Final Fantasy XV #HO

El procedimiento que vamos a utilizar para comentar el juego será el siguiente: pondremos en spoiler el capítulo en el que estemos para no arruirnar la experiencia del resto. Por ejemplo:

Capítulo 1

Pero si le habré metido casi 20 a Duscae, cuánto me durara? 200h?

1 respuesta

So, recap:

  • Habrán Airships ingame, aunque aún no se sabe cómo se implementarán.

  • Duración de la mainquest de unas 50h. Originalmente iba a durar unas 40h, pero se les ha ido la mano la duración y tienen más contenido del que pensaban.

  • El juego correrá a 30fps, pero aún no es estable.

  • Están trabajando en una posible edición exclusiva de PS4 con motivo de Final Fantasy XV.

  • La siguiente demo se presentará en el evento Uncovered: Final Fantasy XV.

  • Cactuars confirmados.

  • El evento de la semana que viene tendrá muchas sorpresas


2 1 respuesta

¿Listos para "volar" vuestras naves?

1 respuesta


Qué rápido estiamos eh!

1 respuesta

#3034 :ninjaedit:

Mira dentro de tu corazón, sabes que va a ocurrir.


No se si quiero ver todas esas sorpresas antes de tener el juego en mis manos, me da miedo que nos lo destripen en demasía

3 respuestas

#3031 500 entre gasolineras, averias, mirarle los pechos a cindy y dar vueltas por el mapa sin ninguna razon aparente mas que mirar el paisaje

1 respuesta

#3037 y todo ello a unos inestables 25fps
#3036 esa fase ya la pasamos hace años y sabes que al final terminaras viéndolo igualmente x)


#3036 Yo estoy igual, no te creas, pero lo acabaras viendo de una forma u otra salvo que te borres de internet. Es lo normal cuando estás metido en todo esto.


#3036 piensa que son spoilers sanos, O prefieres acabar comprando un FFX-2??


pero si ni siquiera son spoilers que van a decir que no han dicho ya, como mucho dicen algun minijuego aparte del de pesca que creo que mostraron (o puede que me lo este imaginando)


#3032 Los cactilios es, extrañamente, lo que más ilusión me ha hecho.


por otra parte por mi podian ahorrarse los vehiculos voladores, los protagonistas son 4 y tengo esto joder

pensadlo bien, no necesitamos un barco volador, esos recursos podian dedicarlos a otra cosa mas interesante, como un final boss secreto sephiroth :cool:


os imaginais que tenemos que pararnos en gasolineras para los barcos voladores?


Nuevos detalles del stream, sacado del foro de novacristallys

Some additional minor details about the trailer from the live stream (from 31:53 to 1:01:20):
• (While running the E3 2013 trailer) Tabata says SE have been developing XV all this time with the E3 2013 image in mind.
• (While running the Dawn 2.0 teaser) The trailer prepared for the Uncovered event will be a "full spec" trailer with things like story and battle scenes rather than being a teaser like the Dawn ones. Tabata said that during last year's Gamescom and TGS, he prioritized continuing development over revealing footage. He said that making full trailers is costly since taking various parts of development and putting them together are required; the development team also have deadlines to meet at the same time. He also says that he understands fans' request for a full trailer.
• (While running the Niflheim Base Battle Footage trailer) Sneaking is important but not the ultimate form of game play in XV. Tabata says that the size of the game's world means that having destructible buildings and objects all over the world is impossible. That's why they've added in areas such as these bases. This is actually test footage from when the team were working on tweaking friend mechanics. I couldn't understand what Tabata was saying when he was talking about those tests.
• (While running the Chocobo/Fishing footage) Tabata says watching this makes him feel nostalgic. Even though this footage was presented 6 months ago at TGS, Tabata says this footage is a year old. Chocobos in XV have been made faster and higher than those in previous FFs (to get people excited to ride them). Driving and chocobo riding mechanics are similar to regular driving games. Tabata calls fishing “battling with fish," and the activity will feel pretty real. About cooking, people had made actual food and then scanned it for use in the game. There are many ingredients for cooking in the game. Back to fishing, Noctis is a prince so he hasn’t gone fishing before, but in XV, he’ll go fishing for the first time and gradually, over the course of the game, get really into it. In that sense fishing isn’t just a mini-game but also part of the game’s story.

