Mass Effect 3

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Ahora que hay información

  • Hablar del plot de ME3 fuera del comando spoiler equivale a golpe de remo. Hablar de Cerberus en ME3 va en SPOILER
  • Features del juego tales como armas, compañeros, cosas de rpg y cosas de fps van fuera de spoiler.
  • Las scans y screenshoots en las que uno dude si ponerlas o no en spoiler, van en spoiler.

Mass Effect 3 multiplayer announcement video

2 respuestas



puedo sentir vuestra ira fluyendo en vosotros!


#2581 3:25

Veis? Ellos son felices!! xD


Post destacado y a la cabecera de la pagina, por favor.


Despues de ver el video, tengo la imprecion que el juego va a ser una chusta :(


Si depende el final del multi... Por mi la galaxia puede reventar en mil pedazos, se la regalo a los Reapers.


Me parece curioso que hable del multiplayer y la mayoría de escenas que se han visto son de Shepard xD.

De hecho, creo que no hay nada en movimiento del multiplayer no? solo fotos.

Se nota creo yo que no pensaban anunciarlo todavía pero ante la avalancha de mierda han tenido que montar un video presentación en 5 minutos xD.


Aquí hay gente a la que el multi le importa 3 mierdas y solo busca una excusa para no pagar por el juego y quedar como un "hardcore gamer". Ojo, no digo que no haya gente a la que simplemente el multi le provoque una úlcera.

PD: ¿Soy yo o el vídeo parece un anuncio de Gillette?


Imágenes del multi


La segunda foto parece virmire cuando llegas en el mass effect 1 y estan defendiendo el campamento.

Edit: Virmire no perdon, el planeta de la espora.



Fight the Galactic War from New Fronts and Platforms Including Four-Player Co-Operative Multiplayer

EDMONTON, Alberta – October 12, 2011 – Earth has been captured, the galaxy is on the verge of total extinction, and it’s up to you as Commander Shepard to assemble the counter offensive and take Earth back. Award-winning developer BioWare, a label of Electronic Arts Inc. (NASDAQ:ERTS), announced today that multiplayer will be coming to the critically-acclaimed Mass Effect™ series for the very first time as part of the new Mass Effect 3: Galaxy at War system. With the Mass Effect 3: Galaxy at War system, players will fight for the survival of the galaxy against an ancient alien race known only as, Reapers, in both the single player campaign and through a suite of Mass Effect games and applications. Progress made in each of the components of the system, including the new multiplayer mode, will directly link back to the player’s main campaign, helping Commander Shepard rally the forces of the galaxy to eliminate the Reaper threat once and for all. The Mass Effect 3: Galaxy at War feature can be activated via the Online Pass code found in every new copy of Mass Effect 3. The Mass Effect 3 Online Pass can also be purchased separately on the Xbox 360® videogame and entertainment system and PlayStation®3 computer entertainment system.

“The theme of galactic war in Mass Effect 3 presents us with the perfect opportunity to introduce multiplayer into the Mass Effect series,” said Casey Hudson, Executive Producer of the Mass Effect series. “Multiplayer not only features amazing combat and deep customization options, but it will give players another way to help the war effort against the Reapers in the main event — the single player campaign.”

Featuring four-player cooperative gameplay, multiplayer in Mass Effect 3 puts players in the role of a team of elite Special Forces soldiers sent to protect resources and assets that can help the war effort against the Reapers. Players will have the option of playing as one of six classes and from six different races: Human, Krogan, Asari, Drell, Salarian and Turian.

Multiplayer and other components of the Mass Effect 3: Galaxy at War system provide alternative ways for players to wage the final war against the Reapers. The new system will also connect players to their BioWare Social Network accounts to stay up to date on the latest Mass Effect 3 news and access downloadable content (DLC) and add-ons.

The Mass Effect franchise is one of the most highly decorated series in the history of games, having earned over 200 awards worldwide. Mass Effect 3 arrives on the Xbox 360® videogame and entertainment system, PlayStation®3 computer entertainment system and PC in North America on March 6, 2012 and in Europe on March 9, 2012. For more information on Mass Effect 3, please visit, follow the game on Twitter at or “like” the game on Facebook at

#2581 Me encantan los Mass Effect, ahí radica que tema tanto por este juego. No es solo el MP lo que me da mala espina. Y ojala sea como dices y yo me equivoque.


