Nuestro gurú videojueguil favorito ha vuelto a la palestra para hacernos ver que el concepto híbrido no es lo suyo. Pachter ha alabado el juego portátil y ha despreciado el concepto original de Nintendo Switch.
"I don’t really understand the whole hybrid concept... I don’t think most people play it in both modes, I would say that maybe 20% of Switch owners play both modes; and I think most Switch owners play it handheld only. So I honestly don’t understand the whole point of the hybrid. Who cares? Play it as a handheld."
Para él, Nintendo no es tan inteligente para llevar a la práctica el descatalogo de Switch y centrarse exclusivamente en Switch Lite.
"And Nintendo isn’t that smart," he continues, "so you never know what they will do next, but I think the smart thing would be to get rid of the Switch console and only have the Switch Lite, get rid of the docking station, get rid of playing on the TV; maybe offer a Fire Stick style dongle for those who do want to play it on the TV."
¿Qué opináis? ¿Jugáis a Switch en la TV o sólo en modo portátil, como hace Pachter?