Blood Bowl #HO


#420 Ya hombre pero tampoco pido tanto, con comprar ahora el juego a 26€ y los DLC's de oferta me conformo x'D.

El otro dia en reddit decian que focus interactive es de las que saca rebajas de sus juegos a los 6 meses.


Joder es que algunos pedís unas cosas... Si veis el juego por 8 euros después de un mes de lanzamiento preocuparos.


Acaba de empezar el AMA en reddit por si alguno quereis preguntar algo.

EDIT; Recopilacion de todas las respuestas que han dado.

Q:What was the intention on Ageing rules? What was it design to address?
A:The idea was (and still is) to add an active player economy to the meta-game, and the player marketplace. We changed the game to make this optional based on feedback in multiplayer leagues, but for those who want that extra layer of meta-game, it's there.

Q:How do you plan to prevent community splitting between BB1 and BB2 ? Some leagues will continue to play under BB1 because of available teams, but also league management, stats, optionnal actions, etc.
Are you aware that can lead to issues about the growth of the community playing bb video game ? (i remember CS 1.6 > Source collapse)
A:It's up to the community. All we can do is support BB2 and make it better and better, and more and more content rich. We sincerely hope more and more players from BB1 head into BB2, but really it's up to them.
As we've said in other places here, we're using the game's analytics and feedback systems to try and improve game-flow, and working with feedback (such as this AMA) to plan changes to match the communities expectations. I think we'll see more and more conversions over the coming months.
But really, play what you love, and we'll support you either way.

Q:Do you have any plans at any point to turn off BB1 support? Hopefully not, but will put people's minds at rest!
A:The servers for BB1 will be availiable for lots more time to come, but it's unlikely more content will be added to the game. All focus is on BB2 now, and making that as great as it can possibly be.

Q:Why has the communication been so poor from the developers? Can we expect a change in the game development philosophy over at Cyanide? A more open development philosophy, that use the tremendous enthusiasm BBers have, to its advantage?
A:Our bad. I can't answer this as fully as you may like, but what I can say is that both sides have increased their teams substantially since the start of development and we're putting a lot of effort into improving on this area. We had a bunch of dev blogs aimed at explaining a lot of the key mechanics but they were a little too light for the core community.
We'll try a lot harder in this area in future, and that's partly what this AMA is about.

Q:2 Quick questions: 1. Do you plan to make a more extensive dice log visible for the players to follow as the game progresses? 2. Are there plans to implement where a turn is automatically ended once all player actions are completed?
A:Both are on our list but we can't say "yes" or "no" to every features. We read all your feedback and we'll communicate on the next patch as soon as we have something solid!

Q:Will you be posting a PDF of an "official" rulebook that details the rules of BB2?
A:Hey! We're working on a PDF dealing with the differences between LRB6 and BB2 rules and explaining the reasons behind these changes. It should be coming in the next weeks!

Q:What are the currently plans for use of cyans? Can you elaborate more on the matter?
A:You'll be able to use Cyans to purchase cosmetics, like jersey's, and you can also earn these in game, too.

Q:I've noticed that conceding is quite a common thing at the moment, especially with bashy teams in Naf. What are your opinions on this? Is it just a result of newer players finding them hard to deal with, or does it suggest an imbalance in the game?
A:Due to the persistant nature of the game, conceding is actually a strategic option as a coach in some games. Just like in box matches, the coach can throw the towel, it's a strategic move. Conceding is actually very punitive already (lose MVP, lose gold, lose SPP), we have no plans right now to make it more punishing. We have noticed that conceding rate drops over the time on players account, suggesting that players starts to understand how much they loose when they concede.

Q:if anyone is considering building a Blood Bowl fansite are there any "fan-kits" with website graphics that are free to use?
A:That's an interesting question. We'll look into it. We own all the marketing assets and stuff, so I don't see why we couldn't pass that on in some way.

Q:Is it intended that private league commissioners are able to reset games, delete games and force games that crashed due to disconnects be resumed?
A:Not on a ladder competition, but on other league competitions format where games are planned, you can, as a commissioner, cancel a game or change the score.

Q:Why has so many of the great features ( toggle Grid/Pass range circle, lobby chat, full dice log, player overlays, optional skill use, league management options...) from BB1 not been carried over into BB2?
A:Some of these features are currently being looked-into as we speak so I won't get into details, but regarding lobby chat for exemple, we felt it was not a great experience as chat lobby in games always ends up with lots of insults and toxic content. There are great community out there that already have many communication tools (forums for exemple) and we believe it was a better experience.

