Kojima funda su propio estudio y colaborará con Sony


Console exclusive significa que a Sony se la pela si el tio quiere sacar su juego en PC o no, como ocurre con Yakuza o Ys por ejemplo. Que luego los saquen en mas sitios o no depende del propio estudio.

No es tan dificil de entender.


#83 el ZOE es una copia mala de Robotech

2 respuestas


#92 Todos los juegos de mechas son copias????


#92 No se parecen en nada.

Encima Robotech, la cual es un insulto a Macross y una manera de contentar al americano ignorante de aquella época.




Comprandome una ps4 en 3...2...1...


La peña no sirve ni para trollear xD


Espero el puto juego mas osom en mucho tiempo a ver si alguno le explota una venilla o algo.


Entiendo que la gente quiera que Kojima haga juegos multis. Pero chicos, tranquilos, sólo necesitáis un poco de HELIO y un desierto para sentir la experiencia Hideo.


aparte de Shinkawa también se va con él Ken Imaizumi -> https://twitter.com/Ken1555

Espero que poco a poco vayan apareciendo gentes de la vieja Kojima Productions en la nueva

2 respuestas

#101 Que bien me cae ese hombre


Pues yo creo que va a ser exclusivo completamente para ps4.

Kojima no tiene un puto duro. ¿De donde va a sacar la financiacion necesaria para hacer un juego? De sony. Y al ser dinero de sony va a ser exclusivo de ps4.

1 respuesta

#101 Los rumores eran que se llevaba a todos los seniors de la antigua KP


Abro el pdf de presentacion y solo leo kojima por todos lados...
alguno se apunta a beber por cada "kojima" que salga en su proximo juego? :D


#103 Precisamente por eso querrá sacar su juego en cuantas mas plataformas mejor, así se asegura más ventas. Digo yo que sería lo lógico, no creo que Sony tenga tantos millones como para suplantar los posibles beneficios de millones de ventas de sus juegos xD

1 respuesta

#106 si, pero para sacar un juego antes hay que hacerlo. Y para eso se necesita mucho dinero.


Esta noche a las 00:00 es la entrevista en IGN.


Lo que me alegra un montón también, es que Shinkawa sigue con él.


NPD Fallout, the thread


leaky leaky, espero que ahora los port beggars se metan la lengua en el culo y dejen de ser insoportables

Q1. I heard that SCE has signed an agreement with Kojima Productions, a studio newly formed by Hideo Kojima. What are the specifics of the agreement?
Kojima Productions has agreed to develop its first software title as a console exclusive to PS4. We do not disclose further details.

Q2. When was the agreement signed?
We have announced immediately after the contract was signed, Wednesday, Dec 16, 2015.
Q3. Does this mean Kojima Productions now belongs under SCE WWS?
No, it is an independent studio.

Q4. Is SCE making an investment in Kojima Productions? What is the total cost of the agreement? Is it incorporated in the G&NS forecast? How much impact will this have to Sony’s overall operating performance?
SCE is not investing in Kojima Productions. Cost of the contract is undisclosed. Cost is already incorporated. Impact is minimal.

Q5. Why is Kojima Productions bringing their very first software to PS4 as a console exclusive? How did it come about?
Kojima is an extremely creative and passionate game designer who has made countless contributions to PlayStation and the gaming industry. By having Kojima develop his first independent title to PS4, we believe that we can deliver completely new gaming experiences made possibly only by Kojima, to gaming fans worldwide. We are not disclosing further details on how this agreement was realized.

Q6. What other platforms will Kojima’s first independent title be available on, besides PS4?
The title is planned to become available on PC (after PS4).

Q7. How long is the exclusivity?
We are not disclosing details.

Q8. Will Kojima’s second title (and beyond) not be PlayStation console exclusives?
We announced an agreement regarding Kojima’s first title, and SCE cannot comment on titles beyond that.

Q9. Does this have anything to do with Hideo Kojima not attending the PS Award on Dec 3?
Who will attend the PS Award ceremony is decided by the publisher and SCE cannot comment on anything further.

Q10. Will your relationship with Konami Digital Entertainment Co., Ltd. be affected by this agreement?
Konami Digital Entertainment Co., Ltd. will remain one of SCE’s most important publishers, and our relationship with them will not change.

In regards to the first title of Kojima Productions:

Q11. What will the first title be about?
It will be something completely new. We have nothing further to announce at this point in time.

Q12. Will the title have something to do with the METAL GEAR series?
No. It will be something completely new.
“METAL GEAR” is a title from Konami Digital Entertainment Co., Ltd.

Q13. Will the title have something to do with the cancelled Silent Hills sequel?
No. It will be something completely new.
“Silent Hill” is a title from Konami Digital Entertainment Co., Ltd.

Q14. Are there any possibilities for the title to support PS VR?
We have nothing to announce at this point in time. We will announce further details of the title when ready.

Q15. Are there any possibilities for the title to become available on PS Vita?
We have nothing to announce at this point in time. We will announce further details of the title when ready.

Q16. When will the title become available? Will it be available worldwide?
We have nothing to announce at this point in time. We will announce further details of the title when ready.

Q17. Will SCE WWS and Kojima Productions develop the first title together?
The software title will be developed by Kojima Productions, but SCE will provide support as necessary.

Q18. Which company will publish the first title?
SCE will be the publisher.

Q19. Will the title’s copyright belong to SCE?
We have nothing to announce at this point in time. We will announce further details when ready.

Q20. Will all future titles developed by Kojima Productions be released on PS4?
We announced an agreement regarding Kojima’s first title, and SCE cannot comment on titles beyond that.

Q21. Will Kojima Productions develop titles for other platforms while working on the PS4 console exclusive title?
We announced an agreement regarding Kojima’s first title, and SCE cannot comment on titles beyond that.

Q22. Are there any possibilities for the title to be released on the next generation platform?
Kojima Productions has agreed to bring their very first software to PS4 as a console exclusive. We do not disclose further details.


Q23. How many staff?
Details are not disclosed.

Q24. Is the studio headquartered in Japan? What is the address?
Yes, headquarter is in Japan. Address is not disclosed

Q25. Can you tell me further details of Kojima Productions?
Please contact Kojima Productions for further details.


Casi no se tiene ego al ponerse uno su nombre al estudio


Es un robot el que contesta a esas preguntas, ¿no?

1 respuesta

#113 Es Jehuty

1 respuesta

Kojima siempre ha preferido las plataformas Playstation, no es ningún secreto. No creo que a nadie le sorprenda que su primer titulo en solitario vaya a parar a PS4.


#114 Será Eva, hijo de una hiena comunista.


Pues ala, que va a salir en PC tnb. Pesaos.


¡Pero si lo de PC sabía desde AYER!


#77 :wink: :muac:


Venga hagamos la porra.

Su primer juego será un simulador/táctico/aventura de cinematografía en el que controlaremos a un cámara que tendrá que grabar escenas de 25 min sin cometer errores y por algún motivo perderá un ojo. :psyduck: