Ronda de análisis de Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice


Empiezan a salir los análisis del nuevo juego de Ninja Theory, Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice, que sale hoy a la venta para PC y PS4, y hay opiniones para todos los gustos.

OpenCritic - 82


Eurogamer - Johnny Chiodini - Essential

Ninja Theory crafts a highly competent action game and a nuanced, powerful exploration of mental health.

AngryCentaurGaming - Jeremy Penter - Buy

A fantastic and unique title.

The A.V. Club - Matt Gerardi - No Verdict

Hellblade's battle with mental illness is an agonizing story only games could tell

GameZone - Tom Caswell - 10 / 10.0

Expertly crafted both in story and gameplay, Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice is at the same time both a unique experience and a derivation of some of gaming's best.

GamesBeat - Dean Takahashi - 95 / 100

The ending of the game will leave you wondering just what was real and what was an illusion. I thoroughly enjoyed the dramatic arc of each major scene. It starts out calm, moves to disturbing, and then descends into chaos and madness. I think the storytellers and designers exercised tight creative control, with a game that is understated as well as explosive.

Hobby Consolas - - Spanish - 91 / 100

Hellblade approaches psychosis in a videogame in a mature and original way. The game has a perfect balance of combat, puzzles and exploration, with great sound and graphics, but it fells too short, about 8 hours length.

God is a Geek - Chris White - 9 / 10.0

One of the most inventive games of the year, showing that time and patience can be behind a challenging, smart, and incredibly interesting game.

IGN - Brandin Tyrrel - 9 / 10.0

Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice is a masterclass of atmosphere, storytelling, and the marriage of mechanical and conceptual design. While there are moments that feel shoehorned in to remind us we're playing a videogame, the care and attention Ninja Theory has clearly poured into Senua and her story has created something amazing. This is a game everyone should play, and I'm thankful for the opportunity to have lived inside the mind of Senua, however briefly.

Gadgets 360 - Rishi Alwani - 9 / 10

Marrying combat, narrative, and strong characters, Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice is greater than the sum of its parts, making it well worth its asking price. It might not be the sequel to DmC: Devil May Cry, but it's a tense, dramatic experience that's worth the price of entry.

PlayStation LifeStyle - Paulmichael Contreras - 9 / 10.0

Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice is a complete experience for a bargain price. Struggling through life as a psychosis sufferer is an alarming experience, and Hellblade provides an illuminating glimpse into the lives of those afflicted by such terror. Combat is visceral, yet on the game's easiest mode should prove no problem for those interested in experiencing the story. At an asking price of $29.99 USD, the campaign is just long enough to feel like this is money well-spent. Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice is a stellar entry from Ninja Theory, and I can only hope this is the first of many “independent AAA” games to come from the veteran studio.

Shacknews - Charles Singletary - 9 / 10

Hellblade overcomes very minor hiccups with incredible presence, immersive design, and an overall package that truly leaves an impression

TrustedReviews - Stuart Andrews - 4.5 / 5 stars

Hellblade triumphs equally as action game, mythic quest and psychological character study, bringing together some amazing visuals, great performances and ingenious design. It's short-lived but perfectly paced with a blend of action and puzzles that grows in richness and complexity as the game goes on. While some might prefer Enslaved or the DMC reboot, I'd call it Ninja Theory's best work yet.

IGN Spain - David Soriano - Spanish - 8.8 / 10.0

Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice is an excellent demonstration of quality with an absorbing history and an outstanding artistic direction. Joining concepts such as Norse mythology and psychosis was not easy, but the mixture has been respectful and interesting.

EGM - Mollie L Patterson - 8.5 / 10.0

Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice is the action adventure genre stripped of its excess, until a smaller, more personal journey remains. While it may feel shallow and lacking for some, those wanting something other than the usual big-budget 70-hour fare will find Senua's story to be unlike anything else in recent years.

IGN Italy - Biagio Etna - Italian - 8.5 / 10.0

Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice is a deep, fascinating game, however, which precedes the narrative component to the gameplay: the important thing is to know what you are buying.

Oyungezer Online - Yasin İlgün - Turkish - 8.5 / 10.0

Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice is an unmissable experience with its simple but impressive story and unique storytelling.

GamePro - Unknown - German - 84 / 100

Not without flaws, but full of interesting ideas - including a multi-layered sympathetic and credible title heroine.