Q:Are there any plans to make players appearances/armor change as they level up in BB2?
A:No plans so far for armor improvements. It's a very cost-consuming thing because it needs to be done on all players type of all races and would have led to much less race into the game (or increase the cost of the game for players) and that was not a direction we were willing to take. That being said, we're working on trying to make something to feedback visually the level of your players.

Q:Do you plan to release the game on SteamOS/Ubuntu? I believe the game runs on Unity engine now, that should make the game pretty easy to port to other platforms.
A:The game is running on home-made engine (CyaTech). For Linux version, we have no official plans so far but we're looking into it ;)

Q:Do you plan to run any tournaments, with entry based on performance in the NAF official league? Things like the Spike Magazine cup, or even some of your own custom tournaments like what FUMBBL does? There is currently a lack of any objective in the perpetual league besides survival and team development, which doesn't always go hand in hand with winning matches.
A:The "Free ladder" is always going to be a free for all area. No long term objectives. The "Veteran ladder" however is definitely the place to go if you want to be a star in our official leagues. We actually want to invite the top players of this competition to a "Play-off" tournament.

Q:Where can a player see FAME scores for either team before, during, or after a match?
A:Again, that's on our improvement list. We are working on a document gathering both community feedbacks and our own (Coach view, Extended dice log...). Each entry has a priority and a cost and we are considering all of them for the potential incoming patches. Many stuff coming from you are in this document Squirrel_Dude :)

Q:E-sports : what do you think about BB2 getting into it?
A:eSports is organic, grassroots, and community driven. From what I've seen, most publishers who try and make that big eSports hit burn as they rocket towards the sun, and the community is left picking up the pieces.
If it looks like BB2 is popular with eSports, then we'll follow the community and support them, but honestly, I really think that trying to engineer a community in 2015 is like your dad telling you what's cool and what isn't. It's up to you. In a way, the game is a tool, and it's up to you what you do with it.
I think it's incredibly difficult to build an eSports game from scratch as an eSports game, and I can sure point to a lot of failures. We want BB2 to be whatever you want it to be, and we're happy with the player-count and look forward to watching it rise.

Q:what do you think about a toggleable key to show every ability icon on the field, just like this: and same for quick and easy rolls read? like in this screenshot (thx to falesh for the screenshots)
A: We are thinking about something similar, like a "tactical view" which would toggle a grid, positionnal names and skills.

Q:Stadiums: did you think about automatic stadium updates depending on your team value? right now spending money for stadium lvl upgrades is just not worth it ( a shame because visually lvl4 stadiums are AMAZING). About the Hooligans, only humans? any plan to change them into yout race specific team?
A:Players conceding matches loose fan factor and give up 5 SPP for one of their player. They also waste 1 match for their players when ageing is activated in the league. And on your side, you earn a lot of free SPP and gold! The topic of punishment for disconnections is complicated because we can't punish people for having a bad connection. I think people will slowly realize how much they loose by conceding and concede will be scarcer.

Q:Anything being done about the very frustrating matchmaking at times? Being matched against teams with team value 1500 more than you for example
A:We've had many players feedback about matchmaking, we're definitly are going to work on this one and improve it based on player's input. BloodBowl was originaly built with the "inducement" system that is supposed to "balance" matches even with very different team value. But we agree, it's currently frustrating as it is and we aim to improve that.

Q:Hey! Think there will be any possibility in the future to have a difficulty option for the solo leagues in BB2? As a casual player I found it very frustrating to have inconsistent AI. Thanks for reading, massive fan of your games.
A:Hi ! Thank you ! no plans to add difficulty right now, but it's definitly something that can be added. Do you mean you wish for an easier AI mode ?

Q:What is the plan for releasing additional teams in the future? Is there an estimated release order?
A:The truth is, there's isn't exactly a plan just yet. We definitely aren't going the same route as BB1, but we've all been focusing on finishing the game. Now we're focusing on further polishing the game and working with feedback analytics to improve the overall experience. Of course, if the community continue to support the game we'll work on, and release, more teams (and other content), but we haven't decided how we're going to do that just yet.
The two 'extra' teams that were pre-order bonuses + eventually will be DLC across each platform will be sold separately, and we'll probably keep that up, so you can buy the teams you want and ignore the ones you don't.
Really, all our thought and effort has been put into ensuring that the global BB2 experience is a good one.

Q:How are the random numbers generated for BB2? Are they done server side?
A:Hi, random numbers are generated server side when playing online, we do that to prevent any form of hacks and cheats. When playing offline (against AI or hot seat), random numbers are generated on your system.

