En el último reporte anual de ventas beneficios y stuff Square Enix ha hablado de sus planes futuros y vamos a destacar algo muy concreto: SQE planea revitalizar viejas IPs creando cosas nuevas para consolas y shitphones no centrándose en una sola plataforma.
Las cosas van bien en el imperio, los shitphones son una parte enorme de sus mercado ahora mismo pero están contentísimos con el rendimiento de PS4/Xbone y no quieren dañar más su imagen olvidándonos!
1. Revitalizing Existing IPs
We will revitalize some of our strong IPs in ways that meet the needs of the modern gaming market. For example, we will take an IP developed for earlier generations of game consoles and recreate it for the latest consoles, while also proactively developing versions for play on smart devices. In addition, we will also explore possibilities involving VR (virtual reality) and other new platforms. We want our longtime fans to relish reliving past experiences with a freshness that only the latest in technology can provide, while at the same time have new customers enjoy the IP as though it were brand new. By not only optimizing single pieces of IP for single platforms but also rolling out IP in a multi-dimensional manner to meet the needs of the modern market, we believe we can deliver exciting new experiences.
Legacy of Kain y Xenogears. SQE PLS