next battle.
Changed ‘Night Vision Elixir’ to be used on the worldmap and give the same effect as before for the duration of the next battle.
Changed ‘Second Wind Potion’ to be used on the worldmap and give +4 to Fatigue recovery for the duration of the next battle.
Changed ‘Berserker Mushrooms’ to be used on the worldmap and give a +25% bonus to damage in melee, and reduce both melee and ranged defense by -15 for the duration of the next battle. Using these no longer carries an additional risk of getting sick, but characters still risk getting sick/addicted from taking too many potions of any kind at once.
Changed ‘Antidote’ to also give immunity to poison for the duration of 3 turns after use.
Changed ‘Potion of Knowledge’ effect to last for 3 battles instead of 2 days.
Changed Geists to no longer have the ‘Anticipation’ perk, but instead have a perk of their own that increases both their Melee and Ranged Defense by small amounts the further away an attacker is.
Changed the tails of Lindwurms to also exert a zone of control.
Changed ‘Trade Caravan’ origin to only receive 66% of all renown, up from 50%.
Changed starting renown of some other existing origins to better work with the new Retinue feature.
Changed targeting icons for AoE skills to also show up on empty tiles as to give a better idea of the area those skills can cover.
Changed hotkey for showing/hiding footprints on the worldmap to the ‘F’ key, as to avoid players accidentally hiding footprints by pressing the ‘Tab’ key while switching between applications.
Changed auto-saves when leaving towns in ironman mode to be faster.
Changed AI turns to be faster when multiple characters do nothing but move one after the other.
Changed AI to perform better in various situations.
Changed lots and lots of minor things for the better.
Fixed rare issue with game speed on very long campaigns.
Fixed potential crash when in a three-way fight with Alps and other enemies.
Fixed issue with temporarily invisible Alps when getting knocked back and receiving damage at the same time.
Fixed potential crash with bleeding Lindwurms as they retreat from the map.
Fixed potential crash with AI use of Three-Headed Flail.
Fixed characters devoured by the Kraken rising as Wiedergängers when fighting it during the undead crisis.
Fixed fatigue cost reduction of named items not applying to ‘Reload’ skill of crossbows.
Fixed ‘Lunge’ skill potentially moving a character onto a tile they can’t attack from.
Fixed ‘Riposte’ skill sometimes not working against Unhold attacks.
Fixed rare issue of armor and helmets not dropping even though they’re named items and should be guaranteed to drop.
Fixed rare issue with ‘Reset Equipment After Battle’ function losing items.
Fixed wolf gained via event having incorrect stats.
Fixed issue with a particular twist of the ‘Siege’ contract.
Fixed retreating from fight with bounty hunters in ‘Drive Away Brigands’ contract not removing the robber baron’s head.
Fixed ‘Big Game Hunt’ contract potentially pointing to regions that neither Lindwurms nor Schrats are native to, or to regions undiscovered by the player.
Fixed potential crash with the ‘Investigate Cemetery’ contract.
Fixed potential crash with ‘Barbarian King’ contract.
Fixed pathfinding issue where characters would move through zones of control when they shouldn’t.
Fixed hate/fear trait events not firing properly.
Fixed guaranteed building spawns across the map not always working.
Fixed multiple pieces of text appearing one after the other at game over screen, instead of just one.
Fixed various minor issues.



Se acabaron las builds de indomitable + adrenaline + recover o la tactica de adrenaline+recover y habra que ver si compensa llevar indomitable en los 2handers, la verdad es que en mi ultima partida el personaje que mas daño hacia era un duelist con maza, se hacia los ancient honor guard de 2 hostias, puede ser util probar duelist con relentless asi que igual compensa llevar menos 2handers.

Muy interesante el cambio a las pociones salvo casos muy especificos apenas las usaba.

Changed the tails of Lindwurms to also exert a zone of control. <-- Una razon mas para no ir a por Lindwurms



Siempre tuve este juego en la lista, pero nunca me atreví.. ahora que esta rebajado a 9,24 voy a dar por fin ese paso.

Según he podido leer, me voy a estampar de lo lindo durante unos días (y eso me gusta) para aprender solo un "0,00001%" de la tralla que tiene este juego.

¿Algún consejo básico sin que destripe mucho el temardo en general? gracias de antemano!!

pd. Voy preparando mi objeto anti-estrés que veo que lo voy a necesitar xD.

1 respuesta

¿Algún consejo básico sin que destripe mucho el temardo en general?

No le cojas demasiado cariño a tus mercenarios XD


Hoy pude jugar por fin un poco y jodeeeer, que buena pinta tiene esto!.

Hice las 2 primeras batallas del "tuto" y fueron las risas, le rompí la armadura a uno y entre dos de mi compañía lo abatimos a puñetazo limpio xD (eran pescadores con redes y 1 señor que vivía en la calle sin nada encima xD). Los demás se quedaron mirando y apostando por quien la palmaria primer ¬.¬.
Uno fue "carne de cañón" (F) mientras que otro recibió buenas "medallas" en la cara.

No he visto prácticamente nada del juego, pero me esta gustando x1000 el rollo que tiene (acabo de hacer una de escolta, menos mal que no nos topamos con nadie), tiene una atmósfera que te atrapa, el poder regatear el dinero a recibir, si lo quieres por adelantado, etc me puto encanta. Espero darle en estos días bastante caña, porque telita.

Lo dicho, después le pegare mas tralla, pero ahora quiero ver si por la wiki (sin spoilerame de lo demás) tienen algo sobre como calcula este juego el daño. (veo que con un d100 y demás, pero quiero saber un poquito mas sobre este temardo en "profundidad".)

pd. Imagino que abra un mod donde plasmen los personajes de BERSERK, seria ya la leche. (si no pues F).


No estoy muy versado en el inglés, la verdad, pero este juego me tienta y quería preguntar por aquí si es muy complejo o podría llegar a entenderse bien y tirar para delante.

1 respuesta