Sonic 2: remake HD [no-oficial]


#88 ¿Dónde ves tu que el juego esté en 3D? :S


#90 ejecuta como admin a ver

EDIT: no leí tu edit xD perdón.


Brutal la demo, la probé hace un par de días y es acojonante!


#29 thanks :D


oye yo me lo bajo y el antivirus me detecta cada archivo como troyano asique..


aquí nadie se lee el hilo xD


Qué esperas, ese es tu público


Creo que soy el unico al que no le tira bajo w7

Si ejecuto el 64b, peta, si ejecuto el 32b despues de la pantalla de start, se keda en negro, y si ejecuto el 32b como admin, ni llega a la pantalla de start.

Me cago en dios xD


Pues a mi me fue a la primera en w7 ni tuve que iniciarlo como administrador ni nada. Misterios de la informática.


Funciona correctamente, solo que no em va el mando :(


Tiene buena pinta, pero no parece el mismo tal cual no?.


Bueeeno, esta vez alguien la ha liado y no ha sido @nintendoamerica como quisiese #29:

Public Service Announcement: Keylogger, Cleaning Up Sonic 2 HD

Earlier today, I was contacted by a professional antivirus employee who was interested in why Sonic 2 HD consistently popped up as a threat by multiple antivirus software programs and did some investigation. His results showed that a keylogger is part of the Sonic 2 HD software. After receiving this notification, we conducted our own independent tests and found that there is indeed a keylogging program as part of the Sonic 2 HD alpha software.

I want to emphasize that at this time, we have found no evidence that the software has been “phoning home” any data—only that we have found the capability exists.

Because this vulnerability has been found, we are strongly advising that the software be removed. You will need to delete the files included with the Sonic 2 HD zip, as well as the registry keys hooked at HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/NakaSMK (if you are unfamiliar on how to do this, go to Start->Run.., type regedit, follow the folder path, and then delete the NakaSMK folder.)

We will have more information on the situation as it evolves.



Uno de los desarrolladores había metido un keylogger en el juego, así que todos los que los hayáis probado, os recomiendo que hagáis lo que dice la noticia, borrar el juego y sus datos de la db de windows.

1 respuesta

Hasta las cosas relacionadas indirectamente con Sega son sucias y malvadas. Por eso X-Crim es tan peligroso.

3 1 respuesta

#103 jajaja xD

Por lo visto el programador es un personaje, y le están metiendo mierda a saco. La noticia es de hoy, yo mismo he intentado jugar (sin éxito) pero desde wine.

Aún así, dicen en la noticia que al menos no han visto evidencia alguna de que el juego enviase información, pero vamos es muy raro.


La que has liado excrim.


#102 No podría ser un falso positivo? Es decir, para controlar el juego, de alguna forma debe leer las pulsaciones del teclado, a lo mejor el antivirus detecta eso como un Keylogger por la forma en cómo está implementado o algo.

Digo por curiosidad.

#107 es que habría que ser subnormal para estar tanto tiempo currando en un juego para luego meterle un keylogger xDD

2 respuestas

#106 es que se estuvo comentando por el foro de sonic retro en la que los desarrolladores decían que era un falso positivo, ahora al ver la entrada del blog pues no me queda nada claro xD

hola tunnecino jijiji

1 respuesta

siempre he pensado que sega es la verdadera liga del mal xD


#106 Si, en el foro de sonic retro se comenta esa posibilidad, pero aún así, es un cúmulo de cosas, por que el desarrollador en cuestión ha sido bastante proteccionista con el source.

El juego está ofuscado, las movidas con el software de DRM, y tal... de todas formas aún así, yo me fiaría poco de un juego o programa que aún estando minimizado captura TODO lo que haces eh


parece que al final si que era un falso positivo

EDIT 10 APRIL 2012: I promised more information. More information has come. It turns out the input error causing the situation not only does not phone the data but does not store it; it is merely an error in input programming. I sincerely apologize for any undue panic this may have caused and accept full culpability for any pants panicking bullshit.



ea :( si es que no confiáis en mi

1 respuesta


7 días después

Pues el proyecto ha sido cancelado.

Last month we proudly showed off a demo of what we've accomplished with S2HD.
Needless to say, more work has been done on the game; unfortunately, the odds of this work every seeing the light of day is slim to none. We gave the project's Lead Programmer, LOst, a week to provide us with a DRM free build of S2HD.
We've heard as much from him as you have, so it's safe to assume that's not going to happen. Given his complete lack of communication and cooperation, it falls upon to LOst to assume full responsibility for his actions as, up until the demo was released, the project's leadership was unaware of both the DRM and the now infamous DirectInput bug. This was the last straw for us. He had ignored direct requests for the past two years, effectively holding the project ransom by refusing additional help or review on his private engine. If he didn't think a piece of artwork matched his vision for the game, it was not included, or worse, was replaced by assets of his own creation. The same thing happened with the excellent multi-format sound engine our Tools Programmer Saxman created. Ultimately, LOst is no longer a part of the project.

That's the good news. The bad news for the project far outweighs it unfortunately. We cannot replace our lead programmer as LOst kept the source code for himself, making it impossible to the coded source material to be updated or used as a base for newer builds.
Additionally, two key staff members, scanline99 and Cerulean Nights (both of whom were chiefly responsible for the many animations, spritework, and overall polish seen in the demo) have resigned from the project to concentrate on independent works and careers. While we wish them the best in their endeavours, what this means to the project is that they will no longer be producing any artwork for it. Without them we are not able to guarantee the same level of quality seen in the alpha. At the moment, with ongoing careers and kids to look after, both myself and Canned Karma don't anticipate that we'll have a great deal of time to devote to S2HD either, which means we're forced to announce that

Sonic 2 HD is officially discontinued.

Certainly the DirectInput bug and the blogosphere fallout over it didn't help matters, but by the time that had taken place we had already made the decision to discontinue the project almost two months ago, well ahead of the demo's release. Internal conflicts between the project leadership and its main programmer which reached critical mass, and the only thing holding it together was the collective determination to put our frustrations aside and get a playable build into the hands of everyone who waited years for it.

Hopefully, another group in the Sonic community will pick up the torch and go forward with the vision we had over a year ago -- not just creating a Sonic 2 remake, but creating entirely original content.

Thanks to everyone who supported the project, especially to the passionate classic Sonic fanbase.
The appreciation thousands of fans expressed to S2HD as a game made "by fans for fans", represents a landmark where SEGA has to look at for a profitable use of the -highly demanded and beloved Classic franchise.


Team S2HD
Project Leader

1 respuesta

#113 Fuck!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Sonic está que no levanta cabeza.


No acabo de entender el motivo.

Pero bueno, ¿no había por ahí otro remake con mejores gráficos? Porque ahora he entrado en la web y veo que no es el mismo proyecto de otro que hay.