QUAKE Wars 1.4


Paul Wedgewood ha anunciado en la página de la comunidad de Enemy Territory: QUAKE Wars los cambios que incluirá el próximo parche del juego.

Este nuevo parche trae importantes cambios, entre los que destacan:

Hot servers
Al entrar al navegador de partidas el juego nos mostrará servidores con bajo ping y en los que la campaña esté empezando, además del número de jugadores que están considerando entrar en él.

HUDs avanzados y simplificados
Se podrá añadir o quitar información al HUD y se ha mejorado el fireteam y la pantalla de fin de misión con más estadísticas.

Entrenamiento básico para los nuevos jugadores
Con este modo los novatos podrán aprender los conceptos básicos del juego en equipo gracias a unas misiones predefinidas que habrá que realizar junto a los bots.

Con la salida del SDK y los nuevos mapas, se añadirá esta función para que se descarguen automáticamente los archivos necesarios para entrar a un servidor.

Una de las características más esperadas. Permitirá a cientos de jugadores ver partidos y viene con todas las características típicas de este tipo de sistemas.

[/b]Más balanceo de la jugabilidad[/b]

  • Se han arreglado las hitboxes. Ahora requerirá más precisión hacer un headshot.
  • Para evitar el spawncamping, los vehículos son invulnerables en base hasta que alguien los coge.
  • Se ha ajustado el daño de los helicópteros.
  • Ahora se pueden hackear dos veces los desplegables, obligando al ingeniero a repararlos tras la segunda.
  • Las estelas del sniper y la railgun son más fáciles de detectar.
  • Se han hecho pequeños ajustes en prácticamente todas las armas para conseguir un combate más balanceado.
  • El MCP no recibe daños mientras se está reparando para evitar los fullholds.

Código de red
Se ha mejorado el código de red para aquellos que tenían problemas y se ha conseguido una experiencia mucho más suave, sin lags ni saltos, gracias a un memory leak que se ha arreglado.

El parche está siendo ya testeado por Activision y esperan tenerlo listo antes de fin de año.

Además, Locki dice que SplashDamage está ya trabajando en la próxima mejora, que será el soporte para competiciones y el modo de torneo.

El artículo completo (en inglés) está en http://community.enemyterritory.com/index.php?q=node/212


Grandes mejoras, especialmente la del ETQW:TV.


a buenas horas mangas verdes




demasiado tarde.

grande tazz xd


Si esto hubiera salido hace un par de meses o mas...

Ale, go elfo de sangre .. ¬¬


que saquen esto cuando el juego esta mas que agonizante.. en fin, como ya se ha dicho a buenas horas.. xD


#7 por que no te callas?




mas vale tarde q nunca no?


ya esta agonizando? pero si no tiene ni 3 meses!


Permitirá a cientos de jugadores ver partidos y viene con todas las características típicas de este tipo de sistemas.
Si se conectan mas de 2, sera un record.
Enfin este juego lo acabaran regalando en 6 meses...


Pues me parecen muy acertados todos los cambios y mejoras, la verdad es que se lo están currando mucho, y luego el próximo parche para competiciones a ver si relanza el juego ;)


Agree, es un juego muy divertido, lastima que los fallos de rendimiento le hallan jodido tanto. A ver que tal el parche que pinta bien


Las mejoras son cojonudas y no habra que esperar que llega para navidad.


mi banner de exilium mola mas perrys


#6 jajaja Yo recorrí justo ese mismo camino hace poco.

RTCW (2años)-> ET (3 años)-> WoW (2 años) ->ET:QW (2 semanas) -> WoW (con elfo de sangre, ofc xD)

PD: Marte chaquetero! xD


Esperemos que vaya bien, alomejor vosotros habeis sido muy precipitados en cambiar de juego. O alomejor el CoD4 se os asemeja más al BF2/Cs, pero el Quake Wars tiene ya de por si mucha jugabilidad...


Ke kosa mas BueNaAaAa....3 meses antes a lo mejor fuera captado la atencion de mas jugadores...


Agonizando es mucho decir !!!!! Esta con el pijama de madera ya.
Me viene a la mente los tiempos en los q este juego iba a ser la panacea........


A mi me viene a la mente las criticas que han recibido otros juegos a base de alabar este,pero bueno el tiempo pone cada cosa en su sitio.

En dos meses 4 parches y en dos meses menos jugadores que el arkanoiod.. si atriunfado si..



