Dota: Traspasos y fichajes 2015/2016


#510 no los entenderías


burning y rotk a VG y icex3 a ehome

Xiao8 en su stream hoy , hago capy paste de reddit

Tomorrow Yao and I are gonna travel to Lijiang, and I'll think about whether I'm gonna still be a pro or not. Maybe I'll retire. But even if I don't, I won't go to any other teams other than LGD. When I return from Lijiang, I'll stream everyday.

No, Zhao Jie and I won't get remarried. I won't get married ever again. Even if I want a child, I don't have to be married. My family won't push me whatsoever. (This may not be serious.)

We didn't prepare and practice enough for EG. That's my responsibility.

About BurNIng:

He may join VG. I feel Super fits his play style.

About Sylar:

He's got poor health. He's a introvert. But will get pretty open to close friends.

About MMY:

He's quite pure and innocent. His girlfriend now is his first gf ever. He never would leave a team voluntarily. Even DK kicked him, and then asked him to return, he'd not reject at all. In our last game vs EG, we would never had any hope without his steal from the wyvern with rubick. Though MMY keeps saying they lost because he made the mistake, but who didn't? No one blames him. In so many years I've known MMY, this is the first time I hear him crying so loud... He would not leave LGD.

MMY is the laziest one. We were supposed to get up at 8 a.m. then we had to try to wake him up every 10 minutes from 7 am. Then he'd take a shower for half an hour..

MMY is gonna have his hair transplanted. (xiao8 should be joking.. or not?)

The first thing MMY does after getting up in the morning, is to surf SG, and all the same before going to bed. He'd go for several pages to read the threads about him. If there are some that are praising him, he'd get so happy. Otherwise, "Aye... I'm being flamed again..." He cares a lot about how people see him.

MMY was so strong before returning LGD. After that, we feel that he's got a lot weaker. Maybe we are repressing each other. (jk.. lol)

About Yao

He really doesn't wanna play any more. So, I don't wanna play either.

About LaNm:

He is my father-in-law. (Some of you maybe know, LaNm got a little daughter :)

About Kaka:

Kaka didn't make it to LGD. Maybe EHome provided better terms. I think LGD fits the new players better, but I respect his decision. (But he later said going to EHome is the wrong decision.)(The author feels xiao8 himself wants Kaka to join LGD)

About girlfriends

LGD decided that no one is allowed to bring their girlfriends pre-TI. SQM(Maybe's GF) and MMY's GF were supposed to watch TI in key arena, but in the end SQM were only traveling around Seattle during that time. When TI ended, SQM finally got to see Maybe. GFs infect the players a lot.

About DDC

All those from DREAM have retired, except DDC. He's not retiring. I'm not sure if he's coming to LGD.

About Maybe:

He was not in the best shape in TI5. The epic Maybe will be in TI6.

About Aggressif

Rabbit and Aggressif? I'd say, Aggressif. Rabbit was the most outstanding carry in TI4. Aggressif is the most outstanding carry in all the 5 TIs.

About Big God

Rotk organized us together. I brought iceice with us.
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#315 #512
Periodismo de rigor xD

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#513 Ya hay que estar aburrido


