E3 2016: Tráiler de The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild


#166 Gracias sinceramente, es una duda que creo que teníamos yo y muchísima gente más. Pues si ya el juego era un instasold, ahora con más razón.

#170 Buenísimo, muy buen curro tío.


#170 Lord Batur, a sus pies. No pensaba leerme la entrevista al inglés por pereza, pero ver el resumen es bien. Y me gusta lo que he leído, aunque admito lo visto en el streaming sobre el equipamiento no me gusta nada.

Y tengo que ver cómo gestionan ese open world en el que van apareciendo cosas. Me gusta la explicación pero me ha sonado raro.


#72 bravely default no opina lo mismo :'(

1 respuesta

#184 Claro, porque Bravely Default tiene el mismo sistema de BTA y materiaszzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz, aparte de que es otra ip y no tiene nada que ver con lo que hablamos

pls, STOP

1 respuesta

laesencia intensifies


#185 de echo una de las cosas que la gente kiere en el nuevo FF VII es el tema de materias, es una de las mejores cosas que tiene ff vii

y si, bravely no tiene nada que ver con lo que ha dicho anubisillo xd


Joder qué maravillosamente bonito todo.


#170 Te robo la traducción para añadirla al OP, thx por el curro bro.


#154 De todas formas, en la entrevisa que ha dado el creador dice que sí hay pueblos y ciudades, pero que por ahora no los van a mostrar ni van a hablar de ellos para no revelar mecánicas.


una pasada el stand de zelda en el E3


4 horas de gameplay del nuevo Zelda

Recap sobre el gameplay:

Lets summarize all the things you can do in Zelda and the changes:


•Open world, go where you want from the start. Obviously some places you wont be able to reach until you get an item.
•Link can jump, climb on anything, swim, run, all governed by a stamina meter.
•Dynamic weather effects the game, if there is wind you can use it to spread fire. If there is a thunderstorm metal can be struck by lightning. Rain will put out fires.
•Temperature plays a role, link cant go into an area too hot or too cold or he takes damage. Need to get better clothes. Or build a fire to stay warm, or use a torch. Or cook various objects and make a potion that gives certain resistances.
•There are shrines scattered around the world, over 100, each have trails of puzzles or combat. Treasures and sometimes new skills are found within. These are not the full dungeons you will also find.
•There are enemy base camps, some have a treasure chest that only opens when you clear the camp.
•You mark the world map. Its not filled with a ton of stupid markers. If you see something you cant reach yet, leave a treasure marker, or an enemy marker for a tough enemy.
•The E3 demo is only the plateau, a small elevated chunk of land where you can spend hours and hours exploring and its like 2% of the full game.
•There will be towns and NPCs but most have been removed for the demo.
•There are hidden Kuroks all over the place, this is from WW so this is tied to that timeline.


•Giant physics based playground, everything is governed by physics. See a boulder, roll it down a hill, it may crush enemies. Can cross a chasm but see large trees, chop it down to create a bridge.
•Fire reacts like fire. If you have a wood club put it in fire and now you have a fire club to light up enemies. Need to make a fire, cut trees to gather wood, find flint, put the two on the floor, use a metal object to strike the flint it mixes with the wood now you have a camp fire to cook. See withered grass, set it on fire and let the wind spread the fire.
•You can obtain a hand glider to fly around the massive world. You can use hot air from a fire to make the glider rise.
•One item is the magnet, it allows you to manipulate any metal object in the world. See a metal box, cant break it with normal items, pick it up with the magnet and crush it against something. You can located hidden chests under water and make it rise. You can pick up metal platforms and use it to crush enemies. You can throw your sword on the ground, use the magnet to pick it up and then swing it around using your magnet power.
•One item is called stasis it freezes an object in time. See gears moving some platforms or a bridge, freeze it. See giant metal spikes rolling around, freeze it. See a seesaw bridge that doesn't let you cross when too much weight is put on one side, freeze it.
•Stasis can be used to freeze any static object then you can hit the object with your sword or another object which transfers kinetic energy to the frozen object so when the stasis wears off that object will explode in the direction you were hitting it. This can be used to launch boulders into the air like a cannon at enemies.
•You get two kinds of bombs, one is round so it can be rolled and one is square so it can stay in one place. You have unlimted bombs, they are on a timer. All bombs are remotely detonated. You can place a bomb, lure an enemy to it and boom. See an enemy hut with explosive barrels, roll a bomb into it and watch it explode to oblivion. you can use bombs to launch objects the same way you do with stasis.
•There is the water ice maker thing. This lets you turn any body of water into a column of ice. See a gate with a puddle of water under it, raise the water up to raise the gate. An enemy is firing lasers at you while you are in water, create cover by making columns of ice. See a freezing body of water that link will die if he goes in, create the ice pillars so he can jump across.


