Dota: The Rekindling Soul Update


Shadow Fiend model rework

FROM THE STYGIAN PIT, THE STEALER OF SOULS IS REBORN. Shadow Fiend earns a frightful new look in Dota 2, ready as ever to let you turn the souls of the fallen against your enemies. Teach your foes the meaning of dread as you raze their forces to the ground. See them cower as your very presence eats away the defenses of those who dare come near. Feel your power and threat grow as you claim more and more souls, until at last you release your hoard in a terrifying explosion. All shall fear the Shadow Fiend, or be made into fuel for his victory.

Demon eater arcane item set for Shadow Fiend

Treasure of the Forged Fury

Courier Morph

Fantasy season two

Fight recap


It is a momentous day in the world of Dota, the likes of which have not been seen for ages, for now it is proven that even the land itself is not above being modified. Along with an assortment of other changes, it's moving day for Roshan. Though don't worry, he hasn't gone far. His pit now looks out upon the river from a different angle, and nearby paths have been rerouted around his legendary den. Though his location may have changed, you can count on him defending his territory with the same murderous energies. These changes, along with many more, can be found throughout the battlefield.


The birth of a rune is no minor event. Forged of the most fundamental magic, this new update will unleash a rune never before seen in the world of Dota. Imbued with gold and experience, the Bounty Rune will serve to enhance your wealth and to speed the accumulation of abilities. Additionally, runes now spawn two at a time, with one at each end of the river. One of the runes will always be a Bounty Rune. Earn your bounty if you can!


To meet new threats, one must seek out new defenses. Originally forged during the chaos of New Bloom to defend against the dreaded Year Beast, the Crimson Guard is now ready to join the ancient war. Suit up in this armor, and you'll be ready to rally your forces and lead the charge against the enemy.


As if an eyeless seeker of blood isn't frightening enough, perhaps Bloodseeker's changes will push him over the top. Along with a host of other changes, Bloodbath has been replaced by the new ability Blood Rite. You can now baptize an area in the Blood of the Twins, to show that they are always watching.


Phantom Lancer, too, has been reworked. Along with changes to his Juxtapose ability, he has earned a pair of new abilities: Doppelganger, which will help him dodge immediate danger and confuse enemies with illusions, and Phantom Rush, which allows Phantom Lancer and his illusions to swarm his foes.


  • Fountain area is now at a higher elevation level

  • Fountain vision increased from 1400 to 1800

  • Fountain attack range increased from 1100 to 1200

  • Fountain True Sight increased from 900 to 1200

  • Reworked terrain surrounding the Roshan area

  • Reworked terrain around the Dire bottom lane

  • Reworked terrain below the Top Radiant Tier 1 Tower

  • Reworked the area to the left of the bottom Dire Tier 2 Tower

  • Moved Dire bottom Tier 2 Tower back very slightly

  • Added an alternate path to the north of the bottom lane Side Shop

  • Added an alternate path to the right of the bottom Dire Tier 1 Tower

  • Added a new ward spot near the bottom Dire Tier 2 Tower

  • Added a new ward spot near the top Radiant Tier 2 Tower

  • Added a new ward spot between Roshan and the Dire bottom lane

  • Bottom Lane Dire creeps now arrive slightly closer to the Dire Tier 1 Tower

  • Top Lane Radiant creeps now arrive slightly farther from the Radiant Tier 1 Tower

  • Added a Bounty Rune

  • Grats 50 XP+5 x min and 50 gold+2 x min Can be Bottled

  • Two runes now spawn in the river every two minutes. One of them will always be a Bounty Rune

  • Runes are replaced every two minutes if they are not picked up

  • Denied creeps now give less experience

  • 50% experience, instead of a constant 36 per unit

  • First Blood bonus gold decreased from 200 to 150

  • Reworked the bonus area of effect XP

  • This change only affects the extra XP given if within an area after a kill.

  • It does not affect the natural XP you get for killing a hero of a certain Level.


VictimLevel = Level of the Victim

1 Hero: XP = 120 + 20 * VictimLevel
2 Heroes: XP = 90 + 15 * VictimLevel
3 Heroes: XP = 30 + 7 * VictimLevel
4 Heroes: XP = 20 + 5 * VictimLevel
5 Heroes: XP = 15 + 4 * VictimLevel


VictimLevel = Level of the Victim
VictimXP = Total XP of the Victim
EnemyTeamXP = Enemy team's total XP
AlliedTeamXP = Your team's total XP
XPDifference = ( EnemyTeamXP - AlliedTeamXP )/ ( EnemyTeamXP + AlliedTeamXP ) (minimum 0)
XPFactor = XPDifference * VictimXP

1 Hero: XP = 20 * VictimLevel + XPFactor * 0.5
2 Heroes: XP = 15 * VictimLevel + XPFactor * 0.35
3 Heroes: XP = 10 * VictimLevel + XPFactor * 0.25
4 Heroes: XP = 7 * VictimLevel + XPFactor * 0.2
5 Heroes: XP = 5 * VictimLevel + XPFactor * 0.15

  • Reworked bonus area of effect Gold and Streak ending

  • This change only affects the extra Gold given if within an area after a kill.

  • It does not affect the natural Gold received for killing a hero of a certain Level/Streak.


VictimLevel = Level of the Victim

1 Assist: Gold = 125 + 12 * VictimLevel
2 Assist: Gold = 40 + 10 * VictimLevel
3 Assist: Gold = 10 + 6 * VictimLevel
4+ Assist: Gold = 6 + 6 * VictimLevel


The player that got the last hit now also gets the area of effect bounty.

VictimLevel = Level of the Victim
VictimNW = The victim's Net Worth
EnemyTeamNW = Enemy team's total Net Worth
AlliedTeamNW = Your team's total Net Worth
NWDifference = ( EnemyTeamNW - AlliedTeamNW )/ ( EnemyTeamNW + AlliedTeamNW ) (minimum 0)
NWFactor = NWDifference * VictimNW

1 Hero: Gold = 40 + 7 * VictimLevel + NWFactor * 0.5
2 Heroes: Gold = 30 + 6 * VictimLevel + NWFactor * 0.35
3 Heroes: Gold = 20 + 5 * VictimLevel + NWFactor * 0.25
4 Heroes: Gold = 10 + 4 * VictimLevel + NWFactor * 0.2
5 Heroes: Gold = 10 + 4 * VictimLevel + NWFactor * 0.15​

In combination with these changes, the gold for ending a spree is in turn reduced, from 125->1000 to 100->800.

