Added Timbersaw!
Update 1
- Ancient Apparition: Fixed status effect ignoring magic immune units (HP Freeze and Shatter).
- Silencer: Fixed Last Word not being triggered by Invoke.
- Slark: Fixed Pounce leashing illusions.
- Undying: Fixed Decay providing too much healing to Undying.
- Fixed Shadow Blade interaction with Cleave and Critical Strike.
- Fixed Cycloning yourself causing you to take damage from Orchid.
- "Announcer: Bastion", Dragon Knight and Drow chests.
Update 2
- Fixed not being able to return the Chakram during any point on its path.
- Fixed Chakram not applying a short slow on its path.
- Fixed Chakram not showing a cast radius on hover.
- Fixed Timbersaw not playing his voice lines.
- Fixed Tidebringer interaction with Shadow Blade.
Update 3
- Fixed a crash involving Chakram and WTF mode.
- Removed cooldown from Return Chakram.
- Fixed Spell Steal interaction with Chakram/Return Chakram.
- Fixed Timber Chain not always cutting down a tree.
- Fixed Reactive Armor being applied at the incorrect time.
Update 4
- More Decay fixes.
- Fixed stolen Chakram sticking around after another spell is stolen.
- Fixed broken portrait particle on spawn.
- Fixed Chakram sound still playing after you die.
- Fixed Reactive Armor stacks not getting refreshed if stack count was maxed out
- Fixed Chakram using mana in wtf mode