Primeros análisis de The Last Guardian


A las 16:00 termina el embargo y comenzarán a aparecer las primeras críticas de los medios especializados. Editaré el hilo a medida que vayan saliendo:


Medios extranjeros:

Geek Culture - Jonathan Leo - 9.8/10

The Last Guardian needs to be experienced and played by everyone. Delving beyond what we mentioned above is to go into spoiler territory, but we implore you to jump in. Do that and you will most likely shed a tear or feel an emotional pull throughout the whole adventure. While not the most original tale on earth, its execution and its design is close to being perfect.

AngryCentaurGaming - Jeremy Penter - Buy

Ars Technica - Kyle Orland - No Verdict

Buy it if you're ready to be an exceptionally patient pet owner. Watch some videos online otherwise.

Attack of the Fanboy - Kyle Hanson - 4.5 / 5 stars

The Last Guardian is a marvelous achievement in a number of ways. Its story is subtle, but beautiful. Its world is fascinating and mysterious. And Trico will go down as one of the best characters ever made for a video game. Players are in for a wonderful treat, but that quality comes at a cost. The game struggles to run well at times, and the controls can be a chore. You will also need to be patient, as Trico truly acts as a living animal, not something you can just control like any other video game character. If you can get past these things though, you will find an experience like none other, and one that is truly worth the effort.

CGMagazine - Cody Orme - 6.5 / 10.0

Somewhere underneath the broken gameplay and terrible camera controls lies a lot of potential for a great game.

Cheat Code Central - Becky Cunningham - 3 / 5.0

There is artistry behind The Last Guardian's concept, but in stumbles in execution, creating a journey that is far less fascinating than the relationship that lies at its story's core.

Daily Dot - AJ Moser - 5 / 5 stars

In its finished form, the game tells a story with uncompromising vision and engrossing emotional heft. The resulting experience comes off as delicately prepared, and the mythical nature of the game’s development only enhances the fantastical tale at its core.

Destructoid - Chris Carter - 8.5 / 10.0

Like Team Ico's past work, talking about The Last Guardian too much inherently drifts into spoiler territory, but we have years to unpack this. For now, I'm confident in saying that although it isn't their best work, there really aren't too many directors out there like Fumito Ueda, and I hope for our sake, he continues making games.

Digital Trends - Phil Hornshaw - 2 / 5 stars

'The Last Guardian' is rooted in the past, with design problems the game's beautiful aesthetic can't disguise.

Digitally Downloaded - Matt Sainsbury - 5 / 5 stars

The game is deep, meaningful, and powerful. It’s reflective, different, and beautiful. It may well end up being more divisive than Ueda’s previous masterpieces, but that doesn’t mean it’s not a masterpiece, from one of the industry’s true auteurs. Play this game. Even if you hate it, it’s going to broaden your horizons around what games are truly capable of.

EGM - Emma Schaefer - 7.5 / 10.0

A heartwarming story, a mysterious world, and a slowly-growing bond between two unlikely companions ensure that fans of Team Ico’s past work won’t be disappointed. Clunky controls and a handful of graphical issues, however, mean that The Last Guardian may not be an enjoyable game for everyone—though, either way, Trico is adorable.

Eurogamer - Christian Donlan - Essential

Does the successor to Ico and Shadow of the Colossus live up to its lineage? It does so much more.

Forbes - Ollie Barder - 7.5 / 10.0

Overall, The Last Guardian for all its faults is a good game and one that I have enjoyed. Yes, there are many frustrating elements, amplified by the fact they feel unnecessary and out of character for the series, but the journey this game takes you on is a worthwhile one.

Gadgets 360 - Rishi Alwani - 7 / 10

Touching on themes such as companionship and trust, The Last Guardian’s tale is minimally delivered and powerful. Without spoiling much, it will be a topic of debate for years to come.

Game Informer - Joe Juba - 8 / 10.0

The Last Guardian forges a connection between the player and Trico unlike anything else in gaming. You need to experience it, despite its problems in other areas

Game Rant - Anthony Taormina - 3.5 / 5 stars

The Last Guardian is a must-play for fans, but it struggles under the weight of years worth of anticipation, due in large part to troublesome AI and a finicky camera.

