Football Manager 2013 #HO


sparty te quiero!

1 respuesta

Nuevo parche:


Fixed runtime error when viewing other users match in network game
Fixed rare FMC crash in February 2015
Fixed rare edited Dutch competition crash
Fixed rare instance of save not loading with edited db
Fixed No Transfer Windows achievement/unlockable completion
Fixed sorting of player training focus columns
Fixed display of competition news screen
Fixed potential rating of youth candidates displaying incorrectly
Tuned dribbling generally
Fixed issue that counted too many dubious instances of running past opponent
Toned down poor decision long shots
Fixed some instances of short, under hit passes
Made keepers more aggressive in meeting short back passes
Slight improvement to defender positioning for short goal kicks
Fixed bug that could cause players to try to clear ball from in front of own goal instead of scooping it clear
Improved last ditch tackling and engaging of ball close to own goal
Slightly reduced defender reactions at lower levels
Improved engagement of ball player to reduce effectiveness of running with ball
Fixed some instances where defenders don’t engage ball player around own area until it’s too late
Further tuned kick and header accuracy
Reduced aimless passes into channel from high up pitch
Fixed rare instances of dead ball not being delivered correctly into opposing area
Further tweaked defending against ball player
Fine-tuned run past opponent counts slightly further
Made dribbling slightly harder to achieve at higher speeds
Made most players a favour more direct passes slightly
Small fix to player reactions to loose balls
Made defenders more aggressive in terms of looking to tackle ball player
Fixed players with low closing down settings doing it so high up the pitch
Fixed players set to specifically man mark opponent from leaving him too eagerly to engage ball player
Small fix to specific man marking when opponent goes close to opposition d-line
Fixed some interceptions being logged as tackles
Fixed some instances of players playing opposition onside when defending free kicks
Fixed some more instances of players not reacting to loose balls
Fixed corner phase of play not ending when ball cleared way outside area, causing some bizarre knock-ons
Fixed rare occurrence of play not restarting after a goal
Fixed player not trying to turn and shoot when close to goal
Fixed rare instances of unrealistically inaccurate kicks and passes
Fixed some further issues with players closing down or not closing down properly
Fixed some headers being unrealistically unchallenged due to collision avoidance code
Fixed too many unrealistically weak penalty kicks
Fixed some instances of unrealistically poor first touch
Fixed players getting stuck in nets when retrieving ball
Fixed rare issue causing keepers not to pick up routine ball near edge of own area
Reduced crowding of players going for same ball on some crosses/corners
Fixed assigned throw in takers not always being used for throws in attacking areas
Further refinements to closing down and engagement of the ball player
Some fine tuning of the weighting of short passes
Made wide midfielders pay a bit more attention to opposition full backs
One minor ball physics related fix
Fixed unrealistic dallying on ball
Less aimless clearances up field when not under pressure
Couple more tweaks to closing down logic
Fixed bug where keeper fumbles ball then doesn’t react properly
Reduced risky passes across defence line
Fix for ball passing through net occasionally
Couple more small tweaks to closing down logic
Further improved wide midfielder tracking of full backs
Fixed goal kicks not being taken short
Fixed quick free kicks rarely being taken
Fixed bug where keeper moves a long distance to retrieve ball at free kick and is caught out of position when it’s taken quickly
Fixed bug where keepers’ don’t always try to dive at attackers' feet
Fixed players dropping too deep on some free kicks
Fixed a couple of bugs causing keepers not to intercept speculative balls properly
Fixed a couple of bugs causing players not to react to loose balls or passes correctly
Fixed bug causing player not to attempt jump for ball that he cannot quite reach
Tweak to off ball movement
Slightly encouraged high reward lofted passes
Made players who have just done a burst of running more prone to miscontrol
Fixed bug where player may over-run ball unnecessarily
Slight toning down on accuracy of more difficult kicks
Further fix for incorrect players taking attacking throw-ins
Team talk fix relating to overfamiliarity with manager talk
Improved challenging for headers on long kicks
Fixed nasty knock on relating to players switching off when taking control of ball
Fixed some lofted passes being a bit extreme
Reduced power of ball bounce off post and crossbar
Fixed rare instances of players dallying on ball
Yet further tweaks to closing down logic
Fixed some instances of keeper short distribution not working
Couple more fixes relating to player reactions to ball
Reduced some instances of dangerous passes in defensive areas
Fixed rare bug where play freezes when two players close to stationary ball
Fixed rare bug where quick free kick is decided upon but never taken resulting in deadlock until end of period
Fixed unrealistic instances of players deciding to take over receiving ball from team mate
Very slight increase in width of defensive unit to try to open play up slightly
Fixed bug in pass choice AI that should now result in a bit better decision making
Slight reduction in 50:50 challenges for lower aggression players
Small ball collision fix
Fixed a couple of bugs causing keeper to not try a save
Fixed a rare bug causing players to double up on closing down an attacking player prematurely
Made first touch a key attribute for sweeper keeper
Fixed a bug with players going for the ball too early in the animations

1 respuesta

Bastantes cambios, quizas sea el momento oportuno de empezar una partida.