  • Glyph of Fortification cooldown is now refreshed whenever you lose a Tier 1 tower

  • Tier 2 Tower's armor increased from 20 to 25

  • Tower bounty gold for destroying Tier 1/2/3/4 reduced from 264/312/358/405 to 160/200/240/280 (denied is 50%)

  • In Captain's Mode, the 3rd ban phase order is swapped

  • Reworked how All Pick works in Ranked Matchmaking

-Picking starts after a 35 second strategy period.
-Teams alternate picking. Whenever it is a team's turn to pick, anyone on that team can pick for themselves.
-Teams have up to 30 seconds to pick a hero. If the timer expires, each player that hasn't selected a hero will lose 2 gold per second. The selection will stay on this team until a hero is picked.
-Once a selection is made, it immediately switches to the other team to pick.

Additional Notes:
-Initial starting team is random, but known at the start of the strategy period.
-If a team has not picked and continued losing gold for more than 30 seconds, a player that hasn’t picked will be assigned a random hero and the turn will resume to the other team.[/list]

  • Aegis duration decreased from 6 minutes to 5

  • Roshan's Slam area of effect increased from 250 to 350

  • Roshan's Slam damage increases by 20 every 4 minutes

  • Centaur Conqueror's Swiftness Aura has been moved to Hellbear Smasher

  • Hellbear Smasher Attack Time increased from 1.35 to 1.55

  • Hellbear Attack Time increased from 1.35 to 1.5

  • Centaur Conqueror Attack Time improved from 1.65 to 1.5

  • Centaur Courser Attack Time improved from 1.35 to 1.3

  • Dark Troll Summoner's Ensnare duration increased from 1.5 to 1.75

  • Satyr Banisher HP increased from 240 to 300

  • Satyr Banisher movement speed increased from 300 to 330

  • Satyr Banisher attack range reduced from 600 to 300

  • Satyr Banisher Base Attack Time improved from 1.8 to 1.7

  • Satyr Banisher's Purge cast range increased from 200 to 350

  • Wildwing Ripper's Toughness Aura now works on Siege units

  • Fixed some rare edge cases with pathing malfunctioning

  • The following abilities can now be cast on Spell Immune allies: Ice Armor, Surge, Alacrity, Nature's Guise, Chakra Magic, Recall and Mist Coil

  • The following buffs are now properly dispellable: Chilling Touch, Thunderstrike, Inner Vitality, Alacrity, Chaos Meteor, Shadow Word, Liquid Fire, Shadow Strike, Warcry, Concussive Shot, Overpower, Mana Leak, Curse of the Silent, Press The Attack, Poison Touch, Flame Guard, Whirling Death, Viper's Poison Attack, Sticky Napalm, DK's Frost Breath, Whirling Axes, Walrus Punch's slow

  • Dark Pact/Kraken Shell/Aphotic Shield/Press The Attack/Time Lapse no longer have a special condition for purging the following otherwise unpurgeable spells: Poison Nova, Heaven's Halberd, Ensnare, Eye of Skadi slow



Mist Coil mana cost rescaled from 75 to 50/60/70/80


Acid Spray negative armor increased from 3/4/5/6 to 4/5/6/7


Base strength increased from 20 to 22


Counter Helix chance to activate increased from 17% to 20%
Culling Blade no longer ignores Linken's Sphere


Aghanim's Scepter Fiend's Grip now also causes anyone who attacks Bane while he is channeling to be afflicted with Nightmare


Flaming Lasso cooldown increased from 90/70/50 to 90/75/60


Wild Axes damage type from Composite to Physical
Wild Axes damage reduced from 90/120/150/180 to 70/100/130/160
Primal Roar side knockback radius increased from 250 to 300
Primal Roar side damage same as primary damage now (100/200/300 to 200/250/300)
Primal Roar push distance increased from 240 to 300
Primal Roar side push duration increased from 0.4 to 0.6


Removed from Captain's Mode
Base movement speed from 300 to 290

Reworked Bloodrage

Old Bloodrage:

Increases base damage, silences and deals damage over time.

  • This also dispels the target.

  • Buff cannot be dispelled

  • Duration: 6/7/8/9

  • Base Damage Bonus: 30/60/90/120%

  • Damage Per Second: 20

  • Mana Cost: 80

  • Cooldown: 12/10/8/6

  • Cast Point: 0.4

Cannot target Spell Immune (but Spell Immunity does not remove it)

New Bloodrage:

Amplifies all damage taken and dealt (including spells)

A hero affected by the Bloodrage buff who kills a unit will be healed for 25% of the dying unit's max HP, however heroes affected by Bloodrage when killed will heal 25% of their max health to their killer

  • This no longer dispels the target

  • Buff can be dispelled

  • Duration: 9/10/11/12

  • Amplified Damage: 25/30/35/40%

  • Mana Cost: 0

  • Cooldown: 12/10/8/6

  • Cast Point: 0.2

Can target Spell Immune (but Spell Immunity does remove it)

Notes: This no longer silences or does damage over time.

Replaced Blood Bath with a new active ability, Blood Rite

Blood Rite:

Targets an area. An effect that is visible to enemies appears on the ground. After 3 seconds, enemies in the area are damaged and silenced.

