Ronda de análisis de Final Fantasy VII Remake


Square Enix acaba de hacer realidad el sueño de casi cualquier amante de la saga Final Fantasy, reviviendo una de sus entregas míticas en un glorioso remake, que pese a tener sus altibajos, en conjunto ha resultado ser un título redondo que hará las delicias de cualquier fan del género JRPG. Se ha respetado al máximo la obra original (menos la parte final de Midgar, de lo que hablaremos más abajo), al tiempo que se ha expandido de forma coherente hasta el punto de que solo esta primera entrega del remake de FFVII llega a durar nada menos que cerca de 40 horas (unas cuantas más si hacemos sus contenidos secundarios).

Pero no todo es oro en este vieojuego, tiene ciertas partes alargadas de forma artificial y sobrantes, así como muchas zonas que son demasiado lineales, limitándose a simples pasillos (al más puro estilo FFXIII), aunque por fortuna no todo el juego es así. También repiten con un capítulo 13 que resulta ser un dolor de muelas (al igual que el capítulo 13 de FFXV) y unas texturas en muchas partes del juego que no es que estén menos trabajadas, es que sencillamente van a daros un poco de vergüenza ajena.

Aunque sin duda lo peor de todo (y lo que va a hacer que los foros se llenen de un acalorado debate en breve) es el final que se le ha dado a esta primera parte del remake. Sin entrar en spoilers, todas las reviews coinciden en que es poco menos que decepcionante, desconcertante y sin mucho sentido al compararlo con el resto de la obra en la que se ha puesto mucho cariño, por tanto se espera que el mayor foco de debate sea su pésimo final, dejando de lado las texturas de muy baja calidad, los pasillos a lo a FFXII en muchas secciones o las secundarias simplonas.


  • PlayStation 4 - Apr 10, 2020 (PC y Xbox One el próximo año)

Developer: Square Enix

Review Aggregator:

OpenCritic - 87 average - 92% recommended - 54 reviews

MetaCritic - 87

Critic Reviews

ACG - Jeremy Penter - Buy

"While it does have inconsistencies FF 7 Remake is well worth the effort and is an interesting beginning to the world of Cloud"

Areajugones - Juan R. Ufarte - Spanish - 10 / 10

Final Fantasy VII Remake follow the masterpiece that was the oldest game. Time passes by the works of art that last.

Ars Technica - Sam Machkovech - Unscored

You get to do a lot in this game's runtime, which is why its 35-plus hours feel as hearty as classic JRPGs of twice that length.

Attack of the Fanboy - Dean James - 4.5 / 5 stars

Taking one of the most genre defining and well loved games of all time and rebuilding it from the ground up was a tall order, but Square Enix pulled it off with modernized gameplay and a fleshing out of the world and many characters compared to the original. While only featuring a portion of the story fans know and love, Final Fantasy VII Remake still manages to feels like a complete game, yet still part of a larger narrative to come, and will have fans waiting anxiously for the next entry as soon as they finish.

AusGamers - Steve Farrelly - 9 / 10

For now, this is the best Cloud gaming experience money can buy.

Critical Hit - Darryn Bonthuys - 8 / 10

Final Fantasy VII Remake isn't the retelling of a cult classic that you're expecting it to be. It's a lengthy and deliberately slow-paced walk down the Midgar memory lane that leisurely basks within the warm glow of nostalgia, but at the same time it's an exhilarating and cinematic explosion of action that not only celebrates the impact of the game which rewrote the rulebook for an entire industry in 1997, but also everything else that followed in its genre-defining wake.

Cultured Vultures - Mike Worby - 10 / 10

Better than players could have ever hoped for, Final Fantasy VII Remake strikes a fantastic, resonant chord that will leave long time fans and newbies alike wholly satisfied.

Daily Star - Dom Peppiatt - 4 / 5 stars

If you can break through the more sluggish and unenjoyable moments of the game, you’ll find an absolute gem of an action-RPG shining at the core, a promise of what Square Enix can do with role-playing games in this generation and generations to come.

Destructoid - Chris Carter - 9 / 10

I kind of agonized over rating Final Fantasy VII Remake. It's going to garner a lot of discussion from people who are both blown away by the new treatment and disappointed by it, and those feelings are not mutually exclusive. In the end — after thinking on it for some time and removing nostalgia from the equation entirely — I came to the conclusion that this world is full of powerful characters and a setting that's worth remembering: remake or not.

