Esta en fase de beta testpara CSS todavia pero se supone que saldra este mes y sera para todos los juegos con el source engine.
* in-game server browser only shows human players in the player counts column.
* Bots column now shows number of bots instead of a "some bots" / "no bots" icon.
* Fixed servers with bots reporting incorrect number of bots when sv_master_legacy_mode was set to 0.
* Fixed user names reported as "unconnected" when > 32k players had connected to the server.
* Expanded the disconnect reason dialog.
* Make sv_contact FCVAR_NOTIFY
* Added a "cl_language" cvar that seeds itself from HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Valve\Steam\Language.
* Added IServerGameClients::NetworkIDValidated
* Made maximum rate 1000Kb/s. (Rate 1,048,576 is now the max rate, using anything above 30,000 on an internet server is not a good idea, but for those hard code lan guys, go nuts). - Alfred
* cl_restrict_server_commands was removed (It is now set to 1 and CAN'T be changed)
* Fixed bugs with sv_master_legacy_mode 0
* Added sv_pure 2. When set, then pure_server_whitelist.txt is ignored
and all content files must come from Steam (Is meant for league play inparticular, so you can make sure that the server is running in a trusted mode for the away team. It only allows Steam content, no content from disk (i.e custom maps, etc) can be used in this mode. It should only be used for league play, normal internet servers should use "sv_pure 1".) (Also they are working on a way to have sv_pure 2 work with custom maps through the bspzip.) - Alfred
* Changed ent_fire to only be useable from the host client on a listen server
* Changed soundscape_flush to only be useable from the dedicated server console or the listen server host
* Added sv_allow_wait_command. If set to 0, then clients can't use "wait"
* Added sv_allow_color_correction. If set to 0, then clients can't use mat_colorcorrection
* Fixed player count bugs in serverbrowser
* Added "findflags" console command, which can list all cvars with a specified flag
* Fixed a bug with sv_minrate and sv_maxrate not applying properly on the client
* Cheat protected 36 more CVARS
* Fixed a server performance problem with queued packets
* Fixed a Counter-Strike: Source flashbang exploit in dxlevel 80
* Game DLLs export ServerGameClients003 for backwards compatibility for plugins
* Only allows mat_picmip to be set to 0, 1, or 2 when in multiplayer and sv_cheats=0
* Fixed a crash when mashing the ~ key on disconnect
* Fixed a crash with certain materials being blocked from reloading due to sv_pure > 0
* Fixed bug with audio files of different formats overriding the files in Steam where it would use the original audio file's sample rate/format information after pure server rules forced it to load a different file
Pure Servers Informacion:
Server can now force the client to match the server's files. If the server sets sv_pure to 1, it'll load pure_server_whitelist.txt from the game path, which specifies sets of files that are allowed to come from Steam, allowed to come from disk, and require CRC checks.
When the client connects to a server and receives the whitelist, it reloads resources that may be "dirty" (like the client loaded the file off disk but the server only allows the file to come from Steam).
The server can set sv_pure_trace to show which files clients are requesting CRCs for. By default, the server will just show a warning when a client has a mismatched file. If they set sv_pure_kick_clients to 1, then the server will kick clients that have mismatching files.
Notas mas importantes:
-Cheat protected 36 more CVARS
-Fixed a bug with sv_minrate and sv_maxrate not applying properly on the client
-Added sv_allow_wait_command. If set to 0, then clients can't use "wait"
Adios scripts!!
-cl_restrict_server_commands was removed (It is now set to 1 and CAN'T be changed)
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