Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition #HO


Oh sí, que bien, shoto buff fireball festival. :¬¬:

1 respuesta

Más cambios de la v2012:


• Dan got a ton of changes.

• Pushback from his close standing Standing Hard Kick has been shortened.

• Close Medium Punch now starts up in 5 frames. This was 6 in Arcade Edition.

• Crouching Hard Kick now starts up in 10 frames. This was 11 in Arcade Edition.

• The combo cl.HK, cl.MP, cr.MP xx EX Dankukyaku is now possible.

• Reduced the height limit on Air EX Dankukyaku (Dan Kicks), a.k.a., how high you needed to be before you could do it.

• Hard Kick Dankukyaku now deals 130 damage instead of 120.

• Dan’s Jumping and Crouching Taunt build meter now. 70 on hit, 30 on block.

• Dan’s Super Hissho Buraiken has been altered so that it’s harder for characters to have hits whiff against them. However, the blog notes this buff won’t work if you activate from too far away.


• MK Messiah Kick on hit can be followed up by LK continuation.

• Since you couldn’t use it as an AA in original AE, Big Bang Typhoon as an AA will hit a maximum of 10 times, for 236 damage.


•(KKK stance) crouching HP’s damage on counter-hit has been corrected to 1.25x the regular amount. (TL note: previously it wasn’t? What was it in AE?)

•(KKK stance) crouching HK now has 5 active frames (up from 3).

•If the last hit of medium/heavy Gekirou (dragon kick) came out, Gen gets a bonus +10 to super meter.

•The final hit of heavy Gekirou will put your opponent in untechable knockdown state. So use it as an opportunity to okizeme/apply pressure on wake-up.

•EX Snake Strikes’ properties will now differ depending on which buttons you activate it with (light+medium, light+heavy, or medium+heavy). The distance Gen travels during this move, and the number of hits vary.

Also, from 1st frame all the way till the end of active frames, EX Snake Strikes are now projectile-invincible.

•All versions of Snake Strikes will have 4 extra hit/blockstun as long as you don’t end with the final strike.

So if you FADC Snake Strike before the final hit it’s +6 on hit, +2 on block.

•(PPP/Mantis style) U2′s start-up is now 7-frame on start-up, down from 9 frames.


•Only thing the developers have changed here was EX Hurricane Kick.

Many Sakura players were unhappy that when you do
Crouching LK -> crouching LP -> crouching HP -> EX Hurricane,
on certain characters the last hit would not connect. They’ve rectified this so it now works on all characters.

Fei Long

•Rekka block stun adjusted, after second blocked rekka, most people delay the third one for counter hits. You can now punish delayed third rekka hits accordingly. After blocked 2nd hit of Rekka, Light version 8f, Medium version 10f, Heavy version 12f

•(loose translation of this) Flame kick: Light 120 down to 110, Medium 140 down to 120, Heavy 160 down to 150, EX 200 down to 190. Flame kick FADC on block is 1f less on advantage, making it.. ????

•F+MK buffed up from 60 to 70

•MK Chickenwing nerfed from 30+30+50 (110 total) down to 35+35+30 (100 total)


•Cr.HP is back to how it was in Super.
•TT Damage up +10: LP 160 MP 180 HP 200
•Breathless : from startup till active, hit invulnerable. (LOL. People will start trolling with U2, again.)
•Second Low Hit Stun improved,
So when you do 2nd Low FADC, you’ll be at +9 at most.
Meaning that, you can do 2nd Low FADC Cr.HP U1.


They want to keep the status quo for Cammy. So the only change here was:

•Heavy Spiral Arrow’s hit properties are back to how they were in SSF4 console (TL note: in AE when you combo into heavy Spiral Arrow, sometimes Cammy will go under your opponent and switch… which is especially bad when you’ve successfully pushed him into the corner).

There are more concrete details to this but I’ll touch up on that later. Too technical for me to understand.


•Demon-flip punch no longer an overhead (TL note: this was one of the few buffs in AE I think), so you can now block low for that.

•Forward throw now has 2 more recovery frames.

•As for buffs, when you cancel a teleport into U2, the damage has been increased to 421.


•Soul Spark meter gain returned to 20->30
•Soul Satellite’s startup frames from 7 to 5
•Soul Piede changed to Vanilla properties
•Close standing MK +4 on hit, making it easier to combo into crouching jab, as well as making it possible to combo into
•Fixed some bug with crouching mk counterhits.


Minor changes that have to do with his match-ups.

•The first hit of crouching HK on block has more blockstun, by 2 frames. Opponents who try to jump away after blocking the first hit will now be caught with the second hit due to this adjustment.

Also, T.Hawk’s head-area hurtbox is projectile-invincible during this animation. So for instance, Sagat’s high Tiger Shots will no longer hit Hawk out of his crouching HK.

•(Diagonal jump) down+HP can now be performed with neutral jumps.

•Down-forward+LP on hit is now -2 frame disadvantage. Down from -5 in AE.

•Medium Tomahawk Buster is throw-invincible from start-up to the frame T.Hawk leaves the ground.

•Condor Spire’s shortcut motion has been revised, so it should be easier to activate with that now.


One of the most altered characters, the devs say. The main changes are to his Denjin and Senku Goshoha. His Denjin can be sped up to up to twice its normal speed and powered up by over half damage by doing a 3S SA3 Ryu (spinning the stick like a loon from Ultra start-up until you let go of the attack buttons). There are three speed-ups and five damage levels, with the charge times as follows:

Level 1 – 13 frames
Level 2 – 17 frames
Level 3 – 37 frames
Level 4 – 57 frames
Level 5 – 80 frames

Each fully-charged Denjin now does 45 more damage, while charge times are now the same regardless of the amount of your ultra gauge.

As for the Senku Goshoha, LP hits further in front, MP is the same as his Super LP version and HP is the same as his Super MP version. Also, Kongoshin has a slighty larger hitbox and deals 200 stun, while cr.HP deals more hitstun and so locks the opponent in place for longer, allowing cl.MP, cr.HP, EX Senku Goshoha to hit everyone.


Only small changes here, apparently. Tanden Stream only does 340 damage now, but cr.HP, Tanden Stream does full damage. Furthermore, if the first hit connects, Seth becomes invincible for the entire animation.

Otherwise, his jumping FP now has 4 active frames and nj.MK has lower body fireball invincibility after the active frames finish. Also, the issue of cr.LP, cr.MP not hitting some characters after a successful j.HK has been partially remedied (they say ‘loosened’ or ‘eased’, rather than ‘fixed’, so it’s probably still there to some extent).

El Fuerte

They aimed to make him more fun to play without heavily affecting his overall balance. Tortilla has reverted to its Vanilla form, i.e., invincible straight after start-up), EX Quesadilla Bomb now only takes 210 frames of charge and wall-bounces, and both level 3 regular and EX Quesadilla Bombs only freeze Fuerte for 10 frames on hit.

Elsewhere, cr.LP can be chain cancelled into other jab or short moves, while st.FP, Habanero Dash, Sliding now works on everyone.


Tercer día de cambios:


• Close St. MP is now -4 on block
• Close St. MK is +2 on hit, +3 on block
• Focus attack hitbox is tweaked to be able to hit crouching opponents too.
• Rising Jaguar (LK, MK, HK) – at the start, horizontal hitbox is increased a little, so that after a Rising Jaguar FADC, its harder to accidentally crossover the opponent. Also, one extra frame is given to FADC a HK Rising Jaguar (easier to fadc), thus making it easier to connect an Avalanche Jaguar.
• As for U1, even if you activated it at close range, it wont go over a standing opponent (will go over if crouching).