rOtk oficial en LGD ya

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#515 mira macho, YA BASTA

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#516 lo puso en su weibo
The half year with Ehome was not bad (contract with Ehome was just half year), at very beginning I thought this is not a team I want (I did not know YJ very well and I thought 71 was not in a good shape as a coach, DDC did not put all his effort), but after we got along for some time, 71 is actually a nice guy, Lamn is a greater partner of mine, I was trying my best to bring confidence to the team (Confidence for TI5 champion). After TI5, me, Lamn and Burning was in Seattle, drank and cried a lot, we promise to each other we will form a new lineup together. Why? We are not taking our defeats lying down! (I had no choice, YJ has a conflict in position with Burning, so what we planned was let Burning repalce YJ and I want to claim here,none of us has abandoned our promise, just to many unexpected things happend we could not make it. If you do not believe me you can message them through weibo, we finally in three different teams, sigh, I am done with this topic). After we returned to China, there were quite a few teams approached me, I turned all them down and told them I already have a lineup. Then I went to Changsha with LGD to have a vacation.(Tips:ROTK and Burning, Longdd ,LGD rosters except Maybe all went to Changsha had a vacation with Xiao8, Xiao8 and Yao,Longdd live there.) During that vacation, those teams kept approaching me, because my club(Ehome) did not give me a final decision about Burning, so I told them we will decide after I go back to Shanghai( Tips:almost all teams' bootcamps are in Shanghai). I went back to Shanghai with a schocking news that Burning went to VG, Ehome was not able to make a Burning ,Lanm and ROTK lineup finally. I called Burning immediately and he said because he heard I decided to go Newbee with HAO and MU, he was angry then accpet VG's offer without consideration, Wtf. I asked him if he still want to lineup with me, he said yes. So I talked with club's management (Ehome here I think), the answer was no. Lanm was sad as well. Maybe I have differnet concept with 71, he prefers a younger team but I want to fight with my brothers this year. I want results, not achievements,not something like rookie trainner (I think he means that he wants a champion with Burning, not a title like great captain to lead rookies etc.) I am not going to judging who is right or wrong here, just different choices depart us. Last night I talked with lots of teams and players who want me to join in and I choose LGD at last, not gonna provide any reason behind. Anyway, I wish best for all of us. Hope all of us old burdens can have best results, thanks for understanding.


Pero, pero...


jia you


Juas, asian dorama.. me jode que no se juntaran los 3 T_T


Binho es redactor de Marca 100% confirmado

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#521 Yo creia que era Roncero camuflado al 100% xD


Hao y LaNm a Newbee


PPD ha dicho que las Majors van a ser EU, China, NA y NA (TI)

Por cierto, EG ofreció a Notail un puesto en el equipo y él eligió irse a Cloud 9, que crack.

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#524 Lol, ¿por qué? Habría hecho felis a su padre ganando un TI :___

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#525 Antes del DAC, con RTZ fuera de EG mucha gente pensaba que entre EG, Secret y Cloud 9 los américanos se habían quedado con el peor equipo (Sumail era totalmente una incógnita).

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Burning se acerca a LGD.


#524 como tiene que picar eso ahora en la conciencia de n0tail, la verdad me da pena el pobre.

Equipo que toca n0tail, disband confirmed casi seguro.


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Europa moviendose , china lo mismo , NA con todos los equipos listos ya , que coño pasa con CIS?

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#529 Se mueven, pero en la sombra.


#528 Habría ganado una pasta y se habría comido la puñalada que se ha llevado Aui_2000

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#531 Con notail no ganaban ni a navi.

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#532 A mí me da que si PPD le ofreció a Notail antes que a Aui, por algo sería.


Por cierto, nuevas en el reino CIS :) : Silent y Resolut1on siguen en Empire, ya se han registrado para el 1er Mayor.


#526 Yo creo k nadie penso eso ROFL, C9 siempre fue el mas flojo ^^ Todo el mundo sabia k aui fitearia bien en Eg xk es greedy y ppd hace todo. y Sumail ya era top2 en america y sus inhouses vs jugadores pros eran destroces se hacia llamar D3m0n por esa epoca, el xaval era un crack llamado a estar en un equipo top. Yo pensaba k llamarian antes a su hermano k es otro monstruo,xk el era muy pekeño pero a ppd le dio igual xd. Y ya estaba jugando en teams de NADOTA
#529 Falta el equipo de Aui, Yawar TC (Bulba y alguien mas)


rotk se une a lgd, vamos comprando ya las camisetas.


Nuevo team de Aui: TC, Yawar, Bulba, Aui, Biryu

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El propietario es Sunsfan, que decepción, yo me esperaba algo como Liquid, CLG, Dignitas o incluso por soñar TSM.

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#538 Pues sí, squads potentes que vuelvan a meter el morro.

A ver que depara el resto de equipos que faltan por confirmar.


#538 Founder: SUNSfan.

Nada más que decir.

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