Ronda de análisis de ARMS


Acaban de salir los análisis de ARMS, el nuevo fightan de Nintendo que apuesta por un control poco tradicional con los Joycon.

OpenCritic - 80


Areajugones - Álvaro Giménez - Spanish - 9 / 10.0

Nintendo gets in the fighting genre on Switch thanks to ARMS, a new IP which brings fresh air to this genre and mixes classic gameplay mechanics with the features of Nintendo's new console.

Attack of the Fanboy - Kyle Hanson - 4 / 5 stars

ARMS is a great addition to the Switch's growing library of unique titles. Featuring a fresh new world full of color and character, the content might be light, but if you get hooked you'll find lots to enjoy here.

Cerealkillerz - Gabriel Bogdan - German - 7.5 / 10.0

Arms brings some innovative Gameplay and character design to the table but offers very little besides that to make the whole package special. Especially the generic mini-games and the terrible Soundtrack make it hard to get some long term motivation out of the game besides the half-baked Grand Prix Mode.

CGMagazine - Brendan Frye - 8.5 / 10.0

Nintendo delivers a new twist on Punch Out for The Switch and it already feels like the foundation of a new franchise.

COGconnected - Rory Wood - 85 / 100

While the motion controls work well, I unequivocally prefer using the pro controller. I felt much more competitive using it and was able to dash and punch not only faster but more accurately

Destructoid - Chris Carter - 7 / 10.0

There's a lot of personality on the surface in Arms (mainly I love that title theme song), and I hope Nintendo continues to build on it as planned. It works as a fighter, I just wish there was more to do in this debut entry -- both pragmatically in terms of modes and on an emotional level, as I haven't really connected with its universe yet despite its raw style.

DualShockers - Ryan Meitzler - 8 / 10.0

As one of Nintendo's first truly new IP for the Nintendo Switch, ARMS‘s first impression might lend itself towards being no more substantial than the games we saw in Wii Sports: fun for short bursts of play, but lacking in substance. Instead, the game manages to make that simplicity its greatest strength with surprising levels of depth on top of it. More often than not, ARMS pulls no punches in being one of the standout titles in the Switch's early lineup of games for the summer.

Easy Allies - Michael Huber - 3.5 / 5 stars

Eurogamer - Martin Robinson - Recommended

Arms does for fighting games what Mario Kart did for driving games, and the results are absolutely splendid. - Francesco Fossetti - Italian - 8.8 / 10.0

A beat'em up of its own kind: ARMS is more than a motion controlled fighting game; is a brilliant new IP, an original take on the genre, and yet another impressive game for the Switch line-up.'Some extra game modes would have been appreciated, but we remain quite confident about the post-launch support.

FNintendo - Manuel Piçarra - Portuguese - 9 / 10

From the successful mixing and blending of several styles comes ARMS, a creative and original action game that turns out to be one of the most welcome titles so far to land upon the Nintendo Switch. Ditching the most orthodox labels assigned to most games, ARMS proposes a never-ending flurry of action and content across several different modes, with a wide variation in the control systems and in the use of multiplayer to deliver what is one of the essential games on the library of Nintendo's newest system.

Game Informer - Brian Shea - 8.3 / 10.0

Whether you're embroiled in an intense fight or participating in one of the oddball minigames, you probably have a smile on your face

Game Rant - Riley Little - 4 / 5 stars

Nintendo's newest property, ARMS, is a surprisingly deep fighting game that adds something new to a cluttered genre, but it's one that leaves growing room for early adopters.

Gameblog - Thomas Pillon - French - 7 / 10

ARMS takes a fresh look at the old fighting game. By giving it the twist of friendly Ninteo games, it allows everyone to enjoy its new way of fighting each other. However, its roster of look-alikes make us think that the game certainly won't last long for the most demanding players.

GameSpot - Kallie Plagge - 7 / 10

Arms' unique take on fighting can be hard to adjust to, but once you do, it's a surprisingly deep fighter that has you thinking on your feet.

GamesRadar+ - Chris Schilling - 4.5 / 5 stars

An accessible and captivatingly strange new breed of versus fighting game, Arms is another Nintendo knockout for Switch.

