[GSL July + GSL August + GSTL]



MvP se lo ha comido




:( :( :(


hoy por hoy y a estos niveles un protoss no tiene nada que hacer ante un terran que cometa pocos errores y no hay mas


Habria sido divertido ver los comentarios de Flan en el MVP vs MC


MVP es mucho mejor player que MC

MC overrated


desde que MC suelte alguna burrada nos meten un buff.
Yo sinceramente esperaria los buffs que puse en #4078 quizás añadiendo:

Phoenix build time reduced 40%
Phoenix can now shoot ground units without needing to pick up
Phoenix are now detectors
Shields now reduce damage by 50% as long as they are active
When an enemy unit is in the pylon energy field, that unit moves 25% slower

1 respuesta

2/10, muy obvio


Otra vez los pesaos de Movistar llamando a Yellow.....


#4087 Warp de colosos. Le daría mucha vida al juego.


Y que ataquen a aire también, eso es básico.


Y que los zeas echen fuego pr el culo en plan hellion


inmortales con 6 de rango y atacando al aire.

ami me vale con eso xD.


no me parece disparatado nada de lo que comentaís


A la banshee si que podían hacer que disparara algo más lento


Algo mas razonable seria que los stalkers tuvieran 2 ataques en vez de 1, asi los upgrades servirian de algo.


TvT y mvp tortugueando! oh dios -.-


ahi ahi a tope de skill en el TvT Moar Tanks!!!!


Fuera mamaship y colossi. Arbiter y reaver en su lugar.

1 respuesta

#4099 para eso esperar al 2014/5 a la expansion d los P


si mc no gana a noblesse ya podéis despediros del presidente en code s


eso me temo si...:D


somehow related:

Fightan fags, why are your games so shit? why is your community so terrible? Do you guys seriously think it takes any skill to play fightan anymore than it takes skill to work at a Nike factory in China making shoes? All you have to do is memorize how to press buttons really fast in order to input combos, take advantage of OP strategies (every fighting game is broken) to be able to do well.

why don't you play a real game like starcraft? any of the shitty fightan 'pros' you faggots look up to barely makes any money compared to the starcraft players in korea. SlayerS Boxer has made well over a million dollars during his hundreds of televised matches, comercials, tournament wins and the founding of his own teams SK Telecom T1 and SlayerS. StarCraft players have been playing the same game for 11 years because it's actually a good game instead of shitty broken games that get churned out every two years.

How does it feel to know that Bisu can afford to buy a ferrari using his tournament winnings and is lusted after by thousands of FEMALE korean fans? how does it feel to know that the average starcraft 2 pro at MLGs gets to sign chicks tits, usually has a harem of women chasing after him and can make thousands of dollars on a single weekend? The last GSL grand prize was around $50,000 USD and went to the God Zerg himself, NesTea. NesTea is the highest earning StarCraft 2 player ever, winning 3 GSLs and performing well in other tournaments to earn over $200,000 in less than a year.

StarCraft is a game of real skill that people who actually care about talent play and watch. enjoy your broken games and shitty community fightan fags, there's a reason only niggers and nips play street fighter

itt: ass decimated fightan fags


joer cuanto odio xDD

Pero que razón tiene el jodío


SF needs no skill...

"sign chicks tits" WTF? xD


receive nothing but nerf for a year
still the best race
zerg/protoss are you even trying


acaba de terminar?


Proof of how ridiculously imbalanced the game is.


buff incoming in 3,2,1 .....


Me conformo en que le quiten stim a los marauders.