En este nuevo gameplay presentado por Eurogamer, vemos que cuando van a elegir la dificultad de la partida, si juegas en "Easy" tu personaje será blanco, a medida que vas subiendo de dificultad también cambia el color hasta "Very difficult" que jugaremos con una persona de color.
Aquí en gif
During the process, South Park stalwart Eric Cartman will comment: "Don't worry, this doesn't affect combat. Just every other aspect of your whole life."
Our Aoife Wilson and Chris Bratt, who captured the gameplay in the video, asked Ubisoft developers about this feature during a recent hands-on event. They were told the difficulty of the game affects the amount of money you receive and the way other characters speak to you throughout the course of the game. It is, quite clearly, a social commentary on racism in modern society, and as far as video games go, a pretty effective one.
Recordar que el juego saldrá a la venta el 17 de Octubre de 2017 para PC, Xbox One y PS4