HoN: Noticias HoN Test Server


?¿?¿?¿ que dices? XD


mmm pues lo que hace el ulti mejorao :\


lo que quieren decir con eso es que te sigue bajando el cd a 20 segundos pero puedes cambiar lo de que te hookee a aliados tambien.


Ah, no recordaba que con el staff te dejaran hookear aliados :)

Sorry, la falta de uso del pharaoh/STOM


Kaneas manco :E


El más :D


Por hablar del pharaoh, he jugado una con el ahora mismo y la verdad si tu equipo te acompaña cuando te lanzas a la batalla es uno de los heroes mas divertidos.
Eso si, normalmente eres master assistant, 1-2-15 que me he marcado xD el mas cercano en asist creo que tenia 8. -_-


guardate el nuke para last-hittear y te llevaras unos cuantos


y codex para doble-nuke-ultraksmachine


q triste xdd


yo uso el nuke para hacer harrass o en su defecto.. disparo a mid para tenerlo con miedo en early y en mid/late suelo disparar a lanes vacias para supermegafarm de mi lane/woods+otra random :3


Han puesto nuevos ¿avatares? o fotitos al Corrupted Disciple y al Doctor Repulsor.

a ver si un alma caritativa puede insertar.

El del CD mola muchisimo.

Fuente: http://forums.heroesofnewerth.com/showthread.php?t=175066



dios mola bastante, aunque no pega mucho en comparacion con los demas xD
esperemos que cambien mas


parche 0.2.96

  • Added lots more Halloween stuff. Runes, Pumpkins, Spiderwebs, Kongor, Devourer, Wards, Wells, Legion creeps, etc.
  • Fixed the few issues with Grimm's Crossing. Oops.
  • Updated French stringtables for the tutorial, courtesy of QualQuek, Bass, Jelucyr, Tyr00, Neuroleptik.
  • Finished removing the All-Heroes option, it is now default
  • Reverted Kongor's superfast attacks
  • Normalized the building gold and Kongor kill gold
  • Hid some states that should not have been shown
  • Fixed some tooltip errors
  • Put old Corrupted Disciple icon back.
  • Added new debuff states for Swiftblade's Blade Frenzy, Magmus' Steam Bath, and Tempest's Meteor so players know when they are taking damage and when they are not

Alchemist Bones

  • Reverted for now


Range to (600,650,700,750)
When on ground, destructible in 2 hits
Radius to 250
Cooldown to 14 seconds at all levels

  • Put blue numbers over the bomb to display how charged it is

Radius to 250
Damage to (20,30,40,50) per wave
Slow midpoint moved to 33% into the 1 second slow duration instead of smooth

Recharge time to (10,8,6,4) seconds per charge
lower mana cost to match reduced dmg
Damage per charge to (25,50,75,100)
Radius of explosion to 250

Damage to (200,275,350) Magic per bomb
Now SOTM upgradeable, leaves behind Napalm for 4 seconds that burns for (60,90,120) Magic DPS


  • Q now disjoints


  • Burning Tar from Tar + Rockets now stack.
  • If you Tar someone then hit them with 3 rockets, they will take 150 DPS instead of 50
  • TarToss
  • Cooldown from 25/20/15/10 to 18/15/12/9
  • Cast action time from 0.25 to 0
  • Sawblade Showdown
  • Initial damage increased from 100,200,300 to 200,300,400
  • Can not take the initial damage again for 2s after leaving the saws even if you re-enter them

Flint Beastwood

  • Reverted Flare back to instant damage instead of a DOT


  • Fixed up the weird numbers associated with Enfeeble




No me gustan nada los skins de Halloween xDDD


Parche 0.2.97 Test Server & 1.0.15 Retail

- Halloween on Newerth has arrived...

  • Increased the number of hero slots on the picking screen.
  • Quick stats favorite hero % will now display correctly for accounts with over 32,000 seconds played on that hero
  • Added EM % to quickstats
  • Fix for that infinite life infinite spawn simpleemitter particle on the background effect
  • Fixed almost all of the tooltip bugs and errors thanks to ElementUser
  • Removed the "All Heroes" option
  • All games are now "All Heroes" by default
  • The "selected" buff icons no longer incorrectly pop / blink
  • Fixed Bloodlust gold reward from not being logged correctly
  • Updated French stringtables for the tutorial, courtesy of QualQuek, Bass, Jelucyr, Tyr00, Neuroleptik.
  • Normalized the building gold and Kongor kill gold
  • Hid some states that should not have been shown

  • Added some new effects to the neutrals who have abilities


  • Kongor now has a larger health bar
  • Kongor now has 75% Magic reduction
  • Kongor base armor lowered from 3.5 to 3
  • Kongor attack range increased from 100 to 128
  • Added effects and partial tweaks to his stomp