Digitally Downloaded - Matt Sainsbury - 5 / 5 stars

I don't necessarily see FFVII Remake as a replacement to the original game, as remakes generally are. It's a complement to it, where the developers have built on the world and characters in such a way that it's like two sides of a single coin - for me, at least, without one, the other doesn't exist.

DualShockers - Kris Cornelisse - 8.5 / 10

23 years after Final Fantasy 7 changed the gaming landscape forever, Final Fantasy 7 Remake seeks to revisit Midgar on a scale we could only dream of.

EGM - Reid McCarter - 6 / 10

Final Fantasy VII Remake manages to balance the introduction of new concepts with faithfully recreations of the original game's most memorable aspects, but it also unnecessarily pads out this first installment in a larger story with too much downtime between its most striking moments.

Easy Allies - Brad Ellis - 9 / 10

Final Fantasy VII Remake is an ambitious retelling that feels right at home in the modern era.

Eurogamer - Aoife Wilson - Recommended

An expansive remake that treads carefully upon this most cherished of games, though some blunders will linger long in the memory. - Tommaso Montagnoli - Italian - 9 / 10

The ability to speak to such a large audience is undoubtedly the greatest advantage of Final Fantasy VII Remake, while the only real flaw is that in all probability it will be too long before we can get back on the road.

Explosion Network - Dylan Blight - 8 / 10

The big question for Final Fantasy VII Remake for many is going to be: was it worth the wait? For me, the answer is yes. I teared up at several points, I enjoyed the combat for the most part and the experience of being able to explore Midgar with these fantastic characters in such a visually updated fashion was an absolutely amazing experience.

Fextralife - Castielle - 8.5 / 10

A very slow start turns into a non stop thrill ride through the reimagined world of Final Fantasy VII. Fans of the franchise will feel right at home in a game that is likely to dethrone Resident Evil 2 as the reigning king of modern remakes. If it weren't for a combat system that is downright frustrating at times, it would be a must buy for nearly every RPG enthusiast. As it stands now, this is a day one buy for Final Fantasy fans, but for everyone else mileage may vary.

Game Informer - Joe Juba - 8.8 / 10

Final Fantasy VII Remake finds a satisfying balance between innovation and tradition, delivering flashy battles and fun systems mixed with nods for old-school fans

Game Revolution - Jason Faulkner - 5 / 5 stars

Final Fantasy VII Remake is a video game experience we only get every once in a while, and it’s one of the best titles I’ve ever had the pleasure of playing.

GameMAG - Russian - 9 / 10

Quote not yet available

GamePro - Hannes Rossow - German - 84 / 100

A technically impressive action RPG, but it offers only a fraction of the Final Fantasy 7 experience

GameSpew - Richard Seagrave - 10 / 10

Final Fantasy VII Remake is the best JRPG from Square since Final Fantasy VII.

GameSpot - Tamoor Hussain - 10 / 10

Square Enix tells a smaller, more personal Final Fantasy 7 tale and marries it with a smart mashup of action and RPG gameplay to deliver a must-play experience.

GameXplain - Loved

Video Review - Quote not available

Gameblog - Thomas Pillon - French - 8 / 10

Final Fantasy VII Remake is a deep, dense and strong invitation to rediscover an all-time classic, thanks to a new three dimensional approach of the vast city of Midgar. The game fills up so many gap, deepens the plot, and sometimes takes way too much time to take us from point A to point B. But thanks to a strong and evolving combat system, new looks of iconic characters and a brilliant work of reorchestration of Uemtasu's score. If only it could have gone just a little further.

Gamersky - 不倒翁蜀黍 - Chinese - 9 / 10

Although Final Fantasy VII Remake only conclude a very limited part of the whole story, there are still more than 30 hours' wonderful experience. The way of how they retell the story is nearly perfect. The battle is fast, fluid and also full of classic elements. The only obvious flaw of the game is the dull puzzles. But apart from that, Final Fantasy VII Remake definately is a must-buy masterpiece especially for fans.

GamesRadar+ - Heather Wald - 4.5 / 5 stars

A beautifully crafted and entertaining reimagining of a classic that brings renewed life to its story and characters

Glitched Africa - Marco Cocomello - 9.8 / 10

Final Fantasy VII Remake could have gone south very quickly but instead, Square Enix has crafted an authentic experience that brings the world of Midgar and its cast to life in new ways. The story has never been told in a better format, the combat is fun and addictive and the promise of more to come makes this first chapter so much more worthwhile. If this is the start of things, I can’t wait to see where it goes from there.

