Persona 5 saldrá en el 2015


A la vez con USA es muy muy probable, en EU ya es otra historia


Si sale antes en USA se compra allí o se importa, para mí no es problema


Yo si no hay mucha diferencia de fechas espero a la Pal, si sale para el año que viene me juego la japonesa, ¿este fin de semana es cuando daban nuevos detalles?


2 1 respuesta

#94 Necesito ese escritorio


Retrasado hasta verano del 2016 :(



Era demasiado bonito para ser verdad.

Edit: ¿La parte final donde salen borrosos el U y ME del SUMMER, el 01 de 2016 y el P y el 3 de PS3 y el P y el 4 del PS4? Ay, Atlus, Atlus. No seas malvado.
Mensaje secreto al canto.


Algún jrpg parecido que esté a la venta en ps4 o pc?

2 respuestas


Omega quintet en PS4 y los Neptunia en PC.


#98 Parecido en que? Combate? Historia? Waifus?.


Portada de Famitsu <3


• Unlike Persona 3 and Persona 4, Persona 5‘s story is designed to be like an “omnibus,” with no one specific enemy or criminal that the team chases after. Like a serial drama TV show, the Phantom Thieves change the targets they chase regularly.

• A fundamental part of the story is the mystery behind a phone application called “Isekainabi” (“Otherworldnavi” or “Parallel World Navigation”). Using this app, the main characters discover the location of their targets and are able to infiltrate the other world known as “Palace” to steal the hearts of “rotten people.”

• Unlike the protagonists and their friends in Persona 3 and Persona 4 who become directly involved together to solve a specific incident, the cast of Persona 5 are involved with social reformation and atonement.

• “Palace” is the other world which is responsible for settings such as an old castle, pyramids, an art gallery, and more. These locations are fundamentally tied to Persona 5‘s background.


• The protagonist and his friends are troubled, and there is a part of them that feels they have lost their way. Because of this, they devote themselves to using the “Isekinabi” app suddenly granted to them in order to help others.

• Ryuji Sakamoto meets the main character on the first day of school and kicks off the creation of the Phantom Thief team. His relationship with the protagonist is that of a “bad influence.”

• Ann Takamaki is restrained in her daily life and feels she has lost her place in the world but, as a Phantom Thief, she is much more lively and energetic.

• Morgana is the most “thief-like” member of the team and assumes the role of a guide for the other characters.

• Yusuke Kitagawa has a certain problem of his own he is dealing with, and drama begins when he encounters the other characters. Yusuke, in particular, is tied to the “omnibus-like” story for “world reformation.”


• Every character’s initial Persona is designed to embody the concept of a “picaresque hero.” Characters awaken to them in specific parts of Palace, the alternate world inside people’s hearts.


• The SNS system seen in the PV03 trailer will have players chatting with other characters using phone text messages. This will allow players to personalize and expand their stories.

• Players will be able to explore various locations in the Greater Tokyo Area, as seen in trailers.


• Hashino reiterates that the scope of the game is very large, so the development team requires more time to properly finish it.

Fuente: Persona Central

7 meses después

El juego tiene buena pinta una duda, no conozco la saga ni nada, pero no sé, me llama me podrías decir el orden de juegos o la historia de este va a su rollo? o me recomendais alguno en especial, mersi

1 respuesta

#102 Las historias van a su rollo, dale al Persona 3 y al 4, y cuando acabes ya saldrá el 5.