• Faster forward, backward walk speed
• Hammer Hook (overhead) advantage revised; +3 on hit on standing, -1 on hit on crouching, -4 on guard for both; can be used when holding the knife
• If you hit a standing opponent, cr.LK → MK Ruffian Kick combos
• Bad Spray is now two hits, Super-cancellable; with an FADC thrown in, Bad Spray FADC Final Destruction (UC1) will connect
• MK Ruffian Kick has forwarded extended hitbox
• EX Zonk Knuckle: first hit does further horizontal knockback; EX Zonk FADC UC1 is now easier to connect
• Can now guard during Knife pick up
• (All while holding knife)

  • st.LP +6 on hit
  • st.MP is now 2 hits
  • st.HP is +3 on hit
  • cr.MP now has 4 active frames, smaller arm hurtbox, making it harder to stuff
  • cr.HP is now 7F start-up, easier to use as anti-air

Dee Jay

• Far st.MP hitbox increased in front of him, so you can use it for cancels like Ryu does. The damage is 90, so it also does pretty well in a trade (could use tl check on last part, moving quickly)
• Reverted Air Slasher getting counterhit during recovery
• Sobat damage +10 on LK/MK/HK (now 90/110/130)
• Super can be canceled into U1 by inputting the command up to the second-to-last hit, between them it adds up to 570 damage


• Standing Roundhouse counterhit is now +7
• Air Jab can now cross up
• Air Fierce is active for 7 frames (1 longer than in AE)
• Focus Attack level 1 is -3 on hit or block
• Medium and Heavy Short Swing Blow are less vulnerable to low attacks
• Thunderbolt will now always complete if it hits and causes untechable knockdown, and the EX version will not flash on the way up
• The Rose is focus and super cancelable
• Ultra 1 Rolling Thunder will connect fully on aerial opponents

Evil Ryu

• Health 900, Stun 900 (up from 850/850)
• Far standing roundhouse has a bigger hitbox
• Crouching roundhouse has 6 frame startup
• Far standing fierce on counterhit knocks the opponent down and deals more damage, can FADC into a combo
• Hop kick can cancel into air tatsu and EX air tatsu, or Shun Goku Satsu
• Medium dragon punch + 1f invicible
• Light Axe Kick is +1 on block
• Heavy Axe Kick damage is now 130 and stun is 150, but has faster startup (26 frames) and can be used in combos where the Medium version was before
• EX Axe kick is 21 frame startup now. If Axe kicks hit airborn opponents you get untechable knockdown
• Air Medium Tatsu when done while rising will stop you from moving
• Super is now 370 damage instead of 350
• U1 charge time is shortened, letting you do Lv2 focus attack into max charged Metsu Hadouken


• Neutral Jump HP hitbox increased
• Jump MP and Jump HK hitbox AND hurtbox increased
• Hitbox tweaks are mainly to make it easier to hit downwards
• Normal throw range increased (similar to Ryu)
• Elbow can be performed not just by holding down, but df or db too
• Command Jump/Izuna drop (all versions) – no recovery on landing if no buttons are pressed, so you can get in and aim for throws etc
• EX senpukyaku is fixed so that itll hit easier (where it might whiff before), easier to use against opponent jumping in, easier to not whiff against small framed opponents
• The run overhead kick (kubigari) – tweaked so that it wont go over crouching opponents if performed at close range/point blank
• Finally walkback speed is increased


• Hakan gets oiled from the start of the match
• Neutral jumping short hitbox is bigger
• Neutral jumping jab is active 8 frames
• Neutral jumping strong is active 4 frames
• Jumping jab is active 8 frames
• Crouching Fierce now hits twice
• F+Strong has a smaller vulnerability area
• Coward Crouch can be cancelled into from a dash, making Hakan slide
• Oil Sliding into body press now deals 150 stun total, and is dealt after the body press, preventing people from getting up to mash out early if the slide stunned them
• Medium and Heavy oil dive, when wiffing a crouching opponent, will go past your opponent to make punishing him harder. The light version is faster to startup, and the Medium and Heavy versions can reach opponents much farther away
• Hakan’s super activates faster and, like oil dive, medium and heavy versions can pass over crouching opponents


• Bonshougeri (F+HK) has different movement trajectory, will hit crouching opponents more easily; +1 on hit, +5 on counterhit, -3 on block
• Koube Kudaki (F+MK), including TC version, from 26F to 25F start-up
• Tsuijigoe (command jump) is throw-invincible until Ibuki is airborne, from activation until 12F has a smaller hurtbox, making low attacks are easier to dodge; can Super-cancel from an earlier timing than before
• At point-blank, can use the move to dodge a throw and hit the opponent with Kasumi Suzaku (Super Combo)
• The projectile portion of Yoroitoshi (UC1) will now give you full hit animation against airborne opponents
• Based on the opponent and spacing, you can catch a backdash with UC1 and get the full animation, even if the throw portion (which comes first) whiffs
• Hashinsho (UC2) will now hit up until the lock animation against mid-air opponents
• For example, if you hit a mid-air opponent with Focus Attack Lv2, you will now land all of the pre-cinematic hits (but not the full ultra, I’m assuming).


• Faster forward dash during FSE
• Expanded hit box for 2nd hit of
• Hitbox for FA repositioned to hit crouching/low position characters better.
• +50 damage to Fuhajin rising kick
• +5F advatage on hit for 1st hit of lk Senpusha
• +5F advatage on hit for 1st & 2nd hit of mk/hk Senpusha
• +5F advatage on hit for 2nd hit of EX Senpusha
As such, Senpusha -> FADC -> U2 combo is now possible
• EX Senpusha is invincible until 1st hit during FSE
• Changes in EX Shikusen trajectory:
lk+mk: same as before
mk+hk: same as mk shikusen
lk+hk: same as hk shikusen
3K: same as before
• Super Meter increases at 1/3 of normal rate during FSE


• From 1000 to 950 health (back to Super value)
• Fukiage damage for LP, MP, HP from 100 to 90, EX from 140 to 120
• EX Karakusa has less ranage
• st.HK has a lower extended hitbox
• Target Combo 1′s st.MK can be cancelled, like the normal version
• Tanden Renki (Super Combo) is 3 seconds londer
• neutral j.MP has a forward extended hitbox, hurtbox
• Hayate have improved properties on charge
• LP Lv3, Lv4 and MP Lv4 have further forward movement, all Lv4 strengths are -2 on guard
• All Lv5 strengths are armor break, further forward movement, from 170 to 190 damage
• Can tell when you reach Lv5 charge timing by Makoto’s voice


• Stamina from 950 to 1000.
• First hit of EX Goshoryuken causes untechable knockdown.
• Previously for EX Hurricane there were situations where not every hit would connect. That has been fixed.
• LK Demon Slash now has an additional hitbox on the lower side, so it’s easier to hit thinner/crouching opponents.
• Raging Demon’s damage icreased from 350 to 370 regardless if it’s ground or air.
• With UC1, when you aim it upwards, it’s 9 frames on start-up. Full invincibility from start-up to the second active frame.


• Target Combo 2 130 damage, -7 on second attack
• st.LK start-up to 5F, but has the original start up during Sei’ei Enbu
• cr.LK from 30 damage to 20, upward extended hurtbox
• cr.MP from 80 to 70 damage, 60 during Sei’ei Enbu
• (Far) st.MP hitbox pushed backwards, thus has shorter range
• diagonal j.MK hitbox changed, landing cross-ups is not as easier as before
• Raigekishu (dive kick): all versions have an addition hurtbox rectangle when activated, 2F extra landing recovery; stun from 100 to 50
• Senkyutai (roll kick): up until 5F, HK no longer has projectile-invincibility, MK has no projectile-invincibility at all
• All versions of Senkyutai (including EX) have about half size horizontal hitbox, all are 4F worse on guard
• EX Zenpou Tenshin has less reach, loses throw invincibility from the 8F onward
• Tourou Zan (mantis slashes): final hit of LP, MP, HP damage to 60; EX version now a true blockstring for all hits
• Byakko Soshoda (palm): MP, HP meter gain on whiff from 20 to 10, two extra frames to LP, MP, HP
• HP damage from 150 to 140, chip to 30, stun from 250 to 200; MP, HP have 4 less active frames
• Sei’ei Enbu is a second shorter, does less damage from chip
• Raishin Mahaken (UC1) from 480 to 450 at full UC meter
• Tenshin Senkyutai (UC2) is 3F slower, from 440 to 410 at full UC meter; the last hit of the non-cinematic version does 90 damage


