el juego llevaba acabado medias hora.
fuck bio, creo que probaré está build en TvP, no es un puto allin y parece efectivo.
Optimus siempre tiene esa cara de sobrao cabroncete
El noblesse parece emocionao de estar en Code S xDDD
How to make Protos better.
Make chrono boost affect the construction rate of buildings.
Make Stalkers run faster.
Make chrnoo boost 20 energy.
Increasse Sentry damage, make force filld kill a unit if place directly on top of them.
Give Mothership a Yamoto cannon move.
Carriers are fine.
Make it so when a Void ray is fully charged it cant go uncharged but make it that they can only attack one target at a time so its balanced.
Give High templar a normal attack thats good against mech.
Allow Nexis tha ability to teleport to any location withihn sight (takes long time though). Also give Nexus the ability to warp in Probes for 10 energy.