Dark and Darker #HG | Tarkov de D&D?


Pero el juego es estilo tarkov de verdad??? Es decir todo todo o solo la parte de si te matan vuelves a casa con 0 loot.

1 respuesta

#121 todo lo que lleves o lootes, si mueres lo pierdes, aqui no hay pouch para guardar caramelitos, solo conservas el nivel general de cada clase, y lo que tengas en el stash de otras raids claro

1 respuesta

#122 valen entonces solo se parece en el tema looteo, no tiene el sistema de curas, el si te pego en un brazo te jodo solo el brazo etc.
En realidad le tengo ganas pero era por matizar que de tarkov tiene

1 respuesta

#123 es un mix tarkov y battle royale, looter "fighter" (?) extraction. El sistema de curación es darle un boton y ya, y luego no hay skills que van subiendo, pero si desbloquas huecos de perks al subir de nivel

1 1 respuesta

Recopilacion random de las cosas que me han llamado la atencion un poco:

  • Early access plans
    "Currently there is an early access plan in April 2023."

Y yo creo que lo adelantan con lo que va a llorar la gente si esto sigue asi test tras test

  • Secure containers (a.k.a. guaranteed Tarkov loot, upon death)
    "It is more thrilling to lose everything when you die."

Menos mal

MMR / character-level ranking system (grouped match-ups)
"Not yet. We've gathered a lot of data this time, so we'll think about it from now on."

Espero que no. mmr, smmr es el cancer del siglo XXI

  • How much will you cater to the feedback you've seen (Discord, social media, etc.)
    "Do not worry. We will make the game our own. Then it doesn't matter if it crashes. We created a company to make and service games the way we want them to. If we can't do that, I'll just close the company."


  • Free-to-play? No
  • Map randomization (broadly)
    "I don't really think about procedural or random generation. Memorizing maps is a skill of veteran adventurers."

  • Plans for sets / sockets for items?
    "Yes, there is."

  • Plans to add arrow counts? (count tied to bow type?):
    "I do not know. I'll think about making it."

Joder si, que les den a los putos Ranger

1 1 respuesta

#124 La rama de talentos está implementada a falta de que la activen porque estaba algo desbalanceada.


Proximo test el 16 de Diciembre y durara 1 semana, todo el mundo podrá solicitar entrar en steam

1 respuesta

#128 Lets go!!!


Me encantaria saber que implementaran el 16.

Han puesto que tienen muchisimos bugs y que por eso, van a dar mas tiempo para el siguiente test. Pero aparte de eso, no queda claro si meteran algo mas

1 2 respuestas

#130 En el Q&A dijeron que posiblemente entrase el piso 1, aunque está poco desarrollado, a ver...




Por lo que leo, el cambio de casters (clerigo y mago) y el F1 eso sera sobre todo lo que veremos


puede ser ya 16 de diciembre por favor

7 días después

Hi everyone! Now that we’ve had some time to recover, we’ve decided on the dates for the next playtest.

As much as we’d love to do a monthly playtest, the most recent playtest showed us that we need more preparation. Although we had a blast playing with you, the high number of bugs and issues were a big damper on our excitement. We attribute the shortened development schedule as one of the contributing factors for the issues.

To ensure a higher quality experience, we’ve decided we need a little more time between each playtest. Due to these reasons, we have decided to do the next playtest in December. Due to the new schedule and as an early holiday thank you, we’ve decided to extend the next playtest to an entire week.

Please join us for our Alpha Playtest #3 from
Start time 16 de diciembre de 2022 12:00 <----- your local time and date
End Time 23 de diciembre de 2022 10:00 <----- your local time and date.
Hope to see you then!

For new testers, you will be able to instantly join the playtest by going to our steam page on those dates and clicking the playtest button that will appear then.

26 días después

Ya queda nada! Este viernes ganitas de probarlo. A ver si meten el soloq



Se viene semana gente!!!!


Para los que quieran jugar este viernes con gente dejo el link del canal de discord de dark and darker en español https://discord.gg/hPFBFjvKcB os veo por alli familia¡¡


estoy que me subo por las parades encima trabajo todos los dias durante el test 12 horas yo me cago en dios


Para jugar este finde entiendo entonces que basta con darle a bajar y punto.

No hace falta haber participado antes en betas ni nada.

Me encantaría que el juego fuera de pago y no free2play.

1 respuesta

#140 mira #125


cuando meteran idioma español? xD


a que hora lo ponen???????

1 respuesta

#143 es mañana no??



dios y miércoles pillo vacaciones. Se sabe hasta que día está?

1 respuesta

Please join us for our Alpha Playtest #3 from
Start time December 16, 2022 12:00 PM <----- your local time and date
End Time December 23, 2022 10:00 AM <----- your local time and date.
Hope to see you then!

1 respuesta

#146 Esperemos que hagan como en el último y lo extiendan unos días :)


Alpha Playtest #3 Changelog

Normal Dungeon

  • Expected 18 players per session. *** This may change at any time.
  • The 3-person portals that appeared in the final ring of the Crypt map have each been split into 3 single-person portals. This aligns the end ring of the Crypt map with the Inferno map.
  • Encounter ‘Common’ and ‘Elite’ grade monsters with an extremely low chance of meeting ‘Nightmare’ monsters.
  • Low drop rates for Epic items, and extremely low drop rates for Legendary items. No chance for Unique items.