•Mostly its like WW/TP but with new options. If you dodge at the right time you can do a fury strike which slows things down and allows for a super combo of attacks.
•You can pick up any weapon and use it, they degrade fast so you need to stock up on them. All of it governed by a stats system. Enemies drop weapons too, which you can pick up. Different classes of weapons fight differently like a spear is fast and used for thrust attacks. An axe is slow but powerful. Clubs are big and slow and can be put on fire.
•If you fight a skeleton you can shoot its head off and the body will search for the head, if you destroy one head and anothers body, the one without the body will pick up the head from the other guy and reform. You can also rip off an arm and use the arm as a sword, a sword that is constantly wiggling its hands to reach its body.
•Need to find a shield, killing enemies is best way to find them. Or sneak into their camp as they sleep and steal one.
•You can hop on the shield and use it to sled down mountains.
•Enemies can be scouted with the scope which reveals their health bar, most grunts are easy but the demo had plenty of super hard enemies that link was not ready for.
•Enemies have alert states that are shown with classic MGS ? ! icons. They will investigate sound, which you can keep track of with the sound meter. You can sneak up on enemies and do a stealth kill.
•With the arrow you can do some jump slow motion attack that freezes you in the air to aim and shoot.
•Horse back combat is back and its like TP, you can do combos like jump off horse enter glider then do slow motion arrow attack.
•Need arrows, why not taunt enemies to have them fire arrows at you while you dodge them then pick up those arrows to use against them.
•There was a giant rock monster that did insane damage where link had to climb it to reach its weak point.
•Guardians are all around, not sure what activates them but when they come alive watch out, their laser takes like 8 hearts.
•Red and blue enemies are back just like in Zelda 1. Blue enemies are far harder.

Gathering and cooking

•Tons of stuff to gather around the world. Most of it is food, apples, meat, mushrooms, fish. Use those for health. You will not find hearts around the world.
•If you don't cook stuff you get a small heart increase. Cook meat and it will heal better. If you cook at a campfire its not a big increase, cook at a cooking pot and you get a big boost.
•At a cooking pot you can mix all kinds of ingredients, throw in plants that give better stamina with some apples and other foods and you may make an elixir that gives you more speed for a certain amount of time.
•All experimental, try countless combinations to get different potions and food items that will aid you.
•One mix gives you 4 extra hearts on top of your 3 that stay with you until you get damaged. Great for fighting tough enemies.
•Lots of ore and other resources that seem to be used to craft but that wasn't shown. Lots of stuff says it can be traded in for rupees which like hearts do NOT appear in the world.
•You can cut down grass to look for insects. Hunt boar for meat. Different times of days will bring out different animals.

OMG I cant believe that just happened

•Use the wolf amiibo from TP and wolf link appears in your game and is your companion until it dies. It will hunt for you, attack enemies, and so on.
•The scale of the world is insane, they would use the scope to see a tower far in the distance and then open the map to show where it is, its crazy how vast the world is.
•These shrines have great puzzles, one is a gigantic spinning gear with spikes, you need to freeze the gears in time to jump around. Another had a series of rooms with giant boulders which needed to be pushed. At one point you take control of a giant hammer to smack the boulder. You can use all your skills to solve these, no set solution, multiple ways to solve all puzzles.

