HoN: Parche 2.0.9


Parche 2.0.9

  • This patch has brought the first Gold Collection Avatar, Sachi Swiftblade. She will only be available for purchase until Friday, February 4th at 12 PM EST, so act swiftly to be one of the lucky few to own her!

  • Gold Collection items are only available for a limited time

  • Tweaked the ramps near Kongor on Caldavar to be much wider

  • Casual Mode games now automatically start with a courier for each team

  • Outpost no longer has Snake Bracelet or Major Totem in it, now has an Apprentice's Robe

  • The green border around a component now takes into account your stash.

  • An orange border will be displayed around a component if you own it, but it's not in the selected unit's inventory. It will not show up if it's in anyone else's stash, if you can't see it, or if it's held by an enemy.

  • "Buy All Components" is now "Buy Remaining", which will purchase only the items without a green or orange border. It'll also buy items going left to right, depth-first, so it can still buy some components even if you can't afford all.

  • You can now buy while dead and then sell those items back while still dead

  • Added a new icon over the item when it's still in the grace period for 100% sell-back value

  • Fixed courier purchase messages showing the wrong player as buying them

  • Added more account icons

  • A courier will no longer automatically transfer wards to you, unless you bought the wards

  • Stunned units can no longer use the Grimm Teleporters

  • You can now earn smackdowns/humiliations if a player-owned unit gets the killing blow. These kills are now also counted for nemesis/paybacks.

  • Fixed the timer for votes showing the wrong amount of time remaining. It wasn't taking into account time spent paused

  • You can no longer concede once the enemy team has conceded

  • Fixed the available avatars icon from incorrectly showing if a player does not have access or the ability to purchase any of the avatars for that hero

  • Added GetGameTime and GetTotalTime console commands

  • Font loading and memory optimizations

  • Fonts load about twice as fast now and use about half the memory

  • When a user joins the queue and a match has not been established in their MMR bracket/game type/map, the average wait time will display as "??? seconds" instead of "0 seconds"

Blood Chalice

  • Now takes a Scarab instead of a Trinket of Restoration
  • No longer gives +2 Health Regeneration
  • Does not give any Mana Regeneration passively


  • Now gives +51 damage instead of +50 as it is a correct sum of its parts


  • The spell-block component no longer propagates to Illusions


  • Fixed the Mana Burn to correctly do Magic damage instead of True

Sacrificial Stone

  • Added +10 damage (from Sustainer)
  • Fixed a bug where you could put the stone on a non-hero unit and it wouldn't lose charges
  • Fixed it so that the wielder must be a hero in order to get charges added to it


  • Fixed an anomaly with Nullstone and Boom Dust allowing Bombardier to use Boom Dust when he has 0 charges
  • Fixed Sticky Bomb from showing a stun visual when it explodes with 0 charges on it


  • Fixed Time Freeze so that the damage won't be lethal to allied units

Corrupted Disciple

  • Optimized Corrupted Conduit to use less game resources


  • Fixed Dampeer's Bloodthirst dispeling Sage's Lore
  • Should no longer lose his essence charge if he dies with Token of Life active


  • Cadaver Armor will now gain charges equal to the strength gained (no gameplay change, just a cosmetic bonus)

Flint Beastwood

  • Fixed Money Shot so that it always plays the sound when it should
  • Fixes an issue where the sound would play even if the target did not die
  • Fixed alternate avatar from saying gibberish each time he procs his Hollowpoint Shells
  • Fixed his Hollowpoint Shells from killing allied heroes

Forsaken Archer

  • Fixed Forsaken Archers' skeletons not attacking your target if you issue an attack order from far away & decide to activate skeletons early on
  • Fixed Forsaken Archer's skeleton timer from displaying wrong time values when you summon a bunch of skeletons by toggling Call of the Damned quickly


  • Infernal Instability is no longer dispellable


  • Added disjoint to Showdown (I Have No Patience) upon returning the target
  • Fixed Pitfall sound effect glitches
  • Made the state that deals damage to you after the Call to Arms visible so you know what is damaging you


  • Resized his alt avatar
  • Fixed his Tsunami Charge so it will no longer dispel other stuns on the enemies
  • Fixed his Release the Kraken! effect playing 1 second too long


  • Fixed Terrifying Charge from canceling when a unit is on the edge of fog (again)
  • Fixed Terrifying Charge so it can be blocked by Moraxus
  • Decapitate cast effect type changed from Physical to SuperiorMagic
  • This means it can now be cast on Physical Immune as well as Magic Immune units


  • Fixed his sword stance not playing his idle animation when you go back to regular sword stance
  • Fixed Maliken's colors when using sword modes


  • Fixing his Magic Carp from proccing events like Corrupted Disciple's Static Discharge more than once


  • Fixed Flick to not work on invulnerable units
  • Also fixed Flick to properly trigger Moraxus Arcane Shield


  • Fixed Wrath of the Pharaoh being able to hit a unit behind him when he casts it.
  • Tweaked how Wrath of the Pharaoh works with Staff of the Master. Added a new fifth ability to swap between the versions


