Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord #hype



Desarrollado por Taleworlds, Mount&Blade II: Bannerlord es la esperada secuela de la saga Mount&Blade.
No hay muchos datos al respecto del proyecto, simplemente especulaciones sobre las novedades que nos ofrecerá.
Tales como una campaña cooperativa y lo que nos podemos esperar, un sistema de combate revisado y más pulido si cabe.

La saga Mount&Blade dió sus primeros pasos en 2004 como un proyecto independiente del fundador de Taleworlds y su esposa. Y vió finalmente la luz en 2008.
Gracias al apoyo y a las buenas criticas, en 2010 lanzarón la primera secuela, Mount&Blade: Warband, que resultó en un éxito gracias a su sistema de combate totalmente revisado, su campaña más trabajada y un sistema de batallas multijugador masivas.

Como toda compañia, tiene sus más y sus menos, en 2011 lanzarón lo que parecía un soplo de aire fresco en la saga. En efecto, hablo de Mount&Blade: With fire&swords.
Este título fue acogido con muy malas críticas, debido al sistema de combate totalmente cambiado para peor, la poco fidelidad con respecto al alcance y precisión de las armas de fuego. Dicho sea de paso, la campaña tuvo un lavado de cara, dandole un enfoque más amplio al comercio, característica en la que sus predecesores cojeaban.

El último título lanzado este mismo año, Mount&Blade: Napoleonic wars , fue en forma de dlc para Warband.
Toda una revolución en la saga, Napoleonic wars nos mete en batallas multijugador masivas mosquete en mano, artillería y músicos. Cabe destacar la excelente ambientación del juego, así como lo acertados que estuvierón con la banda sonora, aspecto muy flojo en sus anteriores títulos.

Con un historial como el de Taleworlds, solo cabe esperar un gran juego, digno sucesor de Warband.

Videos, fotos, cosas


Aquí me tienen esperando las campañas co-op :f5:


Esperando con la cartera en la mano!


Uhm... campaña online. Creo que es lo único que he leído xD.


A ver si se curran la música que mientras en el warband son 4 canciones sosas, te pones el napoleonic y te corres


pero q es esto q se me ha actualizado en el warband?que se tiren el pisto y nos regalen el MB2 pero ya, por confiar en ellos, a lo NS2 buhahaha


Espero que potencien un poco mas todo lo que no es combate, un poco mas de vida en la corte, espionaje, asesinatos, iglesia y religion, mas construccion, nose un poco mas de economia y tal.

7 meses después

Y que liberen sus herramientas de modding claro xDD que con los mods creo que he echado miles de horas.

1 respuesta

#8 Cawen, ha sido ver un mensaje nuevo y me había ilusionao ¬¬'


Este ha sido el peor anuncio de un juego de la puta historia, es que no dijeron NADA, para eso no saques el trailer, esperaté a tener algo, y mira que tengo una burrada de horas en mount and blade

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#10 bueno, anunciaron que lo estaban desarrollando.
Tienes un video de una pre alpha enseñando los nuevos movimientos de los caballos.

Me jode bastante el secretismo con el que lo estan llevando, pero no me quejare hasta que vea algo de el.


Yo por lo que he visto es igual en cuanto a graficos en campaña... :S

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#12 mismo motor grafico? pues vaya mierda XD

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#13 Estamos hablando en el mapa de la campaña. Además seguro que cambian cosas. A ver si dejamos de preocuparnos tanto por los gráficos, y esto va por todos. Mejorar un juego, para mi, consiste en mejorar la jugabilidad, añadir nuevo contenido etc. Ya verás como está más guapo hombre xD.

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#14 Par ami lo mas importante es la campaña cooperativa. TU SABES LA DE MODS WAPISIMOS QUE VAN A SALIR DE AHI!

2 respuestas




Va a ver campaña coop? SOLD joder.


#15 Una vez listo, y como único DLC, a ver si no se fipan, deberían hacer uno parecido al Napoleonics pero con campaña, rollo With fire and sword pero modernizado. Yo también estoy esperando la campaña cooperativa, a ver a ver xDD.