Algunos no habéis tenido esa sensación de estrellarte la cabeza contra el ordenador cuando tu mejor delantero falla puerta vacia.


Una pregunta, por steam actualiza solo? Y como segunda creeis interesante empezar una? me va bien en la que llevo xd


#2402 Oye, no por menospreciar tu trabajo, pero si vas a aportar una cosa que sea en español, porque esta es una pagina española, solo lo digo porque hay gente, que solo saber decir hello y fuck you Mourinho.<3

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#2406 Su "trabajo" ha consistido en copiar y pegar un texto. Tampoco ha sido algo como para apreciar o menospreciar xDD

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#2407 Hombre, pero por lo menos nos a informaó, yo no sabia que habían puesto mejoras.
De todas formas,ya puse una traducción,mala, pero es una traduccion. Que no me ha costaó nááá.

1 respuesta

#2401 Quien es sparty?
#2410 Solo lo puse en español POR EL TRADUCTOR DE GOOGLE y como sabes no traduce bien siempre.
Y lo pongo porque muchos de aquí no tienen conocimiento del ingles, pero si tu crees que es una bazofia, pues me alegro, traduce lo tu si quieres contribuir.

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#2408 para poner semejante bazofia dejalo como estaba, se entiende mucho mejor en ingles.

"Bola pequeña corrección colisión"
"Tiro fijo asignado a tomadores que no siempre se utiliza para atacar a tiros en las áreas"

Y mas...

#2409 es que joder, no se puede decir que eso que has puesto sea español xD

1 respuesta

Traductor de google everywhere


Menospreciais mi gran trabajo de copia y pega.Ahora mismo me tiro por la ventana...<3
#2413 y tu iras al infierno, con satanas!!! juas juas

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Uuuuh pelea de gatitas!

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Soy el unico que tiene ganas de tirar el pc por la ventana cada vez que te marcan un gol y te sale es su primer gol de la temporada?

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#2412 echamos un poco de barro para animar esto? jajaja No iba con intencion de ir al cuello, pero es que me hizo muchisima gracia lo de aportar alguna cosa en español y ver ese copypaste de español klingoniano xD

1 respuesta

#2415 Eh estado haciendo mensajes para que esto se anime, parecía que ha pasado Chuck Norris aquí y los han acojonado a todos para que no digan nada xD.
En fin, ya no se ni lo que digo.


#2414 Me pasa exactamente lo mismo y cuanto más avanzada la temporada peor.


¿Soy el único que le gusta tirar ordenadores por la ventana?¿O, soy especial?
Bueno, con la salida de esta nueva versión voy a empezar otra partida con Las Palmas con el difícil objetivo de convertirlo en el mejor equipo del mundo, el mas rico, y conseguir una alineación 11 del mundo.
Primer obstáculo matar a Tito Vilanova y a Sir Alex Ferguson y que me llegue una oferta.


#2414 A mí esos siempre me marcan de corner además...

1 respuesta

#2419 a mi también , aunque eso es más entendible ya que al córner suben los centrales , mc y etc xD
pero que te entre el tipico delantero tuercebotas que no la mete ni al arcoiris y te joda un partido en el 90' es mítico xd


Madre mía, ya era hora de que arreglasen el runtime error cuando entrabas a ver partidos de los demás, hoy he vuelto al vicio con mi colega, ya tenía ganas xD


#2414 añade a eso si quieres, que ocurra a mitad de temporada o mas, el rage se multiplica x1000 jajajajaja


Una preguntita, ya es el segundo entrenador que se me retira, primero Cruiff y ahora Del Bosque a final de temporada se va también.

Alguno que vaya genial?


Poner vuestras horas jugadas a FM13 y veamos quien es el mas enganchaó
Aythami27 : 100 horas
iFRiT89 : 170 horas. ( #2425 )
Mystee : 497 horas. ( #2426 )
HoRus: 138 horas. ( #2427 )
IKraw : 156 horas. ( #2426 )
dZ : 119 horas ( #2426 )
Dronon : 260 horas ( #2432 )
NosFeR_ : 194 horas ( #2435 )

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170 horas


Hace dos meses que no juego y tengo 497 horas... xD

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138 horas por aquí :)


#2426 Dios es que es un vicio xd



#2426 Mystee wat r u doin, Mystee, stahp

119 Horas aquí.


Y yo me creia un friki... xD