  • Fixed Venomous Leap so you can correctly disjoint it

Sand Wraith

  • Properly fixed Mirage so there won't be a cooldown on Manifest right after you cast Mirage
  • Implemented a visual timer on Mirage to let Sand Wraith users know how long Manifest is going to be available

Soul Reaper

  • Fixed Demonic Execution so that it always plays the sound when it should
  • Fixes an issue where the sound would play even if the target did not die


  • No longer gains souls from killing gadgets


  • Fixed Mesmerize so the first damage tick happens correctly

Buen parche en general, pero me parece muy mal este cambio:
You can now buy while dead and then sell those items back while still dead

buybacks a porron... no me parece nada bien, cuando es genocide es genocide


segun eso, mientras estes muerto solo podrás vender los items que has comprado mientras estabas muerto. así que no puedes ganar dinero para buyback.


oh es verdad, lo habia entendido mal xD
entonces es un buen cambio, mas de una vez sin querer he comprado 5 stacks de runes sin querer y no podia venderlas xD


Pero no entiendo lo del avatar de SB, que pasa que si no lo compro ya lo quitan? :O y eso porque?


alguien se va a comprar la chica SB? es brutal!


Me han jodido la build del magmus con lo del blood chalice xD

1 respuesta

haciendo mencion de los de vender, hay un bug en el juego que puedes vender items desde cualquier parte del mapa :/

1 respuesta

#7 no sabia que jugaras hon xD

#8 ¿? eso se ha podido siempre, no es un bug


dam, toda la vida engañado :/


aun asi, eso es imba xD


ctrl+shift y boton derecho. Sold.

El cambio al blood chalice es bastante basto, ya no se podra hacerse blood chalices y no tener k dejar la lane en todo el early xD


tanto no se ha jodido la blood no? solo han quitado la reg.. de vida si que se nota pero no es para tanto pienso yo :/


personalmente me gusta el nerf al chalice... volveremos a ver mas bottles por ahi :D


A mi me parece exagerado el nerf, podian haber puesto una receta que costase 200 o algo asi, pq quitarle la reg y bajarle solo 25 el precio me parece demasiado

  • Casual Mode games now automatically start with a courier for each team

xDD fijo que no compraba ni uno, ya que les den wards cada seis minutos xdd


Aun nadie me contesto, la chica sb, una vez acabe el tiempo ya no estara?

Y otra pregunta rapida sacada de la manga asi pim pam, ophelia es hermana de jera? y maliken es el padre no? graciaaaas

3 respuestas

#16 no he podido evitar reirme con lo de papa, mama y el hijo xD


#16 Si es limitada, se entiende que cuando se acabe el tiempo la quitaran.

y sí. http://www.newerth.com/wiki/index.php/Story_of_Savage_2


que guapa esta la nueva switf, hace mejor mencion que el otro, por lo menos a la hora de atacar xD


#16 si, cuando maliken activa ultimate dice ''JERAAAAA''


Cuanta imaginacion l3l3l3 jajaj :P

Pero que sepais que fayde es el mejor heroe del juego :O


Lo del Blood Chalice en parte era lógico, demasiado bueno en early por lo ese precio.


Hemos vivido sin Bloodchalice casi un año en la beta pues ahora sera algo similar. No ha quedado totalmente useless pero solo lo usaran por lo general supongo heroes de fuerza o heroes que su build tenga como 1st items regen de vida.

Antes era el item y ahora supongo que ya volveran a verse mas power supply o botellas. Ya no habra lanes infernales que con dos chalicer te hacian el horror spameando y spameando o por lo menos no sera tan facil.


Yo eso lo entiendo, pero el precio me sigue pareciendo excesivo para lo que ofrece, yo creo que dejandolo en 500 (150+150+200 de receta) quedaria un item util, pero sin ser tan desequilibrante


Yo quitaria los stats, y le dejaria la regen :/


Cierto, era un item que desbalanceaba las lanes con mucho nuke spameando habilidades todo el rato.

Es un cambio muy bast0 y que ahora hará que se vuelvan a ver botellas, mana baterys y demás. Aunque me jode, me alegra el cambio porque lo veo positivo. (y una putada xD).

Lo del disjoint para el salto del predator me ha gustado y lo de retocar los items para que den correctos stats tb.

Lo de la mujer SB... pues como no tengo el ordenador hasta el martes... no podré verla... hay alguna imagen o link a la tienda online?

Thanks chicos!!

PD: Letto juega al hon? :O! /Whisp nickname por privado! :P

1 respuesta


1 respuesta

goblin coins not worth for it, al menos en mi opinion
swift es un heroe con una skin bastante buena, esta solo lo empeora


#27 Gracias, no tiene mala pinta la verdad, pero seguro que vale casi 500 coins, no? xD

¿A que se refieren con golden noseque?
¿¿?? Avatares dorados? xD


Que lo empeora? le da mil patadas al skin original, sb el diseño esta guapo, pero las espadas son lo mas horrible que te puedes tirar a la cara, al igual que sus animaciones, se supone que es un sumurai, no un barbaro con espadas curvas gigantes, por dios, esta tia si que mola .

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  • ReloaD1010
  • guito
  • Kaneas
  • Skelus
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  • BaZoKo
