BF: Tides Of War Chapter 1 Primera actualización Battlefield V


El día 4 de Diciembre llega a Battlefield V la primera gran actualización " Tides Of War Chapter 1: Overture". Esta actualización traerá cómo nuevo contenido:

-Nuevo mapa "Panzerstorm"

Mapa a gran escala con slots hasta para 7 vehiculos por equipo en la campiña belga.

-Campo de Tiro

Modo para practicar distintas armas, gadgets, vehiculos hasta con 3 amigos.

-Nueva historia de guerra: El ultimo tigre

Nos pondremos en la piel del ultimo tanquista alemán y nuestro tigre casi al final de la guerra. La historia tendrá lugar en ciudades de alemania.

-Customización de vehiculos

-Nuevas armas: Vickers K, Selbstlader 1906, AG m/42 y más!


Hey Battlefield V Community,

There’s been a lot of great discussion within our community around potential updates to Battlefield V that will be released alongside the first Tides of War Chapter 1: Overture drop on Tuesday, December 4th. We want to get ahead of all the speculation by providing you some insight into what we have planned for release next week. (We did note that there was an overwhelmingly positive reception to current TTK as it sits and a desire to improve TTD.)

Before we get into it, you’ve probably seen some teasers hitting Battlefield social channels with glimpses into Panzerstorm (new map), the Practice Range, Vehicle Visual Customization, and the new War Stories episode: The Last Tiger. And, as mentioned in the ‘This Week in Battlefield V’ article, the all-new Tides of War Chapter 1: Overture landing page has been pushed to Monday, December 3rd.

Okay… enough spiel. Let’s get into it!

First, the hottest topic being discussed is our vision with TTK (Time to Kill) and TTD (Time to Death). Give us a moment to clarify our intentions and how we are approaching these elements going forward.

Top TTK/TTD Facts You Should Know

The upcoming Battlefield V Tides of War Chapter 1: Overture Update will not have any changes that impact the current TTK. However, there will be balance tweaks to weapons (see breakdown below).

TTK and TTD are very closely linked. We’re seeing players die too often/too quickly and get frustrated because of it. So, we’re looking at how we can improve the experience for new players and veterans alike. This may lead to a perceived slower TTK.

We’re investigating all elements that play into TTD, from netcode to damage feedback/other components that influence TTD perceptions.

We want to achieve gunplay balance where the experience is healthy, where latency is in a good place in order to improve consistency experience across all platforms including PC and Console.

We want to propose any TTK model changes to you, the community, and involve you in testing experimental changes with the goal of improving experience and create deeper gameplay potential.

Our Vision with TTK/TTD

As cited by Florian Le Bihan (Core Gameplay Designer) aka /u/drunkkz3:

The TTD experience is one of our high priorities right now and there are a lot of important and complex pieces that are being investigated to identify any issues in that area, including netcode.

We are also expanding the scope of our investigation and improvements to other components that are directly related to the player experience when it comes to getting shot, receiving damage, etc.

Another important piece is that we want to closely look at how we can improve consistency of the gameplay across all platforms, but also consider how we can ensure that latency does not reduce the quality of that experience for all our players around the world.

As part of Battlefield V’s live service, we want to involve you in experimenting some changes that we believe could improve the overall experience and create a deeper gameplay.

The first experiment we want to run is a TTK change that we will be closely measuring soon.

This TTK experiment may take the following shape but may change as we’re still investigating how to approach. It may be proposed to players in-game by rolling out the new TTK changes globally to all players connecting to any server, while adding a new playlist accessible through the server browser where players can play the old (or as it is, current) TTK to compare the two experiences.

As always, we’re continuing development of Battlefield V with the community in mind. Stay tuned as we’ll announce when the proposed experiment is available in-game and details of the exact changes.

Battlefield V Update Sneak Peek

Now, on to a laundry list of specific game elements that has been in discussion within our community as we lead into next week’s update release.

Please note that this is not fully inclusive of all updates being implemented. This is just a taste of what to expect. We will be releasing the full update notes prior to the update being released which will dive into all of the changes/improvements introduced.

Revive Mechanics

With the update, we are providing improvements that will make the Revive experience better on both ends (for the “reviver” and receiving “revive”). We identified a few delays that prevented players to get full control after the animation was completed - this is now resolved and will virtually make the reviving experience “faster”. We want to see if what we are addressing improves the quality of the experience enough. Increasing the revive speed is something we still keep in mind but aren’t implementing just yet.

Medic Class Balance

We will be introducing some weapon balance changes that will help most of the Medic weapons to perform better at-range, more specifically for the slower rate of fire SMGs that struggled to find a good place where they could compete against other weapons like Assault Rifles or Light Machine Guns. All the specific changes can be found in the weapon notes below but here is an outline of the changes we targeted:

Increased muzzle velocity and reduced bullet drag to allow more consistent range combat.

Increased the 5-hit kill range of SMGs to 30m instead of 25m.

Improved sustained fire accuracy of SMGs while aimed and stationary.

Weapon Balancing/Changes


Decreased M1928A1 maximum damage to 25.1 (previously 30)

Increased the 3 hit kill range of the Gewehr 1-5 to 30 meters (previously 25 meters)

Increased maximum damage for the Sturmgewehr 1-5 and StG 44 to 25.1 (previously 24)

Reduced the range at which the Turner SMLE can kill with one headshot and one body shot to 30 meters (previously 35 meters)

Increased the 4 hit kill range of all assault rifles, LMGs, MMGs and SMGs to 10 meters (previously 9 meters) to make close quarter damage more reliable

Increased all SMG 5 hit kill range to 30 meters (previously 25 meters)

Slightly extended pistol damage drop-off distances

Bolt actions no longer deal slightly reduced damage when hitting the lower body or upper arms, this means the minimum damage will never go below 55 damage.


Increased horizontal recoil of the KE7 to 0.45 (previously 0.36)

Increased horizontal recoil of the M1907 SF to 0.41 (previously 0.39)

Decreased horizontal recoil of the STEN to 0.38 (previously 0.4) and increased the efficacy of the Ported Barrel specialization


Increased the effect of the Slings and Swivels specialization. Switching to your primary weapon is now an additional 50 ms faster for all weapons and firing after sprinting is allowed an additional 16 ms earlier for bolt actions, assault rifles, semi auto rifles and SLRs

Changed the specialization for the KE7. Recoil Buffer has been removed. Quick Aim has been added. Specialization tree has been reordered


Increased the reload speed of the KE7. Base reload time is now 3.55 s (previously 3.75 s)

Increased the reload speed of the MG34 with the double drum magazine. Tactical reload is now 3.7 s (previously 4 s) and empty reload is 5.083 s (previously 5.5 s)

Increased the reload speed of the M1907 SF. Tactical reload is now 2.7 s (previously 2.9 s) and empty reload is 3.3 s (previously 3.5 s)


Improved sustained fire accuracy of SMGs while aimed and stationary

Decreased sustained fire accuracy of assault rifles while aimed and moving

Increased muzzle velocity of all SMGs as follows:

MP34: 495 m/s (previously 450 m/s)

MP34 (High Velocity Bullets): 560 m/s (previously 520 m/s)

STEN: 495 m/s (previously 430 m/s)

MP40: 455 m/s (previously 400 m/s)

EMP: 420 m/s (previously 380 m/s)

MP28: 345 m/s (previously 320 m/s)

Suomi KP/-31: 330 m/s (previously 300 m/s)

M1928A1: 330 m/s (previously 280 m/s)

Decreased drag of SMG bullets from to 0.005 (previously 0.007) for regular bullets and 0.0035 (previously 0.005) for High Velocity Bullets

Dragging Downed Teammates

You will not see the ability to drag downed teammates with this update. We are still investigating feasibility around this mechanic.

Max Rank Company Coin Accrual

We have a backend fix we have proposed (server side, so no client update needed). We are still testing to ensure stability and will update everyone once it’s live.

We are also working on a way to retroactively award Company Coin for hours played at Max Rank and hope to have an update for you soon that we can share.

User Interface

Syncing Loadouts Across Factions

Although we won’t have improvements implemented for the upcoming update, we are actively working on a solution.

‘Apply All’ to Weapon Skins

This is coming in next week’s update!


What are Airlifts? - Battlefield V Deluxe Edition players and Origin Access Premier subscribers are granted 20 Airlifts, one new Airlift each week (each Airlift containing a single customization item) starting on the day that they receive the Deluxe Edition entitlement (whether through a pre-order, upgrade, or full code redemption method). Upon logging into Battlefield V for the first time, you will notice you have received Shipments in your Armory. Depending on when you received the Deluxe Edition entitlement you may have more than one Shipment waiting for you. In other words, if you received Deluxe Edition entitlement 5 weeks prior to actually playing Battlefield V for the first time you’ll have 5 Shipments waiting for you. At that point, you will have 15 more Shipments to be delivered, once a week for 15 weeks.

When do I start getting my Airlifts? - Your 20 Airlifts start deploying, one per week, when your Deluxe Edition entitlement is added to your account. This would be either by completing the purchase of Battlefield V Deluxe Edition, upgrading to Deluxe Edition, or redeeming a Deluxe Edition code.

What is in the Airlifts? - We’ll have a detailed rundown on what everyone gets in their Airlifts coming out soon. The 20 Airlifts consist of 2 emblems, 13 weapon part skins, 2 sidearm skins, and 1 uniform set.

Please note we are also working on a blog that will dive into Airlifts in much greater detail to clear up recent confusion.

Endless EOR (End of Round)

Resolved! This was fixed with the recent Battlefield V 11-26-2018 Server Update. If you’re still experiencing issues, please let us know so we can refine.

Spectator Mode Improvements

Two new features added to Spectator Mode including:

“Look at Player” Free Camera Option - When enabled, the camera automatically rotates to always be looking at that soldier/vehicle that's selected in the center player card. You can still move the camera while this is enabled which we do in a couple parts of the video below. It should be useful for players that make cinematics since they can make some unique shots with it. Its’s also useful for broadcasting tournaments since broadcasters won't need to rotate the camera manually to follow a certain player.

