Hidetaka Miyazaki ya trabaja en una nueva IP


Hidetaka Miyazaki ha hablado en una entrevista reciente con el portal GNN (hace unos 3 días en una visita promocional a Taiwan organizada por Bandai Namco) en la que explica que ha terminado con la saga Souls, pero deja la puerta abierta a otros equipos dentro de From Software para continuarla en el futuro (intuyo que se ha visto "obligado" a ello por las más que satisfactorias ventas que está teniendo Dark Souls 3).

También ha confirmado que actualmente el estudio nipón ya trabaja en una nueva franquicia. De acuerdo con él, este desarrollo no tiene relación con ninguna serie o licencia que hayamos visto previamente.

Por último, mofletitos también ha mencionado que el segundo contenido descargable que formará parte del pase de temporada de Dark Souls III no se lanzará hasta principios de 2017 (hace unos días Bandai Namco y From Software anunciaron que el primer DLC se lanzaría durante los meses de otoño en PlayStation 4, Xbox One y PC).

Parte de la entrevista traducida por un user de reddit (puede haber algunos errores)

"On April 23rd, BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Taiwan invited Hidetaka Miyazaki to Taiwan for a press event. Taiwan gaming site GNN asked him several questions.

Source link - http://gnn.gamer.com.tw/2/130902.html

I will try to translate a few key questions. My Chinese is not very good so feel free to correct me.

Q: The central theme of Dark Souls is fire. Fire represents life and death. Why did you choose fire as the symbol of the game?

A: There are two reasons for this. We didn't use light as the symbol of the game because light gives off an 'absolute' kind of vibe. It represents strong and unwavering positive imagery. Fire, compared to light, gives people an unreal and wavering impression. Fire also represents dual properties like hot and cold, light and dark, life and death. The uncertainty of Fire is more suited to the world of Dark Souls in my mind.

Q: Previously, the protagonist was called 'Undead', in Dark Souls 3 he/she is called 'Unkindled'. What is the difference between the two?

A: Dark Souls 1's protagnist is Undead, its story is about linking the fire. But Dark Souls 3 depicts the Undeads who didn't succeed in linking the fire and become cinder, but failed and burned to nothing. Unkindled is born out of their remaining ashes. Unkindled exist to inherit the past and put an end to this cumulative tale.

Q: Dark Souls is known for its difficulty. How did you balance the game so players can feel the high difficulty but won't give up because of it?

A: When I balance games, I always emphasize on fairness over difficulty. I will not punish the player for no reason. For example when I'm placing enemies, I will not put a lot of enemies on a dead end road to overwhelm the player. I would put them in a blind spot to ambush the players who aren't careful. So player would feel: 'oh it's my fault I died here, but I can do this if I try again'. Let players learn from their mistakes, overcome obstacles and feel the sense of accomplishment.

Q: But people feel in Dark Souls 3 the difficulty of boss battles was toned down. Was the difficulty adjusted this time?

A: Indeed, we've received feedback that Bloodborne early game was too difficult and many inexperienced players were frustrated. Therefore Dark Souls 3 early game difficulty was toned down to guide players into the game. Of course veterans will feel it's too easy but they should be satisfied with late game difficulty.

Q: Is there any plan to collect feedback and make adjustments in the form of updates?

A: Of course we are always balancing the game. In fact we have several updates out already. But game balancing is very difficult and we often receive harsh feedback from the players. But we will keep listening and make adjustment as needed. The latest update will be out in a few weeks.

Q: How many DLCs will there be?

A: We will make three large DLCs as planned. First one will be out in Fall 2016, Second one in Early 2017, Third one doesn't have a date yet.

Q: Many story elements in Dark Souls 3 directly relate to the first game. Did you envision there will be sequels when you were first designing Dark Souls 1?

A: Actually one of my hobbies is to design settings and lore. When I was making the first game I already had the whole picture in my mind. The entire design is pretty big and it took three games to fit everything in. Honestly I didn't know we could go all the way to the third game.

