Al parecer, bartwe (o como coño se llame) estuvo el otro dia haciendo streaming mientras programaba el parche, un user pillo pantallazos de los logs, ficheros de config etc... y ha especulado lo que posiblemente se incluya en el proximo parche:
Saw a few interesting things in the commits and figured I'd post them in-case you missed em or didn't feel like sifting through 500+ remarks.
Some things call for speculation and aren't guaranteed to be in the next patch, we have no context so keep that in mind.
# Glitch Mech
# Landmines.
# Shroomboom (Possible mushroom mines / mushroom cloud)
# Add grab attack to tallbipeds with imp and plain arms
# Add a status effect to set the ground movement modifier (slow debuffs?)
# ABC files from Wanderlust
# Don't spawn microdungeons on top of spawn
# Various remarks about the needler weapons which were announced recently If memory serves.
# new floran heatstick (Flare?)
# Improved stim sounds and no longer eat bandages
# add floran dungeon weapons and pieces
# Allow miningdoor to be flipped. (Hatch?)
# Crystal Weather
# Add Supernova, Blackhole and BigCrunch modes: normal, hardcore, permadeath modes
# Bartwe glasses
# Bonesaws
# Apex Lab NPCs now have unique weapon drops.
# Shift naturalcave loot into dungeon treasure pool
# add a bunch of new plasma projectiles
# Pinfriend encounter
# Agaran encounter 3
# Shivs and Hunting Plates
# Character Creation UI changes.
# Lightningcoil
# fix powered armor
# Force pvp in x sector
# Viking Helmet, Strawberry and Symbiote, Captains Cap, Cool Fez, Bunny Mask, Kitty Mask, Banana Mask and Eyeball Mask
# Remove massive stacking from poison effect from statuspod to make it not a 3 tick insta kill poison effect.
# Shroommerchant
# more vanity stuff + shield
# Fix glitch castle guards not being able to shoot. (That's going to hurt)
# Crossbows, Revolvers, Flamethrowers.
# Boss lore
# Add "jump, skip & pounce" attack to tinyquads
# Make the slavesword ranged! (New type of sword?)
# add nightstick, edit bunkerguard npc, wip
# toxic biome npcs
# new volcano quad chest
# few more plants
# Don't blink while laying down
# All the fucking grass
# More minibiome dungeon things
# Add gravity slam attack to smallbipeds with smallimparms
# Aimed spears
# icechucker gun re-added to treasure pool
# Medieval Furnace is now a Furnace.
# Fix pvp functionality, also if you go into pvp within a team your in a group with your team.
# improved some armour sprites
# disable steam drm requirement check
Ojalá acierte al menos en la mitad de lo que se vio en los ficheros de config xD