PUBG 2018 Roadmap


PUBG 2018 Roadmap


Today, I finally get to talk to you about our vision and roadmap for 2018. We have come a long way over the past 2 years and have learned so much. We've done a lot of planning over the last two months, and today we reveal how we want PUBG to evolve in 2018. We've worked hard over the past 2 years to build a good foundation for the most realistic Battle Royale experience out there. This year we plan to build on that foundation and really start to polish our features, squash the remaining bugs and expand the game even further.

When we came out of Steam Early Access, we told you that it was just the beginning of our journey. This year we're committing to a major content delivery cycle every two months, the first of which is planned for this month. Each of these major updates will bring changes to specific systems and/or introduce new content. Smaller updates between the major ones will also continue throughout the year. 

This year we want to involve our players in the ongoing development of PUBG even more than before, and to aid with this we plan to open an Experimental Test Server so we can get your valuable feedback on our feature/content development cycle sooner and for you to have a real impact on how our game changes and develops going forward. 

It is also our aim to continually upgrade the game's aesthetic side, and today we want to share some before/after images showing work the art team has been doing to improve the way houses are rendered in the game.


Now onto the Roadmap proper. Please keep in mind that everything below is subject to change, and is still very much a work in progress. With that in mind, let's get into the specifics!

New Content and Gameplay

Next month we will be deploying a new, 4x4km island map on our Experimental Test Server for you to try out. It's a much smaller map and should give you all a much more intense and faster paced Battle Royale experience. It will offer a higher player density and shorter matches and we want to get it into your hands early this time around so we can use your input to make it a great experience for everyone. 

We're also ready to begin testing our Emote System. You will be able to check it out on our Test Servers very soon. We're looking forward to receiving your feedback on this new system and we will continue to expand on the range of emotes available throughout the year. For now, here is a brief preview of some of the work we have been doing on this system.

I've been working with our amazing game design team to plan some new and interesting Game Modes for PUBG. We're still early days when it comes to hammering out all the kinks and details, so I'm unfortunately not yet at a place where I can share specifics. 

We plan to add new vehicles in the first half of the year and want to continue expanding our weapon set and also add new weapon attachments this year. Here is a peek at one of the new weapons coming soon.

Another new map that we're working on is planned to be 8x8km in size. As with the smaller map coming to the Experimental Test Servers, we want to get this into your hands early in its development, so you can help us make the gameplay great on this new map.

We're ready to begin testing Achievements, in-game friends list and squad voice chat in the main menu! We also want to further allow you to customize your character, and both parachute and weapon skins will be added in the future to help with this.

We will also be testing limb and vehicle bullet penetration on the test servers later. This will add new depth to our ballistic system, and increase the realism of gameplay. We, of course, will listen closely to your feedback on these new systems, and if you have concerns, please head over to our forums and leave your feedback there.

In 2018, we will be looking at overhauling our entire TPP and FPP animation systems to make them smoother and more reactive to the environment. This will include animations for getting inside vehicles and changing seats while in the vehicle. We also want to improve how the character moves to allow our 3D replay to deliver some truly great content.

Also on our roadmap is an overhaul for the parachuting system, to make it more responsive and polish the overall look of the animations. We are also working to improve our armed and unarmed melee combat systems. 

Stability, Optimization, Security

We have not forgotten about our core responsibility to our players - to provide a stable, smooth and secure environment for enjoying a great Battle Royale experience. We are continuing our daily work to combat cheaters, improve server stability and further optimize our servers and clients. It is impossible to solve these problems once and for all, but our goal is to continuously improve in this regard. 

Due to the sensitive nature of this subject and to maximize the impact we can have, I won't be able to go into specific plans. However, we're planning to keep you more up-to-date about our efforts as we have major victories to share.


In the first half of 2018, we intend to increase the detail of vehicle sounds, which means introducing suspension sounds and more skidding sounds. We also want to work with surfaces that would reflect different weather conditions and add rain sounds to vehicle surfaces. Also in the first half of the year, we're looking at making the gun sounds more distinctly different depending on POV. 