Note2: We do not hate or ignore our community. We support them because they support us by making cool videos like this. We will say something about Bannerlord soon. Please be patient

Desde su facebook :

1 1 respuesta

#19 La comunidad es lo que te hace subir a la gloria y bajar al desastre, mejor apoyarla


De dónde sacáis que va a tener campaña-coop? por las cosas que he leído parece que no va a tener... de todas formas espero que no tenga porque sino voy a sufrir un hype agudo hasta que salga.


Pero si lo unico que tenemos es a un tio con caballo sobre una superficie plana de cesped...
nada mas para eso que se esperen y lo anuncien mas adelante :/

7 días después

Los chicos de Mount and blade piden ideas:

Y aqui un fan art video de bannerlord:

7 días después

Entrevista sobre Bannerlord:

"We are re-doing everything again, we are not using anything from the old games."


I've been awake for some thirty-odd hours right now, of which ten spent on a bus: back to Ankara after just 4 days, I almost can't recognize the city. Ice melted, wild dogs packs have been sealed in kennels, girls begin to swarm out in the streets, T-shirts powerfully claim their place in everyday life.
My body by now is fueled by a deadly mixture of coffee, cigarettes and fanboy enthusiasm: I am about to meet Umit Singil, one of the developers of Mount&Blade, Warband, With Fire & Sword and so on.
The meeting is scheduled right after noon, at the Teknokent hub, a group of buildings dedicated to information technology of Middle East Technical University campus. Just enough time to eat a sandwich and get my wallet stolen.
Arrived in Teknokent, calmly and a little embarassed, I begin to wander through offices, looking for the Ikisoft\Taleworlds one. I glimpse a glass-walled studio, and a giant Vaegir knight poster on the side. Bingo.
I knock shyly, and cautiously introduce myself, with my broken Turkish, mingled with English words. While they look for Singil, I have the chance to give the office a look-over: walls are covered with playbills, posters and guys on horseback, Post-its and note pads crowd the desks. In the midst of the knick-knacks which characterize any self-respecting office, though, a book stands out. An Osprey book: Siege Machinery in the middle ages. Bingo, again.
Finally I meet Singil, and we agree to continue with the interview while having a coffee at the nearby Starbucks.
Sitting in front of our mugs of hot (and expensive) coffee, we simultaneously take out two packs of blue Winstons. It's him the one who brakes the ice.
"Do you smoke?"
"Here in Turkey, either you are an active smoker, or a passive smoker."
"Well, no one wants to be passive, right?"
It seems a good start. I take out from my pocket the piece of paper with the questions, and we can finally begin the interview.

Q: You have done a great job, improving the combat system from M&B to WB. Between M&B's horizontal slashes and WB's more florid animations-in which you have added the kick feature-there is a gulf. How do you plan to proceed with M&B2? Will it be simple evolution, or do you consider to completely transform the hit and parry system?
A: We are re-doing everything again, we are not using anything from the old games. As for the game mechanics, I know for sure we are going to work on the parry system. We implemented it into the later versions of Warband. We are also rewriting all the animations for blocking, for example. Blocking was nice, but you know, was a little “blocky”, back then. There are some attacks that you can’t just stop with an upper block, you have to divert it, we are taking care of stuff like that. It’s going to be an evolution, as you said, not a revolution. The combat system is going to be essentially the same, but it’s going to be improved. A lot. We changed programming language and everything…

Q: And what about the module system?
A: there won’t be a module system anymore. It’s going to be a lot more accessible, the whole structure of the game is being rewritten, tenths of times, for the modders to do whatever they please. We created a new game from scratches. What has started as a husband and wife project has expanded, as you know, and the new code began accumulating on top of the old code. It became a little clumsy, it is natural. Have you messed with the shader file, for example?

Q: I didn’t have the courage. But I remember seeing the zombie texture around the folder, a few times.
A: exactly. Many things right now are hard coded, like animations, that can’t be changed without the help of a developer. You won’t have as many limitations in M&B 2.

Q: Regarding the map, will there be a new map? Will the world change, will it remain the same? How’s it going to be for single-player lovers?
A: the game, in terms of campaign and the world itself has changed like three times from now, but we are pretty confident we are going to keep this version. Let’s just say we are going to expand what you already know about Calradia.

Q: You know there had been many successful modifications for the game, and one of the best known is the Strategus – cRPG, which allows the players to have some sort of multiplayer campaign. Will there be any feature like that in the game to come?
A: at this stage a multiplayer, competitive or cooperative looks still pretty difficult to make.

