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7/20/2013 1:30:00 Super Mario Galaxy 2 Any% 3:45:00
123 7/20/2013 5:15:00 Catherine Any% 2:00:00
124 7/20/2013 7:15:00 Setup 5 Fastest% 0:50:00
125 7/20/2013 8:05:00 Bayonetta Any% 2:50:00
126 7/20/2013 10:55:00 Time Crisis 2 Any% 0:30:00 P
127 7/20/2013 11:25:00 Batman Any% 0:20:00
128 7/20/2013 11:45:00 Batman: Return of the Joker Any% 0:20:00
129 7/20/2013 12:05:00 Batman Returns Any% 0:05:00
130 7/20/2013 12:10:00 Batman: Arkham City 100% 6:45:00
131 7/20/2013 18:55:00 Dark Souls Any% 1:30:00
132 7/20/2013 20:25:00 Portal 2 Co-op 1:00:00
133 7/20/2013 21:25:00 GTA III Any% 1:45:00
134 7/20/2013 23:10:00 GTA Vice City Any% 2:15:00