Area of Effect: 600
Cast Range: 1500
Silence: 3/4/5/6
Damage : 120/160/200/240 Pure Damage

Mana Cost: 100
Cooldown: 29/26/23/20

Thirst visibility and true sight are granted only when the target is at or below 30% HP (instead of 50/25% for vision/true sight)
Thirst now shows a debuff and a visible effect to the enemy when they are revealed
Thirst movement and damage bonuses are now proportional to how low the enemy's health is [?]
Thirst movement speed and damage bonus increased from 5/15/25/35 to 10/20/30/40

Rupture no longer deals initial damage
Rupture duration increased from 7/8/9 to 12
Rupture cooldown reduced from 70/60/50 to 60

Bounty Hunter

Shuriken Toss now bounces to all Tracked units within a 900 range


Drunken Brawler's critical strike/evasion timer increased from 10 to 16/14/12/10 seconds


Spin Web now has 1/2/3/4 charges with a 40 second replenish time, instead of a 30 second cooldown [?]
Spin Web time to enter hidden mode after taking damage increased from 3 to 6 seconds
Spin Web movement speed bonus is doubled whenever Broodmother is in hidden mode (having not taken damage recently)
Spin Web phasing and speed bonuses now work on Spiderlings
Spin Webs are now selectable and have an ability to destroy themselves
Spin Web can now be cast from anywhere as long as the new web touches another
Whenever Broodmother is taken out of Spin Web's free pathing, she destroys nearby trees

Centaur Warrunner

Stampede mana cost increased from 80 to 100

Chaos Knight

Phantasm Illusion duration increased from 24 to 34


Penitence duration rebalanced from 7 to 5/6/7/8
Penitence slow and damage amplification rebalanced from 8/16/24/32 to 14/18/22/26
Penitence now amplifies a damage source directly instead of attempting to re-deal a percentage of the damage taken as Physical damage
Penitence cast range increased from 600 to 800
Holy Persuasion is no longer restricted from targeting Spell Immune neutral creeps
Aghanim's Scepter now allows Holy Persuasion to target Ancient Creeps (maximum 1 Ancient Creep per level of Hand of God)


Searing Arrows is no longer an Attack Modifier


Hookshot now pulls Clockwerk to neutral creeps normally like any unit [?]

Crystal Maiden

Frostbite damage interval from 70 per 1 second to 50 per 0.5 seconds (total damage now 150/200/250/300) [?]
Freezing Field explosion radius increased from 230 to 250

Dark Seer

Vacuum cooldown rescaled from 28.0 seconds to 28 seconds


Aghanim's Scepter Weave armor reduction per second increased from 1/1.25/1.5 to 1.25/1.5/1.75

Death Prophet

Exorcism cooldown increased from 115 to 135


Doom now requires Aghanim's Scepter to disable passives
Doom ability cast point increased from 0.3 to 0.5

Drow Ranger

Frost Arrows slow increased from 11/24/37/60 to 15/30/45/60

Earth Spirit

Added Aghanim's Scepter: Grants Earth Spirit a new ability, Enchant Remnant, which lets him temporarily convert a hero into a Stone Remnant.

Enchant Remnant:

Converts an allied or enemy hero (not self) into a Stone Remnant for 3 seconds. The target behaves like a Stone Remnant fully until the duration is over. When the duration ends, the Remnant shatters, releasing the hero while dealing 300 damage in a 300 radius.

Cast Range: 600
Mana Cost: 150
Cooldown: 45

Note: The Enchanted Remnant is like his other Remnants, they cannot do anything on their own, they are invulnerable, and they can be used with his skills.

Boulder Smash unit targeting now only selects units
Boulder Smash point targeting now knocks back the closest Remnant (within 200 area of effect) in the direction selected [?]

Geomagnetic Grip silence rebalanced from 2/3/4/5 to 2.5/3/3.5/4
Geomagnetic Grip damage rebalanced from 100/150/200/250 to 50/125/200/275
Geomagnetic Grip pull speed on allies reduced from 1000 to 600

Stone Remnant drop range reduced from 1400 to 1100
Fixed Stone Remnant being unable to travel as a projectile through Chronosphere
Fixed Stone Remnants not appearing in fog of war

Magnetize search radius increased from 300 to 400
Magnetized Stone Remnants disappear after 8 seconds instead of 5


Fissure no longer has unit targeting
Fissure is no longer blocked by Linken's Sphere

Elder Titan

Added Aghanim's Scepter: Causes units that are pulled in by Earth Splitter to be disarmed in addition to being slowed. Slow/disarm duration increased from 3/4/5 to 4/5/6.
Natural Order armor reduction increased from 25/50/75/100% to 40/60/80/100%
Natural Order magic resistance reduction increased from 8/16/25/33% to 12/19/26/33%


Base movement speed increased from 310 to 315


Midnight Pulse cooldown increased from 25 to 35
Black Hole max damage rebalanced from 60/100/140 to 50/100/150
Black Hole max damage area of effect increased from 150 to 200
Black Hole min damage rebalanced from 30/50/70 to 25/50/75
Black Hole min damage area of effect reduced from 500 to 400
Black Hole mana cost rebalanced from 250/350/450 to 275/350/425

Faceless Void

Chronosphere area of effect reduced from 450 to 425
Chronosphere flying vision area reduced from 1000 to 425
Chronosphere no longer disables passives
Chronosphere's effects no longer linger for an extra 0.5 seconds (like normal auras do) at the end of its duration


Homing Missile Maximum damage increased from 110/220/330/440 to 125/250/375/500


Inner Vitality cooldown reduced from 25 to 25/22/19/16
Berserker's Blood attack speed bonus increased from 8/12/16/20 to 14/16/18/20
Life Break cooldown reduced from 45/30/15 to 12
Life Break damage reduced from 50% to 35% [?]
Life Break self damage rebalanced from 40/35/30% to 35%
Life Break slow duration rebalanced from 5 to 4/5/6
Lifebreak slow rebalanced from 50% to 40/50/60%


Tornado flying vision area reduced from 1200 to 600
Tornado damage from 2Wex+Quas to 3Wex


Dual Breath movement and attack slow rebalanced from 30% to 28/32/36/40%


The following abilities no longer cancel Blade Fury: Chronosphere, Toss, Black Hole, Global Silence, Doom.
Blade Fury cooldown from 30/27/24/21 to 30/26/22/18

Keeper of the Light

Mana Leak mana removal percentage increased from 3.5/4/4.5/5 to 5
Mana Leak duration increased from 4/5/6/7 to 5/6/7/8
Recall can now target invulnerable allies (e.g. allies affected by Song of the Siren)
Blinding Light knockback distance from 250 to 400


X Marks The Spot cooldown from 13 to 14/13/12/11

Legion Commander

Enabled in Captain's Mode
Duel no longer disables passives
Overwhelming Odds base damage from 60/100/140/180 to 40/80/120/160
Press The Attack mana cost from 80/90/100/110 to 110