Q:In BB2, you have made changes to some of the player's stats, namely the Human Catcher and Ogre and the Orc Blitzer. What are the goals of these changes? Are you trying to bring all teams more in balance with each other? What information did you use to determine these were the right changes to make? Can we expect more stat changes in the future?
A:These first modifications have been made according to data provided by the first episode and the community reports. We also have many tracking tools on Blood Bowl 2 that are going to be used! Human have obviously been beefed up and these changes are going to be carefully watched in the future. We have the current version of the game right now but we totally are open to make new balance changes in the future (and we're going to talk about it with you guys).

Q:Are you planning on implementing overlays people can activate to show skills and/or block dice above players heads like this to make it easier to see who has what skills and who to block?
A:We have seen this interesting thread on the official forum. Blood Bowl 2 is going to have a full support on all three platforms and we are definitely going to work on bringing fixs and improvements through patches. This kind of "tactical view" is something we are thinking about, bringing useful informations like the grid, player names or player skills. Something you could quickly toggle in order to find the information.


Me parto x'D.


¿Es worth el 2 con respecto al 1? Y por cierto, creo que no porque no lo he visto pero, ¿hay hilo oficial?

1 respuesta

#425 mejorar el sistema online del 1 no debe de ser muy complicado. La pega de ahora son los bugs, muchos corregidos, y que sólo hay 8 eqipos

2 respuestas

#426 Lo de los 8 equipos es lamentable, yo estoy con el chaos edition, que lo gracioso, es que a mi cianuro ,e regalo la legendary edition por que yo era administrador del viejo foro en español, y me vale la cuenta para tener instalado el chaos edition y jugarlo con todo. Y ahora el 2, con 8 equipos??

Creo que vamos a esperar a que salga una edición dentro de un año con todo o casi todo para comprarlo y mientras seguimos con las ligas privadas como la Minotauro.

2 respuestas

#427 ligas privadas? where? yo voy de publiqueo xD

1 respuesta


La esencia de BB, el publiqueo es un sux :)

Espero que no moleste a los mods el enlace, si es asi quelo borren.


Hombre tecnicamente hay 10 equipos , lo que lagartos y elfos silvanos hay que comprarlos aparte via DLC .

#426 Pues no solo no lo han mejorado, si no que han ido hacia atras, ahora hay menos opciones de personalizacion de ligas... en AMA dijeron que estaban en ello, pero vamos actualmente es peor que los anteriores.

#427 Yo no estaria tan seguro de que saquen un supuesto BB2:Legendary Edition , al menos no parece que vaya a ser pronto ...

"Q:What is the plan for releasing additional teams in the future? Is there an estimated release order?
A:The truth is, there's isn't exactly a plan just yet. We definitely aren't going the same route as BB1, but we've all been focusing on finishing the game. Now we're focusing on further polishing the game and working with feedback analytics to improve the overall experience. Of course, if the community continue to support the game we'll work on, and release, more teams (and other content), but we haven't decided how we're going to do that just yet.
The two 'extra' teams that were pre-order bonuses + eventually will be DLC across each platform will be sold separately, and we'll probably keep that up, so you can buy the teams you want and ignore the ones you don't.
Really, all our thought and effort has been put into ensuring that the global BB2 experience is a good one

1 mes después

Pregunta a los que ya habéis empezado a jugarlo: ¿Qué tal se portan los dados? ¿Finalmente han mejorado este aspecto del juego? Gracias de antemano por la respuesta ;)

1 mes después

4 equipos nuevos en los proximos meses for free para quien ya tenga el juego, seran Norse,Undead,Necro y Nurgle.

Una muestra mas de que el juego ha sido un epic fail en ventas, no tardo ni dos meses en estar varias veces en rebajas en steam , y parece que ni aun asi cuela la gente, a ver si regalando 4 equipos cambia la cosa.

Y de paso han implementado los cambios de la UI que se demandaban desde el principio.

2 meses después

En las proximas semanas lanzaran norse gratuitamente a todos los que ya tengan el juego, ademas de añadir nuevos starplayers para los equipos existentes y nuevo matchmaking.

Y en los siguientes meses, vendran los otros 3 que anunciaron y quizas alguna sorpresa mas.

3 meses después

Se que este hilo esta bastante muerto,, pero me compre ayer el BB2 y no se donde buscar alguna comunidad que monte una liga cerrada, porque por matchmaking esta bien pero veo que la gente se rinde a la minima que la partida no vaya a su modo y que a la larga acabare con un equipo inflado y costara mas encontrar partidas igualadas.

Yo de esto de BB no entiendo demasiado, pero deberia haber ligas semanales o algo asi que te juntes X jornadas y todos empiecen con equipos de 0 no?

3 años después

Pense que era el hilo del de mesa sorry