  • Crow ferrying now refills to 2/3 instead of full


  • Fixed it to be a proper sum of its part
  • From 11 Damage to 12 Damage
  • From 15 Attack Speed to 25 Attack Speed

Logger's Hatchet

  • No longer works on Kongor

Mana Battery

  • AoE radius from 1600 to 1200
  • Health gain from 12 to 10 per charge
  • Cost from 210 to 200

Power Supply

  • AoE radius from 1600 to 1200
  • Health gain from 15 to 10 per charge
  • Cost from 290 to 240

Ghost Marchers

  • No longer let you move through Pollywog Priest's Voodoo Wards

  • New Legion Int hero, Bombardier
  • Tagged a lot of hero abilities so they will only play the custom voice response instead of two overlapping ones
  • Added new debuff states for Swiftblade's Blade Frenzy, Magmus' Steam Bath, and Tempest's Meteor so players know when they are taking damage and when they are not


  • Correctly hid her stunned state
  • Base agility from 27 to 26
  • Strength gain from 2.3 to 2.1
  • Dimensional Link aura radius from 900 to 800
  • Aurora AoE from 300 to 275, damage from 25/50/75/100 to 40/65/90/115

Blood Hunter

  • Fixed him gaining health from illusions


  • Shell Surf now disjoints


  • Tar Toss
  • Cooldown from 25/20/15/10 to 18/15/12/9
  • Cast action time from 0.25 to 0
  • Sawblade Showdown
  • Initial damage increased from 100/200/300 to 200/300/400
  • Fixed bug that placed a lingering DoT on enemies who ran through the saws quickly which artifically increased its damage
  • Can not take the initial damage again for 2s after leaving the saws even if you re-enter them

Corrupted Disciple

  • No longer can get an infinite damage boost in certain situations

Dark Lady

  • Dark Blades damage increase from 50/70/90/110% to 50/60/70/80%
  • Taint Soul cast range from 1200 to 800/900/1000/1100


  • Fixed up Willowmaker's tooltip to list duration of debuffs


  • Maximum health gained from devouring from 100/150/200 to 75/125/175 per charge
  • Fixed tooltip on Devour to display correct duration of charges (7s per charge, incorrectly listed 10s)


  • Cooldown on Electric Shield from 2 secs to 0.5 secs
  • Cleansing Shock SotM effect changed: instead of bouncing, it purges target and yourself at the same time
  • Cleansed now loses its movespeed bonus smoothly over the whole duration
  • Purge damage on summoned units is now pure instead of magical


  • Fixed Burning Shadows so it does not reveal enemies hit for a longer time than intended

Flint Beastwood

  • His Flare effect will no longer play in the fog
  • Fixing a bug causing him to say several different voice responses when using Flare


  • Fixed Grapple hit detection while right next to someone


  • Removed the attack, replaced with a slow aura with 7/14/21/28% 300 radius AOE slow


  • Projectile speed of Torrent increased from 1000 to 1250


  • Terrifying Charge
  • Damage is now instant instead of through an attack
  • The increased movespeed is kept for an additional second
  • Decapitate range increased from 150 to 175


  • Allied units will no longer 'block' the casting of Lava Surge


  • Removed silence from Flick, made it a stun instead


  • Increased casting speed of Puppet Show and Voodoo Puppet
  • Cast action time lowered from 500ms to 300ms


  • Will no longer gain charges if he dies and an attack is in midair that kills something


  • Shiver is no longer Magic Immune, but is now Splash Immune


  • No longer applies his silence aura to enemy heroes he cannot see


  • Mojo can now be double activated to cast on self
12 días después

Parche 0.2.99 Test Server

Bugfix patch!

New Hero - Moraxus

  • Chipper's stacking DOT from rocket+tar is now 15/20/25/30 per charge (Down from 20/30/40/50, which was nuts)

