Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City


Capcom confirma el el nuevo Resident Evil multiplayer que se rumoreaba estaba preparando Slant Six. Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City aparecerá en PlayStation 3 y Xbox 360 a finales de este año.

Como no tengo screens dejo un tocho gigantesco con datos del juego en perfecto inglés.

[list]*The game takes place in 1998, a time where Resident Evil fans already know what's set to take place.  The title lets you enjoy the series from a new perspective, as the men and women who are technically responsible for it all.
*Rather than continuing the zombie slaying antics of BSAA agents, you're taken back to the original outbreak "that underscored both Resident Evil 2 and Resident Evil 3: Nemesis."
*The game doesn't require any crazy amounts of knowledge of the past titles or characters involved in the series.  The title opens up to a "quartet of new faces".  Essentially, you're playing as members of the official Umbrella Security Services squad.
*Operation Raccoon City is a team-based shooter allowing four members of the USS team to destroy all evidence of the ongoing outbreak.  Along with slaying the zombies, you're looking to "kill pretty much every survivor possible".
*The gameplay is described as "dirty", and the series will feel much darker than it has up to this point.
*The game features three factions that Capcom has stated make up a "three-corner conflict".  The other two factions are the US Spec Ops, who are there to repel the USS, and the "bio-organic weapon monsters (BOWs) created by Umbrella.
*The USS team is made up of the following characters: Vector, Beltway, Bertha, and Spectre.  Depending on which character you choose, the responsibilities that you're asked to do within your team will variate.
*Hunk, first seen in Resident Evil 2 as a hidden character, is the inspiration behind the USS team.
*"Whichever team you play on, you'll be facing Umbrella-created horrors in between skirmishes with each other".
*Zombies in the game can sense you in three different manners: sight, sound, and smell.
*A situation is described in the game where Vector cloaks himself to stir up previously slumbering zombies to use against the Special Ops military foes.
*Quite a few scenarios in the game aren't "all about headshots".  A quote in the article states, "It's about shooting the other soldiers - manipulating the, making them bleed."
*The game will take you through a number of familiar areas if you're a Resident Evil junkie who remembers your journey to Raccoon City.
*Operation Raccoon City, depending on how you play the game, will give you the option to "change the history of Resident Evil".  Not only will you have the chance to meet and interact with various characters from the series, but you'll even have the opportunity to kill them.
*One of th mottos repeated to OXM throughout the demo was "Kill Leon".  It's also stated that if you choose to represent in the game as the Special Ops team, that you'd more than likely have the goal of trying to save Leon Kennedy.
*Slant Six or Capcom won't reveal if any other characters will be playable in the title just yet, but it'd make sense to see quite a few big cameos.
*The title will still see players relying on collecting herbs to heal from any attacks you may suffer.  You won't need to hoard any herbs, but they'll still benefit you to collect them throughout the game.
*"This is not a one-versus-one game where you've got one clip full of ammo and zombies on you.  If you've ever thought of those times in an RE game when you thought, 'I'd wish I had a big gun', that's what this game is.  It's not fair to give people big guns, then take all the ammo away."
*One of the pictures in the article showcases a zombie being used as a "meatshield".
*Operation Raccoon City allows players to earn XP for kills, with these points helping you survive the onslaught, and to help to encourage you to anihilate everything in your path.
*The XP will allow you to earn new abilities, such as Vector's cloaking skill, and new weapons.
  • Tyrants will most definitely be included in the title.[/list]

Tiene pintilla. Lo seguire. Parece que vuelven a la antigua pero innovando en un par de cosillas. Lo de la XP me parece una gran decision por parte de los productores.


Por favor que vuelvan los zombies de verdad, y se dejen de mariconadas de infectados como en los ultimos RE.


cualquier basura que saquen será mejor que RE5

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Operation Raccoon City is a team-based shooter allowing four members of the USS team to destroy all evidence of the ongoing outbreak. Along with slaying the zombies, you're looking to "kill pretty much every survivor possible".

me dices que este juego es como un l4d? en plan segun el equipo en el que estes tienes que matar a todo el mundo o seguir adelante cumpliendo objetivos?