• Target Combo 2 120 damage
• Target Combo 3 120 damage
• Target Combo 4 130 damage, -6 on block for second hit
• Target Combo 5 70 damage
• cr.LK has an upward extended hurtbox
• cr.MP damage from 60 to 50
• Higher high restriction for Raigekishu (dive kick), for LK, MK, and HK (all versions)
• +2 extra frames of hit, block stun on Raigekishu
• Senpukyaku (i’m assuming overhead) from 85 damage to 80 during Gen’ei Jin
• LK, MK, HK Zenpou Tenshin slowed to 11F, EX to 8F
• No throw invincibility on EX Zenpou
• EX Zesshou (lunge) hit distribution changed from 7/2 to 6/3, -1 on block
• MP, HP Kobokushi (palm) meter gain to +20
• LP Koboku is 25 frames total, MP, HP 45 frames total
• MP, HP Koboku damage from 160 to 140, stun from 250 to 200; chip damage for MP, HP to 30
• Active frames for MP, HP Koboku to 10
• Nishoukyaku (up kicks): LK only has invincibility up (and including) the first active frame
• More landing recovery on all versions (including EX)
• MK Nishou from 130 damage to 110
• Tetsuzanko (shoulder): HP damage from 140 to 100, EX from 80+70 to 90+40 (130 total); during the projectile invincible parts of the move, Yun’s hurtbox against physical strikes is expanded
• Gen’ei Jin is a second shorter, does less damage

1 respuesta

Y para cuando se supone que es el parche en pc??


#183 Menudos nerfs bastos se han comido los gemelos, me da que nadie los va a usar ya. Con Fei Long se no han metido tanto la tijera.


Un par de japos jugando al AE 2012. Atentos al minuto 6:30.

1 respuesta

#186 Uf 15-16 hit combo @6:30
en el 9:30 el evil ryu se lo ventila que no veas

Tengo una duda.
¿Cuantas formas hay de levantarse del suelo?

He visto que en el entrenamiento deja configurar al rival levantarse rapido o lento

Pero tengo un problema. Contra rivales como Abel o Zangief no se como levantarme sin que me agarren. Resulta bastante frustrante. Me debo levantar con shoryuken o ataques similares? o quizas levantarme con una presa?


1 respuesta

#187 backdash o salto neutral si te vienen desde el suelo (pero tanto abel como zangief pueden castigarte el salto neutral si ven que lo haces mucho, el backdash es más dificil de castigar, hay que meter un option select por medio y no mucha gente los hace), aunque si te viene con salto, simplemente cúbrete o intenta shoryu si tas muy bien familiarizado con los reversals. Si usas un shoto con buen reversal, irán a buscar que te vendas con shoryus más que a pegarte cuando te tiran al suelo.

Es simplemente procurar no ser predecible, opciones tienes muchas para librarte de la presión tras un knockdown. Akuma putea mucho más a muñecos sin reversal decente, les obliga a cubrirse todo el rato xD

1 respuesta

#188 Digamos que soy novato, muy novato y entiendo poco de lo que me comentas. Vamos por partes

1- Salto neutral, entiendo darle arriba. Es decir, si me levanto del suelo haciendo un salto diagonal hacia atras, evitare si presa, no?
2- Backdash, 2 veces atras
3- Reversal entiendo que es un contraataque. Supongo que para cada ataque que recibas tienes una forma de contraatacar. Por ejemplo en ese casi la patada de fuego de Feilong no? o eso es un shoto?
4- Shoto, no se lo que es -->
Levantarse con ataques de fuego verticales?


1 respuesta

#189 reversal es lanzar un especial justo cuando te levantas, el mejor es el shoryuken (en el SFIV/SSFIV TODOS los reversals tienen armor break, vamos, que rompen focus attack, incluso especiales que no lo tienen ganan esa propiedad si entran en reversal). Lo otro es como dices. Shoto son personajes con bolas y shoryuken, personajes que tienen pocos problemas para zonear y un buen reversal.

Salto hacia atrás nunca es aconsejable, es más castigable que un salto neutral (con el salto neutral puedes empezar a hacer presión tú, pero has de calcular bien la altura y el golpe, sino un buen zangief o abel, en cuanto pises el suelo te hará un agarre especial... bueno, en realidad no hace falta ser bueno para hacer eso, machacando giros de 360 ya sale con Zangief xD).

1 respuesta

#190 Pero levantarte con Shoryuken es un peligro, te sueles quedar vendido con cara de tonto mientras caes xD
Supongo que otra opcion es, con Ken levantarte shory y cancelar un focus atack antes de despegar del suelo

Lo de Zangief es de risa, me puse a jugar con el en la 3DS y llevaba 15 victorias consecutivas solo con 2 botones, el zarpazo a media vuelta y la presa que lo eleva en el aire y lo aplasta en el suelo.
Evidentemente, alguien que sepa jugar se reiria de mi una y otra vez

Otro par de dudas que tengo:
Personajes que espamean habilidades como son: Sumo_Headbutt de Honda, El Jaguar_Tooth de Adon y Rekkukyaku de Feilong que tras hacerlo se quedan muy separados de mi y me da muchisima desventaja.
No se si es porque me cubro mal porque a veces cuando los ago yo me quedo vendido al lado del oponente.
Como contrataco ese tipo de ataques?

1 respuesta

#191 todo es dominar, tiempo, comprender framedata y demás xD

No sé que personaje llevas, pero dependiendo cual lleves, se castiga con una cosa u otra lo q comentas. Por ejemplo con Ryu el jaguar de Adon se castiga con shoryu medio o con puño fuerte de pie de lejos si lo falla, el Rekka de Fei, sólo se puede castigar el 2º o el 3º, el 2º se recupera bastante rápido y sólo lo puedes castigar con barrido, el primero no se puede castigar ni en block ni en whiff. El sumo head de Honda se puede castigar con shoryu, pero necesitas muchos más reflejos, aún así, si lo bloqueas, honda no queda en ventaja y tus fireballs hacen que no los pueda tirar tan a la ligera. Añade la patada fuerte de pie en tu zoneo de fireballs y le harás sufrir una burrada para llegar hacia tí.

1 respuesta

#192 "Ryu el jaguar de Adon se castiga con shoryu medio o con puño fuerte de pie de lejos si lo falla" estas cosas donde vienen escritas? xD

Ya me imaginaba el nivel tecnico del juego y por lo que veo me queda un mundo por aprender

Otra cosa, se puede jugar con macros? Porque yo uso el mando de la ps3 y tiene los triple golpes asignados a los gatillos pero le estaba echando un ojo al pad que saco madcat y no veo que tenga gatillos o similar. Y no veo muy viable pulsar 3 botones con el dedo gordo (supongo que cambiaran la posicion de la mano derecha para jugar)

2 respuestas

#193 En comunidades como shoryuken y así la gente pone listas de matchups y eso. Luego tienes guias en Youtube de los mejores Ryus del mundo (en inglés y plagada de tecnicismos eso sí)

Por ejemplo, la mejor guia de Ryu:

Aunque tiene muchísimas cosas más Ryu para aprender, pero te enseña como hacer el shoryu en autocorrect, como evitar las green hands de Zangief y demás.


#193 Una pregunta a ver si me puedes resolver, ¿Algun diccionario en el que se expliquen todos los tecnicismos que usas?

1 respuesta

#195 Yo tengo poca informacion. Uso google cuando no entiendo algo
La wikipedia te puede ayudar y creo que hay paginas mas tecnicas que he visto por el foro donde hay tablas con hits y demas


Gracias! ;)


Hay un torneo nacional. Es para 3DS. Y auqnue esta mencionado en el hilo, como esta un poco muerto lo dejo por aqui.

Creo que solo por inscribirse y participar dan una camiseta

9 días después

Madre mia, hace como un mes que no podia jugar al Sf4, primera partida despues de un mes....ha aparecido #181 y me ha dado candela jajajajaj

Buena paliza ;D

1 respuesta


Lo siento :(

Tranquilo a mi también me reparten xD

1 respuesta

#200 jaja tranqui, si es lo que me merezco por dejar el vicio, ya te volvere a buscar para recuperar mi honor :P

12 días después

Link al dev blog de SSFIV AE Ver.2012 Alpha

Veo muchos cambios importantes, a ver si no la cagan.