God is a Geek - Mick Fraser - 9 / 10

Final Fantasy VII Remake is simply stunning, and a breath-taking masterclass in recreating something beloved for a new – and old – audience.

Hobby Consolas - Álvaro Alonso - Spanish - 88 / 100

Final Fantasy VII Remake is a great game, excellent, even, for today's standards. And for the most part, it is exactly what fans have been asking for during the past ten years. But the truth is that this isn't it; this isn't the game that was promised.

IGN - Tom Marks - 8 / 10

Final Fantasy 7 Remake's dull filler and convoluted additions can cause it to stumble, but it still breathes exciting new life into a classic while standing as a great RPG all its own.

IGN Italy - Biagio Etna - Italian - 9.5 / 10

Final Fantasy VII Remake is an extraordinary game: not only as a magnificent reinterpretation of a classic, but also because of the courage instilled in its writing and perfect conception. A great title from Square-Enix, you have to give it some respect.

LevelUp - Víctor Rosas - Spanish - 9.5 / 10

Final Fantasy VII Remake is the piece that knew to blend the past with the present. What Square Enix has done is cause for celebration, as it has been able to fabricate everything we imagined and the vision we had of the original more than two decades ago. Easily, Final Fantasy VII Remake can give modern makers a lecture on how a remake should be done. The adventure that started in Midgar relives again and has surprised us again.

Metro GameCentral - 8 / 10

Fans will be arguing about it for decades to come but for now this is a surprisingly daring reinvention of the legendary original, although it's a shame its biggest flaws were largely avoidable.

PlayStation Universe - Timothy Nunes - 9 / 10

Putting the few slight issues aside, Final Fantasy VII Remake stuns with how it expands on the original. At the same time, it takes its own risks and creates its own footsteps. Final Fantasy VII Remake is beautiful, engrossing, and hard to pass up. This game is meant for both fans and newcomers, no matter how learned, and the sheer level of time and effort put into this reimagining truly shows through and through. - Stephen del Prado - B+

“A staggering reimagining of a genre touchstone, FFVIIR makes improvements upon the original in many areas but is similarly harmed by some uneven additions.”

Polygon - Carolyn Petit - Unscored

Final Fantasy 7 Remake is a flawed, but fascinating, reimagining of a classic

PowerUp! - Leo Stevenson - 9.2 / 10

It might have taken years and years but we finally got the Final Fantasy7 Remake. It might not yet be complete but it's incredible and has been well worth the wait.

Press Start - Kieron Verbrugge - 9 / 10

At the end of it all, even under immense scrutiny and in spite of some disappointing shortcomings, there's no getting around the fact that I had a giant grin on my face for just about the entirety of Final Fantasy VII Remake. It's an enjoyable enough game if you're a casual fan of Final Fantasy or action RPGs, but if you're in it for the fandom you may just have your mind blown.

Push Square - Robert Ramsey - 8 / 10

Measured against the immense expectations that surround it, Final Fantasy VII Remake is a great game that will inevitably disappoint some fans.

RPG Site - Bryan Vitale - 8 / 10

At its best, Final Fantasy VII Remake is a loving, painstakingly meticulous reimagining of the original. While not every new facet is equally inspired, it remains an exuberant reminder of why it captivated many so long ago.

Saudi Gamer - Arabic - 9 / 10

Taken as a new game based on the PS1 Classic, building and improving on some of its aspects while drastically changing others, this is a beautiful game with a great battle system and some of the best character development ever, but its structure falters somewhat at times.

Shacknews - Greg Burke - 9 / 10

Final Fantasy 7 Remake is a masterpiece, a love letter to FF7 fans, an homage to one of the greatest games of all time.

Skill Up - Ralph Panebianco - Unscored

Video Review - Quote not available

Spaziogames - Domenico Musicò - Italian - 8.8 / 10

The first part of Final Fantasy 7 Remake deepens the structure of Midgar, the story and the characters of the originale game, but leaves the players with too many questions about the future and the structure of next episodes.

Stevivor - Steve Wright - 8 / 10

All things considered, it’s still a polished and worthwhile affair, doing many things for many different people.

Tech Advisor - Jake Tucker - 4 / 5 stars

Final Fantasy 7 Remake has been a long time coming. If you're a Final Fantasy 7 fan, you've likely already bought this, but if you're a fan of the Final Fantasy franchise or RPGs in general, this is likely to be the game by which all over RPGs in 2020 are judged.

