SlayerSBoxeR vs [NC]..YellOw



5 de Agosto a las 15:00


Boxer: Ganador de una MSL y dos OSL (finalista en cuatro), unico ganador de dos WCG (consecutivas)
Yellow: tres veces finalista de la MSL y dos veces finalista de la OSL

Resultado hasta ahora:
Boxer 33 - 31 Yellow

(T)BoxeR < Xel'Naga Caverns > (Z)YellOw
(T)BoxeR < The Shattered Temple > (Z)YellOw
(T)BoxeR < Tal'Darim Altar > (Z)YellOw

Boxer hace 3x bunker rush pero como Yellow es el rey de los eventos especiales gana.



Nota: Los tres vídeos son, presumiblemente de la EVER 2004 OSL



Si el yellow este debe ser un cojo al sc2, como va a ganar?

No le ha dado tiempo a jugar tanto.


A no ser que BoxeR haga el chorra se lleva este showmatch, pero sera interesante ver a YellOw como juega xd


Lo bueno es que es la confirmacion, no se si estaba ya confirmado, de que yellow se pasa al sc2

1 respuesta

No te creas #4

Yellow is paying for his own trip to PL final. He is doing this immediately after the boxer match. Chinese fans suggested that Boxer should come for SKT and they should have a BW match too. Just to see if New v New wins or Old V Old wins.

Yellow also said he will not be a player or coach. but he is working on something and fans will be able to see him play sc2.

No sera ni jugador ni entrenador pero se dedicara al sc2. Así que voto por comentarista.

sacado de:


venga ponendle el live a esto ostia ya!!!





vais a poner el live aqui??




va, que no decaiga la cosa


como ya se ha dicho, la reventaba hasta abrirle la brecha del pulmón de nuevo.


pero pero WTF !!! y esa chica quien es??? que esta por estos lares??? i need know now xDDDDDDD


vamos a ir soltando verdades para abrir boca:


No consequences for not getting detection
just scan! In before you have to sacrifice your economic advantage
Lol, scan scans half the fucking map and lasts forever
EMP completely invalidates the Protoss race
as it damages all shields and removes energy, and Protoss is only viable with spells, unlike the baby Terran race that can just stim in and kill everything
9 range Vikings
who do incredible damage and can be spammed from Space ports 2 at a time
not only provide detection, but spawn extra units, fire fucking death bombs, and can spawn point defense drones that shoot down all incoming projectile fire, wow. Yeah but don't worry, observers are permanently cloaked, totally makes up for it
First attack unit shoots air and ground and is ranged
counters all Protoss air, most of Zerg air, and in big numbers rapes the fuck out of anything, only costs 50 minerals
Conc shells.
Oh what's that? You had a speed advantage? Thought you could pick and choose when to engage to make up for all the disadvantages you have compared to Terran? Think again cunt.
Command Center abilities
Lost some SCVs? Mule. Supply blocked? Call down supply. Didn't get detection but getting attacked by cloaked units? Scan.
Out of scan because you were too busy calling down mules? Just lift off your useless factory and scout the enemies base for a full five minutes while his shitty units try to take it down. Proxy barracks/factory/stargate not working out? Just lift them off and come home. Expanded a little too soon and getting pressured by lings? Lift off and leave the patch.
Planetary fortress
Was trying to defend your third expo too hard? Thank god you can transform your cc into a death fortress that when repaired is practically indestructible
Flying DTs with range, defo needed this.
Medics that are transports and can fly

1 1 respuesta

#13 ">EMP completely invalidates the Protoss race"

Yongwha vs Bomber



what?? Terran ubber??? naaaaaaaaaaaaaaa


Planetary fortress
Was trying to defend your third expo too hard? Thank god you can transform your cc into a death fortress that when repaired is practically indestructible

puras lágrimas xd


death fortress.xd


Fortaleza infernal, a lo Christopher Lambert xD


me he puesto a leer el thread de 4chan.

lol, que festín de mierda de gente metiéndose con sc2 indiscriminadamente, hahaha.xd


el coypasta de idra es la risa xd

1 respuesta

es que 4chan es un lol, unos metiéndose con idra, otros con day9, otros con destiny, otros con el juego, la cosa es meter mierda y trollear.xd


It has come to my attention that Gregory EG_IdrA'' Fields is supposed to be apro gamer'' at the highest level. I heard a lot of good stuff about him that he had a really high percent win rate versus everyone on the ladder and was generally unbeatable. It then came to me as an extreme shock to see him play on his stream WITH LOW GRAPHICS. I thought I had the wrong stream because obviously good players like huskystarcraft and hdstarcraft are not only playing on HIGH GRAPHICS but also stream in FULL HD. That's when I saw through this whole PRO''GAMER'' deal you had going, it's all a joke, all the matches are rigged, how can a player that only plays on LOW GRAPHICS beat a player that is playing on HIGH GRAPHICS, how can a player that has LESS GRAPHICS also have MORE SKILL? That does not make sense, if you have high graphics on you can see the details better and will be able to micro better because of the increase in resolution. So either Starcraft 2: Wings of Liberty is a game where skill does not matter, or the matches are totally rigged.

PS: I also noted something else funny, while good players like huskystarcraft have shown themselves to complete the campaign you still see supposedly PRO''GAMERS'' like Gregory ``EG_IdrA'' Fields ( for proof that he has not completed the campaign yet) who have yet to beat the campaign. How are you supposed to beat other high level players without even being able to beat the campaign? That does not make sense, as you can see this is all proof that Starcraft 2: Wings of Liberty is not a game of skill, and is in fact rigged.

1 respuesta

#20 este?

"Idra is a faggot, but he is funny

When asked about how he'd approach his match against Cruncher in the TSL he said "i'm gonna approach it as if it was a walkover".
Proceeded to be defeated

When asked about who would qualify in his group he said "obviously me and Sen, i'm gonna 2-0 both koreans".
Proceeded to be 2-0ed by both koreans (4-0 to Zenio) and did'nt even make the finals

In an interview after Zenio knocked him out of GSL he said "Zenio will disappear from the pro-scene in a couple months".
He is now 0-6 against Zenio, and the only reason Idra is still in the pro-scene is the fact that he is a laughing stock, the Paris Hilton of SC2

During the 4th match of his embarassing 4-0 defeat against MC he said "Zergs aren't supposed to beat protoss", looking at the 16 finalists, 9 were zergs.
MC was defeated by a zerg a couple hours after this 4-0.

Said Morrow(ex-terran) sucked and wouldn't win a single game if he played Zerg.
Morrow is now better a better Zerg than Idra

Said HuK sucks and could never beat him in a real game.
Our glorious HuK wins DreamHack beating the koreans like a boss while idra failed against grubby tier opponents. HuK then took him out as if he was a bronze leaguer in the homestory cup.

He is just fucking retarded. Will never be as good as bonjovi Haypro."



stream on hq gratis gogogogogogog


bonjovi xDDDDDD

poneros el gom tv player ya va !!!!



Realize none of it hit the toilet.
Realize that all of the shit that just came out became entangled and trapped in my ass hair.
Start to sweat.
More poop comes out, weighing down my ass hairs.
My ass becomes a giant knot of hair and shit.
Go downstairs.
Every step I can feel my asscheeks rubbing shit between them.
Grab scissors and go back upstairs.
Practically crying because of how disgusting it is. The shit starts to feel like concrete.
Turn the shower on.
Jump in and aim my ass directly at the showerhead.
The hot water practically bounces off my shitty ass.
Water and shit spray the entire shower.
Covers my sister's shampoo and soap.
Start hacking at my ass hairs.
Clumps of shit and toiletpaper mixed with dark, thick hair start falling to the floor of the shower.
My naked, wrinkly balls dangle precariously close to the hacking scissors.
Make one light snip at them.
No damage, just a small red spot of blood.
Get light headed.
Pass out.
Wake up ten minutes later covered in ass hair, shit, blood and apparently urine.
At some point I pissed myself.
Scissors stuck in the drain.
Ass hair still stuck with shit.
Never again."


gratis en hq how???


stop de c&p now , go kpop :D




donde esta el stream??