“Smooth Rotation” - You can see at the start of the video below. It's a PC-only addition to get smoother rotation when rotating the camera with the mouse.

Spectator Mode Improvement - "Look at Player" Free Camera Option

“Camera Sway” – An option to make the free camera or director camera move more like a handheld camera, leading to a cinematic polish if you’re looking for that kind of vibe.

Spectator Mode Improvement - "Camera Sway" Option

At the end of the day, our goal is to improve the gameplay experience of Battlefield V with you while providing visibility with our intentions. We hope this article does exactly that. We’re looking forward to seeing you on the Battlefield when the new update rolls out next week!

PD: Iré actualizando con nueva información que vaya saliendo.

Nueva información día 5 de diciembre

Notas finales del parche


Pedazo buff al médico, a ver si no se han pasao.


Me llamaría algo el médico si tuviera algo del tipo Carabina M1A1 o el SMLE, como en otros BF.
El buffo no me parece la leche.

Me alegro que buffen un poco también la StG:sunglasses:

1 respuesta

El problema de la stg es que tiene buena competencia, y no sirve de nada buffearla junto a la primera de asalto, porque sigue siendo más viable.


Alguien me podrá decir si vale la pena pillarse-lo ahora mismo, me han dicho que tiene poco contenido ,

2 respuestas

#5 si merece la pena, de todas formas el contenido es todo gratuito.

2 respuestas

Yo en cambio no recomendaría pillarlo hasta dentro de unos meses. Más barato y con contenido.

1 respuesta

#6 #7 Okey gracias, es que siempre he sido de la saga battlefield y he oido muchas criticas a este

2 respuestas

#8 el juego esta de lujo faltan que le metan un poco de chicha


#8 la mitad de criticas son de gente que vio la presentacion y poco mas. Este juego a lo poco que se juega se ve el potencial y el mimo que ha tenido.

Yo creo que con 2 mapas mas estaria ideal.

2 1 respuesta

#10 no se sabe cuantos mapas sacaran en total?

1 respuesta

Buenas tengo un problema , ea no me envía el código de verificación en mi dirección de correo electrónico , alguna solucion?

1 respuesta

#11 ni idea. Yo se de 3. Uno de ellos todavia no anunciado y que me parece muy bonito para infanteria.

Asi a vote pronto: panzer storm, el grecia y veremos uno en alamy o alrededores... y no digo mas.

#12 contacta ea support.


Actualizo: Trailer de Chapter 1: Overture

Pd: la tengo bastante dura

2 1 respuesta

#14 Creo que va a ser la única historia de guerra que voy a jugar.

2 respuestas

#15 Yo no he tocado una campaña de BF en mi vida, no me molan nada los bots, pero uno de mi clan me ha picado que lo pruebe que estan muy chulas y toda la razon, estan muy guapas.


Al final sacan el parche o no?
#15 maldito nazi


¿Dónde está el update o a qué hora es?

1 respuesta

#18 no se sabe, la han retrasado.


He actualizado #1 con las notas finales del parche, están en el spoiler.


No veo que hayan tocado los panzerfaust, me extraña. Ni los aviones? El tema de cargar bombas en ambas bases.

Parece que la semana que viene se viene otro up date y están mirando lo de arrastrar al compañero, eso si esta muy bien, a ver si lo implementan pronto.

1 respuesta

Si que los han tocado.


De los aviones si han tocado también. El spitfire con x8 ahora tiene mas daño de burts, pero se calienta mas rápido. Los cañones del stuka hacen menos daño a la infanteria, pero mas a los tanques. El zoom en cabina ha sido ampliado. el bomber aleman ahora solo puede llevar 1 bomba de 1000kg y las 16 de 50 tienen menos "cadencia".

si hay mas edito.

2 respuestas

#22 Pues me parece genial, aunque yo personalmente siempre uso PIAT por servirte para infantería, mortero y vehículos. Pero caían muy rápido los tanques.

Y de los aviones no se si realmente lo han arreglado, deberían tocar lo de cargar las bombas, no quitarle. Hacer que tengan que aterrizar en aeropuertos o algo porque es un chorreo empezar la ronda y ver de 5 a 8 kills con la primera pasada.

1 respuesta

Yo pensé que serían más duros con los bombers.
El otro día en Arras me tocó sufrir a 4 bombers jugando a farming simulator, que impotencia no poder hacer nada...

1 respuesta

#24 Pasa en todos los BF, es el vehículo más poderoso y es normal. Pero en una partida hay 64 personas y que sólo uno se divierta porque no hay quien lo pueda parar, pues no mola nada.

Deberían tocar los AA o que puedan bombardear pero tarden más como sería lógico, que coño es eso de cargar bombas en el aire? Y el tanque tiene que buscarse la vida en tierra y buscar los puntos de suministro.


Se sabe lo que ocupa la update?

1 respuesta

Pregunta chicos:

¿Sabeis si en este update arreglan lo de las cinematicas?

No me he puesto a jugar al single porque van a trompicones.


#26 17,79 GB

1 respuesta

A mi me aparecen 10,41GB el parche.


#28 madre mía no juego hasta mañana thx por la info