Yo me he hecho con la escopeta epica y la espada no la pude encontrar
Gamma Eta Car 7138 -61119226 30458673
I d - L40 Arid, Pirateship-Gunshop
II a - L39 Desert, Apex town
Gamma Ultragon 5020 -57740966 887882268
I a - L40 Arid, avian temple, cloth merchants
II b - L40 Tundra, high tech lab (good weapons! 43+)
II c - L40 Jungle, 2 floracamps 1glitch castle
Gamma Kornephoros 9200 -57741752 887882555
I - L40 Magma ,glitch mage tower, mine, cloth merchant, stimpak merchant
I c - L40 Forest, avian town, lots of shops, rare grenade launcher!
IV - L40 Moon, avian temple
Gamma Delta Boo Minoris -57741867 887882607
I a - L40 Desert, apex lab
III - L40 Tundra, mine, giant cave
V a - L39 Moon, avian town,
Gamma Skaarj 87 -57742219 887882745
I - L40 Snow, rare weapon in chest, epic sword in chest, glitch town,
II - L40 Snow, epic teslastaff chest
Gamma Tau Sgr 8190 79458841 33018460
I a - L40 Forest, Glitch village just to the left
I b - L40 Jungle, Prison
III a - L40 Tundra, avian temple
Gamma Nu-2 Boo 2290 79458582 33018552
I - L 40 forest, high tech lab, bandits
I c - L40 volcanic, avian temple, bandits
V - L 40 tundra, apex lab
Gamma Cursa 04 79453658 33020950
V b - L40 moon, apex town
II c - L40 desert, avian temple,
Gamma Betelgeuse Majoris 79452554 33021536
III a - L40 jungle, apex lab
VI - L40 tundra,flora prison,
VI ? - L40 moon, sewer dungeon
Gamma Ragnarok Majoris -30714729 -75026398
II a - L40 Magma, floran town
III a - L40 Tundra, mines, apex Building, 2 tech boxes, epic shotgun
IV a - L40 Arid, apex houses
Gamma Kyren Minoris -30716855 -75027715
IV a - L40 Moon, lab with tech box
VII a - L40 Tundra, avian temple
VIII a - L40 Grasslands, tool spawner, lab with tech box
Oh and exploring the gamefiles there should be the following planets:
Arctic, Arid, Desert, Forest, Grasslands, Jungle, Magma, Moon, Ocean, Savannah, Snow, Tentacles, Tundra, Volcanic //EDIT well Ocean and Savannah are locked in celestial.config, you can add them an they will show up but kinda messes with the game. maybe a fresh new game would work with them//
These points of interest:
Apex Research Lab - Apex Test Chamber - Apex Tower
Avian Airship - Avian Temple - Avian Tomb - Avian Tower - Avian Village
Floran Prison - Floran Huntinggrounds - Floran Towervillage
Glitch Castle - Glitch Sewer - Glitch Village
Human Bunker - Human Prison
Caveman Caves - Coral Temple - Mines - Scifi Dungeon
And atleat 22 Legendary/Rare Guns which can have pen level > 40
29 Instruments