Post en Mente Colmena:
Hasbro en colaboración con Google ha creado este nuevo Monopoly, online y a escala mundial, en el que todos podremos jugar.
El tablero será Google Maps donde podremos comprar cualquier calle del mundo (supuestamente) además de los edificios.
El juego comienza el 9 de septiembre a las 7 de la tarde (hora española) en su web oficial y se prolongará durante 4 meses.
Web oficial:
Q - How do I register?
A - To register, begin by searching for the street you wish to buy. This can be done through the welcome screen which a user is prompted with or by clicking on the 'Search' icon in the bottom navigation.
Once the street information has been searched then a selection of streets will appear for the user to choose from based on the area. Once the desired street has been selected the user will be prompted with a property deed card with the opportunity to 'buy' the street. Clicking on the buy button will prompt the registration panel, follow the simple instructions for registration to create a profile and begin playing the game.
No spaces are allowed at the beginning or end of your username, it will need to have a minimum of 3 characters with a maximum of 16. All usernames will need to be alphabetical.
Also, should you not be able to find a particular street on the map then most likely the data is not available from Google or Open Street Maps and you will need to choose another street.
Q - How do I log in if I am already registered?
A - In the top left of the game panel there's a 'Sign-In' link, click on the link to prompt the pop-up sign-in window.
Q - I can see my street on the map, but I can't buy it. Why not?
A - Some of the smaller streets are not available for purchase in Monopoly City Streets. If it's a larger street, please keep trying and report a problem. We will try to resolve the problem as soon as possible.
Q - Why isn't my street on the map?
A - Monopoly City Streets is an application built to be used on top of the Google Street Maps and Open Street Map. We can only make streets available for purchase that are available both in Google Maps and Open Street Maps.
Q - My street isn't spelled property. Why not?
A - Monopoly City Streets is an application built to be used on top of the Google Street Maps program. We can only make streets available for purchase that are included in the program as we are subject to the streets that Google has documented in their map database.
Q - Are you using the latest version of Google maps?
A - We are using the latest version of Google maps available for third party applications.
Q - I wanted to buy property in North Korea/Isreal/other country. Why doesn't it appear on the map?
A - Google Maps relies on street submissions and maps from government approved maps. Some countries choose to not provide map information to Google, which means that Google can not include the street information in the program.
Q - How do I remove a hazard off my streets?
A - You can only remove a hazard by bulldozing them off your property. The bulldoze option presents itself through the chance cards.
For instructions on how to bulldoze go to – 'How do I bulldoze a building?'
Q - How do I search for a street once I am in the game view?
A - To search for a street once you are in the main game view panel simply select the 'search' link (magnifying glass) located on the panel located in the bottom game navigation and input the street name, postcode and or location e.g. Oxford St, Westminster, London W1
Q - How do I see a list of streets that are available to buy?
A - Simply click on the 'buy streets' (cash icon) link in the bottom navigation to reveal a list of streets which are available in area you have zoomed into. Those colour-coded in purple are available to buy, those colour coded in blue are owned by other players. Players can make an offer on streets that are owned, for instruction go to - 'How does the Negotiation and Offers option work?'
Q - How do I add a friend / opponent?
A - In order to add friends / opponents, so that you are able to monitor their behaviour, select the 'Leader-board' icon at the bottom of the screen followed by 'add an opponent to spy on' on the leader-board panel.
Q - How do I remove a friend?
A - In order to remove friends / opponents from your Friends list click on the 'Leader-board' icon at the bottom of the screen followed by 'remove'.
Q - How do I buy a street?
A - To buy a street you must first follow the 'How to search for a street?' instructions and then select the street you wish to buy. Once you are presented with the list of streets available select the one you wish to buy from the list. Once selected a deed card will appear with the option the 'Buy' on the bottom, if you have enough funds then click the 'Buy' button will purchase the street and add it to your 'View my Streets' list.
Q - How do I build on a street?
A - Once you own a street click on the 'View My Streets' link in the bottom navigation. The list of streets you own will appear, click on the street you wish to build on. Once the deed card appears click on the 'Build Property' link located on the bottom of the deed card.
A building panel will appear, select the building you wish to buy. Once selected, the game will request you to select where you would like to place the building by clicking on the cone located on the street. Once confirmed the building will appear on your street.
Note: Some streets are too short for players to build on, be sure to select your streets carefully.
Q - What is a bonus building? How does it protect me?
A - Bonus buildings protect your streets from Hazards. Bonus building are received through the chance cards, these include parks, schools, water towers and wind farms.
Players can also protect their streets by placing as many buildings as possible on the street thereby taking up all the available space.
Q - Is it possible to protect against sabotage?
A - Players can protect their streets and rental income from hazards by placing bonus buildings on their properties.
Players can also protect their streets by placing as many buildings as possible on the street thereby taking up all the available space.
Note: If a Hazard already exists on your property you will need to Bulldoze it first before the Bonus building can take effect.
Q - What are Chance cards?
A - Chance cards will be distributed randomly throughout the game as you play, Chance Cards can have either a positive or negative effect. They also allow you to sabotage opponents through the Bulldoze or Hazards which may be offered.
Q - How do I sabotage another user?
A - You can sabotage opponents through the bulldoze and hazard options which are offered through the chance cards.
Q - How do I bulldoze a building?
A - Once you receive the Bulldoze option through the chance cards, click on the chance card, this will take you through to the leader-board and will allow you to select an opponent by clicking on their name. Once selected a list of their streets will appear, select the street you wish to view, once that's done select the building you wish to Bulldoze by click on the red x located in the bottom right on the building. Once selected a pop-up box with the buildings information will appear with an option to Bulldoze, click once, then twice for confirmation and the building will be demolished.
Q - Do I need to enter a post /zip code to find a street?
A - You may enter a postcode to search for a street.
Q - How often is rent paid?
A - Players will automatically receive rent based on the total value of their property portfolio (streets and buildings). Rent is calculated on a daily basis, based on the time you create you profile rent is then paid every 24 hours after that.
Q - Can I buy properties in different cities under the same game?
A - You may buy streets in different cities should you wish to. Search the city you want to buy in and then follow the buy process.
Q - How does the Negotiation and Offers option work?
A - If a street is already is already owned by another player you have the option of negotiating with the owner by making an offer.
Select the street you wish to make an offer on by clicking on the 'Buy Streets' link in the bottom navigation. Once the street is selected a deed card will appear with the option for you to 'Make an Offer'.
Once you select the 'Make an Offer' link a Negotiation card will appear allowing you to offer a specified amount as well as any additional property. A player can offer one or the other, or even both.
Once you 'Send this Offer' the owner of the street will receive the offer within their notifications window.
A player has 7 days to respond to the offer, should a player not respond to an offer then this will automatically be accepted after the elapsed 7 days.
For every offer a player makes the amount offered will be held by the bank until it's either been accepted or rejected.
Players will receive an update through the 'Notifications' panel if a offer has been accepted or rejected.
Q - How do I sell a property?
A - Should a player wish to sell a property back to the bank then they can simply select the street they wish to sell from their 'View my Streets' link. Once the deed card appears click on the link located at the bottom 'Sell Street', this will sell you street back to the bank.
Q - How long can people play the game online?
A - Monopoly City Streets will be live and open for your Monopoly real estate dreams until January 31, 2010 EST.
Más información en: Noticias
The Guardian [ENG]
Mashable [ENG]
PD: Ni que decir que si hay algún sistema de agrupaciones en Mente Colmena se puede armar.