Feel general del juego

Aunoma said this is a game based on the original Legend of Zelda, my dream game. A Zelda game that just drops you into a world and lets you go.

This represents everything video games could be to me. Yeah that game was 8-bit sprites but this is what I saw. This promise that one day we can play through a world like that. Aunoma specifically made the start of this game after that image. You go to the edge of a cliff that looks just like that and they added the twin peak mountains in the distance. They made that image a dream come true.

Why are the things I posted so special, because the way Zelda handles things compared to other games, it is exactly what I want from games. Giant open worlds have been done before, we play them all the time. Games with physics and emergent gameplay are all over, none of this is new. There are game worlds far more detailed than the empty plains of this game. Games with better combat. But no game does it all, no game puts all those elements together. No game focuses on the puzzles, the level design, the moment to moment gameplay where its number one concern is WHAT IS THE PLAYER DOING.

Playing Witcher 3 you are going to get a grand story, maybe that is what you want. You open your map and see hundreds of icons, things to do. It tells you exactly where it is. You stroll along fighting random grunts the same way over and over. Reach the point where you see your goal, if you don't you will hit a button and a giant glowing line will hand hold you to the spot and you just grab what you want. You go into a random cave and its just that a random cave, there wont be anything special, there will be a monster and a treasure that's it. It will be a series of random hall ways and paths with no real design to it. The player is being pushed and guided every step of the way, no real freedom, no real care as to what the player is doing, its purpose is to get you from one story point to another.

Zelda is mostly the opposite of that. No markers at all in the world, you see something you figure out how to reach it. Sometimes you have to solve a series of puzzles to get it, Sometimes you wont even have the item needed to reach it so you mark it and save it for later. YOU do this., you are the one actively searching, not some glowing line, not a stupid marker, YOU. See a shrine, the equivalent of a cave in most open world games of this kind, well here they give you brand new world altering abilities. The ability to manipulate time, water, metal. These shrines are built with specific puzzles to solve, to use your skills in various ways to get the prize. Each one different from the last each hand crafted for a unique gameplay experience. The world is filled with emergent gameplay possibilities, with all kinds of enemies and different ways to combat them. It isn't a rigid set of melee attacks and spells, you can roll a boulder from above, set traps with bombs and fire, you can use items in various ways like using water to create pillars of protection or maybe raise you up into the air so you can come down with a sword strike. This is player freedom, the freedom to make the gameplay your story.

Yeah sure it wont have a big story, who cares, I want to have interesting gameplay, that is why I play. I know Zelda is going to have loads of great mini games, it will have all kinds of varied gameplay moments, it will have massive elaborate dungeons, huge epic boss battles, incredible puzzles. It will have all the elements I want in a game mixed in the exact way I want it mixed. This looks like my dream game.

A few things do worry me, the emptiness of parts of the world. It maybe just for e3 but where are all the NPCs that have small quests, the majoras mask like influence you have on the world. Where are all the fun things you can easily find to do in every corner of the old worlds. Where are the heart pieces? Will the difficulty continue to be a huge problem? Will there be enough major dungeons? Will it be paced well? We shall see but in Nintendo I trust. For now this is easily my most anticipated game.

Ronda de GIFS para destrozar tarifas de datos:


Sacado de GAF.

2 2 respuestas

A todo esto, no he visto a nadie comentar la inclusión por primera vez en un zelda de doblaje.

1 respuesta

#193 Hey, listen!