GameSpot - Peter Brown - 9 / 10

The Last Guardian's peerless animation and character development bring a fascinating relationship between boy and beast to life.

GamesRadar+ - Tom Senior - 4.5 / 5 stars

A moving adventure starring an extraordinary companion. Framerate issues intrude, but don't let them stop you from finishing this wonderful game.

GameZone - Matt Liebl - 7.5 / 10.0

It can be argued that no game is worth waiting 10 years for, but I thoroughly enjoyed The Last Guardian. It’s not perfect by any means, but it is an enjoyable, impactful story worthy of experiencing.

GamingTrend - Kenneth Shepard - 60 / 100

The Last Guardian’s story is moving and beautifully told, but the poor execution of its dated mechanics hold it back from the greatness of its predecessors.

God is a Geek - Chris White - 6.5 / 10.0

The world is stunning, the bond between the boy and Trico is a beautiful example of love and friendship, and the story is gripping, it’s just a shame there are so many technical issues holding it back.

Guardian - Simon Parkin - 5 / 5 stars

Fumito Ueda’s PlayStation title has been a decade in the making. From the game’s exquisite animation to its emotional intelligence, it has been worth the wait

Hardcore Gamer - Jeremy Peeples - 5 / 5.0

The Last Guardian is Team ICO’s magnum opus.

IBTimes UK - Ben Skipper - 3.5 / 5 stars

Everything that would make the game a beautiful and unique classic to match or even surpass its predecessors is here, but like its captivating star the game doesn't always perform as you'd hope.

iDigitalTimes - Bob Fekete - 2 / 5 stars

The biggest question I keep coming back to in between moments of awe and terrible frustration is, ‘Is The Last Guardian any fun to play?’ Ultimately, I feel like it isn’t. The gameplay is too purposefully obstructed, too deliberately designed to be rough around the edges.

IGN - Marty Sliva - 7 / 10.0

The divide between the highs and lows of The Last Guardian is staggering. For every wonderful moment of absolute beauty and emotional attachment to its lifelike companion, there’s an equal and opposite baffling moment that ruins the mood with frustrating controls and camera angles. But I found myself willing to put up with all of these hiccups if it meant experiencing any of its multitude of incredibly-beautiful moments.

Kotaku - Mike Fahey - No Verdict

Eschewing the spare storytelling of previous Team Ico games, The Last Guardian’s plot unfolds in a series of easily digestible cutscenes. It’s a dark fairy tale that probably isn’t quite what anyone expected, but ultimately serves to make the friendship at the core of the game even more remarkable. The Last Guardian is about two lost souls becoming one, and the strength and joy found in that conjunction.

Lazygamer - Alessandro Barbosa - 8 / 10.0

Despite its lingering flaws and often frustrating pacing, The Last Guardian rises above expectation to deliver an engrossing adventure. Team Ico have brought together everything they’ve learnt over their past two games to present a heartfelt tale wrapped in an often-bewildering platformer – even if it took nearly a decade to make it here.

Metro GameCentral - GameCentral - 8 / 10

Not quite up to the same standards of its predecessors, but this is still an emotionally draining and beautifully realised story of friendship against the odds.

Next-Gen Gaming Blog - Ben Ward - 9 / 10

For all of the expectation, all of the hype, and all of the anticipation, The Last Guardian is a wonderful game. Infusing the best elements of Ico and Shadow of the Colossus, Fumito Ueda and his team have created something gloriously unique, with unparalleled ambition that has been realised almost perfectly. If you don’t find yourself falling head over heels for Trico, then there’s something wrong with you. Whilst there are a few moments in the game that do make it feel slightly dated, and the frame rate dips here and there, the scope, narrative and sheer beauty elevate this above anything that Team Ico have put out before. Does it live up to the impossible hype? To me, it comes exceptionally close.

NZGamer - Keith Milburn - 9 / 10.0

A heartfelt journey that’s much more than the sum of its parts.

Paste Magazine - Reid McCarter - 8.5 / 10.0

Regardless of a few messy puzzles, the way The Last Guardian communicates this message is worth paying attention to.

PlayStation LifeStyle - Anthony Severino - 10 / 10.0

Beautiful. In every way.

PlayStation Universe - Kyle Prahl - 9 / 10.0

Despite colossal expectations, The Last Guardian is a triumph. The tale of Trico and the boy is profound—a beautiful, affecting journey grounded by their relationship.

Polygon - Philip Kollar - 7.5 / 10.0

The Last Guardian bounces between highs and lows without ever fully living up to its legacy

Post Arcade (National Post) - Chad Sapieha - 8.5 / 10.0

Trico may not belong to any earthly species, but he moves and behaves – and, sometimes, is just as frustratingly unmanageable – as a real dog or cat

Sirus Gaming - Lexuzze Tablante - 9.8 / 10.0

I’ve been waiting for this day to come with the hopes of The Last Guardian’s success and that it wouldn’t disappoint me, and I’m glad that it didn’t. It may not have the most compelling story and has some struggles to hit a stable 30FPS, but the bond of Trico and the Boy alongside its artistic game design and core gameplay mechanics makes The Last Guardian one of the most exciting cinematic experiences next to Uncharted 4. It’s a breathtaking adventure and a beautiful work of art!

Slant Magazine - Aaron Riccio - 3 / 5 stars

Figuring out The Last Guardian's puzzles—like the one in which a broken wheelbarrow must be used as a makeshift catapult—isn't nearly as difficult as getting Trico to cooperate.

TechnoBuffalo - Joey Davidson - Buy

The Last Guardian is a wonderful, grueling ride that I loved more than I thought I would.

The A.V. Club - Matt Gerardi - No Verdict

The Last Guardian demands patience, but even it seems tired of waiting

The Jimquisition - Jim Sterling - 6.5 / 10.0

I wish I could say I love the game, that its plagued by only minor setbacks, but I cannot honestly do that. I can’t look back at how much time was spent not enjoying myself, at how much time was spent actively wrestling with the game to wring anything worthwhile from it, and say I played the masterpiece many are going to say it is.

TheSixthAxis - Jim Hargreaves - 8 / 10

All round, The Last Guardian feels meticulously pieced together and is easily one of the PlayStation 4’s stronger exclusive titles. It’s risky and unconventional, flouting modern design practices in a way that few other AAA game would dare to in 2016. Although far from perfect and a little worn from age, it’s a one of a kind experience and hopefully won’t be the last we see from Fumito Ueda and this enchanting world.

TrustedReviews - Brett Phipps - 3.5 / 5 stars

Yes, The Last Guardian’s controls are incredibly archaic and at times can be entirely broken, but two days after finishing it, the story has stuck with me. Studio Japan has continued to show how it can do so much while saying so little. The environment, characters and everything about the narrative captivated me. In spite of the controls I still thoroughly enjoyed the game overall. The story is a simple one, but powerful nonetheless.

USgamer - Jeremy Parish - 4 / 5 stars

Playing The Last Guardian reminds me a lot of playing Half-Life games: The actual moment-to-moment of working my way through the game involves an enormous amount of frustration and annoyance... but when I look back at it, all I see are the happy memories of the experience. That's due in large part to the incredible design of Trico, and also to the spectacular emotive ending. Make no mistake, though, you will want to tear your hair out throughout your journey with Trico... but patient players will find the payoff justifies the suffering.

VideoGamer - Tom Orry - 9 / 10

For some The Last Guardian's iffy controls, awkward camera, and glitches might be hard to overcome. Others won't care as they experience one of the most incredible relationships in video game history.

ZTGD - Jae Lee - 9 / 10.0

Saying that the wait has been long to finally get our hands on the Last Guardian is the understatement of the century, but I can state without hesitation that the wait has been more than worth it. The awe-inspiring living creature that is Trico carries this title, which would have otherwise just been a good puzzle platformer into an instant classic that I’m sure to visit time and time again, just to say hello to my new best buddy, one more time.

Medios nacionales:

Tráiler de lanzamiento:

Meristation - Franchuzas - 9/10

Es una curiosa vuelta de tuerca al concepto de los combates, ya que esta vez el jugador encarna el cliché de la damisela en apuros que hay que salvar a cada paso. Como apuesta puede resultar un poco arriesgada, porque el hecho es que desempeñamos un papel mucho más pasivo que en cualquier otro juego con peleas, incluidos los anteriores del Team Ico. Pero el estudio tiene el tino de dosificar bastante estos encuentros (tanto en asiduidad como duración), y añadir también acciones que podemos realizar mientras nuestro guardaespaldas particular destroza a los enemigos: algunas de las estatuas le clavan lanzas que debemos arrancar de su cuerpo para que no empeoren las heridas, y otras portan escudos con esas mismas vidrieras del ojo que paralizan a Trico, dejándolo indefenso a menos que carguemos contra ellos para que las dejen caer al suelo. Además, todo combate termina con la necesidad de subir sobre nuestro compañero para acariciarlo y rebajar la tensión acumulada durante el enfrentamiento. Es otro de tantos métodos que usa The Last Guardian para reforzar nuestro vínculo, creando un fuerte contraste entre el nerviosismo que le produce vernos en peligro y su relajada actitud cuando se da cuenta de que volvemos a estar los dos solos.

Vandal - Jorge Cano - 8.4/10

No nos hace falta darle una nota sobresaliente o hacer la vista gorda a sus defectos para recomendar The Last Guardian, porque es un juego tan único, tan especial, que cualquier amante de este tipo de aventuras debe jugarlo. Como han hecho a propósito algunos juegos de los últimos años, volver a fórmulas antiguas o casi olvidadas es una buena manera de ofrecer algo único y vigente hoy en día. Y aunque el hecho de que un juego como este haya aparecido ahora es casi un accidente, como ocurre muchas veces en la vida la casualidad da los mejores frutos, y The Last Guardian es una bella rara avis en pleno 2016, que muchos jugadores de PS4 van a disfrutar de lo lindo. Una aventura preciosa, imperfecta y encantadora: ojalá hubiera más juegos como este.

Hilo oficial de The Last Guardian en el foro de Juegos de mediavida.


No quiero ver las notas, pero al mismo tiempo si... QUE NERVIOS JODER


¿Si saca 8 no lo compramos, verdad?

PD: igual le meten un 10, como al SOTC, aunque dure 1h.


Va a ser el GOTY


Que me intenten vender un juego a traves de "feels" me hace bastante gracia.

A ver si hablan de gameplay y no de lagrimitas

1 1 respuesta

Ya salen!


#5 No puede ser tan malo como otros que estan en un pedestal, como The last of us.




Vamos, dadme controversia, las de XV fueron demasiado aburridas



4 1 respuesta

Hay de todo según estoy leyendo.


Pone en el análisis que "puede llegar a 10h". Confirmado, dura lo mismo que SOTC.


8,4 vandal
9 meristation


Y OpenCritic petando, para variar. Me ha dado tiempo a pillar 19, voy a ir poniendo las de medios españoles poco a poco que esas son a mano.

De momento bastante división.


Yo hasta que no salga la de areajugones no me fio


#10 +1 el unico exclusivo de ps4 que no me llama ni jugar


Joder, cuidado con las cosas malas que dicen bastantes medios:
-El rendimiento del juego en PS4.
-Una cámara muy mala.
-Controles imprecisos.


Todas las criticas dicen que adolece de lo mismo, y me da que los que han analizado son unos manquers de cuidado.


Risas varias ver ciertas notas hiper infladas y luego ver el resto con notas intermedias. Se notan los maletines.

3 1 respuesta

Yo creo que lo voy a comprar.... Si os digo la verdad este juego no creo que me guste demasiado, pero me gustaría darle una oportunidad después de tanto curro... Se lo merecen.

Intentare no fijarme tanto en los graficos


15 años para esto....

2 1 respuesta

Malos controles, mal rendimiento y mala cámara en un juego de fumito ueda? A que me suena eso


#19 Pues vaya mierda de maletines la verdad.

#21 15 no, 200.


quien dice 15 dice 20


Unos le dan un 10, otros un 6... vaya batiburrillo de notas.


lo esperado, carne de segunda mano


Hay disparidad de notas, pero teniendo en cuenta el tipo de juego que es no me fiaría mucho de las reviews.

Y la verdad es que después de haber sobrevivido a SotC no veo como esto podría tener peores controles.

1 1 respuesta

Para que hacéis estos hilos si todo el mundo le da entre 7-9 de nota a todos los juegos que salen


Es peor que Final Fantasy XV.

1 3 respuestas

#29 Joder, ya es decir xD

Edit: 82 ahora.

9 de 3djuegos