#2580 Hagan lo que el final de Mass Effect así que tiene que ser legendario....muchísimo la tienen que cagar en el final para que no sea memorable.


No me entero, si quiero concoer toda la historia tengo que jugar multiplayer?

Pues creo que los coleccionistas serán los últimos enemigos de los Reapers que conocerá mi shepard, todos se salvan entonces no hay mas reapers en el universo :D

1 respuesta

#2595 Segun me ha parecido entender, se ha dejado caer algo como:
"Puedes jugar al modo SP, sin problemas, pero el final no sería el mejor final posible"



(Espero que los moderadores comprendan mi mensaje monosílabo pues implica el resumen de todos mis sentimientos ye mociones, con los cuales podría escribir párrafos de tinta y protestar abiertamente junto a vosotros, pero ambos sabemos que sería inútil)

  • Mass Effect 3 multiplayer has been planned since the original Mass Effect.

  • Mass Effect 3 represents the first time that Casey Hudson had felt comfortable implementing multiplayer into the series.

  • The multiplayer experience boils down to a four player co-op survival style mode that lets you fight increasingly difficult waves of Cerberus foes.

  • The enemies you’ll encounter can range from your most basic foot soldier to “assassin-like Phantoms and even the hulking metal titan-esque Atlas mechs”.

  • Each “stage” allows you to go up against eleven waves that must be finished in order to complete that section. The mode reminds quite a few of Gears of War’s horde mode, allowing you to net experience points regardless if you finish the wave alive or not.

  • The “Galaxy at War” mode gives you a reward system, character-progression suite, and a “stake in the larger battle that’s taking place in your single-player campaign.

  • How you perform in the multiplayer missions has a result on your success in the main storyline as Shepard, but only if you want it to.

  • Everything you do in the singleplayer campaign will earn you in-game currency called “War Assets”. War Assets allow you to purchase things such as allies, friendly fleets, or even a facility such as a radar station.

  • Successfully completing various side-missions, larger plot points, and destroying your enemies will net you the War Assets needed to purchase the upgrades.

  • “The more you play and build up your multiplayer characters to survive increasingly tough odds, the more power and influence your single-player Shepard will wield by the time the endgame comes based on the amount of War Assets earned.”

  • If you’re one of those gamers that loves to complete every piece of a game, then you’re in luck. By doing enough in the singleplayer campaign, you will be able to earn enough War Assets, you won’t have to participate in the “galactic war”.

  • While you’re going through a variety of locations in singleplayer, you’ll see first-hand how the war has hit different colonies. Galaxy at War mode follows suit, allowing your individual character and team to take up arms to defend these various locations. Your squad is under the command of the Alliance Navy officer Admiral Hackett, making his return from each game. Fighting in each various area will and successfully defending it will “win for interstellar freedom”.

  • As you complete each area or defend newly freed areas, your progress will be detailed on a color-coded map that you’ll be able to view while you’re in the game or a few other platforms. iOS devices, Facebook, and more will allow these to be viewable and have their own “unique hooks” into the Galaxy at War mode.

  • In the build described in the magazine article, four character classes were mentioned: Soldier, Infiltrator, Engineer, and Sentinel. The final version of the game has been confirmed to have more classes than this to initially choose from, as well as unlockables.

  • Each class that you select from will allow you to select from a variety of races. Ranging from the likes of a Krogan to a Drell, you’ll have a good bit of variety to choose from. Yes, a Drell, the same race as Thane from Mass Effect 2 (we’re excited).

  • As you can probably figure, each class will allow you to possess “specific abilities” as well as the ability to upgrade a few. Krogan soldiers were described as being able to use a charge attack to knock down enemies, along with Soldiers being able to use the Omni-blade for a few rather lethal attacks. For those wondering, you’ll also be able to choose your gender when choosing any class.

  • There’s a set level cap of 20.

