Supraball #HO - Aprobado en Steam Greenlight


Ahora mismo hay uns erver de 32 personas on, bastante caotico


La gente pasa y todo en esos servers pq no puedes ni tirar XD


#206 Si te viene la pelota y utilizas escudo se repele siempre, a no ser que pulses escudo+boton derecho (sucker) y la pelota te venga muy lenta, que entonces si que la coges no? De todas formas para darle de primeras con fuerza para rematar es mas efectivo el disparo directo que el escudo imo.

1 respuesta

#213 Ya pero eso no lo puedes hacer si estas de espaldas a la portería y quieres darle de primeras girandote. Si tiras el escudo ahora solo te "protege" la parte delantera y si la pelota te viene de espaldas, la coge.

1 respuesta

#214 hace poco pusieron vídeo de como hacer los que dices, recibir, pillar balón con escudo girarse y chute. No parecía nada fácil xDD


2 1 respuesta

#215 Ya, pero eso es aún otra cosa, y creo que aún se puede hacer.

Esto del video lo probe y siempre se me escapa la bola xD


Me meto en un servidor español, hago las típicas tonterías de rematar sin controlar el balón, escudo + sucker para que rebote la pelota sobre ti mismo y algún que otro tiro y me kickean diciendo que uso hacks.

Lastima que 1 de cada 10 veces que me meto a jugar hay gente competente ene este juego, llega a aburrir.

13 días después

Hay algun canal de IRC o algo donde se junte gente que sepa jugar medio que?

Tambien tengo un server muy tocho en todos los aspectos y me gustaria montar un server privado para pachanguitas de colegueo, sabeis donde conseguir gente para echar risas y tal?


porque no montais un server de mediavida y poneis la contraseña aqui?


Voy a estar jugando un rato por si alguien quiere unirse.


Novedades y últimas actualizaciones

Próximo update

Porterías mas grandes

Líneas guía para el portero

Nuevo sistema de kickeo de trolls

Tutorial de uso del escudo

Modelo de Negocio:
Based on the players feedback Supraball is going to stay free2play without pay2win.

Cambios de las últimas 3 actualizaciones.

  • Removed delays before being able to charge/pass/dump after catching ball
  • Fixed Double boost not working (one player being boosted by 2 players)
  • Kickback after charge shots reduced by 33% (kicking yourself up in the air is less effective)
  • Added detailed graphic options
  • You can now switch between spectator and player slots right in the game
  • Increased overall awesomeness by 7%
  • Detailed graphic settings to enable or disable every little detail. Here the highest and the lowest settings
  • Fixed getting stuck or floating away when being knocked out
  • Reduced kick/pull/suck range by 11%. Reduced kick/suck angle by 9%
  • Added kick vote
  • Serverbrowser now pings ALL servers, not only 30
  • Got rid of speedhack protection that didn't work properly
  • Fixed problems with missing DLLs and "not a valid win32 application"
  • Crashes in server browser should be fixed
  • Servers show pings
  • Kickeffect more FPS friendly now
  • Added basic kickvote (type kickvote <nameofTroll> in console)

El juego ha sido aprobado en Steam GreenLight, asi que lo veremos en Steam


bien mejorando poco a poco llevo un tiempo sin jugarlo debo volver a echar partidillos xd


Esas updates ya estan incluidas, la del kick desde hace unos dias de hecho. (Greenlight tambien)

Os recomendaria que volvierais a jugar, el juego esta mucho mas maduro y realmente se puede jugar durante horas sin problemas ni bugq xD

17 días después

0.2.8 - 30.06.2014

"Train alone" is now in a real training mode (no waiting times etc.) (for server admins: ?game=DBGame.DBTrainingGame; to return to normal mode do ?game=DBGame.DBGame)
Dump shot is 27% stronger (experimental, might be too strong)
Charge duration increased from 1,7s to 2s; power proportionally stronger (max charge power from 4050 up to 4764)
Damage-Shaketime increased from 0.65s to 0.85 to compensate for longer chargetime
Kickback after charge reduced
Goals are now a little bit bigger (10%)
Pass lock radius decreased, need to aim closer at the team mate for the lock to appear
When you damage a players that's flying around with the ball, that player will be slowed down
You can now kick and pull keepers less
When you pull players, you now pull towards them as well, can be used for slingshot self-boost
Experimental: Can now pull the ball from opponent ballowners (except keeper)
Sucker now has less influence on balls that have just been released (out of context this sounds like porn)
Can't get ball out of map Hall anymore by shooting very high
Fixes that you can prevent/delay a kick off by getting stuck behind the opponent goal post
Added dotted orientation lines in the penalty boxes for keepers
Fixes bug where you can't enter the opponent half after a goal
Fixes bug where you see 2 balls
Fixes bug where volley shot is very weak
Added master volume slider to sounds menu
ESC-Screen now shows the server name
Fixed tooltips staying when changing the tabs
Added 13,37s wait time at the end of the match before the server restarts
New scoreboard graphic
Fixes Goal kick messages always having the wrong color
Made ball disappear effect also appear in medium setting of "effect amount" option
Added banners to maps
Added 1,5kg of general awesomeness

11 días después

Nueva actualización: 0.2.9 - 13.07.2014

Dump-Shot (same as pass without lock) power decreased from 2800 to 2200 (where it was in 0.2.7) to see how the old dump speed works with the new goal size
Decreased max charge time by 0.1s, max shot speed proportionally lower
Own movement speed now fully added to shots (walking in shot direction makes the shot faster; walking backwards does not make it weaker); in previous version on 50% was added [at the same time this fixes that you immediately recatch the ball after shooting it while you were flying forward)
Fixed negative movement speed being subtracted from kicks and shots (walking backwards doesn't slow them down anymore)
Stealing the ball only works on players with red health (below 60)
Health regeneration speed lowered from 1h/s to 0.33h/s (this might be misbalanced at the moment)
Health fully regenerates after a goal has been scored
Catchradius is now a sphere instead of a cylinder. The ballowner bubble now really represents the catch radius. Check this image to get an idea what it means!

Catchradius increased from 150 to 160
Ballowner is now heavier (can fly less far with the ball)
Kick and pull distance increased by 1,6%
Kickpower increased by 9%
Added sound effect when you pull a player (so you actually feel that you got a grip on him)
Added sound effect for when a ball gets stolen
Added sound for when you can't steal the ball
Fixed that dribbling with sucker + shield couldn't be stopped with a kick
Capped max speed for ball, which is about 425km/h
Simplified several particle effects for performance increase
Scaled down many textures a whole lot
Showing ball time traveled and shot speed in chat log when scoring
Moved ads on pitch_walls map from the ground up to the top of the glass wall
Separated the buttons for gun controls (you can now bind functions with and without ball separately)
Renamed "dump" to "shot"
Changed the default gun buttons to what we think is more beginner friendly (LeftMouseButton = Pass + Kick, RightMouseButton = Charge + Pull, MiddleMouseButton = Shot + Shield)
Spiced up Damage effect
New Kick Vote Requirements: minimum of 3 votes required, otherwise 60% required, the kick-prompt comes after the 4th vote. The minimum and percentage can be configured (defaultdeathball.ini)
Increased overal pwn by factor of 1.3

Yo tengo un server que se llama: Getz & friends warehouse :) [3v3] o tambien podeis entrar poniendo esto en consola:

9 meses después

Ya están repartiendo keys para la beta cerrada de Steam, que incluye ranked matchmaking:

Para conseguir una hay que enviar un email a [email protected] pidiendo una, no hace falta que pongáis ninguna chorrada, porque me parece que es un bot (a mí me ha contestado con la key casi al instante y ya lo tengo puesto en el Steam).

1 respuesta

#226 Gracias por avisar, me ha enviado la beta instant

Usuarios habituales