GameXplain - Unknown - undefined

GamingBolt - Pramath - 9 / 10.0

In ARMS, players will find the same texture of game design that has made Mario Kart and Smash Bros. so beloved and enduring worldwide. For a brand new multiplayer game, there can be no higher praise than that.

GamingTrend - Matt Welsh - 70 / 100

ARMS is a shallow yet approachable experience that could have used just a bit more depth, detail, and personality.

Hardcore Gamer - Kirstin Swalley - 4.5 / 5.0

Fighting titles have long been the most competitive and often hardest for new players to get into, but ARMS enters itself extremely well to the genre by feeling like nothing that has ever been played before.

Hobby Consolas - David Martinez - Spanish - 86 / 100

Feels like an evolution of Punch Put series, focused on multiplayer tournaments. Fun to play and hard to master, the downside is its lack of content: characters, game modes and levels.

IBTimes UK - Oliver Cragg - 4 / 5 stars

What Arms lacks in personality and content it makes up for in raw joy and a best-in-class motion control set-up that feels both comfortable and natural. Arms showcases once again that Nintendo is peerless when ti comes to subverting genres without sacrificing what makes them great. Time will tell if Arms has legs to match Splatoon, but the early round scoreboards are certainly swinging in its favour.

IGN - Brendan Graeber - 8 / 10.0

Arms' clever take on boxing provides a simple premise with a startling amount of depth for those who would seek to master the stretching appendages. Its rapidly evolving lobby system had me sticking around for “just one more match.” There may not be a lot worth unlocking right now, but planned free updates may just give Arms some additional legs.

Metro GameCentral - GameCentral - 8 / 10

One of the most enjoyable and original fighting games of recent years, that fully justifies its use of motion controls – and it's only set to get better in the future.

Nintendo Enthusiast - Brett Medlock - 7.5 / 10.0

ARMS is Nintendo's first new intellectual property on the Nintendo Switch. I'll be honest, when Nintendo first unveiled the title I wasn't too interested. The motion controls were a huge turnoff to me. I thought the years of waggle were through — unfortunately, they are not. As expected, the motion controls in ARMS just aren't very fun; definitely not my preferred way of playing the game. Luckily, ARMS allows you to play with traditional controls, and that's where the fun begins.

Nintendo Insider - Alex Seedhouse - 9 / 10

ARMS can be seen as the boldest move that Nintendo has made in some time, and an absolute knockout experience to play.

NintendoWorldReport - Neal Ronaghan - 8 / 10.0

Comparing Arms to Mario Kart 8 with regards to the online experience comes out favorably, though, as Arms' fresher gameplay style and highly polished online lobbies and infrastructure makes it a more active and engaging online affair. Even with the Grand Prix drawbacks, Arms is a fantastic start to a new franchise. Time will tell if Arms truly has legs, but it's definitely firmly planted at launch.

Polygon - Michael McWhertor - 8 / 10.0

With a stylish, memorable cast of characters, inventive gameplay mechanics and smart use of the Switch hardware, Arms already feels like Nintendo's next great new franchise.

Post Arcade (National Post) - Chad Sapieha - 7 / 10.0

Nintendo's new all-ages fighter won't sell millions of Switches, but it does provide another novel experience for the system's early adopters

Press Start - Shannon Grixti - 8 / 10

It's a rarity these days that you come across a game which feels like nothing you've ever played before, but ARMS is exactly that. It's fresh, vibrant and genuinely a lot of fun to play. It's a fighting game with depth, which even non-fighting enthusiasts can get into. I have some concerns about how long it will take for the game to become stale in its current state, but I'm equally excited to see where Nintendo takes the franchise.

Shacknews - Ozzie Mejia - 8 / 10

Arms sessions are quick, fun, and satisfying. With easy-to-pick-up mechanics, solid stage design, and quirky characters, Arms genuinely feels like a fun and different addition to the fighting game genre. More than that, it feels like just the kind of game that makes the Nintendo Switch itself feel fun and different.