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#4 No les subestimes!

5 1 respuesta

#5 Mmm... lo has leido todo? "The gameplay is described as "dirty", and the series will feel much darker than it has up to this point." Dirty Gameplay + FPS = Error... No sera un shooter rollo l4d , o eso me dan a entender a mi con esa frase.


entendi mal la frase que puse antes entonces...

bueno, esperaremos noticias

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#8 :P

Tiene pinta de un pseudo-rpg coop con toque de TPS. Todo habra que verlo , pero me da buenas sensaciones a mi.


Quizá sea similar al RE Outbreak, de todas formas hay que estar muuuy pendientes porque seguro que merece la pena.


si a lo mejor me he pasado un poco #6 con poder andar y apuntar a la vez como en 1998 me conformo.


Yo ya no me hago ilusiones...

6 1 respuesta


Haces bien, a ver con que mierda nos sorprenden esta vez :(


Por si a alguien le da pereza leer inglés aquí han puesto un buen sumario ->


Con las patas vueltas me hallo:


pues a mi el R4 me molo la puta vida y mas.

3 1 respuesta

#16 Detrás de ti imbéssil!

Nah, ya sacaron uno en plan multiplayer no? El outbreak ese 1 y 2 xD


Resident evil 4 ojala hubiese salido siendo lo que tenian planeado sacar en un principio , pues por ahi hay videos circulando y tenian una pintaza enorme, con un desarollo similar a lo visto en el 4, pero una jugabilidad alejada de la accion y mas centrada en el terror, con un Leon S kenedy infectado por el virus y flipando , viendo marionetas asesinas y demas

Por desgracia cuando estaba casi finalizado pensaron que no era lo bastante comercial y terminaron reciclando algunas cosas de ese desarollo para el primer devil man Cry. Y aunque resident evil no es un juego malo en absoluto, para mi es el inicio de la decadencia de la saga.

Resident evil 5 no hay por donde cogerlo. Malo malo con avaricia. Y lo peor es que este tiene pinta de ser un resdident evil 5 con cosillas del Left 4 Dead. Por uqe mierdas no hacen un resident como los de antaño, con su control rotacional y fondos fijos?

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#18 Los muñecos me recuerdan a los bebes amorfos del sillent hill xd,espero que lo saquen algun dia que con el tema de pasta que lleva la industria por sacar dinero lo sacarian fijo


La verdad es que nunca nadie había puesto en un hilo sobre Resident Evil un vídeo de los Resident Evil 4 y Resident Evil 2 cancelados.

Ya pensé que me moriría sin verlos... Otra vez.



London, UK– March 28, 2011 – Capcom® a leading worldwide developer and publisher of videogames, today announced Resident Evil™: Operation Raccoon City, is in development for the PlayStation®3 computer entertainment system, Xbox 360® video game and entertainment system from Microsoft and Windows PC. In addition it was also confirmed that the forthcoming Nintendo 3DS title, Resident Evil™: The Mercenaries 3D,will ship with a playable demo of Resident Evil Revelations.

Resident Evil™: Operation Raccoon City is a collaboration between Capcom and Vancouver based studio Slant 6 Games and is scheduled for release this Winter. Since the launch of the first title 15 years ago the Resident Evil series has enjoyed phenomenal success, selling over 45 million units worldwide to date. This latest offering will take the series in a completely new direction and offer a style of gameplay yet to be seen from the franchise.

Resident Evil™: Operation Raccoon City delivers a true third person team based shooter experience set within the dark and sinister Resident Evil universe and a reinterpretation of the events depicted in Resident Evil™ 2 and Resident Evil™ 3. The setting of the Resident Evil universe not only provides a rich backdrop to the action but delivers a unique and thrilling triple threat battle. Zombies and Bio-Organic Weapons (B.O.W’s) add to the mix as players not only compete against an opposing squad but also tackle this third unpredictable element, creating a brand new style of gameplay and breaking the conventions of traditional team based shooters.

It is September 1998 and the action centres once more on the ill-fated Raccoon City and the horrific consequences of the deadly T-virus outbreak from the Umbrella facility. With a cover up required, Umbrella orders an elite team into Raccoon City to destroy all evidence of the outbreak and eliminate any survivors. Hearing of this plan, the US Government dispatches its own special forces to uncover any evidence that exposes the cause of the viral infection and Umbrella’s actions. Players take on the role of an Umbrella Security Services soldier (U.S.S.), competing alone or in four player co-op in a battle against all the competing forces at play in Raccoon City.

Expect the return of original Resident Evil enemies, iconic landmarks such as the Raccoon City Police Department and fan favourite characters, including Leon S. Kennedy, who as a rookie police officer in Raccoon City is on your hit list to eliminate. Players will experience a retelling of classic moments from past titles Resident Evil™ 2 and Resident Evil™ 3 and watch the events unfolding from the menacing perspective of the Umbrella Security Service, giving fans the chance to rewrite the history of the Raccoon City outbreak.

In addition, Resident Evil™: Operation Raccoon City will deliver a number of competitive online multiplayer modes. Each one of these will provide a unique gaming experience thanks to the three way combat between the Umbrella Security Service, US Special Ops and threat of zombies and B.O.W’s that could only exist in the deadly and twisted Resident Evil Universe.

Purchasers of Resident Evil™: The Mercenaries 3D, scheduled for release in the coming months, will get a taste of the horror to come thanks to the addition of a playable demo of Resident Evil™ Revelations. Set on board an ocean liner, the demo lets players take control of one of the full game’s characters, Jill Valentine, as she explores the ship’s dark interior, killing any mysterious creatures that emerge from the shadows. A brand new title built from the ground up for the Nintendo 3DS, further details on Resident Evil™ Revelations will be revealed at this year’s E3.

También sale para PC, dropped.


scans ->

1 respuesta

chus chus yo lei la noticia ayer y me quede con las babas colgando al parecer lo desarollan los de SOCOM


Lo que más me preocupa es el modo cooperativo que presente, espero que no pase como en RE Zero que para cualquier cosa había que andar dando mil vueltas por el escenario de un lado para otro, eso alargaba la vida del juego, pero también la desesperación xD

1 respuesta

Cuanta mas información leo, mas me parece un nuevo RE: OutBreak pero aprendiendo de L4D.


#18 ostias sí, me acuerdo que ponían en las revistas de videojuegos, "será terror psicólogico" y cosas así, y ponían imagenes que daban miedo del juego, y unos cuantos años después salió el 4 sin sentido :S xD


#24 precisamente esa era la magia de los primeros residents evil. Dar mil vueltas por los escenarios, tener que volver por zonas en las que habias matado a los zombies y sin esperarlo estos se habian regenerado ( esto toco techo en el resindent evil remake con los crimson zombies, zombies que mutaban a zombies a lo 28 dias despues si despues de matar un zombie normal no lo rematabas quemandolo, y lo puto mejor es que eran aleatorios, no sabias con certeza si un zombie muerto mutaria a crimson zombie, lo que elevaba la tension de volver a una zona por mil ) .

Recopilar por zonas distantes del escenario un pedazo de un objeto, unirlo y tener que ir al quinto pino a insertarlo, todo ello con una muncion mas que escasa y unos enemigos que de 2 mordiscos te reventaban.

Muy triste a lo que ha mutado esta saga. Y eso que el 4, pese a ser un mata mata, aun respetaba ligeramente el espiritu de la saga, con escenarios compuestos por cementerios , caserones, castillos y cosas asi ....pero es que el 5....

Y me da a mi que este va a ser una fusion de un resident evil 5 con left 4 dead. Que para mas Inri por lo que parece va a reinterpretar la saga , inventandose una linea temporal nueva , y pasandose por el forro lo ocurrido en resident evil 2, 3 y code veronica.

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Los scans de #22 :

1 respuesta

Yo con que sea como un RE: Outbreak sin esos tiempos de carga desesperantes me conformo


En cuanto leí Shooter en los scans, dejé de tener esperanzas en él

¿Tanto cuesta hacer un RE como los de antes cojones?


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