Pulse Nova damage increased from 80/120/160 to 100/130/160; Aghanim's Scepter damage from 100/160/220 to 160/190/220
Pulse Nova activation cost reduced from 110 to 70/90/110


Ice Armor now slows ranged heroes for the full amount (instead of half)


Light Strike Array cast range increased from 600 to 625
Light Strike Array stun duration increased from 1.6/1.7/1.8/1.9 to 1.6/1.8/2/2.2


Earth Spike damage increased from 60/130/200/260 to 80/140/200/260

Lone Druid

Spirit Bear now has 300 mana
Spirit Bear using Hand of Midas now grants the XP to Lone Druid


Shapeshift no longer grants 1.5 Base Attack Time
Shapeshift cooldown increased from 100/70/40 to 120/90/60
Shapeshift speed increased from 522 to 650
Shapeshift now has a 1.5 seconds transformation time


Empower is no longer removed by Spell Immunity
Empower mana cost increased from 40 to 30/40/50/60


Mana Shield damage absorption rate increased from 50% to 60%
Mystic Snake outgoing speed increased from 633 to 800
Mystic Snake return speed reduced from 833 to 800
Mystic Snake mana steal increased from 20/30/40/50 to 20/35/50/65


Meepo clones' boot item slots now match whichever slot Meepo Prime has his boots in


Leap speed reduced from 2000 to 1600
Leap distance rebalanced from 630/720/780/870 to 600/700/800/900

Nature's Prophet

Nature's Call Treant magic resistance reduced from 20% to 0%


Reaper's Scythe added respawn time penalty from 30% to a constant 30 seconds

Night Stalker

Hunter in the Night attack speed increased from 45/55/65/75 to 45/60/75/90
Darkness duration increased from 25/50/80 to 40/60/80

Ogre Magi

Base HP regeneration increased from 0.25 to 2.5
Fireblast damage reduced from 80/145/210/275 to 60/120/180/240
2x Multicast chance increased from 25/40/50 to 40/50/60%
Multicast spread interval increased from 0.3 to 0.4 (affects Ignite and Fireblast)


Base armor increased by 1
Purification damage area of effect increased from 240 to 260

Outworld Devourer

Essence Aura chance to activate increased from 10/20/30/40% to 40%
Essence Aura percentage of mana restored reduced from 25% to 10/15/20/25%
Aghanim's Scepter Sanity's Eclipse now always triggers the mana drain

Phantom Assassin

Blur minimap hide now has the opposite effect, and is active when no enemies are near

Phantom Lancer

Removed from Captain's Mode
Agility gain reduced from 4.2 to 3.0
Base Agility increased from 23 to 29
Base Strength increased from 18 to 21
Reworked Phantom Lancer:

Spirit Lance: unchanged

Phantom Rush: a passive basic ability for Phantom Lancer, or his illusions, to quickly close the distance to an enemy

Phantom Rush:

Passive with cooldown. Triggers when issuing an attack order on an enemy unit outside of attack range. Grants bonus movement speed and Phase until Phantom Lancer strikes his target.

Minimum distance to trigger: 300
Maximum distance to trigger: 600/700/800/900
Cooldown: 16/12/8/4

Note: Illusions also have this passive.
Note: If the attack order on the original target is canceled, the speed bonus is lost.

Doppelganger: a new ability for dodging immediate danger, and confusing enemies with deceiving illusions


Target an area. Phantom Lancer and all nearby illusions will disappear for 1 second, then have their positions shuffled into the target area. This also creates two illusions of opposite types.

Illusion 1: Deals 0% damage and takes 100% damage.
Illusion 2: Deals 20% damage and takes 600% damage.
Illusion duration: 8 seconds

Cast Range: 600
Target Area Radius: 325
Illusion Gather Range: 900

Mana Cost: 50
Cooldown: 25/20/15/10

Note: This ability dodges incoming projectiles.
Note: Allies can see which illusion takes 100% damage.

Juxtapose: now his Ultimate, and allows both Phantom Lancer and his illusions to create more illusions


Grants Phantom Lancer, and his illusions, a chance to create an illusion when attacking.

Max Illusions: 6/8/10
Illusion Duration: 8 when created by the Phantom Lancer, 4 when created by his illusions
Hero Chance: 40/45/50%
Illusion Chance: 8%
Illusion Damage Taken: 500%
Illusion Damage Dealt: 16%

Note: Juxtapose illusions attack the target that the passive triggered on.


Added Aghanim's Scepter: Allows Phoenix to cast Supernova on an allied hero, bringing both into the Sun to be reborn together. This does not refresh either hero's ultimate. 500 cast range. If the Sun is destroyed, both heroes will die.


Turn Rate improved from 0.5 to 0.7


Dream Coil no longer ignores invisible units or Illusions
Aghanim's Scepter Dream Coil snap stun now pierces Spell Immunity
Aghanim's Scepter Dream Coil snap stun duration increased from 1.5/2.25/3 to 1.5/3/4.5


Life Drain can now be targeted on allies, allowing Pugna to drain his own life into them

Queen of Pain

Base Attack Time improved from 1.7 to 1.6
Removed unit targeting from Sonic Wave
Sonic Wave final area of effect increased from 300 to 450


Plasma Field minimum damage from 60/100/140/180 to 30/50/70/90 [?]
Static Link no longer ignores Linken's Sphere
Static Link mana cost from 20/30/40/50 to 50
Eye of the Storm no longer lingers through aegis reincarnation


Base movement speed reduced from 300 to 290
Base damage reduced by 10
Base HP regeneration reduced from 1.5 to the default 0.25

Permanent Invisibility is now a basic ability
Permanent Invisibility fade delay from 3/2/1 to 8/6/4/2
Permanent Invisibility now provides 4/5/6/7 HP regeneration while invisible [?]
Blink Strike is now an Ultimate and can target Spell Immune
Blink Strike bonus damage from 30/60/90/120 to 50/70/90
Blink Strike now has 3/4/5 charges, with a 30 second replenish time, instead of a 20/15/10/5 cooldown
Blink Strike mana cost reduced from 50 to 40
Blink Strike cast range increased from 700 to 800