Q: I know you said there won't be any sequels and Dark Souls 3 marks the end of the series. But is this world really coming to an end? Is there a chance there would be some kind of DLC, spin-offs or tie-in novels set in this world?

A: Dark Souls 3 will be have several DLCs like previous games. But there's absolutely no plan right now for any sequels, spin-offs or tie-ins. But I can't say for certain the possibility is 0%.

For example, if a FROM Software developer come to me five years from now and beg 'please let me make another Dark Souls'. Then I will not rule out the possibility to let my subordinates start a new project.

What is certain for now is, to me personally Dark Souls is over. So rather than make another sequel, I think it's time we take a step to a new direction. Development of a new IP has already begun.

Q: In the industry, a popular serialized IP will always have many sequels to keep the 'momentum' going. What made you decide to stop this popular franchise?

A: Actually I don't think sequels is a bad thing. There are examples of a sequel becoming a great game by building on experiences gained from previous games. To have a popular franchise is a great thing. On the other hand, At what point do you stop a series? How do you do it? It's not an easy decision to make.

But for us, rather than making sequels, we FROM Software want to make new things and challenge the unknown. At the moment it's too early to tell if what we are doing is right, maybe the result will reveal itself in five or ten years from now.

Q: So we won't be seeing a Demons's Souls sequel or remaster any time soon?

A: We want to try making new things.

Q: What about Armored Core sequel?

A: Personally I want to do it. After all I was involved in three games in the series. Armored Core is one of the pillars of FROM Software's lineup, but I can't reveal anything at the moment.

Q: Souls series is over for now. What kind of experience has this journey been for you?

A: Looking back now, I think it's a fortunate and blessed journey. I was given an opportunity, I walked this path with BANDAI NAMCO, FROM Software team and the players together. There are many touching memories along the way. A game like Souls, where there's no map, you die in a few steps and nobody knows what's going on, for this game to become such a beloved franchise via word of mouth, I feel like I'm such a lucky man. These past six, seven years is a treasured time period for me. I couldn't even imagine where I am today ten years ago. For this journey to not go to waste, I'm going on another fortunate journey and make better games to repay people's support.

Q: Miyazaki is not just a game direct but the president of FROM as well. People love your games very much but does the responsibilities of company president hinder your involvement in game development in the future?

A: I can guarantee, I will stay as a game director for at least another five years. To be honest I entered the game industry not because I want to be a president, but because I like to make games. I find making games more fun. If I'm not allowed to make games then I rather not be a president.

Of course, as a president I make necessary decisions and judgement. It might be cliched but FROM Software is a great company. Because BANDAI NAMCO and SIE and our parent company Kadokawa are very good to us, I can just focus on making games and let other people handle president affairs. I really appreciate everyone's forgiveness for letting me do this.

Q: What's your definition of 'game'? What does 'game' mean to you?

A: I think fundamentally game is built on 'action'. For example, pressing a button on the controller call be called an 'action', but if there's a purpose for this action of pressing buttons, then it's called a 'game'. An action without an purpose can only be called 'work', action with purpose brings 'possibilities'.

I think games should let players discover possibilities and feel a sense of accomplishment. This kind of experience can only be achieved with games. That is why I'm so enthralled by making games and often lose myself in it."


What is certain for now is, to me personally Dark Souls is over. So rather than make another sequel, I think it's time we take a step to a new direction. Development of a new IP has already begun.

Hell yes.


Habla de 3 DLC's para Dark Souls 3, me da que eso es un error de traducción porque siempre se había dicho que eran 2... dunno, a ver si los fags de GAF u otro sitio que sepan chino lo traducen bien.

2 respuestas

Armored Soul: Dark Core


Yes. Fuck. Yes. Hazlo otra vez mofletitos


A: I think fundamentally game is built on 'action'. For example, pressing a button on the controller call be called an 'action', but if there's a purpose for this action of pressing buttons, then it's called a 'game'. An action without an purpose can only be called 'work', action with purpose brings 'possibilities'.


Y esto es lo que significa ser un buen creador de juegos.