TheSixthAxis - Dave Irwin - 8 / 10

Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice is a profound sensual experience that's unmissable. The way it highlights psychosis and incorporates it isn't just a part of the aesthetic, but it also makes for fascinating gameplay. This is a phenomenal achievement for the discussion of mental health that we'll be talking about for years to come.

Push Square - Sammy Barker - 8 / 10

Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice is not going to appeal to all tastes, and nor does it try to. As a character action game, it has decent if underdeveloped combat and a mixture of some excellent and some overplayed puzzles. But it's the way that the title utilises the unique attributes of the medium to raise awareness of mental health that elevate this release beyond the sum of its parts.

GameSpot - Alessandro Fillari - 8 / 10

Hellblade is a spellbinding and sympathetic game about loss and redemption.

Game Informer - Joe Juba - 8 / 10.0

Given the heavy subject matter, calling Hellblade "entertaining" feels inappropriate. However, it is undeniably memorable, telling a compelling tale that explores subject matter many consider taboo

Gameblog - Gianni Molinaro - French - 8 / 10

Hellbalde : Senua's Sacrifice is a Hel of a game. A gorgeous, scary, crazy, oppressive and unique experience with a great setting and story, different and loveable heroin and some interesting gameplay mechanics. Maybe the best surprise of summer 2017.

Gamers Heroes - Captain Camper - 8 / 10

Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice was just a few short steps from a masterpiece. Poorly constructed puzzles and a number of frustratingly pointless illusion mechanics seriously hinder the experience at times, but a disturbingly brilliant narrative and plot make for a truly worthwhile experience. Even now, hours after putting down the pad, the game has invoked a deep discussion between the voices in my own head – and that's no small feat.

PC Gamer - Leif Johnson - 78 / 100

Hellblade could benefit from more exploration and enemy variety, but it's a powerful portrait of the strength of will over personal demons.

Spaziogames - Domenico Musicò - Italian - 7.5 / 10.0

Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice demostrates that videogames can be the perfect medium to tell a story about complex themes. The depiction of a disease like psychosis is believable and deep. The story works out very well, but the puzzles and the combat system are the game elements that push back the the overall quality of this very interesting project.

Destructoid - Chris Carter - 7.5 / 10.0

Slowly but surely Ninja Theory has moved into film territory, but they can't let go of their need to shove action mechanics into everything they do. With the increased focus and acceptance of so-called "walking simulators" there's a huge market they can tap into, and I hope they end up doing that in the future. I enjoyed pretty much every facet of Hellblade that didn't involve combat, which unfortunately pops up a little too often on top of the aforementioned technical problems -- just enough to grate.

Digital Trends - Gabe Gurwin - 3.5 / 5 stars

Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice's story of mental illness is unlike anything we've experienced before.

The Jimquisition - Jim Sterling - 7 / 10.0 - Marco Mottura - Italian - 6.5 / 10.0

The performance capture truly adds a special touch to the already intense cutscenes, the audio department is stunning and visually it's kind of a treat: too bad that the gameplay elements in Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice are just so shallow, bland and uninteresting, dragging down an otherwise deeply fascinating project.

Metro GameCentral - GameCentral - 6 / 10

A technical masterpiece with some of the best swordfighting combat in years, but the storytelling and puzzle elements come across as muddled and awkwardly mismatched.


No tenia ni idea de que salia hoy y casi me puede la vena consumista por comprarlo ya, pero prefiero esperar y pensarmelo un poco. De las reviews me quedo con esta frase:

A technical masterpiece with some of the best swordfighting combat in years, but the storytelling and puzzle elements come across as muddled and awkwardly mismatched.


1/10 Sterling xDDD

3 respuestas

#3 Le cambiará la nota, siempre le puede bajar al 0 :psyduck:


#3 este tio tambien tiene unos estandares que joder, es duro sacarle una toda decente


Es un poco att whore, pero vamos, Ninja Theory jaja son to malos

1 respuesta

#3 menudo bufón.

2 respuestas

Ayer vi un rato un stream de este juego y la verdad que graficamente es espectacular pero parecía muy vacío el gameplay.

Y respecto a Jim Serling, las normas del juego las pusisteis vosotros, no os quejéis ahora de que él las siga.

1 respuesta

8 horas? pls...

1 respuesta

#7 Encima dice Stand by, como si fuera super importante lo que tiene que decir XD
La gente debería darle menos publicidad a este tipo de gente.

Una cosa es criticar un juego por lo que no le gusta y darle una nota baja... pero un 1, es un sin sentido.