Shadow Demon

Soul Catcher now amplifies damage by 20/30/40/50% instead of attempting to re-deal 20/30/40/50% of the damage as Pure damage
Aghanim's Scepter Demonic Purge charges increased from 2 to 3

Shadow Fiend

Necromastery soul cap increased from 12/20/28/36 to 15/22/29/36
Requiem of Souls debuff is now applied when the wave hits units instead of in a slightly smaller area independently
Requiem of Souls slow increased from 20% to 25%

Shadow Shaman

Shackles mana cost rebalanced from 110/130/155/185 to 140/150/160/170
Mass Serpent Ward cooldown increased from 110 to 120


Glaives of Wisdom percent intelligence to damage from 30/45/60/75 to 30/48/66/84
Global Silence mana cost from 250/350/450 to 250/375/500

Skywrath Mage

Concussive Shot movement slow rebalanced from 40% to 30/35/40/45%
Concussive Shot is now disjointable
Mystic Flare damage is now dealt over 2.2 seconds instead of 2 seconds


Slithereen Crush stun duration increased from 1/1.5/2/2.5 to 1.6/1.9/2.2/2.5


Slark is no longer visible inside Chronosphere during Shadow Dance


Headshot now causes a 0.5 second 100% MS and AS slow instead of a 0.25 second stun
Shrapnel area of effect increased from 400 to 450


Spectral Dagger movement speed change increased from 5/9/14/18% to 8/12/16/20%
Spectral Dagger projectile speed reduced from 857 to 800

Spirit Breaker

Charge of Darkness cooldown reduced from 35 to 12
Charge of Darkness cooldown is now triggered when Charge hits its target or is cancelled, instead of when cast
Empowering Haste can now be cast to improve the Aura by 50% for 6 seconds. 20 second cooldown. After it is used, the aura is 50% weaker while the ability is on cooldown. [?]
Greater Bash damage from 10/20/30/40% to 22/28/34/40% of movement speed

Storm Spirit

Ball Lightning mana cost per 100 units from 10 + 1% to 12 + 0.7%


Added Aghanim's Scepter: While activated, God's Strength grants an allied aura (900 area of effect) for 40/60/80% of base damage.


Land Mines cooldown from 25/20/15/10 to 19/16/13/10

Stasis Trap stun duration from 3/4/5/6 to 2.5/3/3.5/4
Stasis Trap activation area now matches stun area (200->450)
Stasis Trap duration from 270/300/330/360 to 360

Remote Mine duration increased from 8 to 10 minutes
Remote Mines vision reduced from 900 to 700
Remote Mines area from 400/410/425 to 425

Batrider in Firefly, Visage's Familiars, Beastmaster's Hawk, and Flying Couriers no longer trigger or get hurt by Land Mines

Templar Assassin

Psionic Trap cooldown from 11/9/7 to 11/8/5


Enabled in Captain's Mode
Sunder cast point improved from 0.5 to 0.35


Anchor Smash damage reduction reduced from 60% to 45/50/55/60%


Added Aghanim's Scepter: Grants Timbersaw a second Chakram.


March of the Machines no longer affects Spell Immune units [?]

Treant Protector

Nature's Guise mana cost reduced from 90/80/70/60 to 60
Added Aghanim's Scepter: Grants a new ability, Eyes in the Forest, which allows Treant to enchant trees to spy on his enemies and expand the area Overgrowth affects.

Eyes In The Forest:

Treant Protector enchants a target tree. Enchanted trees grant 800 unobstructed vision. If Overgrowth is cast by Treant Protector, units near an enchanted tree will be ensnared and damaged.

If the enemy has true sight, they will be able to see visual effects on both the affected tree and the 800 area of effect around it.

Cast range: 160
Cooldown: 55
Overgrowth Bonus Damage: 135 damage per second (3/4/5 ticks)
Mana Cost: 100

Note: Overgrowth only does damage if it comes from an Enchanted Tree.

Troll Warlord

Ranged Whirling Axes cooldown from 20 to 20/19/18/17 seconds
Acquisition Range increased from 600 to 800 [?]


Ice Shards no longer stops when it hits a hero
Ice Shards now travels until the cast location and creates its blockade there
Ice Shards cast range increased from 1500 to 1800
Ice Shards no longer destroys trees
Snowball bonus speed per hero increased from 75 to 100
Allies can now click in the snowball to jump into it


Tombstone area of effect increased from 400/600/800/1000 to 600/800/1000/1200
Aghanim's Scepter Flesh Golem damage amplification increased by 5% at all levels, both min and max [?]
Flesh Golem slow aura increased from 9% to variable from 5% to 15%, based on distance to Undying (same mechanic as the damage amplification)

Vengeful Spirit

Nether Swap range increased from 650/925/1200 to 700/950/1200


Poison Nova applies its debuff on Spell Immune enemies [?]


Corrosive Skin now only affects enemies within 1400 area of effect
Corrosive Skin damage cannot be reflected multiple times


Familiar Stone Form cooldown from 30 to 26


Fatal Bonds now shares the same damage type that is dealt to it, before it is reduced [?]
Fatal Bonds damage percentage from 20% to 25%
Golem attack range increased from 100 to 225
Golem Base Attack Time improved from 1.35 to 1.2
Golem HP regeneration increased from 15/20/25 to 15/30/45
Golem Immolation area of effect increased from 250 to 300
Golem Flaming Fists chance reduced from 60% to 40%


The Swarm duration increased from 8/12/16/20 to 14/16/18/20
Shukuchi no longer ignores invisible units
Shukuchi damage reduced from 90/110/130/150 to 75/100/125/150
Geminate Attack can now proc items
Geminate Attack cooldown increased from 6/5/4/2.5 to 6/5/4/3


Shackleshot max latch distance from 525 to 575
Windrun duration increased from 2.75/3.5/4.25/5.0 to 3/4/5/6

Witch Doctor

Maledict area of effect increased from 165 to 180
Death Ward bounces now behave the same as the Death Ward attacks with regards to Blademail (neither redirects damage to Witch Doctor)

Wraith King

Reincarnation mana cost increased from 140 to 160


Static Field area of effect increased from 1000 to 1200


Brazalete de Mordiggian

Recipe cost reduced from 700 to 600

Coraza de Asalto

Assault Aura no longer displays its debuff on the enemy if the carrier is not visible

Vara del Rey Negro

Avatar spell immunity duration and cooldown are now tied to the hero, instead of the item [?]
Minimum immunity duration increased from 4 to 5

Daga de Traslación

Gold cost increased from 2150 to 2250

Piedra de Sangre

Now requires Soul Ring and a 800 gold recipe instead of Perseverance (1600 vs 1750 total gold)
No longer grants +10 damage (other bonuses stay the same)


Gold cost increased from 650 to 700

Botas de Viaje

Teleport cooldown reduced from 60 to 50


Butterfly now has an active ability, Flutter, which can be cast to trade Butterfly's evasion for a 20% movement speed bonus for 8 seconds. 35 second cooldown. [?]