XD toda la razón je

22 días después

Ya se ha publicado el parche 1.4, se puede actualizar directamente desde el juego con el acutalizador, o os lo podéis descargar de los siguientes enlaces:

[b]Enemy Territory 1.4 Client Update (Windows)[/b]
* FileFront http://files.filefront.com/Enemy+Territory+Quake+Wars+v14+Client+Patch/;9439904;/fileinfo.html
* Gamers Hell http://www.gamershell.com/download_22796.shtml
* i3d.net http://forum.i3d.net/downloads.php?do=file&id=590
* Multiplay.co.uk http://clanservers.multiplay.co.uk/ftpfiles.php?fid=17574
* QuoVadis Clan http://www.quovadis-clan.de/qv/index.php?mod=news&action=view&id=77&start=0
* Student Net Twente ftp://ftp.snt.utwente.nl/pub/games/etqw/retail/client/win32/ETQW-client-1.0-1.4-update.exe
* Official .torrent  http://zerowing.idsoftware.com:6969

[b]Enemy Territory 1.4 Client Update (Linux)[/b] 
* i3d.net http://forum.i3d.net/downloads.php?do=file&id=589
* Multiplay.co.uk http://clanservers.multiplay.co.uk/ftpfiles.php?fid=17575
* QuoVadis Clan http://www.quovadis-clan.de/qv/index.php?mod=news&action=view&id=77&start=0
* Official .torrent http://zerowing.idsoftware.com:6969/

  [b]Enemy Territory 1.4 Standalone Server (Windows)[/b]
* Gamers Hell http://www.gamershell.com/download_22797.shtml
* i3d.net http://forum.i3d.net/downloads.php?do=file&id=591
* Multiplay.co.uk http://clanservers.multiplay.co.uk/ftpfiles.php?fid=17576
* Student Net Twente ftp://ftp.snt.utwente.nl/pub/games/etqw/retail/server/win32/ETQW-server-1.4-full-setup.exe
* Official .torrent http://zerowing.idsoftware.com:6969/

[b]Enemy Territory 1.4 Standalone Server (Linux)[/b] 
* Multiplay.co.uk http://clanservers.multiplay.co.uk/ftpfiles.php?fid=17577
* Official .torrent http://zerowing.idsoftware.com:6969/

Aquí tenéis el changelog en inglés:

  [b]Front End[/b]
 * Hot Servers listing added to the server browser (includes listing of number of players considering joining the server)
* Server browser now updates player count the instant somebody chooses to connect to it
* Added panel to the server browser screen that displays the users stats and awards progress
* Ticker on server browser screen now links to external web sites
* New options available on Play Computer screen
* Additional option on the Game Settings screen (Advanced HUD, Respawn Text, Draw Fireteam List etc) 

  [b]Play Computer[/b]
* New Tutorial mode with pre-set bot skill levels
* Key tooltips now briefly pause the game in tutorial mode to help lead the player
* Tooltips played in tutorial mode now highlight corresponding HUD elements where appropriate
* Additional new tooltips
* Updated bot AI for Tutorial mode: bots play less aggressive, assist more and pace the completion of objectives 

 * Head hitbox for player models adjusted, damage now scales better based on accuracy
* New VO added for tooltips
* Subtle Motivators added - When players achieve various records in-game they are told so via a pop-up message
* Vehicles at the main base of either side are now immune to damage after spawning, immunity is lost when used by a player
* Spawning vehicles are now static until used by a player to avoid exploiting
* Mines are now highlighted by green or red dots on the HUD
* Fireteam leaders are now displayed with White player arrows, fireteams with Yellow arrows and friends with Cyan arrows
* Vampire Strike beacon smoke effect has been updated
* Revive missions for Medics/Technicians are now Tasks
* Matches can now be paused mid-game via 'pausegame' or 'admin pause/unpause'
* Player models on the limbo menu now rotate 360 degrees when a class is first selected
* Buttons added to mute limbo menu voice tutorial
* End game stats screen has been updated with new stats info (Next Award, Rewards gained this campaign, Personal Bests, Mouse over info on map awards like Best Engineer)
* Advanced HUD option (moves text, reduces space used by obituaries and moves subtle motivator pop-ups)
* Deployables now display the owner's name on Crosshair info
* New HUD icons for parachuting/air-shield and Third Eye Camera
* Reduced decoy fire rate on Tormentor and Anansi
* Reload time increased on Anansi Rockets and Tormentor Plasma Cannon
* Reduced damage done to deployables by Anansi Rockets and Tormentor Plasma Cannon
* Re-balanced Anansi and Tormentor XP
* Basic hacking has had its time reduced and can now also cause damage when hacking an already disabled deployable
* Slightly updated effects on Violator
* Sniper Rifle and Railgun trails are now more obvious/longer duration
* Stroybomb reload time increased slightly
* Adjusted the point at which the attacking team gets a reduced spawn time
* Progress decay on some objectives has been adjusted
* Player's now receive a warning when a turret is targeting them or when they have triggered a mine
* Added more support for loading mods
* A message is printed on the HUD when someone finishes hacking a shield generator
* The game running in fullscreen no longer forcefully captures the mouse, resulting in better multitask behaviour
* 'vstr' now evaluates immediately, rather than adding its output to the end of the command buffer
* Workaround for certain ISPs filtering out legitimate authentication and match making packets
* Multiplayer stereo sound separation algorithm alternative from Quake 4 added, s_earSeperationAlgo 1 to enable (Default and legacy is 0) two additional cvars for control: s_esa1_minVolume (sound never drops below this fraction for either ear), s_esa1_maxWindow (window size in which volume is maxed, fraction of full range)
* Text declarations now take priority over binary ones to make mod development easier
* WriteJumpStartDemo now overwrites existing files
* Added local stats tracking for offline play
* Increased XP reward for players picking up your Health Packs, Ammo Packs and Stroyent Cells
* Added green repair indicators if someone repairs your vehicle.
* The icarus is now more forgiving to lock on to
* The MCP auto-deploys when it has been in the deploy zone for half a second, deploy text on HUD removed.
* MCP does not take damage unless it can move
* MCP driver can now remain inside the MCP when it is disabled
* MCP driver MG cannot be used when the MCP is disabled
* Shotgun pellet count reduced and fire rate increased
* Assault Rifle and Lacerator base weapon accuracy increased
* Sprinting will now pull you out of sighted/scoped mode
* APT turrets now have a 1.5 second delay before it starts turning towards the player. 

* Added support for spawning repeater server on dedicated server, net_spawnRepeater 1 to enable
* Added support for connecting repeater relay servers to other repeater servers, net_spawnRepeater 1 to enable
* The port the repeater will use can be controlled by net_repeaterPort, the default is 27833 is no port is specified
* Use ri_maxViewers to control viewer slot limit for repeater servers
* Access to the repeater can be limited by the use of ri_useViewerPass, g_viewerPassword, g_repeaterPassword, ri_privateViewers and g_privateViewerPassword
* Repeater server name can be controlled by ri_name
* Viewers may chat to other viewers on the same repeater server, this can be disabled with g_noTVChat
* Viewers may cycle through player views by pressing the attack key, and free fly using the alt attack key
* Broadcasting can be delayed by changing net_clientRepeaterDelay, this is only supported on repeater relays
* Repeaters can be set up to auto-download required content by setting net_clientRepeaterAutoDownload to 1
* For additional information on the ETQW TV feature, please see the ETQW TV Readme file. 

  [b]Bug Fixes[/b]
* Fixed saving some passwords causing the local account to be corrupted
* Fixed typing quickly scrambling user input
* Fixed typing while holding down Shift sometimes causing text overwrites
* Fixed low apparent texture quality if texture quality settings were below the baseline
* Fixed an intermittent crash on startup during the "Loading UI..." stage
* Fixed crash when loading a map on ATI brand cards
* Fixed serverInfo command incorrectly reporting server status
* Fixed filters being applied to History and Favorites list
* Fixed auto-updater being used when running from the Steam version of the game
* Fixed ServerLauncher not reloading the last opened profile
* Fixed ServerLauncher not properly setting the mod
* Fixed being able to corrupt user chat history
* Fixed a crash when deleting the last item in the replay list
* Fixed sometimes being able to send empty messages when chatting
* Fixed jittery bots & vehicles when playing against the computer with unlockFPS on
* Fixed clipping through ceiling when getting out of the Husky in specific locations
* Fixed Player.cpp bad floating point dump-to-console error
* Fixed GDF deployable "jerk" on landing
* Fixed servers having incorrect antilag tuning - antilag tuning CVars are now read-only
* Fixed infiltrator being able to teleport without having full charge
* Fixed bugs with accurized lacerator/scoped assault rifle scoping & unscoping
* Prevented vehicle view FOV issues - FOV limited to 90 when in vehicles
* Fixed loading screen sometimes showing previous server's information
* Fixed relative directory name detection incorrectly marking certain paths as relative, resulting in problems when attempting to create directories or files
* Fixed offline friends in the friends list incorrectly appearing as if they were on a server
* Fixed 5.1 and 7.1 audio not working in certain surround configurations
* Fixed mouse buttons not being swapped correctly when the raw input api was used
* Fixed autocompletion not working in certain situations for files that exist in PK4s
* Fixed bindings.cfg able to be being executed multiple times in a frame due to input language switches, potentially resulting in keys not being bound
* Fixed projection matrix jittering being applied in cases where it shouldn't (for example, waypoint icon coordinate calculation)
* Fixed not always clearing the fireteam name edit box before opening it.
* Fixed 'create' on fireteam menu when trying to create more than 8 fireteams.
* Fixed playing OOB tooltip even though player was dead.
* Fixed inverted "blocked you"/"unlbocked you" tooltips in the friends list.
* Fixed campaign tab being fullscreen when restarting map and going straight to the vote tab.
* Fixed seeing the action icon on enemy mines even though disarming was impossible from that distance. 



cuanto bug O_o




me he perdido algo?


que perris sois ... si realmente el juego os gusta y venis a despotricar sobre el '¬¬


simplemente es un juegazo, lo que pasa es que la gente son unos indecisos y hacen caso a otros, este juego en Europa triunfa, y por que no en ¿¿ ESPAÑA ??, veremos a ver que sucede con este parche.


el parche es una mierda a mi gusto, para 3 cosas buenas, joden 5 q me gustaban, pero bueno, nunca llueve a gusto de todos :/.

P.D: en españa no triunfa, y en europa va perdiendo gente. la gente se va al COD4; les debe gustar jugar al parchis :I



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