2 meses después

13 de diciembre en PC, PlayStation 3 y Xbox 360.

Lista completa de cambios en castellano (PDF)

• Crouching Hard Punch - Expanded hitbox upward to ease use as an anti-air move.
• Tornado Throw - Changed damage from 150 to 160 for light, 170 to 180 for medium, and 190 to 200 for hard/EX versions.
• Ultra 2 - Breathless - Made strike-invincible from start of dash to just before hit detection. Eliminated throw invincibility after start of dash.
• Change of Direction - Second Low - Extended hit stun by 2F, giving a possible +9F advantage when completing EX Focus?Dash in the shortest possible time.

• Focus Attack - Adjusted position of hitbox to ease hitting of short opponents.
• Close Standing Medium Punch - Shortened hitback and block push distances. Also made attacker have a -4F (dis)advantage when blocked.
• Ultra 1 - Jaguar Revolver - Fixed issue whereby the move could slip around to the back of an opponent on the ground when hit up close. Increased the 3rd hit's knockdown distance when fighting airborne opponents.
• Rising Jaguar - Made super-canceling possible on 2nd active frame of first hit for strong version. Slightly increased forward knockdown distance on first hit for the light, medium, and hard versions to fix Adon facing the wrong way on EX Focus -> Dash.
• Jaguar Kick - Expanded body hurtbox downward to toe of lowered leg for light and medium versions. Made expanded part of hurtbox invincible to projectiles. Changed hard version's damage from 140 to 130.

• Forward Throw - Increased Akuma's total frame count on a hit by 2F.
• Ultra 2 - Demon Armageddon - Changed hit damage when canceling out of Ashura Senku from 400 to 421.
• Demon Flip Punch (Hyakki Gosho) - Changed from an overhead attack to a mid attack.
• Far Standing Hard Kick - Changed damage from 60 + 40 (100 total) to 50 + 30 (80 total). Shortened block stun by 2F on second block, giving the attacker a -2F (dis)advantage when blocked.
• EX Demon Flip - Made EX Air Fireball cancelable from immediately after start of move.

• Buffalo Headbutt - Increased damage from 100 to 120 for medium, 100 to 140 for hard, and 100 to 150 for EX version.
• Ultra 2 - Dirty Bull - Increased damage from 300 to 399. Made easy command mode input the same as SSF4.
• Dash Swing Blow (Overhead) - Shortened hitback distance when hitting opponents on the ground, and eased linking with crouching medium punch, etc.
• Near Standing Hard Punch - Expanded hitbox downward, enabling contact at close range with Ryu, etc. when crouching.

• Rolling Attack (Beast Roll) - Changed damage from 100 to 110 for light, 110 to 120 for medium, 120 to 130 for hard, and 110 to 120 for EX version. Made opponent get knocked down when hit connects within 2F of hard or EX version's active period. Made follow-up possible when hit connects within 2F of EX version's active period.
• Rock Crusher (Toward + MP) - Lengthened hit stun by 3F on a max. focus hit, giving the attacker a possible +5F advantage on a hit. Shortened hitback distance on a hit and on a block.
• Jungle Wheel (Back Throw) - Extended total frame count of Blanka's move by 1F on a hit.
• EX Vertical Roll - Made opponent get knocked down on a hit, and made landing point closer to opponent when blocked. Lengthened landing stun on a block by 5F from 7F to 12F.

• Hard Spiral Arrow - Changed active periods from (first hit) 2F + 17F to 7F + 12F. (Overall active period unchanged.)
• Quick Spin Knuckle - Decreased distance all versions push back when blocked.

• Yosokyaku (Head Stomp) - Made accessible from stick diagonally forward-down + medium kick as well as from stick down + medium kick.
• Hard Spinning Bird Kick - Changed damage from 30 * 9 (270 total) to 40 + 20 * 8 (200 total). Made the move hit fully when canceled into from a near standing hard punch.
• Ultra 2 - Kikoken - Changed startup from 10F to 9F.
• Ultra 1 - Hosenka - Made hitboxes match SSFIV.
• Kintekishu (Back + MK) - Lengthened opponent's stun when counter-hit by 3F, giving the attacker a +3F advantage on a counter-hit.
• Tenkukyaku (MK during Kintekishu) - Expanded hitbox downward to make it easier to hit crouching targets.
• Crouching Hard Kick - Increased stun from 100 to 150.
• EX Lightning Legs - EX Hyakuretsukyaku - Increased amount of movement directly following the move's opening and extended attack reach.
• Near Standing Hard Punch - Lengthened hit stun by 1F, leaving the attacker with a -2F (dis)advantage on a hit. Shortened hitback distance.
• Crouching Light Kick - Expanded strike hitbox for deep hit.

• Increased both forward and backwards walk speed.
• Hammer Hook (Toward + Hard Punch) - Increased hit and block stun by 2F. This gives the attacker a +3F advantage on a hit against a standing opponent, a -1F (dis)advantage against a crouching opponent, and a -4F (dis)advantage when blocked. Enabled execution even when holding a knife.
• Standing Light Punch (With Knife) - Lengthened hit stun, giving the attacker a possible +6F advantage on a hit.
• Standing Medium Punch (With Knife) - Changed from a 1-hit to a 2-hit attack. No change to action or damage.
• Standing Hard Punch (With Knife) - Lengthened hit stun, giving the attacker a possible +3F advantage on a hit.
• Crouching Medium Punch (With Knife) - Shrunk hurtbox on attacking arm.Also set hitbox active period to 4F. No change to overall frame count.
• Crouching Hard Punch (With Knife) - Startup changed from 9F to 7F. Changes total frame count from 24F to 22F.
• Jumping Light Punch (With Knife) - Increased length of hit detection.
• Jumping Medium Punch (With Knife) - Expanded hitbox up and down.
• Pick up Knife - Made transition to block possible during move.
• Bad Spray - Changed from a 1-hit to a 2-hit attack. No change to overall damage.Also made second hit super-cancelable.
• EX Zonk Knuckle - Increased forward knockdown distance somewhat.
• Ruffian Kick - Expanded medium kick's hitbox forward slightly.
• Angled Jumping Medium Punch - Expanded hitbox up and down.

C. Viper
• Ultra 1 - Burst Time - Changed damage from 480 to 441. Moved position of hitbox to make the move easier to hook in combos.
• Ultra 2 - Burning Dance - Changed damage from 380 to 410.
• Thunder Knuckle - Changed medium version damage from 120 to 110. Made throw-invincible until first active frame for hard version.
• EX Thunder Knuckle - Changed EX version's startup from 27F to 25F. Lengthened Viper's stun by 2F on an EX version hit.
• EX Seismic Hammer - Changed damage from 120 to 100. Eliminated throw invincibility.
• Aerial Burning Kick - Changed normal damage from 100 to 90. Made follow-ups with Hard Thunder Knuckle or Burst Time possible after EX version fully hits.

• Air Dan Kicks (Dankukyaku) - Made EX Airborne Dankukyaku fully hit after EX Focus canceling a Koryuken. Changed hard version's damage from 50 + 40 + 30 (120 total) to 50 * 3 (150 total). Changed EX version's height restrictions, allowing it to be activated 1F earlier. Changed EX version's stun from 100 * 3 (300 total) to 100 + 75 + 75 (250 total).
• Dan Kicks (Dankukyaku) - Changed hard version's damage from 50 + 40 + 30 (120 total) to 50 + 40 + 40 (130 total).
• Super - Hissho Buraiken - Adjusted to fully hit when used up close against any character.
• Ducking Taunt, Jumping Taunt - Made Super Meter bonus +70 on a hit and +30 on a block.
• Close Standing Medium Punch - Changed startup from 6F to 5F. Takes the total frame count to 23F.
• Close Standing Hard Kick - Shortened hitback distance on standing or crouching hit.
• Crouching Hard Kick - Changed startup from 12F to 10F. Takes the total frame count to 33F.