Cloak, Hood and Pipe magic resistances now stack like all other normal magic resistance do

Crimson Guard

New Item that is formed from Vanguard and Buckler

Crimson Guard:

Vanguard (2225)
Buckler (800)
Recipe (825)
Total: 3850 gold

250 HP
+6 HP Regen
Passive Damage Block (80% chance for 40/20 melee/ranged)
+5 Armor
+2 All Stats

Active: Guard - Gives nearby allied heroes (750 range) +2 armor and a damage block shell that has a 100% chance to block 50 damage. Lasts 9 seconds. Cooldown 70.
Passive: Damage Block - Gives the wearer a chance to block damage from each incoming attack based on whether the equipped hero is melee or ranged.

Note: Guard only affects heroes. Has the same no stacking mechanic as Pipe of Insight/Mekansm for 70 seconds. Crimson Guard:

Vanguard (2225)
Buckler (800)
Recipe (825)
Total: 3850 gold

250 HP
+6 HP Regen
Passive Damage Block (80% chance for 40/20 melee/ranged)
+5 Armor
+2 All Stats

Active: Guard - Gives nearby allied heroes (750 range) +2 armor and a damage block shell that has a 100% chance to block 50 damage. Lasts 9 seconds. Cooldown 70.
Passive: Damage Block - Gives the wearer a chance to block damage from each incoming attack based on whether the equipped hero is melee or ranged.
Note: Guard only affects heroes. Has the same no stacking mechanic as Pipe of Insight/Mekansm for 70 seconds.


Intelligence bonus per level increased from 13/15/17/19/21 to 13/16/19/22/25
Energy Burst mana cost increased from 180/160/140/120/100 to 180

Hoja Difusora

Recipe cost reduced from 850 to 700
Agility bonus rebalanced from 25/30 to 20/35
Feedback rebalanced from 20/36 to a constant 25

Hoja Etérea

Ether Blast now has a projectile [?]
Ether Blast now only turns the caster ethereal if they target themself

Ojo de Skadi

Frost Attack attack speed slow increased from 35 to 45

Mensajero Volador

Base movement speed increased from 350 to 430
Flying Courier now takes 50% extra damage from melee heroes
Flying Courier Speed Burst cooldown increased from 40 to 90
Flying Courier Speed Burst duration reduced from 20 to 4
Flying Courier Speed Burst speed increased from 522 to 650

Yelmo del Dominador

Now provides +3 HP regeneration (to match its components)
Dominated units now have 250 bonus HP

Capucha Desafiante

HP regeneration increased from 8 to 9 (to match its components)

Esfera de Linken

Linken's Sphere only blocks Wrath of Nature's initial bounce, not subsequent bounces
Linken's Sphere only blocks Lightning Storm's initial bounce, not subsequent bounces
Nether Ward no longer triggers Linken's Sphere
Lightning Bolt now triggers Linken's Sphere when targeted at the ground
Maelstrom and Mjollnir no longer trigger Linken's Sphere


Recipe cost increased from 600 to 700

Estilo Manta

Mirror Image vision type changed from Unobstructed/Flying to Ground [?]
Recipe cost reduced from 900 to 800

Máscara de la Locura

Recipe cost reduced from 1000 to 900


Restore mana cost increased from 150 to 225

Pipa de la Perspicacia

HP regeneration increased from 8 to 9 (to match its components)

Orbe Revigorizante

Reset Cooldowns cooldown increased from 160 to 185

Anillo de Protección

Armor increased from 2 to 3
Gold cost increased from 175 to 200

Guardián Centinela

True Sight area of effect increased from 800 to 850

Hoja Sombría

Shadow Walk invisibility break damage increased from 150 to 175

Protección de Shiva

Freezing Aura no longer displays its debuff on the enemy if the carrier is not visible

Vitela de Teletransporte

Gold cost reduced from 135 to 100


A few abilities and damage type mechanics have been reworked. There are now three primary damage types and a Spell Immunity Piercing status with each. Each ability now carries a notation in the tooltip indicating these.

The three damage types are Physical, Magical and Pure.

Physical is affected by Physical Armor, Magical is affected by Magical Damage Resistance and Pure is affected by neither.

Magic Immunity has now been renamed to Spell Immunity. Spell Immunity only defines if Spells interact with it, not how damage itself is handled. This means that on its own Spell Immunity status does not reduce any damage.

Black King Bar, Repel, Rage and all other previous forms of "Magic Immunity" now grant Spell Immunity status and a 100% Magic Resistance bonus.

In the vast majority of cases, the interactions are still the same, however an example of a case that would be different is if an ability has both Spell Immunity exception and has Pure damage type. Previously the damage would not have any impact, however now it does.

Ability Tooltips now have these fields:

-Damage Type: Physical/Magical/Pure
-Pierces Spell Immunity: Yes/No

If the Damage Type is not Magical it will be colored differently to make it easier to notice. The same is true in cases where Pierces Spell Immunity is Yes.

There have been a few abilities rebalanced with these mechanics in mind. In some cases the intent is to maintain similar balance, in other cases as an adjustment to their balance.


