Con una pic y un pequeño texto Square Enix anticipaba en una de las revistas oficiales de Xbox 360 que el próximo Front Mission (SRPG futurista con mechas) estaba en camino. 0 datos al respecto, habrá que esperar al E3 pero por el momento parece que se trata de la sexta parte de la saga y que será para Xbox 360
[i]Square Enix Bringing New Mystery Title to Xbox 360.
Oh, surprises... we love surprises!
All they'll tell us is that this new game is based on one of their existing IPs, so a little research narrows the candidates considerably. Mechs? A futuristic city? Well at the risk of being taken out by the Sueenix lawyer ninjas, we'd have to guess that the mystery title rhymes with "Brunt Fission." If this ends up being true, then can we expect more of the tactical brand of role- playing strategy that the mech series is well known for? Of do the creators have something different in mind for the shooting loving Xbox crowd?
Apparently, all will be revealed at E3 in June. Check back next issue and we'll have all the answers.[/i]