Aun no salio, pero saldra en nada estos son los kambios:
Destroyer negative mana regeneration increased to -6/sec from -3/sec.
Orb of Annihilation mana cost increased to 50 from 25.
Mana gain of Devour Magic increased to 150 per dispelled unit from 75 per dispelled unit.
Rifleman hit points reduced to 505 from 520.
Bladestorm mana cost reduced to 200 from 250.
Troll Batrider hit points reduced to 400 from 500.
Demolisher build time increased to 40 seconds from 36 seconds.
Neutral Heroes
Cluster Rockets cooldown reduced to 6 seconds from 7 seconds.
Pocket Factory cooldown reduced to 35 seconds from 40 seconds.
Pit Lord base Strength increased to 26 from 24.
Dark Minion hit points increased from 200/260/320 to 215/290/405 and armor reduced to 0/0/0 from 1/2/3.
Storm, Earth and Fire Pandaren hit points increased by 200, and attack damage increased by 33%.
Shared cooldown of 20 seconds added on all summoning items.
Wand of Lightning Shield given 10-second cooldown.
Staff of Preservation max stock set to 1, down from 2.
Sentry Ward item duration reduced to 5 minutes from 10 minutes.
Once again, we would like to thank everyone for their continued support and feedback in improving and maintaining the quality of Warcraft III.
El ladder tambien sera reseteado EL DIA 1 DE JULIO y habra un nuevo AMM.