FIFA 19: Ultimate Team #HO


Pillo a Pogba mañana o intento pillarlo el jueves desde el movil o el domingo? El miercoles me voy de viaje y no juego futchampions este finde

2 respuestas

Pues renato augusto de la SBC de la liga china tiene unos stats que no tiene nada que envidiar a Fabinho. Pero claro, sirve solamente para equipos de brasileños, me lo hare para poner al lado de casemiro a lo box to box.
Siempre fui muy de Oscar, pero el oscar del SBC tiene 40 de fuerza, no vale la pena cambiarlo por Firmino.. o si?

1 respuesta

#3752 paulinho es mejor.


Pero... ¿como coño habéis hecho todo el sbc de la liga china?

Si son un montón, tienen que ser caros.


#3751 Intenta snipearlo a un precio que te parezca bien.


Que tal walker merece la pena casi 90/100 k por un LTD?

Veo que muchos equipos tops meten a valencia que vale menos de la mitad

3 respuestas

#3756 yo probe los 2 y me convencia mas valencia, si quieres ser ultraofensivo y poner los laterales al ataque tal vez te conviene mas walker, yo creo que tardare muchisimo en cambiar a juanfran sbc en mi equipo, es una bestia.

2 respuestas

#3756 #3757 Yo es que uso 4-4-2 y paso a 3-5-2 entonces me interesa el que mas resistencia tenga y el que mas tiro tenga porque defender defienden los 2

1 respuesta

#3756 Walker es más defensivo que Valencia. Es una opción más segura, sobre todo de cabeza.

2 respuestas

#3751 Si no juegas futchampions esta semana no lo compres. Espera a ver si baja el mercado, es lo que te recomiendo.

1 respuesta

si, esta semana si voy a jugar demomento tengo a Aurier pero tengo 450K que van a ir empleados a Erikssen en cuanto baje un pelin más Fabinho y un LTD pero por eso quería saber si realmente vale la pena pagar el doble que valencia.

#3758 #3759 #3757
Los laterales los uso con calma no les tengo que se incorporen al ataque, igual pillo a valencia por ser la mitad y si no me gusta venderlo


Actualizacion de 906mb

Hey FIFA Fans,

The latest title update for FIFA 19 is now available for PC and includes the changes below.


Made the following changes:
You can now make changes to your Game Plans in the Pause Menu during a match.
Changes made to your Game Plans during a match will not be saved after completion of that match.
Swapping players in the Pause Menu during a match, while on the Balanced Game Plan, will now apply those changes to the other Game Plans.
This only applies if you make the changes to the Balanced Game Plan, changes made in the Pause Menu during a match to the other Game Plans will be localized to only those Game Plans and would need to be made manually in the others.
Given the above, if making a change to your team due to a red card, for example, make sure that the change is being made to the Balanced Game Plan.
In situations where the formations being used in your non-Balanced Game Plans are significantly different than those in your Balanced Game Plans, the swaps may not happen automatically.
For example, if you are playing with a formation, on your Balanced Game Plan, that has a Left Back, and swap a Striker into the Left Back spot, and then change to a Game Plan where there is no Left Back, such as a three at the back formation, the swap may not be made automatically.

Addressed the following issues:
The following issues were addressed for volleys where the player fully leaves the ground during the kick, such as a bicycle kick.
Some players were incorrectly taking these kicks without meeting the Agility attribute requirements to do these kicks contextually.
To further explain the above, these types of kicks can happen, in appropriate situations, for players who have an Agility attribute of 80 or higher, or who have the Flair Trait, without the player having to hold down the 'Flair Shot' button.
These kicks were happening in unrealistic situations, such as when the kicking player was bunched up with other players.
Sometimes the animations for these kicks were happening too fast for some players with higher Agility attributes.
These kicks are now more likely to be impacted by error resulting in potentially less accuracy, speed and spin.
The above effect will be more noticeable in situations where executing one of these kicks would be very hard, and less noticeable in situations where executing one of these kicks would be easier.
Rarely, keepers were not picking up the ball when it was close to them.
Rarely, keepers were trapping the ball outside of the box, despite an attacking player being near them, instead of clearing the ball.
Rarely, when the keeper was rushing out of the net, you were unable to take control of him using the 'Move Keeper' controls.
Rarely, after positioning your keeper with 'Move Keeper' controls, the keeper would dive out of the way of the incoming shot.
Rarely, keepers were not picking up the ball after knocking it down with a tip down save.
When playing in a mode with two human controlled players on a team, such as in Pro Clubs or Co-op Seasons, the opponent's defenders were not responding to an attacker running behind the defensive line during a goal kick.
When taking a goal kick, where the target for the kick is very far down the field, the ball was travelling too fast.
Players will no longer wait to take a throw in due to a keeper being out of position.

FIFA Ultimate Team (FUT):

Made the following changes:
We have made changes to the Division Rivals pre-match flow in an effort to reduce the difficulty of some players finding a match.
Your opponent's FUT Club Established Date will no longer be displayed.
Your opponent's FUT Club name and Squad Name will no longer be displayed.
Your opponent's online ID will no longer be displayed on the screen with one exception.
You will still be able to see your opponent's online ID if you use the 'List Members' button, which we are working to remove in a future title update when available.
We are looking to continue to make changes in this area in future title updates when and if available.

Addressed the following issues:
The impact to a player's attributes from Chemistry were not properly displaying in the Pause Menu of a FUT Online Match.
This was a purely visual issue with no impact to gameplay.
The Squad Battles refresh timer was very rarely not counting down correctly for some players.
The Daily Objectives refresh timer was very rarely not counting down correctly for some players.
The latency bars in Division Rivals were not properly updating based on the latency to the dedicated game server location being used for the match.
Sometimes the game was crashing at the start of a match in FUT Online Draft. (PC Only)
The change to your Skill Rating was not being visually depicted as part of the end of the match flow in Division Rivals after a loss.
Sometimes a player's FUT Coin balance would display as 0 after being outbid on an Item on the FUT Transfer Market.
This was a visual issue only.
Stability issue when rapidly pressing buttons on multiple controllers while on the Apply Consumable screen.
Rarely, when viewing a Champions Channel replay, you would receive an error.

Online Modes:

Addressed the following issues:
Resolved some issues where the Pause Menu would not close, and would remain on the screen, after the countdown timer had reached 0.
Sometimes, in Pro Clubs, your Virtual Pro would be playing the wrong position in a match.
This issue was only impacting certain positions when playing in certain formations.

Career Mode:

Addressed the following issues:
Sometimes the game would hang after checking the Mail Inbox immediately after the transfer window deadline day ended.
Some Traits had a blank icon on the Attributes panel of the Squad HUB.
The Traits impacted by this were the Traits that were added to the Front End in the previous title update.
This issue was visual only.
The Playmaker GTN Scouting Instruction no longer has the (CPU AI Only) tag on it.
This was a visual only issue caused by a Traits change in a previous title update.

Game Modes:

Addressed the following issues:
The EFL Championship trophy is now being presented in the final match of the EFL Championship Cup.

Kick Off:

Addressed the following issues:
Having more than 89 unlinked Kick Off Names was causing an error to appear when proceeding to the match selection screen.
The wrong Favorite Team crest and name combination would be showing on the Kick Off tile if the active account was switched.
If one player set themselves to 'Ready' on the Kit Selection Screen, while the other player backed out of the screen at the same time, the player who has set themselves to 'Ready' would no longer have any functionality on the Team Select screen.
Rarely, Kick Off names that were not created by the player would appear in the list of available Kick Off names to select.


Addressed the following issues:
The Chipped Penalty Trait no longer had any functionality in gameplay and will no longer display in the Front End.
This is a continuation of the changes that were made to traits in the previous title update.
The Speed Dribbler Trait now correctly has the (CPU AI Only) tag.
This is a continuation of the changes that were made to traits in the previous title update.
Some Traits were displaying as debug text for some players.

FIFA Trainer:

Addressed the following issues:
Toggling between the 'On' and 'Off' settings for some FIFA Trainer options were causing other changes made to FIFA Trainer options to change.


Addressed the following issues:
Audio corruption could be heard during matches. (PC Only)
Updated the intro audio for DFB-Pokal.
The away team in a UEFA Champions League group stage match was getting audio saying that they won the second match, even if they lost, if they had won the first group stage match.

Visual / Presentation:

Made the following changes:
Your opponent in an Online match will no longer be able to skip your goal replays.
Updates to a number of team kits.
Updates to the Nike Black Cat boots.
Updated the stadium art for the Sydbank Pokalen tournament.

Addressed the following issues:
Rarely, keepers, after making a save, would warp into the net.
Rarely, when the keeper was making a save close to the 18 yard line or the byline, they would perform a slow animation while getting up when it was not appropriate.
Rarely, the keeper would start to dive in one direction to make a save, and would instead animate as diving in the other direction.
Sometimes a player would remain suspended in the air for a prolonged period of time following a mid-air collision.
The three character abbreviation for some teams was incorrect in some languages and has been corrected.
The full team names for some teams were incorrect in some languages and have been corrected.
The scoreboard in Olympiastadion had the crests assigned to the wrong scores.
Collision issue with the team seating area in Otkritie Arena.
Corrected an issue with the stadium art in Signal Iduna Park.
Sometimes the crowd would be missing assets like flags or cell phones during crowd shots.
Fixed issues with a number of team kits.
Corrected the trophy displaying in the 3.Liga playoffs.
Sometimes a trophy's reflection was showing images of skill game assets.
Sometimes the post-goal wipes in FIFA Ultimate Team would be an incorrect version.
Some boots were clipping into the player's socks and into the grass.