Oh si nueva IP :qq:

#3 Si, Bamco decía que 2, igual es error de traducción o algo, porque hasta ahora se han dicho 2 siempre. Eh, que si son 3, mejor.


Goty del 20XX, lo leisteis aqui primero


El mismo juego con otro nombre. Luego os quejáis de COD y FIFA.

4 2 respuestas

Quiero información de esa nueva IP ya!!


#9 :psyduck:

5 juegos que siguen el mismo (buen) diseño y con mecánicas progresivamente mejoradas son completamente equiparables a llevar 10 años haciendo lo mismo cambiandole el numero y la potencia gráfica.

Cuando lleven 10 juegos de aspecto souls pues sí, todavía se les podrá criticar de repetitivos pero esa comparación, de momento, está fuera de lugar en mi opinión

1 respuesta

#9 ¿Qué problema hay con COD y FIFA?

1 respuesta

Es que es lo que tiene que hacer y decir. Él no puede parar la producción de más Dark Souls pero sí puede mandarla a la mierda y hacer algo nuevo y bueno. Al menos con el 3 ha intentado dejar la saga lo más cerrada posible para imposibilitar otra secuela.

Como Shitco anuncie otro Souls, va a ser basura.


#12 Que son mierda.


#11 El Dark Souls II bueno aahahahaha

1 1 respuesta

#15 es buen juego aunque sea el peor souls casi sin duda alguna.

11 1 respuesta

#16 +1, está muy de moda y es de hipsters actualmente odiar el dark souls 2 cuando fue un buen juego


Oh boy ya empezamos con la tontuna de DkS2?

Me alegro por el equipo y por él, nueva IP que será gloriosa, siempre y cuando esté alejada del espacio


Tres DLC... ni BB tuvo tantos. Me esperaba que fueran 2.


Ahora pensaba que estaba yo confundido. A ver si nos despejan esa duda de 2-3.

1 respuesta

Me gusta que no vayan a tocar más BB. Mejor, que quede ahí, en el trono.


Quizás si bien el dks 2 base no es tan bueno, pero con la versión scholar y los dlc quedo un conjunto muy muy bueno.

Lo curioso es que dks3 tiene alguno de los fallos del 2 como hogueras muy juntas y nadie a dicho nada.

1 4 respuestas

#21 Yo lo digo, me parece una mierda también pero no quiero desviar más el hilo.


#21 ¿Disculpa?

Y lo que mata a DkS2 es la velocidad del estus. Simplemente me niego a jugar otra vez a algo parecido. El simple hecho de que ese estus exista, hace que el juego me de cáncer (menos Ivory).


Hasta a la gallina de los huevos de oro se le puede acabar la pintura dorada. Un descansito de un par de años como poco le vendrían bastante bien.


Si lo hace, que no lo haga exclusivo de ninguna plataformas. Ya estoy mirando precios de ps4 para pillar BB y es mirar hacia la ps3 que la tengo muerta del asco y es el principal motivo por el que todavia no la tengo...puta bida.


#21 y tanto, han dicho que estan muy porque los mobs son muy agresivos y claro lol deben estar juntas xDDDDD

Debe haber un ejercito de mobs ultra agresivos entre el bonfire de Dragonslayer Armour y Archives


Hypeado me hallo


Sin chistaco lo de las hogueras, ¿os acordáis de que en BB también pasa? Y ambos tienen level design similar. La diferencia con el 2 es que es un pasillo de mierda y el 3 tiene mil ramificaciones por el mapa y con una vas hacia una dirección y con la otra vas al lado contrario, que normalmente lleva a un boss cercano.

El assblast al hilo de DkS3 no aquí, que no pinta nada.

1 respuesta

#28 Debo tener una memoria muy mala, porque no recuerdo ver ninguna lámpara desde otra. Cosa que tampoco pasaba en dks2.

1 respuesta

#29 Si la distancia es lo de menos, es el hecho que enciendes una, caminas 4 pasos sin enemigos ni nada y hay otra.

Tienes la de Shadows of Yharnam -> Byrgenwerth, por ejemplo, la distancia es casi la misma y el uso también es el mismo.

1 respuesta