Hey Everyone --
Wanted to give you a heads up that we've added even more to the upcoming patch / update thanks solely to ALL of your feedback on the Sniper Rifle, and ACOG Scope.
We have fixed the bullet registration "Accuracy" of the Sniper Rifles and ACOG Scope thanks to your feedback, so you will now have improved hit detection when using those weapons / attachment.
Again, thanks to everyone who sent in emails, posted on the forums, made videos, or let us know in any other way about this. It's fixed now and will be in the upcoming patch for PC (v1.3).
Weno parece k en el proximo parche intentaran mejorar el registro de la snipa
Vamos bien
Aprovechando el tema , pa los k tengan server ya han sacado la v0.3 del DAM mod k entre otras cosas saca el fog de los mapas
With the release of DAMN Competition MOD v0.3 we have also opened up a website: www.damnmod.com and an IRC channel: #DAMN. The website should help with distributing the mod and will be a resource of general information about the mod. Questions about installation and maintenance can be asked in the IRC channel.
Attention: DAMN was built specifically for SD but some features such as Ready Up and Strat Time do work for other gametypes. However these gametypes have not been extensively tested and thus there could still be some bugs. If your server crashes while playing one of these gametypes please contact us with the exact conditions under which the crash happened and we will try to fix it
New Features
* Mod is now be completely serverside (if correctly installed). See the Installation section for details.
* Added cvar "dam_playout" that controls if a scrim is played out or not
* Added cvar "dam_auto_ot" that automatically switches to the correct overtime mode if the map ends in a tie
* Added cvar "dam_disable_fog" that sets r_fog 0 for clients on connect
* Added cvar "dam_disable_mgs" that disables mgs on a map
* Added European Rulesets
* Added Pub / Scrim Modes for every ruleset (pub mode disables ready up, scrim mode enables playing out) Example:
o dam_mode cevo (cevo match mode)
o dam_mode cevo_ot (cevo ot mode)
o dam_mode cevo_pub (cevo pub mode)
o dam_mode cevo_scrim (cevo scrim more)
* All Match modes enable auto overtime allowing overtime transitions to be much smoother
* Added color to ready up and strat time text to make them more visible
* Added ability to modify weapondamage in the rulesets by changing weapon specific CVARs
* Added comp_sab and comp_dom modes at the request of competetive sabotage and domination players
For all CVARs / modes available in the mod please consult the Administration section.
* Some servers have problems with serverside only mods, therefore a client-side mod has also been released so that these servers can be updated to the latest version
* Moved the Mode display on the HUD down a little so that it isn't overlapped by the fps display