Fan service, charm and a killer aesthetic certainly don't hurt things, but some confusing combat choices and a story that's a little too busy stop it from being a true classic.

Telegraph - Dan Silver - 3 / 5 stars

Despite being decorated for single-handedly breaking the Japanese role playing game genre in the West, Final Fantasy 7 was also maligned for many years as the videogame most returned to vendors by disgruntled customers.

TheSixthAxis - Tuffcub - 10 / 10

An utter joy to play from start to finish, packed with memorable scenes, moustache-twirling baddies, and epic battles. The first part of Final Fantasy VII Remake isn't just polished, it's opulent.

TrueGaming - حسين الموسى - Arabic - 8.5 / 10

Midgar has been truly brought to life in this Re-imagined chapter in the Final Fantasy VII universe, it is packed with impressive details.

Final Fantasy VII Remake is a very well done game, it is much more polished and complete than the series latest installments and it offers a nice level of challenge that will satisfy action RPGs lovers. However, we did wish for the game to be more open and less controlling for the player's actions.

Twinfinite - Ed McGlone - 4.5 / 5

If you’re willing to keep an open mind, you’ll be able to enjoy Final Fantasy VII Remake for what it is at its core: a gorgeous, well-made, and fun RPG that successfully retells one of the best video game stories ever told with a few twists.

USgamer - Kat Bailey - 3.5 / 5 stars

Final Fantasy 7 Remake sets out to fully re-imagine a classic RPG with improved combat and an expanded story. Unfortunately, it's hurt by weak side quests and a surplus of padding, and its biggest change is bound to be controversial. It's one of the most coherent and enjoyable Final Fantasy releases in years, but it's also likely to be one of the most divisive.

VG247 - Kirk McKeand - 4 / 5 stars

The journey is completely worth it.

Wccftech - Francesco De Meo - 9.3 / 10

Final Fantasy VII Remake is a masterful modernization of the series' classic formula. The game is an extremely solid JRPG that looks, sounds and plays great, despite some pacing issues and linearity. That said, the unexpected story twists may sour the experience a bit for those who expected a faithful remake.

WellPlayed - Jordan Garcia - 7.5 / 10

Final Fantasy VII Remake has converted this detractor into a believer. Even with its handful of issues, the richly detailed world and story are something to behold.



1 respuesta

Lo de pesimo final me parece que sobra, tanto por tu parte como la de los analisis. Una cosa es no gustarte, otra cosa es no entender porque se ha hecho un movimiento diferenciador del original y otra entrar a debatir si era mejor seguir como era el original o intentar algo nuevo, pero destacar que es pesimo por el simple hecho de que es algo novedoso... uhm no.

El juego es 1:1 al original, excepto final (final final), donde han querido tomar una inicitativa novedosa y destcarse del original para hacer algo nuevo. A mi el concepto me encanta, se distancia del 1 para que siga siendo canon y abre su propio cammino a algo diferente. Me explico, ya lo hablaremos cuando abrais hilo, pero básicamente el final deja entrever que ni es un remake ni un reboot, a mi me parece brutal el concepto, ya como lo desarrollaran y quedara la cosa, habrá que verlo.

4 3 respuestas

#2 No lo puede ser por varios motivos, pero bueno ^^

2 respuestas

Ah coño, lo de PC es verdad al final?

No era que salieron a desmentir?

1 respuesta

El tema de jugarlo por fasciculos después de haberme pasado el original varias veces me echa para atrás..

1 respuesta

#6 Esta parte dura casi lo mismo que el original. Bienvenida sea,

1 respuesta

#5 No se sabe en qué plataformas va a salir en el futuro, puede que salga en PC o no. Puede que salga en Series X o no.

Los últimos lanzamientos de la compañía indican que sí, que saldrá tanto en PC como en XBOX, pero no será mínimo hasta el año que viene.


Pues blunderazo del año.

2 respuestas

Demencial lo que se llega a leer de este juego, como si no hubieran existido otros antes que él xD


#7 No dura lo mismo que el original entero, ya que el original dura más de 60 horas, solo la historia.

5 respuestas

#3 hombre, el nombre del juego pone remake xd

Si los spoilers que he leído son ciertos, es normal que la gente se enfade


Yo lo estoy jugando (9 horas llevo) y estoy contentísimo con el resultado aunque hay algunas cosas que se nota que lo han querido alargar.

El gameplay me encanta y queda muy bien.