Dee Jay
• Air Slasher - Abolished counter-hit hurtbox in place from projectile discharge to end of move for all versions. Hurtbox now exists until point of discharge.
• Far Standing Medium Punch - Expanded hitbox to end of glove, and made cancelable into a special move.
• Ultra 1 - Sobat Festival - Made canceling into this move possible on penultimate hit of Sobat Carnival Super Combo.
• Double Rolling Sobat - Expanded hitbox along attacking foot for medium version's second hit only when first hit connected. Changed damage from 80 to 90 for light, 100 to 110 for medium, and 120 to 130 for hard version.
• Close Standing Hard Kick - Made first hit do forcible stand-up damage when it connects with opponents on the ground. Expanded second hit's hitbox downward.Made attacker have a -2F (dis)advantage when second hit is blocked. Made second hit super-cancelable.

• Standing Light Punch - Increased hit detection period from 1F to 4F. Increased hit stun by 1F, giving the attacker a possible +2F advantage on a hit.
• Super - Yoga Inferno - Changed damage from 60 * 5 (300 total) to 75 * 2 + 60 * 3 (330 total).
• Yoga Blast (Up Flame) - Shrunk mid-move hurtbox for medium and hard versions. Made follow-up with any move possible after a hard version hit. Shortened post-hit recovery by 10F for light and medium versions. Shortened post-hit recovery by 5F for hard version. Made quick-stand impossible on a hit for all versions. Made release-triggering impossible for light, medium, and hard versions.
• EX Yoga Blast - Changed EX version's damage distribution to 90 + 50. No change to overall damage.

• Victory Rose (Taunt) - Made EX Focus Attack possible. Added light attack hit/block effects and sound effects.
• Thunderbolt - Made it easier to fully hit airborne opponents for all versions of the attack. Prevented quick-stand even when hitting airborne opponents for all versions. Shortened horizontal travel when jumping without changing final total horizontal travel. Delayed thunderbolt discharge and sound effect timing for EX version.
• Ultra 1 - Rolling Thunder - Made second and subsequent hits also connect with airborne opponents.
• Short Swing Blow - Shrunk size of lower-body hurtbox after throw-invincibility expires in medium and hard versions. Lengthened hit stun by 2F for medium and hard versions, giving attacker a possible +2F advantage on a hit.
• Vertical Jumping Light Punch - Changed hitbox active period from 3F to 5F, and expanded its size. Changed startup from 8F to 6F, hit detection from 3F to 4F, and expanded hitbox size.
• Angled Jumping Light Punch - Changed hitbox active period from 5F to 8F.
• Angled Jumping Medium Punch - Changed hitbox active period from 3F to 5F.
• Standing Hard Kick - Lengthened hit stun by 3F on a counter-hit, giving the attacker a possible +7F advantage on a hit.
• Focus Attack - Lengthened block stun by 1F for hits charged to level 1. With the fastest possible Dash, this leaves the attacker with a -2F (dis)advantage on a hit or block.
• Crouching Medium Kick - Changed startup from 10F to 8F, hit detection from 5F to 6F. Takes move's total frame count from 29F to 28F.
• Jet Upper - Changed light and medium version's startup from 6F to 5F, and hard version's startup from 4F to 3F.

El Fuerte
• Propeller Tortilla - Made strike- and projectile-invincible from start until 13th frame.
• Quesadilla Bomb - Made EX version's counter-hits lead to wall bounce damage. Reduced EX version's charge time from 390 to 210F. Shortened recovery by 10F when EX version or normal move hits at full charge.
• Calamari Slide - Fixed issue whereby using a Hard Punch -> Calamari Slide combo against a crouching Balrog, etc. wasn't hitting the opponent.
• Crouching Light Punch - Made all light version attacks rapid-fire cancelable.
• Guacamole Leg Throw - Reduced landing stun from 13F to 10F.

Evil Ryu
• Increased Health and Stun ratings from 850 to 900.
• Air Hurricane Kick - Airborne Tatsumaki Senpukyaku - Adjusted timing of trajectory break-point to be 3F behind the previous point when initiated with an angled forward jump. Enabled Airborne Tatsumaki Senpukyaku to be canceled out of a Senbukyaku at all strengths, and changed the characteristics from normal use.Set stun to 100 for light and medium versions when canceled into from a Senbukyaku.
• Axe Kick (Ryusokyaku) - Increased hit stun by 1F for light version, giving the attacker a possible +1F advantage on a hit. Changed hard version's startup from 27F to 26F, damage from 140 to 130, and stun from 200 to 150. Also enabled follow-up against opponents that have been knocked back, as with the medium version. Inhibited quick-stand after a medium or hard version hit against an airborne opponent.
• EX Axe Kick (EX Ryusokyaku) - Changed EX version's startup from 22F to 21F. Enabled further follow-up from a Senbukyaku -> EX Airborne Tatsumaki Senpukyaku combo with the medium version when at the edge of the screen.
• Far Standing Hard Kick - Adjusted size and position of hitbox to match Ryu's.
• Crouching Hard Kick - Changed damage from 90 to 100, and lengthened active hitbox period from 2F to 3F.
• Super - Raging Demon - Changed damage from 350 to 370.
• Far Standing Medium Kick - Slightly expanded hitbox forward. Also slightly increased amount of forward motion during startup. Reduced recovery by 1F, taking the total frame count from 26F to 25F.
• Target Combo - Made 2nd hit a knockdown.
• Far Standing Hard Punch - Made this move cause a knockdown on a counter-hit.
• Ultra 1 - Metsu Hadoken - Time taken the charge the attack by holding down the button has been cut compared to before. This makes it easier to land repeated knee-crippling hits in a Focus Attack. Expanded hitbox downward in 1st active frame when executed as a charged attack at close range to an opponent.
• Dragon Punch (Shoryuken) - Extended invincibility of medium version by 1F, making first 5F totally invincible. Changed hard version's damage from 90 + 60 (150 total) to 100 + 60 (160 total).

E. Honda
• Sumo Headbutt - Made upper body totally invincible from start until 14th frame for light version. Changed damage until 2nd active frame from 130 to 100 for light version. Made medium version from start until 10th frame projectile-invincible and totally invincible around the foot.
• Hard Punch Hundred Hand Slap - Expanded final hit's hitbox forward, making it easier to connect with all characters.
• Ultra 2 - Orochi Breaker - Changed easy command.
• Ultra 1 - Ultimate Killer Head Ram - Made KO possible even when the move's first hit is double hit.
• EX Oicho Throw - Changed EX version's stun from 50 + 50 (100 total) to 75 + 75 (150 total).

Fei Long
• Rekkaken - Set chip damage from first and second hits to 6 for light version. Set chip damage from first and second hits to 7 for medium version. Decreased distance of block push for second light/medium/hard hit. Reduced block stun for second light/medium/hard hit, giving the attacker a frame (dis)advantage of -8F for light, -10F for medium, and -12F for hard hits.
• Flame Kick (Shienkyaku) - Changed light version deep hit damage from 120 to 110. Changed medium version deep hit damage from 140 to 120. Changed hard version damage from 100 + 60 (160 total) to 100 + 50 (150 total). Changed EX version damage from 100 + 50 + 50 (200 total) to 100 + 50 + 40 (190 total). Shortened first hit block stun by 1F for all versions.
• Chicken Wing (Rekkukyaku) - Changed hard version damage from 40 + 40 + 60 (140 total) to 35 + 35 + 30 (100 total). Stopped hit connecting after cross up for all versions.
• Crouching Medium Punch - Changed damage from 65 to 55.
• Near Standing Medium Punch - Prevented first (hard/EX) Rekkukyaku canceled from near standing medium punch from hitting.
• Near Standing Light PunchFar Standing Light Punch - Shortened hit stun by 1F, giving the attacker a possible +5F advantage on a hit.
• Chokkarakusho (Toward + MK, Overhead) - Changed damage from 60 to 70.
• Engekishu (Toward + HK) - Changed damage from 90 + 60 (150 total) to 80 + 50 (130 total). Made second hit super-cancelable.