  • While you can stockpile characters, the experience you earn only records for that character’s specific class. Once you level up, you’ll be able to assign those earned points to different abilities.

  • Before heading into action, you can select your weapon & biotic-powers from the available options.

  • Armor and weaponry can be upgraded to your individual tastes.

  • Points can and will be earned for assists, kills, and other similar actions during multiplayer.

  • When an ally goes down, you’ll have a limited amount of time to revive them. The article mentioned “spamming the A button” while down to increase the amount of time before bleeding out.

  • Along with killing your enemies, mission objectives will be sprinkled here and there. Retrieving data packets around the map and protecting an ally while they hack a series of terminals were a few of the described mission objectives.

Suena bestial, no puedo esperar!!

1 1 respuesta

¿Y no puedes pasarte el juego sólo con multiplayer?


1 1 respuesta

#2599 Si usas Kinect te lo puedes pasar hablando solo.


Traducción para vagos:

-El multiplayer de ME3 lleva planeándose desde ME1.

-ME3 representa la 1era vez que Casey Hudson se ha sentido "a gusto" añadiendo un multiplayer en la serie.

-El multiplayer de ME es un "modo horda" donde lucharemos vs oleadas de enemigos de Cerberus. (solo Cerberus?)

-Los enemigos que encontraremos irán desde el básico "soldado de a pie" a los mechas titan-esque-atlas.

-Bla bla bla es un calco del modo horda. 11 oleadas por "misión". Permite ganar puntos de experiencia siempre y cuando termines la oleada vivo.

-El modo "Galaxia en Guerra" (Galaxy at War) nos ofrece un sistema de recompensas, progresión del equipo del personaje y un "lugar" en la gran batalla que está ocurriendo en el modo de 1 jugador.

-Como completes las misiones multijudador tienen un resultado sobre tu victoria en la trama con Shepard, pero SOLO si tu quieres que así sea.

-Cada cosa que hagas en la campaña de 1 jugador te permitirá ganar "unos puntos??" llamados "War assets". Los WA te permiten comprar cosas como aliados, flotas aliadas e incluso edificaciones como Estaciones de Radar ----->hype.

-Completando con éxito algunas side-quests y destruyendo enemigos te otorgarán esos War Assets necesarios para comprar tales mejoras.

-Cuanto mas juegues y mejores a tus personajes multijugador para sobrevivir, mas influenciará en los momentos finales del modo historia basado en la cantidad de "war assets" conseguidos.

-Si eres uno de esos jugadores que adoran completarlo todo estás de suerte. Haciendo suficiente en la campaña de 1 jugador ganarás suficientes War Assets para ello. No será necesario participar en las batallas multijugador.

-A medida que avances por una gran variead de localizaciones en la historia verás de primera mano como la guerra ha afectado a las diferentes colonias. El modo "Galaxy at War" permite a tu personaje y a tu equipo hacerse a las armas para defender estas localizaciones. Tu escuadrón estará comandado por el comandante de la Flota de la Alianza el Almirante Hackett. Bla bla bla libertad interestelar.

-A medida que completas cada area o defiendes nuevas areas capturadas tus avances serán mostrados en un mapa de colores que serás capaz de visitar desde Facebook, cacharros iOS y mas cosas.

-En la build descrita en la revista solo se mencionan el Soldado, Infiltrado, ingeniero y el Centinela. En la versión final tendremos mas clases ademas de esas y algunas desbloqueables.

-Cada clase que elijas te permitirá escoger una raza desde Krogan incluso los Drell. (y ahora se autohypea con los Drell y Thane...)

-Como imaginaréis cada clase tendrá sus habilidades exclusivas ademas de poder mejorar algunas otras. Los Krogan Soldados tienen la carga que derriba enemigos, además todos los soldados tendrán su Omni-blade. Podremos elegir el sexo de TODOS los personajes (lol krogans hembras?)

-El máximo nivel es el 20.

-While you can stockpile characters, the experience you earn only records for that character’s specific class. Once you level up, you’ll be able to assign those earned points to different abilities.---->no me acaba de quedar claro...pero creo que dice que aunque tengas muchos personajes experiencia que ganes no será para el personaje sino para la clase que estás jugando.