#11 no dura 60 horas solo la historia. Cualquier ff original siempre a rondado las 40 horas de juego como mucho si hacías solo historia y alguna cosa secundaria.

1 respuesta

#4 Bueno, bueno, eso entra a debate. Es un juego nuevo diferenciado de su original.

Para mí es claramente el GOTY y estoy especialmente feliz por ello. Espero que la saga FF haya visto por fin el camino a seguir en cuanto a jugabilidad, mezclando la acción, ya que se empeñan, y la estrategia. Parece que les ha salido redondo. Por fin.

#13 Y con 30 xd.


El juego es bastante mejor que el original, asi que veo bien el 8.5 de media, no es un juego de excelente porque le fallan bastantes cosas pero van por buen camino para los siguientes.

1 1 respuesta

Terminado hace menos de una hora.

Es muy buen juego,el combate y todo el tema de las materias,builds y habilidades es de 10.

Creo que han encontrado ese delicado equilibrio entre ser un juego por turnos y un hack and slash que hace que de gusto jugar.

La historia y sus modificaciones son aceptables e incluso superan a las situaciones del original.

Lo unico que sobra es la ultima media hora de infame patada al lore.

Aun asi no creo que esto le deba quitar valor al pedazo de juego que se han marcado.


Los videojuegos son ese único arte donde, según la prensa, el 95% de las obras son obras maestras y rozan la perfección.

Obviamente tenía que ser mejor que el original.

8 1 respuesta

El juego es bastante mejor que el original, asi que veo bien el 8.5 de media, no es un juego de excelente porque le fallan bastantes cosas

Esto es la perfecta definición de contradicción.

El original era y sigue siendo excelente, así que no entiendo que primero digas que es mejor que el original, para luego decir que tiene fallos que le impiden ser excelente. Para eso mejor ser claro y decir que no han estado a la altura.

2 1 respuesta

#18 No hay ninguna contradiccion, a mi personalmente el original no me parece de excelente, me parece un juego de 7 por lo mal contado que estaba todo.

1 1 respuesta

#19 Pero hombre, tienes que valorarlo en su contexto. No había juegos tan ambiciosos y enormes como FF7 en 1997. Se contó una historia que no podía ser contada de mejor manera con las limitaciones de la época. Luego, un juego excelente, que fue ampliamente superado técnicamente por sus sucersores.

1 1 respuesta

#20 El 6 salio antes y contaba la historia bastante mejor, la fecha no es excusa. El juego era una pasada graficamente para lo que estabamos acostumbrados, pero dejaba que desear en otras cosas que ff4,5 y 6 hacian bastante mejor. Entiendo que era el primer juego en 3d y se centraron en hacerlo vistoso, pero lo dicho, creo que era un juego de 7. Pero bueno, que cada uno tenga su opinion, tampoco voy a intentar convencer a nadie.

11 1 respuesta

FF7 esta escrito en letras de oro en la historia de los videojuegos por muchas cosas.

Entre ellas la personalidad de su mundo,desde los personajes hasta su estetica pasando por su historia.

Una cosa para los que han leido que es pasillero,es tal cual los FF de psx.

Evidentemente tiene momentos de pasillo por que no tiene mas historia la zona pero si que hay exploracion,ademas el juego recompensa siempre la curiosidad del jugador.


Me sorprende el hate que leo teniendo un 87 de media, no va a ser el mal juego que pensábais que iba a ser, por mucho que digáis que lo es.

1 3 respuestas

Imagino que lo jugaré dentro de 2 años xD

#23 Tampoco exageremos. No dudo que algún chalao pronosticara un estrepitoso fracaso. Pero lo normal entre los más catastrofistas era comparalo con el fiasco de FFXV (81% en metacritic, 79% en steam...).

Me parece que al final los que apostaron por los extremos (en ambos sentidos) son los que más se han alejado de la realidad, como se puede ver en la encuesta que se hizo hace unas semanas en este foro:


No dudo de la gran calidad del juego, pero ponerle a este un 87 y a otros les regalan los 90+ me parece bastante curioso.


#23 por que viene encuestado por que no tiene turnos y han cambiado algunas cosas de la historia.

Era esperable.


Curioso es que a FFXIII en su momento le metieran una mierda enorme por ser pastillero y a este no.

2 respuestas

#27 tiene los mismos pasillos que el original en al menos esta parte.


#27 juegalo y veras por que no.

1 respuesta

#29 En cuanto pueda lo haré.

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