• (Crane) Crouching hard Punch - Changed counter-hit damage to be the standard 1.25 times normal damage.
• (Crane) Crouching hard Kick - Changed hitbox active period from 3F to 5F.
• (Mantis) Ultra 2 - Shitenketsu - Changed startup from 9F to 7F.
• Gekiro (Up Kicks) - Given Super Meter a +10 bonus when medium or hard versions make it to the final hit. Made quick-stand impossible on final hit of hard version.
• Jyasen - Varied number of hits when using EX version depending on punch button combination (light + medium or medium + hard or light + hard). Made EX version projectile-invincible until end of active period. Increased opponent's stun by 4F on the penultimate hit or block of the rolling portion of the attack for light/medium/hard version. Following the fastest possible EX Focus -> Dash, this gives the attacker a +6F advantage on a hit, or a +2F advantage when blocked. Increased hit stun by 5F and block stun by 4F on the penultimate hit of the rolling portion of the attack for the EX version. Following the fastest possible EX Focus -> Dash, this gives the attacker a +8F advantage on a hit, or a +2F advantage when blocked.
• (Mantis) Focus Attack - Lengthened hit stun by 3F on a level 1 hit, giving equal frame advantage/disadvantage on a hit after completing the fastest possible Dash.
• (Crane) Focus Attack - Lengthened block stun by 3F on a level 1 block, giving equal frame advantage/disadvantage on a block after completing the fastest possible Dash.
• (Crane) Crouching Medium Kick - Made +1F advantage on a hit and -1F (dis)advantage when blocked. Shrunk mid-move leg hurtbox.
• EX Oga - Changed damage from 100 to 150. Increased movement speed.
• EX Oga (Far Kick) - Changed startup after wall bounce from 12F to 7F. Made follow-up possible on a hit.

• Running Palm (Senkugoshoha) - Expanded light version's hitbox forward. Changed medium version's characteristics to match SSF4's light version. Changed hard version's characteristics to match SSF4's medium version.
• Crouching hard Punch - Lengthened hit stun by 1F.
• Ultra 2 - Denjin Hadoken - Made fireball speed variable by 3 steps by shaking (rotating) the stick before start of hit detection. Increased final damage by 45 for all charge levels. Unified charge time required to launch all versions of attack, regardless of Ultra Meter level.
• Counter (Kongoshin) - Expanded counter hitbox for medium and hard versions. Set stun to 200 for all versions.
• Near Standing Medium Kick - Fixed issue whereby simultaneous near standing medium kicks in Gouken-Gouken attacks would miss each other.
• Sakotsukudaki (Toward + MP, Overhead) - Expanded hitbox downward. Changed hitbox active period from 2F to 4F. Shrunk hurtbox on upper arm. Aligned hit stop time with length of hard attack.
• Near Standing hard Kick - Changed first hit active period from 2F to 5F.
• Super - Forbidden Shoryuken - Changed startup from 11F to 3F.
• Far Standing Medium Punch - Made Special Move cancelable. Lengthened hit stun by 1F, giving the attacker a possible +5F advantage on a hit.
• Far Standing hard Punch - Changed hitbox active period from 3F to 5F.

• Sonic Boom - Abolished counter-hit hurtbox in place from projectile discharge to end of move for all versions. Hurtbox now exists until point of discharge.
• Flash Kick - Changed deep hit damage from 100 to 110 for light, 120 to 130 for medium, and 130 to 140 for hard version.
• Air Grab (Flying Mare) - Changed startup from 4F to 3F.
• Back Air Grab (Flying Buster Drop) - Changed startup from 4F to 3F.
• Spinning Back Knuckle (Toward + Hard Punch) - Changed damage from 90 to 100.
• Reverse Spin Kick (Back/Toward + Hard Kick when near) - Made throw-invincible from 6th frame after start until landing. Increased hit stun by 1F, giving the attacker a possible +5F advantage on a hit.
• Ultra 2 - Sonic Hurricane - Changed damage distribution to 90 + 30 * 4 + 90 and increased damage potential of follow-up. No change to overall damage.

• Increased backwards walk speed.
• EX Hurricane Kick (EX Bushin Senpukyaku) - Expanded first hit's hitbox and increased active period from 1F to 2F to make the move easier to land.
• Elbow Drop (Down + MP in the air) - Made attack activate not only from stick down + medium punch, but also from stick down-forward + medium punch or stick down-back + medium punch.
• Bushin Izuna Otoshi (Flip Grab or Elbow Drop) - Reduced landing stun for all versions when additional button input was missed.
• Grab Throw / Shoulder Throw - Expanded hitbox forward slightly.
• Vertical Jump hard Punch - Expanded hitbox up and down.
• Angled Jump hard Kick - Expanded hitbox up, down, and to the front, and expanded hurtbox accordingly.
• Angled Jump Medium Punch - Expanded hitbox up, down, and to the front, and expanded hurtbox accordingly.
• Ultra 1 - Bushin Goraisenpujin - Slightly increased movement amount prior to first hit.
• Ultra 2 - Bushin Muso Renge - Expanded hitbox to the front. Made easy command mode input the same as SSF4.
• Neck Flip - Prevented cross up over E. Honda, Chun-Li, Vega, Rufus, Cammy, Sakura, Adon, and Juri when executed close up and opponent is crouching.
• Wall Jump - Sped up timing of follow-up input after kicking the wall.
• Super - Bushin Hasoken - Expanded the final hit's hitbox, making it easier to fully hit.

• Applying Oil - Made it possible to get oiled from start of round. Effect lasts approximately 10 seconds.
• Vertical Jumping Light Punch - Changed hitbox active period from 3F to 8F.
• Vertical Jumping Medium Punch - Changed hitbox active period from 2F to 4F.
• Vertical Jumping Light Kick - Changed hitbox active period from 7F to 11F. Expanded hitbox and moved it upward.
• Angled Jumping Light Punch - Changed hitbox active period from 6F to 8F.
• Guard Position - Made move slide when executed from a dash or backstep while oiled.
• Oil Dive - Adjusted trajectory and reach of hitbox to bolster hard and EX versions. Changed to fly over crouching opponents (not all characters) when the medium or hard version is executed at close range. Changed light version's startup from 14F to 9F, EX version's startup from 22F to 19F, and reduced max. power stun. Expanded hitbox downward for all versions.
• Crouching hard Punch - Changed to a 2-hit attack. Also altered the total frame count, leaving the attacker with a -3F (dis)advantage on a hit, and a -6F (dis)advantage when blocked.
• Standing Light Punch - Changed to a +4F advantage when blocked.
• Flying Oil Spin - Adjusted light version's startup from 18F to 9F, and medium version's startup from 18F to 12F. Changed to fly over crouching opponents (not all characters) when the medium or hard version is executed at close range. Removed hurtbox around arm at startup.
• Hakan Tackle - Contracted upper hurtbox downward at start of hit detection to match the rest of the active period.Contracted active period front hurtbox backward to match the situation immediately after detection starts.
• Oil Slide - Changed to do 100 points of stun when the slide originates from an Oil Shower move. Made Super Meter bonus 30 when the slide originates from an Oil Shower move. Made effect of oil when the slide originates from an Oil Shower move last for 450F (approx. 7.5 seconds).

• Hammer Kick (Torward + Medium Kick) - Changed startup from 26F to 25F. Changes move's total frame count from 37F to 36F. Accordingly, Target Combo 7's startup is 25F.
• Bonsho Kick (Torward + hard Kick) - Adjusted trajectory to facilitate hitting crouching opponents. Enabled a +1F advantage on a hit and a -3F (dis)advantage on a block. Enabled a possible +5F advantage for the attacker on a counter-hit.
• Ultra 2 - Hashinsho - Made all hits connect with airborne opponents until locked animation sequence. Made first hit do forcible stand-up damage when it connects with crouching opponents.
• Ultra 1 - Yoroitoshi - Made projectiles fully hit against airborne opponents. Made easy command mode input the same as SSF4.
• Tsuijigoe (Command Jump) - Made move throw-invincible from start until 7th frame. Removed all hurtboxes apart from that over the head region from start until 12th frame.Made move super-cancelable from 10th frame after start onward.