Spaziogames - Matteo Bussani - Italian - 9 / 10.0

ARMS is the first new Nintendo IP on Switch, an unusual fighting-game competitive and entertaining. The character design is beautiful and the game mechanics are well balanced, even if some abilities are easier to use than others. The only problem is the single-player offer, which is not as interesting as the multiplayer one.

Stevivor - Steve Wright - 6.5 / 10.0

ARMS has potential, but Nintendo's done its best to bury it under neon colours and a catchy theme tune.

The A.V. Club - Matt Gerardi - No Verdict

It's as fundamental as fighting-game fundamentals get, and it's not afraid to be a punishing teacher.

TheSixthAxis - Dominic Leighton - 8 / 10

Bringing motion controls back with a bang, ARMS can feel surprisingly retro, yet it also fits in perfectly with Nintendo's modern twist on gaming and the Switch. ARMS exhibits Nintendo's flair for game design to its fullest, confidently taking a well-known genre and injecting it with colour and character to craft something that's inimitably their own.

USgamer - Caty McCarthy - 3 / 5 stars

Arms has a lot to love, and unfortunately, a lot to forget too. After a year of planned updates, I imagine the Arms we see a year from now will be a drastically different game. A more fuller one, at that. In the meantime though, while it has potential with its layers of depth, the core game simply doesn't have enough variety among its many arms and fighters to keep the experience feeling fresh for long.




¿Se avecina otro éxito como Splatoon?


He ahí el primer gran exclusivo: mucho potencial pero un desarrollo y ejecución algo planos.


Fighting Perf... oh wait

A ver si con suerte baja 1 punto éste y sube otro la refrited del WipEout y clavo ambas puntuaciones en hilo de la porra mensual :clint:

1 respuesta

Un triple A del copón bendito, la verdad.


Pues, a simple vista y sin entrar en detalle, parece que ha gustado.


Triple AAA

Nintendo cumpliendo promesas

1 respuesta

Habría que quitar el punto que le dan de más los análisis por ser de Nintendo.


Al menos parecen análisis más justos que no los de GRiME


Uy, cuánto análisis bufado de nota. Si llega a ser de otra compañía, no habrían olido esas notas ni en sueños.

Lo siento, pero este juego me sigue pareciendo la mayor mentira de este año. Y después de probarlo, más aun.

8 1 respuesta

Le quitas el Nintendo bias y te queda un 6


Ojalá lo metan en el EVO.


Lo de algunos clama al cielo...¿vamos a tener que aguantar en todos los hilos de análisis de juegos de nintendo las mismas soplapolleces? pregunto

3 respuestas


En noticias hay manga ancha, en los HO no pasamos una.

Es mejor así.


fighting perfection


#14 Y eso que aun nadie ha dicho la palabra "techo"


Parece que a algunos de los críticos les queda algo de criterio para no cascarle un 9 a esto lol


Mi conclusión es que jugando solo me aburriría en una semana, pero para jugar multi me han convencido. También dependerá mucho de lo que vayan añadiendo con actualizaciones.


#8 ¿aaaaaaaaa?


Pinta a un juego de 6 o 7 sólido, buenas noticias para los que tienen una Switch y malas para los que echamos de menos los juegos de Nintendo


Que alguien ponga la foto del Arms en un contenedor de basura.


#11 no entrará en tu lista de 500 juegos que tienes de Switch?

1 respuesta

Lo de hobyconsolas es de traca se queja de que le falta contenido( personajes, modos de juego y niveles) y le casca casi un 90. :psyduck:


Al final se va a quedar en menos de 80

Y creo que en muchos sitios han sido generosos.


#23 Obviamente no voy a comprar algo que no me gusta, pero te veo resentido con los juegos que tengo. ¿Algún problema con ellos?


#5 Yo espero que este suba 1 y así sumo puntitos xD

De momento sólo dos personas le han hecho pleno.


Obviamente no voy a comprar algo que no me gusta


Tienes Final Fantasy XIII.


Vaya buffada de notas no? Menos mal que la media es alho decente.. ya de por sí no me convencía lo que veía y una vez probe el test... pues eso 7,5


Y veréis cuando empiecen a hacer ddos......