-Antes de saltar a la acción podrás seleccionar tus armas y poderes de una lista.

-Las armaduras y armas pueden ser mejoradas a nuestro gusto.

-Ganaremos puntos por muertes,asistencias, etc....

-Cuando un aliado cae tienes un tiempo limitad para revivirlo (Gears of War wannabe). Se menciona en el artículo algo de spamear el A mientras estás derribado para alargar el tiempo antes de morir desangrado (lol Gears of War wannabe al cuadrado xD)

-A demás de matar bichos a veces saltarán misiones adicionales. Nos da ejemplos como defender a un aliado mientras hackea unos terminales o pillar unos paquetes en la zona de combate.


Mass Effect 3 multiplayer has been planned since the original Mass Effect.

Vengaaaaaaaaa como se sobran, no se lo creen ni ellos xD

1 respuesta

Es que alguien dijo en broma si llegaremos al 3 hacemos un MP ---> y todos se reyeron por la broma mas buena que ha echo, y ahora dicen que lo han planeado desde el uno :-/

Ademas parece ser que para completar el juego completo habra que darle a MP :(


#2602 Pinacle Station.

Era cuestión de tiempo, pero joder lo habíamos superado en ME2 :(


Os volveis a saltar lo más acojonante (Ojo a las comillas en unique hooks)

As you complete each area or defend newly freed areas, your progress will be detailed on a color-coded map that you?ll be able to view while you?re in the game or a few other platforms. iOS devices, Facebook, and more will allow these to be viewable and have their own ?unique hooks? into the Galaxy at War mode.

Wow, bioware, wow.


Es decir, que vuestra "experiencia single player" es afectable (de forma opcional gracias a dios) por:

-Co-op modo horda.
-Iphone app.
-more (No se ya ni que pensar).

Habra que ver los detalles, pero Bioware acaba de redefinir el concepto de volverse mainstream xDDD.

Y por cierto, confirmado que galaxy at war es cerberus network + multiplayer, así que los juegos comprados de segunda mano tienen que pagar por el galaxy at war... A ME2 se podía jugar sin cerberus network?

The recently announced Mass Effect 3 multiplayer mode is accessed via the Online Pass code included in every new copy of the game, EA has announced.

The new Mass Effect 3: Galaxy at War system, unveiled this week, is activated once the code found in the Online Pass is entered. Buy the game second hand, and you?ll have to buy the Online Pass to access the Galaxy at War.

Players use Galaxy at War in both the single-player campaign and ?through a suite of Mass Effect games and applications?. They will be on iOS devices and Facebook, as revealed earlier today.

Galaxy at War also connects players to their BioWare Social Network accounts to access downloadable content and add-ons.

?The theme of galactic war in Mass Effect 3 presents us with the perfect opportunity to introduce multiplayer into the Mass Effect series,? said Casey Hudson, Executive Producer of the Mass Effect series.

?Multiplayer not only features amazing combat and deep customisation options, but it will give players another way to help the war effort against the Reapers in the main event ? the single player campaign.?

Mass Effect 3?s multiplayer, created predominantly by BioWare Montreal, is a four-player co-op mode. You play an elite Special Forces soldier sent to protect resources and assets that can help the war effort against the Reapers.

Six classes are available, and six races: Human, Krogan, Asari, Drell, Salarian and Turian.


1 respuesta

Que puta verguanza de juego, por haber ni hay quarianos en el MP.

1 respuesta

Hombre, que tenga compatibilidad con Facebook no es tan catastrófico. A los de Assassins Creed no les fue tan mal.


#2606 Seguramente si que los hay.

"-Cada clase que elijas te permitirá escoger una raza desde Krogan incluso los Drell."

Vamos hombre....puedes pillarte Krogan y Drells y no te van a dejar pillar un Quariano?

1 respuesta

¿¡No hay Quarianos!? (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

A tomar por culo el modo coop! Lo único que tenía de atractivo era el poder llevar a un quariano de una vez, ¿y no voy a poder darme el gusto?
Bioware entra en mi lista negra


De algun modo tienen que colar los DLC's.

Quarians, Elcor y Hanar xD.

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