• Close Standing Medium Kick - Expanded 2nd hit's hitbox forward to end of leg.
• Fireball Kick (Fuhajin) - Changed damage from 30 to 50 for all versions when upward kick connects.
• Pinwheel Kick (Senpusha) - Extended hit stun by 3F on first hit of light kick. Results in a possible +6F advantage for the attacker after the fastest possible EX Focus -> Dash. Extended hit stun by 3F on first and second hit of medium or hard kick. Results in a possible +6F advantage for the attacker after the fastest possible EX Focus -> Dash. Extended hit stun by 5F on second hit of EX version. Results in a possible +7F advantage for the attacker after the fastest possible EX Focus -> Dash. Extended invincibility of EX version during Feng Shui Engine to cover the period when the first hit's hitbox is up.
• Ultra 1 - Feng Shui Engine - Enabled Super Meter to build up at 1/3 the normal rate for various attacks.
• Focus Attack - Expanded hitbox downward.
• EX Dive Kick (EX Shikusen) - Enabled change of trajectory with special kick button combinations (light + medium, medium + hard, or light + hard), but only during a Feng Shui Engine.
• Close Medium Punch - Adjusted startup to 3F. Takes move's total frame count from 22F to 20F.
• Dash - Increased travel during a Feng Shui Engine. Overall frame count is unchanged.

• Target Combo - Expanded hitbox for second hit downward to facilitate connecting with crouching targets. Increased startup of near standing medium punch from 8F to 20F to allow a delay when canceling into a Target Combo.
• EX Shoryuken - Changed damage from 70 + 30 + 30 + 50 (180 total) to 80 + 30 + 30 + 60 (200 total).
• Crouching hard Kick - Total frame count unchanged, but startup altered from 7F to 8F.
• Far Standing hard Kick - Changed startup from 12F to 11F. Shortened attack recovery by 4F, giving a +1F advantage on a hit and a -3F (dis)advantage when blocked.
• Thunder Kick (Toward + HK) - Overall length of feint move changed from 27F to 24F.

• Health reduced from 1000 to 950.
• Fukiage (Upwards Punch) - Adjusted all damage from 100 to 90 when executing light, medium, and hard versions, and from 140 to 120 for EX version.
• Super - Tanden Renki - Made attack last 3 seconds longer than previously.
• Standing hard Kick - Extended hitbox downward.
• Target Combo 1 - Made the standing medium kick second hit super-cancelable.
• Vertical Jump Medium Punch - Extended hitbox and hurtbox forward.
• EX Karakusa (Grab and Choke) - Adjusted size of hitbox to match that of the light version.
• Hayate Light Punch (Rush Punch) - Lengthened attack distance at level 3. Adjusted characteristics at level 4 to match level 4 hard punch. Added armor break property when charged to level 5. Made same follow-up conditions the same as the EX version when charged to level 5. Changed damage at level 5 to 190, and added voice hint to mark being charged to that level. Lengthened distance of travel at level 5.
• Hayate Medium Punch (Rush Punch) - Adjusted characteristics at level 4 to match level 4 hard punch. Unified characteristics at level 5 across light, medium, and hard punches.
• Hayate Hard Punch (Rush Punch) - Adjusted block stun at level 4 to give a -2F (dis)advantage. Unified characteristics at level 5 across light, medium, and hard punches.

M. Bison
• Double Knee Press - Changed light/medium/hard stun from 50 + 50 (100 total) to 100 + 50 (150 total). Lengthened hit stun by 1F on first hit for all versions, giving the attacker a possible +5F advantage when completing the fastest possible Double Knee Press -> EX Focus -> Dash.
• Near Standing hard Kick/Far Standing hard Kick - Changed shallow hit damage from 80 to 90.

• Adjusted health from 950 to 1,000.
• Goshoryuken (Dragon Punch) - Slightly increased forward knockdown distance on final hit to fix the character facing the wrong way on EX Focus -> Dash. Made quick-stand impossible following the first hit of the EX version.
• Ultra 1, close range - Messatsu-Gotenha - Changed active period from 10F to 9F, and made the attack totally invincible until after the first active frame.
• Ultra 1, aimed upwards - Messatsu-Gozanku - Made Messatsu-Gozanku cancelable on a Zanku Hadosho (Air Hadou Dash) hit.
• Ultra 2 - Tenchi Sokaigen - Reduced damaged party's horizontal knockdown distance in order to increase ease of subsequent hitbox connection following a successful first hit.
• Super - Raging Demon - Changed damage from 350 to 370 when executed on the ground. Changed from a throw hitbox to a strike hitbox that can only hit airborne opponents when the move is carried out in the air.
• EX Hurricane Kick (EX Tatsumaki Zankukyaku) - Made additional adjustments to allow the move to fully hit.
• Air Hurricane Kick (Airborne Tatsumaki Zankukyaku) - Changed EX version to make a sudden, vertical dive, only when canceled into from a Zanku Hadosho. Made EX version a 1-hit move, with damage of 140 and stun of 200 that does tailspin knockdown damage, only when canceled into from a Zanku Hadosho. Changed EX version landing stun to 22F, only when canceled into from a Zanku Hadosho.
• Gankauchi(Back + Medium Punch) - Changed damage motion when hitting crouching opponents, making it easier to land a hit when canceling a special or other move from a Gankauchi.
• Angled Jumping hard Punch - Changed active period from 4F to 5F.
• Zanku Hadosho (Air Hadou Dash) - Expanded hitbox for light and hard versions.
• Rakan Dantojin (Demon Slash) - Added hitbox for deep hit to light version. Extended projectile-invincible frames by 3F for medium version.

• Ultra 2 - Soul Satellite - Changed startup from 7F to 5F. Fixed issue whereby EX Soul Reflect could be triggered accidentally.
• Near Standing Medium Kick - Extended hit stun by 1F, giving the attacker a possible +4F advantage on a hit.
• Soul Spark - Changed Super Meter build-up from 20 to 30 for light, medium, and hard versions.
• Soul Piede (Toward + HK) - Changed total action frames from 33F to 29F. Increased reach by moving hitbox forward. Shrunk active period hurtbox.
• Crouching Medium Kick - Fixed issue whereby counter-hit damage was taken when attacked in any frame after hit detection started.
• EX Soul Reflect - Made invincible to projectiles from start until 7th frame. Activated projectile return hitbox from 5th frame onward.
• EX Soul Spiral - Changed damage from 100 to 120.

• Ultra 2 - Big Bang Typhoon - Adjusted number of hits against airborne opponents to a maximum of 10.
• Messiah Kick - Made light derivation combo on a medium hit.
• Target Combo - Expanded second hit's hitbox downward to facilitate connecting with Blanka, etc. when crouching.
• EX Galactic Tornado - Increased opponent's stun by 7F when hit by the suction part of the move.Gives attacker a possible +8F advantage when completing EX Focus?Dash in shortest possible time.

• Ultra 2 - Metsu Shoryuken - Extended hitbox upward in 3rd active frame.
• Fireball - Changed light/medium/hard version damage from 60 to 70. Chip damage is the same as SSFIV AE, at 15. Changed follow-up restrictions when a counter-hit is landed with the EX version so that follow-up is possible with any move.
• Air Hurricane Kick (Airborne Tatsumaki Senpukyaku) - Adjusted timing of trajectory break-point to be 3F behind the previous point when initiated with an angled forward jump.
• Solar Plexus Strike (Toward + HP) - Changed damage from 40 + 50 (90 total) to 40 + 60 (100 total).
• Near Standing hard Kick - Equalized normal hit and counter-hit frame advantage.
• Hard Punch Shoryuken - Made this a 1-hit move. Set damage in 1st and 2nd active frames to 160, and in 3rd to 14th active frames to 60. Made from start to 4th frame totally invincible. Made mid-air follow-up impossible. Removed possibility for EX Focus Attack and super canceling.
• Crouching Medium Kick - Hit detection extended from 3F to 5F.

• Angry Scar - Changed Tiger Uppercut damage during an Angry Scar from 140 to 150 for light, 160 to 170 for medium, and 240 to 250 for EX version.
• Crouching Medium Punch - Expanded strike hitbox for deep hit.