Q: Warband opened a completely new market and a completely new fanbase for the M&B franchise. It also created a new genre for multiplayer games, a niche that some other software houses are trying to exploit. How is Taleworlds going to deal with the competition?
A: Ah, the competition… let’s just say we’ll carry on doing what we can do best: offer some historically plausible, rock-hard gameplay. That’s what we are trying to keep for the multiplayer.

Q: Are you going to focus more on a more accessible playability or are you going to keep on going on the track opened by Warband?
A: Of course, there won’t be anything like a Viking battling a space marine (although it would be awesome n.d.r.), but we won’t be focusing on a specific year. No French vs. English, for example. We are going to expand, stretch and bend it a little. Let’s just say that.

Q: still about the multiplayer, there is a diffused concern regarding TW’s support of the multiplayer community. In regards especially to “official” community sporting events, like the NC and the ENL, and in general the competitive side of the gaming. Will there be in M&B 2 a more stable and organized supports for clans, players, maps?
A: we have been talking about it a lot by now. The Nations’ Cup support, or the new website, which is a little old by now, but was intended to work as some sort of portal page, where you could register your profile, your serial, see the games you owned and stuff like that. Our best effort was put in creating a stable community that supported us, and for which we could produce stuff for. We are also working on some sort of official ladder, a series of official tournaments.

Q: what about players IDs? Will there be a system to officially recognize player names and clans?
A: we are really thinking about it, we like the idea of a player account usable for the forums, the community, the game, the data being gathered in some separate database, accessible from other computers, for example. We are working on it.

Q: And now for a particularly interesting point concerning the Italian community: will there be an official Italian translation?
A: the only translations done until now were done by players, so probably yes. The localizations were made by players who approached us, then the translations would be revised and corrected, and finally accepted.
And it is because the community OWNS the game. There have been contributions, suggestions that have been put into the game. This sense of property is maybe one of the reasons why we have such a loyal and affectionate community.

Q: Still, there has been a recent controversy, which can be somehow told like this: the attitude has changed a lot since the very beginnings where community-developers interaction was the norm, to this day.
A: We are a lot bigger now. When I got hired first, there was five people at TW. Now we are 25. Working on a bigger, better, stronger game. We don’t really have much to show now, not just yet. There has been no official press release, you know, but the word is out there. But once we are ready to show something to you guys, we’ll get back on track, receiving millions and millions of tons of feedback and comments. We are going to get back on track. We are not a huge, faceless corporate company: the community is all we’ve got.
We’ll get back on track, I promise.

Q: the most important question of all: in M&B2 will there be dinosaurs?
A: laughs only if you dig deep enough!

Q: speaking of phisics, how will the players interact with the environments in M&B2?
A: It’s still very early to talk, but we would like the game environment to be interactive as much as possible. The ideal would be to have the player pick-up, destroy and throw stuff. We are rebuilding, or should I say building, a physics engine from scratches.

And this is all, for now.
Because of time issues I wasn't able to talk with the big boss, Armagan Yavuz, but as you had a chance to read, Umit Singil matched up to the task, and from what I've seen and heard in Teknokent, as soon as Taleworlds will begin to pull M&B2 videos and images out of the hat, hype will soar.

It's all from Ankara, line to Rome.


Solo espero que sigan en la misma línea y el combate no sea tan ortopédico, no pido mas.

1 mes después

Se sabe algo nuevo?

1 respuesta

#26 Hace un año cuando lo anunciaron dijeron que a los seis meses máximo enseñarían algo. Todavía estoy esperando. Me conformo con que digan que siguen trabajando en el juego xD.


Le eché una cantidad ingente de horas.... y solo. Si encima le ponen online puede ser mortal.

Es un sold para mi, se lo han ganadoo

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#28 en este thread de cuando en cuando se dice algo.
Habia una lista de sugerencias, donde la comunidad iba votando. En teoria es leida por los devs.

Resumiendo, no se sabe nada. Quizas estan llevando el proyecto de forma cerrada, cosa que veo una mala decision.

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#29 Es que si lo llevan así QUE NO LO PRESENTEN, si la gente no sabe que está en desarrollo seguiría jugando tranquilamente al warband y demás sin preocuparse pero anunciarlo y no decir NADA es un poco fuerte, la cagaron bastante anunciandolo tan pronto

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