En general la mayoría de los análisis suelen coincidir en que este primer episodio está demasiado centrado en sentar las bases de la trama para futuros capítulos, pero en cualquier caso es agradable ver al caballero oscuro en acción repartiendo mamporros, como detective e incluso a Bruce Wayne en su faceta más política / pública.
Medios extranjeros:
Game Informer - Andrew Reiner - 7 / 10.0
A few points of political intrigue are quickly washed away as the story adopts a greater mystery. Many of the sequences are surprising slow with little in terms of character or plot development
GameSpot - Tamoor Hussain - 8 / 10
Telltale begins breaking down Bruce Wayne with a strong first episode.
IBTimes UK - Jake Tucker - 3 / 5 stars
Batman - The Telltale Series doesn't reinvent the wheel and it has plenty of confusing design choices, but in giving it the Telltale treatment, the studio have made a fascinating adventure game and a unique portrayal of the Dark Knight that, if the rest of the series can live up to it, might stand the test of time.
IGN - Alanah Pearce - 7.5 / 10.0
Telltale’s Batman is an unpredictable, multi-faceted adventure told through Batman the brawler, Batman the detective, and Bruce Wayne the politician. The three almost entirely separate characters and play-styles keep the familiar Telltale formula feeling fresh and inviting. While some of the dialogue does feel overly expositional, it’s hopefully only there to provide concrete padding for future episodes, and the gorgeous, high-action combat sequences and creative detective work provide the right amount of contrast.
PC Gamer - James Davenport - 68 / 100
Realm of Shadows indicates that it might tell an interesting Batman story, but takes time to get there and suffers from Telltale’s tired design and engine limitations.
Polygon - Susana Polo - 8 / 10.0
Batman: The Telltale Series is still packed, like any of the developer's games, with conversational social roleplay choices. This episode alone asks you to give a press conference and multiple speeches. And though the game begins with kicking butt as Batman, the front half of "Realm of Shadows" does drag a little.
TheSixthAxis - Stefan L - 9 / 10
This game is as much about the man behind the mask and the problems that Bruce Wayne faces, as it is taking on crime bosses, meeting familiar faces in new and interesting ways, and unravelling mysteries. Telltale’s Batman series is off to a great start, giving us a fresh view into the character that goes well beyond beating up criminals in alleyways.
Xbox Achievements - Richard Walker - 80%
Telltale and Batman fans are well catered for in Batman: A Telltale Series' first episode, with a hefty dose of action and intrigue to set things up for the rest of the ensuing saga. We can't wait for more.