• EX Fireball - Changed level 1 damage from 40 + 60 (100 total) to 60 + 60 (120 total). Changed level 2 damage from 50 + 70 (120 total) to 60 + 70 (130 total).
• EX Hurricane Kick - Fixed issue whereby opponent could be passed through when hit in standing position after certain combos.
• Sakura Otoshi (Jump Smash) - Increased command input difficulty, and made release-triggering (negative edge) impossible.

• Jumping hard Punch - Changed hitbox active time from 2F to 4F.
• Forward Jumping Medium Kick - Made foot region invincible to projectiles from end of active period to landing.
• Dragon Punch (Shoryuken) - Shortened block stun by 2F on second normal Shoryuken hit, leaving the attacker with a -3F (dis)advantage on EX Focus -> Dash. No change to first hit's block stun.
• Ultra 1 - Tanden Stream - Made Seth become totally invincible at a certain point in the attack. Made fully hit when combo launched from crouching hard punch. Changed damage from 380 to 340.

T. Hawk
• Crouching Hard Kick has two more frames of blockstun if the first hit is blocked. During this move, T.Hawk's head is invincible to projectiles so he can avoid moves such as Sagat's High Tiger Shot.
• Medium Tomahawk Buster is now completely unthrowable from the first frame onwards.
• Heavy Body Press (Down + HP) and Heavy Shoulder (Down + MP) can be used during a neutral jump.
• Thrust Peak (Down-Torward + LP) is now -4 on hit, up frum -5 on hit.
• Changed EX Condor Dive to be completely projectile invincible until the move ends.
• Changed Close Standing Hard Kick from 8 to 7 frames, thus shortening the overall frames of the move to 23. Now knocks down on hit, and can be followed up with EX Tomahawk Buster.
• Fixed Ultra 2's command input to be easier (same as SSF4).

• Crouching Hard Kick damage increased to 110 from 90.
• +1 more frame of hitstun on the opponent after a Cosmic Heel, making it -3 on block.
• Ultra 1 knee hitbox improved to prevent the opponent from falling out. It's possible to juggle Ultra 1 from a Cosmic Heel.
• Ultra 2 startup changed to 8 frames from 9.
• Sky High Claw knocks down on hit now. EX version has an improved downward hitbox so that it can hit crouching characters.
• Expanded the hitbox for Focus Attack.

• Crouching Light Kick has an expanded hurtbox once it becomes active and the damage was nerfed from 30 to 20.
• Standing Light Kick's startup increased by two frames for a total of five. However, it keeps the original three-frame startup time during Yang's Super.
• Crouching Medium Punch's damage reduced from 80 to 70, and now inflicts 60 damage during his Super.
• Far Standing Medium Punch hitbox shrunk.
• Jumping Medium Kick's hitbox shrunk.
• Changed Target Combo 2 damage from 150 to 130, shortened the pushback distance of the second hit on block and lengthened the second hit's recovery by four frames to make it -7 on block.
• Dive Kick has an increased hurtbox on the foot area, and the landing recovery has been increased by 2 frames. Stun inflicted by the move reduced to 50 from 100.
• Senkyutai (Roll Kick) has had its hitbox reduced on all versions. Hard Roll Kick is only projectile invincible from the 5th frame onwards, and the Medium Roll Kick is no longer projectile invincible. After an FA -> Dash from a Roll Kick, Yang is at -4.
• Byakko Soshoda (Palm Strike) had its meter gain reduced to 10 from 20. The total frame count for each version is 26(Light) 41(Medium) 45(Hard). These changes do not apply during Seiei Enbu. Hard Palm Strike now deals 140 damage instead of 150, 30 chip damage instead of 38, and 200 stun instead of 250. Hitbox active time decreased to 9 frames from 13.
• Seiei Enbu lasts one second shorter than before. Chip damage set to 1/8 of normal damage.
• Stun changed from 1000 to 950.
• Removed invincibility when standing up from a facedown position.
• Prevented special canceling between 24th and 25th frame of backdash.
• Target Combo 3 is now super cancelable on the third hit, and the opponent is knocked down on the third hit as well.
• Ultra 2 startup is 3 frames slower. The last hit of the non-cinematic Ultra 2 now does 90 damage.

• Changed Target Combo 2 damage from 60 + 40 + 50 (150 total) to 50 + 30 + 40 (120 total)..
• Changed Target Combo 3 damage from 80 + 70 (150 total) to 65 + 55 (120 total) and made it super-cancelable off second hit.
• Changed Target Combo 4 damage from 50 + 50 + 60 (160 total) to 50 + 35 + 48 (133 total) when executed from a far standing medium punch. Increased 2nd hit recovery by 2F, leaving attacker with a -6F (dis)advantage on a block.
• Changed Target Combo 5 damage from 20 + 30 + 40 (90 total) to 20 + 20 + 32 (72 total).
• Near and Far Standing Light Kick have an additional frame of blockstun, leaving the attacker at +2 on block.
• Expanded Crouching Light Kick hurtbox upward after hitbox becomes active.
• Changed Crouching Medium Punch damage from 60 to 50.
• Dive Kick has an increased command input height restriction, and two more frames of ground recovery. Hit and block stun increased by two frames.
• All versions of Zenpou Tenshin (Flip Grab) were slowed down to 11 frame startup each. EX Zenpou Tenshin now has a startup of 8 frames, and has lost its throw invincibility.
• Changed division of hit detection period from 7F + 2F to 3F + 6F for EX Zesshou Hohou (Lunge Punch). Blockstun of the move shortened by two frames so that the attacker is now at -1 on block.
• Kobokushi (Palm Strike) meter gain reduced to +20 meter on whiff, damage reduced from 160 to 140, stun reduced from 250 to 200, chip damage reduced to 30 from 40, active frames reduced from 15 to 10.
• Palm Feint is now 25 frames overall, whereas the regular Palm Strike is now in motion for 45 frames.
• (Nishokyaku) Light Upkicks now only has invulnerability covering up until the sixth frame.
• Medium/Hard/EX Up Kicks travel less distance forward. Light/EX Up Kicks have three more frames of ground recovery.
• Medium Up Kicks damage nerfed from 130 to 110.
• Tetsuzanko (Shoulder) has a larger hurtbox during the middle of the move.
• Hard Punch Shoulder's damage was reduced from 140 to 100, and the EX Shoulder had its damage reduced from 80+70(150) to 90+40(130).
• Super - Gen'ei Jin - has had its active time shortened by one second, and Senbukyaku (Overhead) now does 80 damage instead of 85 during the Super.
• Stun reduced from 1000 to 950.

• hard Spinning Piledriver - Increased stun from 100 to 150.
• EX Banishing Flat - Changed damage from 80 + 50 (130 total) to 90 + 50 (140 total). Increased stun from 50 + 50 (100 total) to 100 + 50 (150 total).
• Crouching hard Kick - Shrunk mid-move hurtbox.
• Crouching Light Punch - Expanded strike hitbox for deep hit.
• Far Standing hard Punch - Made opponent get knocked down on a hit.


Me gusta los cambios que hicieron en Guy, (Aunque no pongan nada en el vídeo). Los que veo que lo van a pasar bastante mal son los que lleven de mains a los gemelos y a Fei Long...suerte, la van a necesitar :P


MMMM ademas gratis, que raro por parte de capcom oir eso.

Me gusta.


Han arreglado un poco a Balrog, menos mal. No tenía sentido que el nerf de un personaje que ya era tier B.


todavía tengo que pillarme la AE (al tener el SSF4 costaba unos 15 € actualizarlo por la PSN no?)

PD: Por si hay agun interesado ya que estamos en lucha: tengo el BlazBlue (Calamity Trigger) que me lo conseguí por 9'95 new en un Game, se aceptan combates tanto SSF4 como BB, incluso Marvel (que despues del SSF4 me dejó de gustar tanto xDD)


alguien sabe si el ssf4 arcade edition en amazon uk viene en español?

1 respuesta

#208 Todo lo en Español que puede estar el juego, si.

20 días después

Oferta navideña de Steam, descuento del 50% en SSFIV AE para PC (14,99€):

También la v2012 para PC se espera para principios del año que viene: