Final Fantasy XIII-2 #HO


Más gameplay cutregrabado

Me gusta mucho y por mucho me refiero a MUCHO


dat flanbananero bicéfalo!

dat music!


Step into the rainbow, find another view
Chase the tender light, borders let's cross over
Ready to define the mists inside your heart?
Take a breath and start your life

That song must be in.


Espero que los infinitos tiempos de carga sean mejorados y MUCHO porque me han desesperado pese a ser un vídeo...

1 respuesta

#634 Lo que necesitas es:


melafo a la merchant pixeleada... tiene muy buena pinta pero me da mucho mucho asco los pedazos de tiempos de carga que se gastaba... espero k eso no llegue aqui.


Crystarium 2.0 abajo

Parece más complejo e infinitamente más confuso, supongo que en la Famitsu de esta semana habrá artículo explicando a que cojones estoy mirando


Imágenes en grande




Necesito que alguien me explique eso


lo de los bonus al expandir crystarium le va a dar gracia a la cosa


Tendremos como pet a Cait Sith? O:


Joder se pueden subir de nivel y toda la pesca a todas las mascotas??? Pfffff esto va a ser increíblemente personalizable por lo que veo xD

Y lo de ver las próximas skills que aprenderás y poder elegir qué hacer al expandir el crystarium mola mucho.


Puede ser el ultimo FF que veamos por turnos, segun Kitase se están planteando que FF XV sea un action-rpg.

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#643 Así que finalmente van a llamar XV a Versus XIII.

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#644 A estas alturas les sale más a cuenta XD


Y sera para PS4. Lo veo.

1 respuesta

#646 Y para ps3, ahora comienza la época con las nuevas consolas "a la vuelta de la esquina", en que todo saldrá para las consolas presentes, futuras y si se da el caso portátiles.


A mi que sea el ultimo FF por turnos no me disgusta, el sistema de combate del FF XII me gusto mucho.


SQE juntó hace poco a un montón de gente a jugar el juego y ya han salido todas sus previews. Impresiones muy receptivas de todo el mundo. Por si os apetece leer

Ahora leed estos cachos

"You're right, for this game we've introduced multiple endings, and the system is heavily related to the Historia Crux that I mentioned before. So basically, when you play a certain time and location, there are several time gates. You may find one, or more than one, but if you find a gate and unlock it, you can jump to another time and location. Basically, your personal story branches differently depending on which gate you go through, so eventually you end up with different endings.

"Another factor is that you bump into monsters so powerful you can't really see them, they're too strong; you can choose not to defeat them and move on with the story. At a later stage, when your characters are even more powerful, you can go back to the previous stage and defeat the monster to unlock a rare gate, which can lead you to a different ending. The different types of gameplay which will lead you to different types of endings."

"As you know, Cocoon is destroyed and has collapsed. So obviously now you'd imagine you'll see Gran Pulse more than Cocoon. However, we're talking about a huge story that ranges several hundred years. For example, a location called Bresha Ruins is a location from the Cocoon side of the game. However, sometimes you play three years after the events of Final Fantasy XIII, sometimes several hundred later. You can't say ratio exactly, it depends how you want to play the game."

"Basically, you talk to one of the NPCs [non-playing characters] and they give you a request to kill a monster or find an item or explore a specific location, and obviously you can expect some kind of reward upon completing the mission.

"When it comes to hidden bosses, there are super hardcore bosses deployed at different locations. When you see them, and you can see them as they're really huge in size, many of them are so powerful if you try to take them on you'll become annihilated in seconds. So what you can do is find a way to fight against them, pass and just move on until your characters are strong enough and then you can go back to the location and defeat these super big, super powerful boss monsters. Succeeding in doing so, you might be able to unlock another time gate and you can move to another time and location again. It's quite interesting."

Suena delicioso!



Un montón de imágenes

1 1 respuesta

Joder cuanto queda hasta febrero aun :<


Yeah! super hardcore bosses


#650 Fuck yes gentleman narasimha :3


Me muero de ganas de volver a España y jugar a esta mierda.


Samples de la OST ->

Me molan mil las de Mizuta, parece que va a ser una gran ost nuevamente.

La de Uematsu es "Groovy Chocobo" y es cuuuuuuuutre.


Imágenes de la intro (probablemente la única CG del juego) tomadas de un expositor en una tienda

Más cosas del sorprendentemente interesantísimo XIII-2

Play Time

The main story can be cleared be cleared in 30 to 40 hours. However, there's a bunch of extra stuff beyond this.

The game's story is split into chapters, each taking about 2 to 3 hours. It appears that one of the goals was to make the chapters fit right into your daily schedule.

You can expect plenty of replay value by rewinding time in the Historia Crux system. The time rewind system, which resets the area to its initial point, is meant to let players try to see what types of things they can do. You'll find a number of events known as "Paradox Endings" if you play around with this system.

Once you've cleared the game, if you restart using your save file, you'll return to the Historia Crux just before the final boss battle. You'll be able to use this as a "New Game Plus" style feature, rewinding individual areas to replay them with your more powerful characters. There are also a number of Paradox Endings that you won't be able to try out until your second passthrough.


Ya empezamos, para luchar contra Omega tendrás que pasar por caja....

Sin puto asco en serio.


Pues na, a ver que DLC trae mi futura Crystal Edition, porque va a caer fijo.


"You'll be able to use this as a "New Game Plus" style feature, rewinding individual areas to replay them with your more powerful characters."

Esperemos que no sea un requisito acabarse el juego e iniciar un NG+ para poder desbloquear el crystarium entero, es algo que no me gusto nada del FF XIII, aunque con lo de los paradox endings puede que sea diferente y si realmente ponen bosses opcionales que merezcan la pena no como los del FF XIII pues adelante.

1 respuesta

#659 Mi teoría es que a lo largo del Crystarium habrá habilidades especiales o quizás "llaves" para desbloquear caminos del Historia Crux que no son accesibles en un principio.