In the second half of the year, we plan to change the sound that the player produces while moving so that it corresponds to the equipment they are carrying. We also plan to introduce different breathing sounds when the player is, for example, running, aiming down sight or holding breath.


Seriously, we are not there yet, but we will be. Thanks to the amazing feedback coming from the player community and professional scene we believe we're moving in the right direction. We truly want to build a great foundation for Battle Royale esports, and while we have seen some great events already using our game, we have much work to do, especially with the observing side of things.

We believe our 3D replay system is the key to allowing orgs to provide much better coverage of a match. This year we want to further improve the live spectator tool, but also integrate a replay system for spectators to use during live matches. Our data analytics team has been pouring over ranking and player performance data for the past 3 months, and they are now working on improving MMR and the overall ranking system.

We have great teams working on these systems, and along with our new Play Data API toolset, we think 2018 will be a great year for us to further strengthen our esport foundation.

Custom Games

The Custom Game System will itself be further expanded to allow more fine grain control and quality of life features like saving presets. We're also planning to distribute access to a wider audience of players so that there are more custom games available to join at any given time.

We can't thank you enough for your patience thus far and we will soon share more details with you regarding our successes and future challenges in this regard. 

Community Developer Support

This year we will be introducing the PUBG Developer Portal. Our Developer Portal will introduce the PUBG Developer API, a development blog, and technical notes regarding game updates. The API Service will support developers in the community by providing player and match data around gameplay performance. It will also provide match-level, season-level, and lifetime-level data for developers to create compelling resources for players.

Another interesting and useful application of our API will allow esports groups and other third parties to create custom games within PUBG. This will enable esports groups to effectively manage games while minimizing ongoing technical work on the part of PUBG Corp.

So that's it for the 2018 PUBG Roadmap. Please keep in mind that this list of new features and systems is not exhaustive as far as 2018 is concerned. There are other things we plan to introduce that we were not yet ready talk about, so stay tuned!

As always, thank you for your tremendous support over the past year! 

See you in-game,


Ojalá saber inglés


A ver cuántos de los cambios están implementados en Noviembre de 2018.

De todas formas pinta bien, es como una promesa de que van a arreglar las cosas que están mal y mejorar el juego, lo que queda ahora es cumplirlo.

Pero promete.


Los gestos son la leche y es lo que más quiero.


RPV: PUBG gets Fornited'


Los gestos se los podrían ahorrar que solo sirven para generar odio.


Os lo resumo. Promesas para 2018:

  • Optimización del renderizado (ya están en ello) y estética.
  • Nuevo contenido y gameplay. Crean un mapa de islas tamaño 4x4 con más acción, más densidad de jugadores y partidas más cortas. Meterán también uno 8x8.
  • Gestos y emoticonos para los personajes. Vamos, para reirte del enemigo
  • Nuevas armas y accesorios coming up. Dejan una imagen de la primera que saldrá
  • Mejoras de estabilidad, optimización y seguridad buscando la fluidez y unas mecánicas e impactos mejores.

  • Sonido: Quieren mejorar los sonidos de vehículos (suspensión, superficies, etc...) y en la segunda mitad de año cambiar los sonidos de los jugadores al moverse.

  • Esports: Sistema de replays mejorado e incursiones en el mundo competitivo gracias al feedback de la plebe.

  • Partidas personalizadas y soporte de la comunidad: API para developers y creación de partidas y custom games.

2 1 respuesta

#7 te lo pongo en #1


osea que meteran un mapa pequeñito estilo fornite 4x4 y meteran uno normal 8x8 como erangel/miramar no?

lo de los emotes es tonteria pero bueh, se nota que van a saco a por los de fornite.
lo unico que no me gusta serian las skins de armas


Mucho prometer... a ver cuánto consiguen cumplir. Ojalá que mucho, pero pocas esperanzas.

1 respuesta

Imagino que separaran las colas 8x8 de 4x4.
Veo bien los cambios, aun que espero que no malgasten mucho tiempo en emoticonos. (pero recibir un snipazo por hacer el canelo con los emoticonos tiene su gracia)


Lo de los emotes ya lo tenía el tf2 y es básicamente para reirte del que has matado xD

Hombre yo no creo que tarden mucho en implementar todo eso, lo que en teoría les llevo mucho trabajo fue hacer la 1.0, con la cantidad de pasta que han ganado solo se tienen que dedicar a ello en cuerpo y alma, no tiene otra cosa que hacer.


Pues yo voy a hacer un resumen un poco hater, para tener visión desde ambos lados, no me lo tengáis en cuenta, yo también estoy expectante de los cambios que metan:

  • Por fin se dignan a 'cambiar' (repintar mas bien) los assets predefinidos de la tienda de Unreal con los que esta hecho el juego (este y muchos otros)
  • Añadidas '10 animaciones' de personaje (esto en términos de trabajo es mas bien poco)
  • Nuevo mapa 4x4 y 8x8 (no hay queja por ahora)
  • Nuevas armas (Añadir 4 assets comprados, de trabajo poco)
  • Penetración (sin queja, pero esto es algo que deberia estar desde day1 en un shooter serio)
  • Sonido (sin queja)
  • Estabilidad optimizacion y eso se presupone con el estado actual del juego
  • Personalizadas/API (sin queja)
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"We also want to work with surfaces that would reflect different weather conditions and add rain sounds to vehicle surfaces"

Ojalá que vuelva la lluvia :grin:

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#14 Y la niebla, por favor. Esa variedad me encantaba. Y que los añadan a Miramar.


#13 Pues vaya hater de pacotilla, pongo algo más.

Optimización del renderizado: Unos diseños de los sims 3 en un shooter del 2018, con todo el dinero que han ganado ya era hora de al menos intentarlo, cosa que no conseguirán.

Nuevo contenido y gameplay: Cada mapa lo hacen peor y ya están tardando en implementar la votación del mapa porque si meten otro espero que sea peor que Miramar y así querer jugar Miramar. El de 4x4 estará bien para jungla simulator y ojalá subir por las lianas donde haya loot militar.


#10 Pues hombre, hasta la fecha han cumplido con todo lo que prometieron, incluidas fechas.

1 respuesta

Ese mapa promete ^^ 4x4


#17 Pero también es cierto que muchas cosas no van finas, como por ejemplo, errores de desincronización, bugs por doquier, problemas de rendimiento, etc, pero vamos, que yo estoy encantado con el juego, los 22$ mejor invertidos de mi vida como videojugador. Amo el juego pero pa mi esto sigue siendo beta.


About time!, pinta increible las novedades, me llama mucho el mapa 4x4 para partidas cortas


Next month we will be deploying a new, 4x4km island map on our Experimental Test Server for you to try out. Ya sabemos cuando saldran cajas nuevas, cuando saquen el mapa al live :rofl:


pa' cuando skins de las armicas?

2 respuestas

Molaría que en los torneos oficiales no tardara 10 segundos en cargarse Pochinki, o una mierda de caseta.
Este juego es una puta vergüenza desde la 1.0.
Mil millones de bugs que no arreglan. Si hubieran querido seguir sacando parches de bugs los habrían solucionado todos.
Los servers siguen siendo la puta mierda.
Contenido con cuenta gotas y normalmente cutre y descuidado.
Merecido tienen que Fortnite les coma la tostada.
Sus promesas me las paso yo por el forro de los cojones.

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Y rachas de bajas

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#24 que te pasa a ver anda que no estaría guapo

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#25 mira eh a mí que no me metan mierdas de skins de esos me escuchas

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#25 #26 Y pegatinas pa' los coxes to wapoohohhhh

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#27 #26 #22

both parachute and weapon skins will be added in the future to help with this.

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#28 Holy shit


pero nadie dice nada del arma nueva de la imagen , yo creo que sera un kalashnikov con mas accesorios, como la m4 vamos

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