#192 gracias por el post. Qué pintaza tiene. Los gifs son puro hamor


Madre mia, va a ser peor incluso de lo que me esperaba

  • no pasa nada si hay algo de vacio en el terreno
  • 100 mazmorras (las misiones infinitas de skyrim WOOOWWW)
  • Perderse es divertido
    -sera mucho mas efectivo ir recogiendo ingredientes para posteriormente cocinarlos
  • Link podra llevar diferentes armas, que se irán desgastando conforme a su uso, por lo que sera importante tener varias armas en nuestro inventario por si las moscas.
  • las rupias las obtendremos unicamente al vender objetos y materiales con los comerciantes
  • Link podra usar el bullet time en combate

Por no hablar del uso del abortableto.

En vez de ser un zelda es una puta bazofia infecta. La unica gracia del juego va a ser ir cogiendo todas las hierbecitas y mariconadas que te encuentres por el campo para craftearlas? Anda no me jodas.

Pensaba comprarlo para tirarlo al cajon nada mas que llegara pero es que leyendo esto no lo voy ni a comprar.

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El juego te lo podrás pasar sin terminar la historia

"Users may not actually get the full story depending on how they play this game and how they strategize and solve puzzles," producer Eiji Aonuma told Polygon. "Users are able to go to the very end goal without revealing why Link woke up the way he did and where he did. Whether you want to reveal the storyline and find out why Link woke up, or you want to just go straight to the goal, that's an option totally up to the user."

When asked, Aonuma confirmed that a player could go directly to the final boss of the game from its opening moments if they wanted. However, he also stressed that he didn't view this as an ideal way to play.

"Anybody who can go straight to the goal without doing anything else — there's two possibilities," Aonuma said. "Either they're a really good gamer, or they could be somebody that's a little bit crazy. But it's not impossible. I created the game like that.


Han hecho el juego perfecto para los que van a las wikis a leer historias


Sale zelda nuevo, qué zelda cambia su status de pésimo a bueno ahora? Por seguir con la cadena y tal.


Si después de ese resumen del gameplay alguien sigue pensando que esto no va a molar que se meta el dedo en el culo.


#192 Que genérico y cutre suena todo, que horror ver con que descaro le están metiendo cosas irrelevantes para RPGS irrelevantes


Yo creo que este va a ser el mejor zelda de todos los que se han hecho y si no tiempo al tiempo. Que algunos os pensáis que los videojuegos tienen que ser totalmente rígidos y no cambiar nunca ni innovar, parecéis abuelos de 80 años quejándoos tanto, y más por cosas que ya se sabe que van a estar en el juego original, como lo de los pueblos.

Menudo hype que tengo encima con este juego.

1 respuesta

Nintendo ya le pego una patada en la boca a la comunidad hater cuando sacaron el Zelda wind waker, le llovió mierda antes del lanzamiento y ahora es un clásico eterno y el zelda favorito de muchos fans.

Nintendo cuida sus sagas y sus fans fieles dándoles lo que quieren, no es Square...


#201 pero que innovacion o cambio ves tu en este zelda? Si ha copiado (lo peor) de un monton de juegos (malos).

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El hilo

Muchos ya tuvisteis que envainarosla con A link Between Worlds. Que no os vuelva a pasar.


Dónde está el HO de Nihon. Trabaja plebeyo.

2 1 respuesta

#205 Pido paciencia, hay mucho que recopilar y el tiempo es el que es. Además que lo quiero mimar :3


Zelda meets Skyrim


Pues caerá day1 con la NX si hay pack y con el amibo que ostias, que mola.


Me gusta bastante lo que veo y el diseño artístico me parece delicioso.

De todas formas hasta que no lo juegue tampoco me hago ilusiones del todo.


Nah, gente a la que no les gustan los videojuegos. :wtf:

A mi el ultimo gif saltando desde la cabeza del caballo me ha encantado! Esas cosicas son las que deberían de intentar introducir todos los juegos de este estilo. De nuevo un Zelda apuesta por la innovación y deja al género en pañales.

Pero de todos modos, sigo teniendo sentimientos encontrados con este juego. :D