El presidente de Sony Computer Entertainment, Phil Harrison vuelve a la carga con unas declaraciones que no tienen desperdicio:
"When we brought the PlayStation to the market in 1994, we introduced real time 3-D graphics for the first time. When Nintendo launched its N64 in 1996 it also had 3D graphics, did we say, 'Nintendo stole our idea!'? Obviously not. Such innovations become possible because of a combination of technology, cost and manufacture capacities... We've been working on [motion-sensing technology] for a long time and Nintendo has certainly likewise already been working on something similar."
Para defenderse de su mala copia del mando de Wii, este señor viene a decir que cuando ellos introdujeron por primera vez las 3D en tiempo real con Playstation, no se quejaron de que Nintendo les robase la idea e hiciese lo mismo con la Nintendo 64. Definitivamente este tiparraco se cubre de gloria cada vez que abre la boca.