Cube World está vivo, vídeo con 16 minutos de gameplay


Pongo una entrada de su blog de hace un rato:

Dear Cube World Community,

I think this is the right place for this. This is where it all started, where my little passion project came to life and became something much bigger.

Here is my explanation why everything took me so long, why there were no updates and so on...

When I released Cube World back in 2013 on our homepage, I was enthusiastic to finally share my game with you. It was a dream come true for me, I wanted to be a game developer since I was a kid.

As some of you might remember, we got DDoS'ed as soon as we opened the shop. It might sound silly, but this event traumatized me and kind of broke something inside me. I never told anyone about it, and I don't want to go into the details, but I'm dealing with anxiety and depression ever since. Social media didn't improve it, as you might imagine. I'm still not sure if it's a good idea to tell the world about it, but I wanted to give the fans an explanation.

There were several points in the past years where I considered releasing an update, but every time I was afraid it wasn't good enough. I'm also a bit pefectionist and it made me rework everything from scratch several times. The version I'm planning to release is basically Cube World 2.0. There are still many things I'd like to add in the future, but I think the version is already fun.

I hope some of you will enjoy the upcoming release. I'm currently working on the new homepage and still want to add some lore-related things to the game before the release.


2 respuestas

#61 Madre mía ahora va de victima, que DDoS'ed ni leches, si acaso se le pudo caer la página de la cantidad de gente que quiso comprar el juego, eh pero en vez de decir algo, chapo y desaparezco hasta 6 años después a ver si se han medio olvidado y puego tener otro ataque de ansiedad por tener tanto dinero y no saber que hacer con el


Suena a cuento chino, para que nos vamos a engañar xd


#61 Menuda escusa de mierda XD