Thanks to those who’ve provided feedback. Throughout the course of the FIFA 19 season we'll provide you with more information and updates if and when they become available.

The FIFA Team


El audio arreglado en PC y ya no pueden quitarte las repeticiones de los goles


Fix a las chilenas. Pero no dice nada de la defensa AI.


Lo de "rarely" refiriendose a lo de los porteros me parto el culo JAJAJA. Vamos "rarely" es, pasa todo el puto rato.

Lo de no poder quitar la puta repetición me parece lo peor que se ha hecho en la historia, el que quiera ver repeticiones que se lo vea después, personalmente me parecía uno de los mejores arreglos que se habían hecho. Además lo del r1+l1 para saltar todas las animaciones cuando marcas gol y seguir jugando inmediatamente también es la polla.

Your opponent's online ID will no longer be displayed on the screen with one exception.
You will still be able to see your opponent's online ID if you use the 'List Members' button, which we are working to remove in a future title update when available.
<--- Barra libre para los yiters de nuevo.

1 respuesta

#3765 lo de dejar la repe a mi me gustaba, es un juego psicologico el dejarla o quitarla rapido.

Algun dia remodelaran el fifa con codigo nuevo y dejaran de ser unos putos flojos, arreglen que no da ley de la ventaja en fuera de juegos, los porteros no agarran la pelota cuando va a corner y se quedan mirandola en muchas ocasiones.

Este año algunos fallos que veo:
En algunos controles del jugador que se le va larguisima no te deja cambiar la estrella a otro.
Aunque tengas cambio de jugador en balones aereos la maquina te cambia ala estrella cuando le saledelnabo.

1 respuesta

#3766 Me da igual el juego psicológico, si no quiero pegarme 2 minutos viendo una celebración o una repetición se debería de dar la opción de quitarla. Al menos en la versión competitiva del UT que puede ser el futchampions o Rivals, si es que quieres hacer un juego serio. Bastante juego psicológico tenemos con los kick off goals (2 años sin arreglarlo) o que cualquier jugador de 1,65 con 55 de precisión de remate de cabeza te gane a tus centrales de 1,90 en cualquier centro, vamos...


Que arreglen que cuando cambies de jugador los jugadores se cambien de sitio.

Ayer se me ponia Hernandez (LI) de MD y umtiti de MCD.

Lo pero es que con el primero marqué dos golazos de tiro cruzado :psyduck:


Alguna predicción para el equipo de la semana?

3 respuestas



Yo pillé unos cuantos martiales nada más marcar el gol, más le vale salir xD

1 respuesta

#3769 #3771 Esta claro que fernandinho lewa y martial salen yo creo


Uff ese ter stegen y filipe luis si no salen caros los pillo

2 respuestas

#3773 Yo tengo a Filipe Luis de Champions y ya es una pasada.... no me quiero imaginar el IF.

Lástima que mi Filipe sea intransferible porque con uno me podría costear el otro en PC


Ese filipe debe rendir... Pero joder me salio marcelo en un sobre de 2 jugadores de mejora de oro XD.


Buenas gente, soy fifero de toda la vida y este año estoy probando con un poco mas de ganas el ut. Quedé oro 2 en champions este finde con: lloris,trippier,azpilicueta,laporte,mendy / fabinho fred kovacic / son lacazette mahrez. La verdad no me convencia mucho y en un aire los vendi a todos. Entre recompensas y ventas me pongo en 500k, soy bastante novato, alguna recomendacion?? Habia pensado en una de brasileños.. franceses.. pero no me decido, que haríais??

Gracias, saludos!!

1 respuesta

#3776 A mi la hibrida de La Liga y Premier me va muy bien. Sino puedes intetentar hibrida de Serie A con otras cosas. Mertens es un dios

2 respuestas

#3777 echaré un vistazo gracias, sabeis algun sitio de recomendaciones de plantillas, ejemplos de hibridos algo asi?

2 respuestas

#3773 Ter Stegen va a salir por un pico bien guapo. Ya te puedo adelantar que va a rozar el precio de TC.

1 respuesta

#3777 Mertens jugador totalmente recomendado. Pequeño pero matón