Acid Spray damage type from Composite to Physical (still pierces Spell Immunity)
Acid Spray damage reduced from 14/20/26/32 to 12/16/20/24


Nightmare damage from HP Removal to Pure


Wild Axes damage type from Composite to Physical (still pierces Spell Immunity)
Wild Axes damage reduced from 90/120/150/180 to 70/100/130/160


Primal Split Earth Spirit's Pulverize damage type from Magical that pierces Spell Immunity to Magical (No longer pierces Spell Immunity)


Doom damage type changed from Magical that pierces Spell Immunity to Pure that pierces Spell Immunity
Doom damage reduced from 30/50/70 to 20/35/50 (Aghanim's Scepter from 50/80/110 to 40/60/80)


Echo Slam initial attack is now the same Magic damage type as the rest of its damage (initial damage no longer pierces Spell Immunity)


Midnight Pulse damage type changed from Magical that Pierces Spell Immunity to Pure that Pierces Spell Immunity[/h1]
Midnight Pulse damage reduced from 4/5/6/7% to 3/3.75/4.5/5.25%


Diabolic Edict damage type changed from Composite to Physical (still pierces Spell Immunity)
Diabolic Edict damage reduced from 12.5/25/37.5/50 to 9/18/27/36
Diabolic Edict now deals 40% more damage to towers (same overall damage per second as before)


Laguna Blade Aghanim's Scepter damage type changed from Magical that Pierces Spell Immunity to Pure that Pierces Spell Immunity
Laguna Blade Aghanim's Scepter no longer increases damage, only the damage type is changed [?]

Lone Druid

Spirit Bear death now deals 10% max health as Pure damage instead of 100/200/300/400 composite damage


Heartstopper Aura is now negative regeneration instead of HP Removal [?]


Land Mines damage type from Composite to Physical (still pierces Spell Immunity)
Land Mines damage reduced from 300/400/500/600 to 225/300/375/450
Suicide Squad, Attack! damage type from Composite to Physical (still pierces Spell Immunity)
Suicide Squad, Attack! damage reduced from 650/850/1150/1550 (350/400/450/500 partial) to 500/650/850/1150 (260/300/340/380)


March of the Machines damage type changed from Magical that pierces Spell Immunity to Magical that does not pierce Spell Immunity

Vengeful Spirit

Wave of Terror damage type from HP Removal to Pure that Pierces Spell Immunity


Fatal Bonds now shares the same damage type that is dealt into it, before it is reduced [?]
Fatal Bonds damage percentage from 20% to 25%
Flaming Fists damage type from Magical that pierces Spell Immunity to Magical (No longer pierces Spell Immunity)


Last Will damage type from Pure to Magical (Still does not pierce Spell Immunity)
Last Will damage increased from 400/500/600 to 550/675/800

Urna de las Sombras

Changed from HP Removal to Pure

Additional Notes:

1) Composite Damage: This damage type has been removed. There are no longer any abilities which use Composite Damage.

2) HP Removal: This is no longer considered a Damage Type, and its remaining uses are as an alternative cost to Mana for spells to use (Sunray, Burning Spears) or as functional HP modifications (Armlet, Sunder, etc). These are now considered usage costs in the game and are never lethal.



  • Added more detailed data in the live combatlog streaming available with the dota_combatlog_file convar


  • Added Shadow Fiend bot

  • Added Bloodseeker bot

  • Added Skywrath Mage bot


  • When the courier receives a deliver order it will now morph into the courier of the player that

  • requested delivery [?]

  • Net Worth Graph now includes consumable items

  • New Alt Clicks

  • Alt-Click the clock to print the current game time

  • Alt-Click on a bottle with a stored rune will print out the rune name

  • Alt-Click enemy hero abilities to warn your teammates

  • Alt-Click the quick buy to say much gold is needed to complete the item

  • New Chat Wheel Options

  • Good Game

  • Good game, well played

  • (All) Good game - Counts as calling GG in an official game

  • (All) Good game, well played - Counts as calling GG in an official game

  • What should I buy?

  • I'm retreating

  • Space created

  • Whoops

  • Destroy the tower, then get back

  • Destroy the barracks, then get back

  • Ward the bottom rune

  • Ward the top rune

  • Zeus Ult Now!

  • Fixed the item select dialog in the loadout not closing if you clicked shuffle

  • Fixed not being able to remove gems from a ward or hud skin with an Artificer's Hammer

  • Fixed the Showcase Hero in the profile not using the correct Kinetic Gem animation

  • Snowball and X Marks the Spot now respect the disable help setting


Here we go, esto va a cambiar mucho el juego.


Wtf, estoy leyendo las notas y me estoy quedando loco con algunas cosas jajajajaja


1 respuesta

#4 e puesto en live a bruno sing, Bulba, aui y 1437 hablando que es mas fun si refrescais ya están hablando de ello

1 respuesta

My body is ready


Lol el chen con ancientes wtf eso con un warlock core


Dark Seer

Vacuum cooldown rescaled from 28.0 seconds to 28 seconds

Al verlo he ido a poner el ratón sobre esa frase y... sorpresa. Hacedlo, aunque sea una tontería. :P


#5 No lo había visto, soz.


Crimson Guard
New Item that is formed from Vanguard and Buckler

Crimson Guard:

Vanguard (2225)
Buckler (800)
Recipe (825)
Total: 3850 gold

250 HP
+6 HP Regen
Passive Damage Block (80% chance for 40/20 melee/ranged)
+5 Armor
+2 All Stats

Active: Guard - Gives nearby allied heroes (750 range) +2 armor and a damage block shell that has a 100% chance to block 50 damage. Lasts 9 seconds. Cooldown 70.
Passive: Damage Block - Gives the wearer a chance to block damage from each incoming attack based on whether the equipped hero is melee or ranged.

Note: Guard only affects heroes. Has the same no stacking mechanic as Pipe of Insight/Mekansm for 70 seconds. Crimson Guard:

Vanguard (2225)
Buckler (800)
Recipe (825)
Total: 3850 gold

250 HP
+6 HP Regen
Passive Damage Block (80% chance for 40/20 melee/ranged)
+5 Armor
+2 All Stats

Active: Guard - Gives nearby allied heroes (750 range) +2 armor and a damage block shell that has a 100% chance to block 50 damage. Lasts 9 seconds. Cooldown 70.
Passive: Damage Block - Gives the wearer a chance to block damage from each incoming attack based on whether the equipped hero is melee or ranged.
Note: Guard only affects heroes. Has the same no stacking mechanic as Pipe of Insight/Mekansm for 70 seconds.


lo pego que estaba en spoiler y hasta que acabe de editar sino no lo veis xD


¡Vanguard ya será útil!


