Nueva información y gameplay de Nier Automata


Nada de combates o historia, solo exploración, verticalidad y pesca por si alguien se pensaba que ahora habían convertido a Nier en un hackn slash puro

Presents would be given to those who managed to clear the Very Hard mode of the demo at the game show.

Ishikawa Yui plays the demo on Easy mode to demonstrate that even those who are not very good at action games can pick this up without any problem.

You are able to further customize various aspects of the Auto mode with L2.

There aren’t may RPG aspects in the demo because they want you to experience that in the actual game.

Events will happen seamlessly throughout the game.

There will also be a traditional Chinese version of the game (繁体字版)

Yui says that during recording, she was asked to deliver lines more emotionlessly since the YoRHa androids are not allowed to express emotion.

Saito was both very shocked yet extremely pleased to see so much fanart.

The presentation on stage was only 30 minutes, so the time went by very quickly. He mentioned that the planned to show off more of these new areas at the booth.

The Amusement Park:

Once you enter through the gate, you will be in the “amusement park” stage.

The Amusement Park area will have different types of enemies, but since this area is related to the story, not much could be discussed.

Department Ruins:

The Land of Forests:

Within the Department Ruins is a shutter that is closed. At some point in the game, however, you will gain access to something that will open this path, allowing you into the Land of Forests.

The image of the Land of Forests appears to be yet another abandoned city with two large skyscrapers in the center.

—Will there be any changes from the demo leading into the actual release of the game?
Saito: We released the demo version with the intention of gaining some important feedback from players. The main purpose was to allow players to experience the action part of the game and let them tell us what they thought.

—In the Hard and Very Hard modes, the player is not able to use the lock-on function. Will this still be true for the official release of the game?
Saito: Yes, the lock-on function is not accessible in the harder difficulty levels, but in Normal and Easy modes, the player can select whether or not they want to use this function.

—In the demo, we’re only able to explore the area on foot. Will there be other modes of transportation in the official release?
Saito: In the official version there will be aerial vehicles and also animals that you can ride on.

—In the demo, we could see that weapons have their own stories with illustrations. Will the official release have more of this, additional illustrations, for example?
Saito: As you level up your weapons, you can gradually unlock additional portions of the Weapon Stories. The background image that’s used for the Weapon Stories won’t change, but the actual appearance of the weapons will.

—Ishikawa-san, do you have any interesting stories for us?
Ishikawa: Perhaps when I started working on this game. At the time, even the character designs were not yet complete. Since the dubbing was done along with the development of the game, I could really get an inside look on its production.

—What significance does the content in the demo have to do with the official release?
Saito: In Japan, it was discussed whether or not the demo depicted the ending of the game. We can reveal here that what you see in the demo occurs roughly at the half-way point of the game. We selected that part so you can get a nice chunk of the game to experience. The story in the demo is not an independent story from the rest of the game.

—Ishikawa-san, how do you feel about your role as 2B?
Ishikawa: There are so many emotional moments in the story. As for 2B, she isn’t allowed to express her own feelings. Although she doesn’t sound like it, I think she’s a really gentle person. She’s also very concerned about 9S.

—What can we expect from the PRO?
Saito: We initially discussed using 4K with the PRO, but as an action game, we needed to be sure we had at least 1080p/60fps. So, the movement in the PRO version should feel more fluid with better lighting and shadows.

—How many different characters can we expect to play?
Saito: Right now we can confirm that 2B and 9S will be playable.

—We know there’s a connection between NieR and the Drakengard series. Should people play the previous games to prepare for this one?
Saito: There is a connection between them all, but there’s absolutely no problem if you haven’t played them. Simply, if you are familiar with the other titles, you may notice some interesting things. For example, the voice actor for 9S, Hanae-san, has played all of the previous games.

este juego va a ser un TESORO


Estaba pensando en pillarlo cuando bajara de precio pero estoy empezando a cambiar de opinión xDD


¿Si no hay combates para que llevan las espadas?


El jabalí es Top pero ese ciervo? Joooder.


Ishikawa: There are so many emotional moments in the story.

Pues nada, a llorar.

1 1 respuesta



What a time to be alive. Cada cosa nueva es mejor.


Da la sensación de proyecto enorme y con muchas sidequests y mundo por explorar.


No entiendo la manía de los japos de meter la pesca en todos los juegos.

1 2 respuestas

#9 Para el sushi, hombre.


Joder, el gameplay cada vez me parece más perfecto. Menudo acierto dejárselo a Platinum Games.


#9 suele ser un recurso muy utilizado porque es un minijuego sencillo y facil que da bastantes horas de entretenimiento y mas si estos aportan algun tipo de beneficio



El hype aumenta :shutup:


Que cojones le pasa a los japoneses con la pesca, se piensan que es divertido o algo?

3 2 respuestas

#14 ¿No lo es?


1 respuesta

pues a mi me divierten los minijuegos de pesca, sera que es porque soy masoquista o algo


#15 No, no lo es. Al menos no para la mayoría de mortales.


#14 Pues no he disfrutado yo ni nada pescando en el Twilight princess


Qué ganas de que me cobren la black box!


Venga que ahora solo falta cultivar Moonlight Flowers


Yo disfruto pescando en la vida real y en los videogaemz.

1 respuesta

#21 Y en los foros ;) ;)

1 respuesta

Yo es ver esas espadas a 20 cm de la espalda de los personajes y pensar como buen diseñador amateur en 3D de mallas..etc..etc
Menuda vagancia y ascucio total. Ni con un palo toco yo esto.

2 respuestas

#23 Imanes, pulsos de frecuencia, etc. tiene mil explicaciones.

Mejor que no lo toques, sí. Igual te lo pasas y te piensas que la historia es una mierda porque no la has entendido.





¿Para enterarse de la historia se tiene que haber jugado a los anteriores o no están relacionados?

1 respuesta

#26 Imprescindible.

2 respuestas

#27 En serio? Porque yo lo tengo cómo day1 y me acabas de destrozar. De hecho, no sabía ni que había anteriores :/

1 respuesta

Se puede jugar sin haber jugado los 3 anteriores, es más disfrutable si se han jugado/se sabe de que va y se conoce el lore de todo lo anterior.

1 respuesta

va sin popping,casi