High-Roller Dungeons

  • Expected 20 players per session. *** This may change at any time.
  • Ante system – All entrants must pay a gold fee to enter the High-Roller Dungeon.
  • Very few Blue portals and twice as many Red portals on the starting floor (Crypt). An extra Blue portal has been added to the lower floor (Inferno).
  • The 3-person portals have each been split into 3 single-person portals.
  • The kill log is hidden in the High-Roller dungeons.
  • Encounter up to ‘Nightmare’ grade monsters.
  • Better drop rates for high quality gear.
  • High-Roller dungeons are the only way to get Unique grade gear – Chance to drop from bosses.

New Magic System -

  • All spells have a specific memory cost associated with them.
  • Magic users can customize which spells they wish to memorize through the spell capacity system.
  • Your ‘Knowledge’ determines which spells are at your disposal during the game. The order of the spell memorization is important because if your ‘Knowledge’ or ‘Spell Capacity’ stat dynamically changes during the game, the last memorized spells may become available/unavailable.
  • Lots of new spells added to the game including – Ice bolt, Zap, Lightning Strike, Bind, Cleanse, and more.

Map Updates

  • New Crypt map tiles added. Overall map size increased.
  • More spaced-out starting locations.
  • Floor level 3 redesigned.
  • More production quality map modules and less “Blockout” modules.

Monster Updates

  • New ‘Nightmare’ grade monsters.
  • Monster grades now go : Common -> Elite -> Nightmare.
  • New mob types added (Demon Centaur mini boss).
  • Updated the Lich and Ghost King mechanics.


  • Leaderboard only tracks achievements from the High-Roller Dungeons.
  • Wanted Murder -> Killer Outlaws - Kills are only counted when you successfully extract.

Major Balance Updates

  • The progression speed has been moderately decreased. Higher grade item drops will be much lower than previous playtest.
  • New ‘Junk’ grade designation for the starting gear items.
  • New ‘Uncommon’ grade items between ‘Common’ and ‘Rare’ items.
  • Rebalanced weapon damages including slightly improving the damage of starting weapons.
  • Refreshed stats on armors. New armors including the Barbuta Helm.
  • Some armors now give Magic Resistance stats and other bonus stats.
  • Slightly increased movement penalties when swinging your weapon. Heavy weapons will feel heavier.
  • New Headshot damage reduction modifier. Mostly appears on helmets.
  • New projectile damage reduction modifier. Mostly appears on plate armors.
  • Invisible Potions now have durations based on their rarity grades.
  • Campfires now have varying durations based on their rarity grades.
  • Several new Perks and Skills including – Multishot, Kinesthesia, Ice Shield, and more.
  • Added two new Rogue weapons – Stiletto Dagger and Kris Dagger.
  • Improved the feel of daggers so they feel less “sticky” on hit, resulting in slightly improved DPS.
  • ALL chests regardless of type now have a small chance of dropping ‘Epic’ grade items, even in ‘Normal Dungeons’.

Quiver system version v0.5

  • Bow weapons fire a limited number of arrows before they must reload their quiver.
  • The number of arrows in the quiver is based on the type of bow that is equipped.
  • The Ranger’s attack-based skills have the added bonus of auto-reloading their quiver upon activation.

Mining and Crafting version v0.3

  • New Pickaxe ‘utility’ item. The pickaxe can also be used as a melee weapon by all classes.
  • New Rubysilver ore deposits added to the maps.
  • Adventurers can mine by equipping a pickaxe item and interacting with an ore deposit.
  • The ‘Armourer’, ‘Weaponsmith’, and ‘Alchemist’ can transform Rubysilver ore in their ‘Service’ tab.
  • Crafted items can be procured from the ‘Armourer’, ‘Leathersmith’, and ‘Tailor’ in their ‘Service’ tab.

Cosmetic Shop version v0.001

  • We are testing out possible cosmetic bonuses and an experimental shop.
  • Players acquire ‘Adventure Currency’ similar to earning experience points. The main difference is that ‘Adventure Currency’ is only banked when you successfully extract from a dungeon. Experience point is earned regardless of a successful extraction.
  • Players can spend their ‘Adventure Currency’ to unlock various cosmetic upgrades.

Party System Improvements

  • Players can change characters without needing to get re-invited to their party.
  • Added a leave party button.
  • Added the ability to kick and block members.
  • Added the ability to turn off party invitations through the ‘Party’ menu.
  • You can now chat with party members in the main menu.
    *** Party chat will not appear properly right now if you have ‘Streamer Mode’ enabled.

Christmas Update and Easter Eggs

  • A strange new travelling merchant named “Nicholas” has set up shop.
  • Festive decorations in the tavern.
  • Be sure to check out our friendly new TavernMaster.
  • More commemorative easter eggs.

today is the day


Somos dos para darle ahora una hora y media aprox hasta la hora de comer. Hemos jugado las ultimas dos betas y buscamos alguien con algo de rodaje si puede ser xD, estare pendiente lo que queda hasta que abran servidor por si alguien se anima y nos coordinamos en algun discord.