updated stringtables with bugfixes

  • Fixed Nighthound's attackscheme when he is in cloud so it functions correctly.
  • Corrected Valkyrie's Javelin speed from 837 to 857.14
  • Andromeda's Void Rip will now disjoint her as well as her target on use
  • Bubbles' Take Cover will now properly trigger from invulnerable sources of damage
  • Bubbles' Kelp Field will now properly stun invulnerable units that move out of the radius (Magmus Lava Surge, for example)
  • Bugfix for Ophelia's Judgment so it unbinds the target when they are teleported
  • Ophelia's Judgment can no longer be cast on allied lane creeps
  • Fixed an old bug with Ophelia that lets her perma-block a neutral creep spawn with illusions
  • Wildsoul Bear's Root will now correctly last 9 seconds on non-hero units
  • Witch Slayer's Power Drain will now instantly kill illusions on use
  • Fixed Bombardier's Boom Dust so it is correctly blocked by Null Stone
  • Correctly unbind the targets of Nymphora's Teleport
  • Nymphora's Teleport now picks the closest targets to her, not random ones
  • Puppetmaster's Puppet Show now silences as well (This is a bugfix for weird situations it can cause)
  • Pharaoh's Soul will again reveal around itself while in flight properly
  • Pharaoh's Wrath of the Pharaoh is now a Superior Magic instead of Superior Physical touch to fix some issues. No gameplay change.
  • Bugfix for Kraken's charge warping people around
  • Thunderbringer's Bolt's reveal is now clearvision
  • Fix for Pestilence's Swarm so you can't lose vision on someone in odd situations
  • Fixed Dark Lady's Dark Blades so they silence Bubbles correctly when he has Autocast on
  • Tundra's Coeurl now has the correct backswing (from 800 to 1000)
  • Fixed Tempest's Glacial Blasts from doing 2x damage on the first blast
  • Fixed Forsaken Archer's Skeletons so they won't stand around like dorks if she is attacking from max range
  • Pharaoh's Soul will again reveal around itself while in flight properly
  • Pharaoh's Wrath of the Pharaoh is now a Superior Magic instead of Superior Physical touch to fix some issues. No gameplay change.



Todavia no van a meter al juego normal la doble carga para los alchemist bones, no?


#1011 Hay división de opiniones.


Parche 0.2.100 test server


  • Hellbourne
  • new ult
  • Effects, model touchups, etc
  • He's really changed! Check him out!


  • Fire Shield cast range from 350 to 450


  • Buff Quills projectile flight speed from 900 to 2700


  • Boom Dust cast range reduced from 700 to 600

Blood Hunter

  • Blood Crazy from unremovable debuff to removable on enemies, debuff is unremovable on allies


  • Rocket now use target_cursor rather than target_position
  • This allows him to shoot a missile in the direction of your mouse cursor when you press Q.

  • Turret now shoots twice as fast and the cap of number of hits removed.
  • Damage per bullet starts at 40 and is lowered by 10% for every bullet that hits you
  • The push starts at the same it was, but gets weaker the more you are hit
  • Snare is still max of 35% from 10 hits

Flint Beastwood

  • DoT to smooth damage over the 2 seconds instead of 2 ticks


  • Terrifying Charge CD from 30 static to 30/25/20/15


  • Tsunami Charge touch radius from 60 to 80
  • Splash CD from 8 secs to 11/10/9/8 seconds, damage type changed from magic to physical

Voodoo Jester

  • Mana Cost on Mojo from 95/105/115/125 to 110/120/130/140


  • Switched out the Major Totem for Apprentice's Robes
  • Final item is now +16 int and an additional bonus +10 damage

Ring of Sorcery

  • Removed Guardian Ring component
  • Recipe lowered from 525 to 500


  • They now lose charges if you are within 300 units of a visible enemy hero at the same rate they gained them. You begin to gain the charges back as soon as you run away from the enemy.

lol ahora armadon tiene lasers xD
nerf tablet D:
que le han hecho a moraxus?

PD: por cierto, MORAXUS = MORE AXES xD me acabo de enterar, por lo que decian de "he has lots of axes"


Buff gordo al accursed. Tal vez lo volvamos a ver en competiciones.
Buff gordísimo al armadon. Ahora si que no hay manera humana de escapar a las espinitas.



  • Turret now shoots twice as fast and the cap of number of hits removed.
  • Damage per bullet starts at 40 and is lowered by 10% for every bullet that hits you
  • The push starts at the same it was, but gets weaker the more you are hit
  • Snare is still max of 35% from 10 hits


  • They now lose charges if you are within 300 units of a visible enemy hero at the same rate they gained them. You begin to gain the charges back as soon as you run away from the enemy.

los voy a probar ahora.. pero me da la sensacion que se han vuelto a colar con el engi.. xD y voy a mirar el ulti nuevo del moraxus :3

edit: la torreta a nivel 1 quita unos 300 de vida pero no se como son tan inutiles que de nivel 1 a 4 NO CAMBIA NADA no mejora ni daño ni alcance ni nada :S

el ultimate nuevo es como la pompa de Sion del (lol) absorbe daño y luego explota haciendo daño en aoe


Armadon yo creo que esta muy bien como esta, pero bueno, yo que lo juego bastante me gusta que lo pongan mas OP xDD.


#1016 ahora SI va a poder ser un iniciador, con el ulti de antes no
aunque me gustaba mas el otro :/
#1017 no lo ponen OP, esta todo igual, solo que las espinas llegan mas rapido, no tienen mas rango ni nada


#1018 para farmear sera la ostia. Imagino que lo equilibran al Quill Spray del BB, que hace daño practicamente cuando clickas.


Buen nerf a las striders contra un puto devourer más xD