Ese incremento del daño de Roshan va a evitar unas cuantas Ursas haciendose roshan early game


Removed from Captain's Mode
Base movement speed from 300 to 290

Reworked Bloodrage

Old Bloodrage:

Increases base damage, silences and deals damage over time.

  • This also dispels the target.

  • Buff cannot be dispelled

  • Duration: 6/7/8/9

  • Base Damage Bonus: 30/60/90/120%

  • Damage Per Second: 20

  • Mana Cost: 80

  • Cooldown: 12/10/8/6

  • Cast Point: 0.4

Cannot target Spell Immune (but Spell Immunity does not remove it)

New Bloodrage:

Amplifies all damage taken and dealt (including spells)

A hero affected by the Bloodrage buff who kills a unit will be healed for 25% of the dying unit's max HP, however heroes affected by Bloodrage when killed will heal 25% of their max health to their killer

  • This no longer dispels the target

  • Buff can be dispelled

  • Duration: 9/10/11/12

  • Amplified Damage: 25/30/35/40%

  • Mana Cost: 0

  • Cooldown: 12/10/8/6

  • Cast Point: 0.2

Can target Spell Immune (but Spell Immunity does remove it)

Notes: This no longer silences or does damage over time.

Replaced Blood Bath with a new active ability, Blood Rite

Blood Rite:

Targets an area. An effect that is visible to enemies appears on the ground. After 3 seconds, enemies in the area are damaged and silenced.

Area of Effect: 600
Cast Range: 1500
Silence: 3/4/5/6
Damage : 120/160/200/240 Pure Damage

Mana Cost: 100
Cooldown: 29/26/23/20

Thirst visibility and true sight are granted only when the target is at or below 30% HP (instead of 50/25% for vision/true sight)
Thirst now shows a debuff and a visible effect to the enemy when they are revealed
Thirst movement and damage bonuses are now proportional to how low the enemy's health is [?]
Thirst movement speed and damage bonus increased from 5/15/25/35 to 10/20/30/40

Rupture no longer deals initial damage
Rupture duration increased from 7/8/9 to 12
Rupture cooldown reduced from 70/60/50 to 60

Phantom Lancer
Removed from Captain's Mode
Agility gain reduced from 4.2 to 3.0
Base Agility increased from 23 to 29
Base Strength increased from 18 to 21
Reworked Phantom Lancer:

Spirit Lance: unchanged

Phantom Rush: a passive basic ability for Phantom Lancer, or his illusions, to quickly close the distance to an enemy

Phantom Rush:

Passive with cooldown. Triggers when issuing an attack order on an enemy unit outside of attack range. Grants bonus movement speed and Phase until Phantom Lancer strikes his target.

Minimum distance to trigger: 300
Maximum distance to trigger: 600/700/800/900
Cooldown: 16/12/8/4

Note: Illusions also have this passive.
Note: If the attack order on the original target is canceled, the speed bonus is lost.

Doppelganger: a new ability for dodging immediate danger, and confusing enemies with deceiving illusions


Target an area. Phantom Lancer and all nearby illusions will disappear for 1 second, then have their positions shuffled into the target area. This also creates two illusions of opposite types.

Illusion 1: Deals 0% damage and takes 100% damage.
Illusion 2: Deals 20% damage and takes 600% damage.
Illusion duration: 8 seconds

Cast Range: 600
Target Area Radius: 325
Illusion Gather Range: 900

Mana Cost: 50
Cooldown: 25/20/15/10

Note: This ability dodges incoming projectiles.
Note: Allies can see which illusion takes 100% damage.

Juxtapose: now his Ultimate, and allows both Phantom Lancer and his illusions to create more illusions


Grants Phantom Lancer, and his illusions, a chance to create an illusion when attacking.

Max Illusions: 6/8/10
Illusion Duration: 8 when created by the Phantom Lancer, 4 when created by his illusions
Hero Chance: 40/45/50%
Illusion Chance: 8%
Illusion Damage Taken: 500%
Illusion Damage Dealt: 16%

Note: Juxtapose illusions attack the target that the passive triggered on.

1 respuesta

Increíble parche.

PD: siempre he pensado que el Vanguard era un mal ítem. Gracias Valve por darme la razón.


#14 bonito rework le meten


El nerfeo a la LC bastante merecido la verdad si la metían así en CM iba a ser la risa.


Lol el bufo ese al ogre xD


Added a Bounty Rune
Grats 50 XP+5/min and 50 gold+2/min Can be Bottled
Two runes now spawn in the river every two minutes. One of them will always be a Bounty Rune
Runes are replaced every two minutes if they are not picked up


Puto Arise, me ha pillado bebiendo agua xD


nadie dice nada del agamin del phoneix, ahora dos convertidos en bola xD


DP, entre el nerf y el crimson guard se va a quedar mucho en el banquillo.


Lo de rikki cmo lo veis, pasar al invi a hab y el salto a ulti?

1 respuesta

Bounty Hunter
Shuriken Toss now bounces to all Tracked units within a 900 range




Depende, ahora el salto por cargas, puedes saltar como un cabron sobre alguien, que hace un AA cada vez y daño, not bad.
Y ahora riki lo pasa mejor en linea en early.
A mi me gusta, personalmente.


Ya me he leido todo lo de heroes, y bueno, mayormente, es lo que se veia venir, los rework habrá que verlos in game, y los buffos a heroes como Warlock o Bara se agradecen, sean o no suficiente.

Cloak, Hood and Pipe magic resistances now stack like all other normal magic resistance do
Cloak, Hood and Pipe magic resistances now stack like all other normal magic resistance do
Cloak, Hood and Pipe magic resistances now stack like all other normal magic resistance do


el nerfeo al skm es patético asi de fácil.


El cambio más grande yo lo veo en mid. ¿¿¿2 runas a la vez??? O M G

2 respuestas

#28 Para mi que eso es un bufo para los supports en materia de gankeo



Pues yo opino que es el terreno.
¿Has visto TODAS las imagenes?
Es muy muy bestia, han quitado arboles,abierto caminos...Creo que eso va a cambiar muuucho