Other details 1 (from 1:01:20 to 1:23:19):
• (World of Wonder picture) Tabata says the Behemoth quest was very different at first from what we’ve seen in Episode Duscae. It used to be that the area lacked any signs of the presence of a Behemoth; instead, it was one of the moments from older games where the enemy reveals itself in a stylish fashion and then the battle begins. However, Tabata says that would be cheapening the experience. The team took advantage of the seamless open world and better technologies to add in a bit of fear and anticipation while advancing in the quest.
• (Battle towel picture) A staff member made this towel herself. Perhaps it’ll turn into merchandise? Just kidding. Tabata says he’ll consider the idea.
• (Behemoth bone picture) These are reference models used to create Behemoths. The key art to the right of the Gamescom one (father and son) is a picture of a fallen Insomnia and Luna that we see at the end of Episode Duscae.
• (World map picture) The team used this model to check scales and whatnot at the start of development. The red dot that we see around the middle of the world map is where Titan is located. The desert area on the map isn’t actually a desert but a plain. When asked about the red and white pins, Tabata says he can’t remember what the white pins are for. He thinks they might have been for towns, but he says the locations are a bit different now. The building we see on the left is the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building model that serves as the model for the palace in Insomnia.
• (Workout area picture) No significant comments in particular here. They went off-topic so I kind of zoned out. This area was set up for employees’ sake when XV had been in deep development.
• (Development floor picture) As mentioned in various articles, Cactuars do make an appearance in XV; they can dodge Noctis’s warps.

Other details 2 (around 1:23:19 to 1:44:52):
• About the release date leak: Tabata says to see at the real event whether or not the date is real. A bunch of viewers tried guessing the release date. Tabata says the date is this year, and the game won’t fall into 2017. About one person’s guess on April, “it’s not spring,” Tabata said. (lol) October and November seem to be popular guesses among the viewers. About May (one viewer commented that his/her birthday’s in May), Tabata did make a comment that they can’t release the game that soon.
• Next week’s event will have more than just the release date reveal. Tabata says hosting an event just to announce a release date is “stupid. Like, 'who do you think you are!?'” A few surprises are also going to be there.
• Why LA? The biggest reason is that delivering news in English means reaching the largest possible audience.
• About Uncovered’s surprises: viewers wrote wild ideas. One person wrote “16” (FFXVI), lol. Tabata says he knows that this event will need to respond to the enthusiasm of the fans. He tells us to look forward to everything.
• Questions from the audience: before that, there’s a bag of chips and a bottle of cola shown on air. They’re cola-flavored chips and potato chips-flavored cola (not kidding, but Tabata later on says it tastes like regular cola) but have nothing to do with FFXV in terms of a collaboration. Tabata swears by Sprite. lol
What is Noctis’s age? A: It will be officially revealed at a certain time.
Have you met Mr. Sakaguchi? The answer’s already been mentioned in other articles. Yes, Tabata did.
Please look forward to the Japanese version of the Uncovered PV.
Do you get along with Yoshida (FFXIV Director)? A: Yes.
What’s the tech demo like? A: Details at next week’s event.
Answering a comment about the game’s length (already discussed).
About airships (already discussed): what form the airship will take had been decided a while ago.
About frame rate (already discussed).
About resolution: they will talk about specifications in detail next week.
About PS4 bundle: in the works (already discussed).
End of questions.

Tabata says some pretty interesting things at the end but nothing too significant. One thing that caught my ear was his comment about achieving in other games things they couldn't do in XV.

Tabata hopes that people will pre-order XV after watching Uncovered (Japan opens pre-orders on March 31 local time, after Uncovered).

He will arrive in Los Angeles on Monday. At the time of the stream, he said that preparations for next week have not yet finished


Tabata Tabata tabata tabata tabata tabata tabata :qq: :qq:


In Tabata we trust.





si XV termina saliendo bien, se convertirá Tabata en el director definitivo en detrimento de Nomura?


Sería la consolidación de Lord Tabata, todo lo que ha hecho hasta ahora estaba cojo por alguna parte... Habrá que ver este


podeis comentar un poco por encima lo importante para los que no se nos da bien el ingles? :qq:

1 1 respuesta



no me lo creo

1 respuesta

#3054 estás mad porque nunca podrás irte de cervezas con Lord Tabata


Joder es enorme, cuesta de creer.


A mi el mapa me está llamando la atención la verdad, no por dimensiones, sino por la cantidad de lagos y recobecos que tiene. Puede quedar material de puta madre para explorar.


3 1 respuesta

Todo esto me recuerda que me compre Type 0 por Duscae y aun no me lo he pasado, time to rush


#3057 se agradece :)


Ooooooooh Jôhô o Arigatô deeesssuuu
Tabata kuuuun <3 kyaa >///<