1 respuesta

Es un personaje (no de forma insultante sino de que cumple un papel), ni que tuviera necesidad de ser attwhore, ni con esas conseguiría lo que posee actualmente.

Btw, ese 1 ha sido muy basto.


Un juego que sale a mitad de precio de lo que suelen costar los juegos de esta calidad. Con muy buenas ideas, mecánicas originales, muy bueno en el apartado artístico y sonoro, buena narrativa, intenta tratar un tema serio como es el de los problemas mentales y más.

La gente se queja de que dura 8-10h. Ay diomio.


#9 Cuesta 30 pavos. Cuántos juegos de precio indie ofrecen una historia que dure mucho más que eso?

2 respuestas

#13 en febrero salió uno, por 15€.


#6 #7 #8 #10 Le puso un 1 porque durante el juego se comió un bug que impidió continuar. Si os hubierais informado, el reconoció que le gustaba el juego hasta que se tragó el bug. Hizo un video al respecto explicándose, entonando incluso el mea culpa (cosa que es jodidamente raro de ver por parte de críticos hoy en dia).

En todo caso, lo que le ha pasado invita a la reflexión y demuestra lo absurdo que es el sistema de puntuación...pero supongo que es mejor meter mierda por ver un número en vez de informarse.

4 2 respuestas

Me recuerda (lo de la duración) al God of war.

Que no os eche para atras la duración, el juego mola bastante.

1 respuesta

#16 Me echa para atrás muchas otras cosas antes que la duración X_D

2 respuestas

#17 Pues cuéntame que te echa para atras tio. De momento (no se si sera el hype inicial) me esta gustando.

El gameplay es jodido pero a la vez espectacular.
Los puzzles de momento sencillotes.
Las voces, ayyyy las voces.
La prota, que no se que tiene. Esa mirada de confusión continua xD

1 respuesta

Típico juego de not bad.. y ya, como suele hacer Ninja Theory vamos

1 respuesta

#18 En el vídeo que mostraron hace una semana o dos de diez minutos que luchaba contra 3 o 4 eran los mismo patrones una y otra vez, además de que los bichos tenían muchísima vida por lo que el tedio en ese lapso de tiempo fue enorme.

1 respuesta

#19 Pues como hace Naughty Dog

6 1 respuesta

Ojalá más juegos así de cortos.



Buen intento pero demasiado forzado, te doy un 3

Unas cuantas manitas de mis fans-:psyduck: te las llevas fijo al menos


#20 Tienes una dificultad automatica. Despues lo típico de facil normal y dificil. Los combates (dsd mi experiencia) no son tediosos, tienes bastantes combinaciones y no son muy largos, de momento.

No se, yo le daría una oportunidad, siempre que te guste la mitologia vikinga y las parnoias mentales de la prota.

Edit: y que te salga a mitad de precio si compartes cuenta en ps4 o steam :)


Qué grande el puto gordo.

A la par que el Jimquisition de esta semana.


#13 así a bote pronto se me vienen a la cabeza Valkyria Revolution y Hollow Knight y si me pongo a mirar supongo que habrá docenas.

1 respuesta

#15 Si hubieras pensado un poco mi comentario, indica lo mismo que el tuyo, pero bueno que si te quiers quedar con que le he metido mierda al juego está bien xD


#26 Un RPG de precio superior (ningún juego indie desarrollado por un equipo pequeño supera los 30€, que era el límite que había dicho) y con un apartado técnico y artístico a años luz de distancia... No sé Rick, pero la comparación no hay por donde cogerla. Claro que durará más, es el típico RPG japonés estándar # 17.

La comparativa con Hollow Knight creo que no hace falta explicar por qué no viene a cuento. No es cuestión de ensuciar el hilo con perogrulladas.

1 respuesta

#28 has pedido ejemplos y te he dado, sin romperme mucho la cabeza, un ejemplo de un juego no indie que igualando precio triplica horas y un juego indie que a mitad de precio también lo hace. No lo sé, Rick, parece que necesitas justificar el robo.


Sinceramente, si tiene una historia atractiva e interesante, un apartado técnico y sonoro bueno, un gameplay entretenido, unos puzzles decentes, una dificultad adecuada... 30 euros por 8 horas no está mal.

Muchas veces alargar el tiempo artificialmente alargando en exceso la historia o añadiendo coleccionables o misiones chorras desmerece el juego en vez de mejorarlo.