Dos juegos nuevos de Capcom en la ComicCon


#30 Tio, a mi no me mires, mira lo que nos ha hecho Capcom xD

"Lets start by talking a little bit about Darkstalkers."

"I'll re-editerate that this is a Street Fighter panel, and not a Darkstalkers panel. but how many people would like to see a Darkstalkers game?" Again, loud applause. "How many of you have a wallet? Take a dollar out of your wallet and show it up in the air. We'll take a picture of it and show this to the folks at Capcom that people will buy a Darkstalkers game." Everyone takes a dollar out and they took the picture.


Como no hay hilo oficial de la comiccon lo planto aquí, dedicado en especial a gente como GB o yo mismamente, y de paso que sepais que es la web "light" que playboy ha creado para que la gente pueda ver en el trabajo xDDDDD.