Survarium #hype


#149 Exacto, como dice #150 la facción a la que perteneces viene determinado por el símbolo que tienes al lado del nivel.


Apuntado estoy, he visto algunos videos y tiene buena pinta :f5:


Marcaría los cambios importantes en negrita, pero es que casi todos lo son O_O

Version 0.22a

Attention!!! The current version has changed the damage calculation formula. We made a decision to get rid of the 'Protection' parameter provided by the gear. Due to the fact that the modifiers affecting that parameter have been removed on the items.


  • Camouflages for armor and pants have been added to the game. Camouflage can either be found after the battle or purchased in the game store. Only one camouflage can be used on one item at a time.
  • The possibility to refill ammo at the players base has been added. To enable that you need to come up to the dedicated equipment box and press the 'Use' button.
  • Damage calculation formula has been changed, as well as complete rebalancing of weapons and armor. The effectiveness gap between the low-level weapons and high-end armor has been narrowed.
  • Enemy grenades markers have been removed.
  • Enemy highlighting possibility removed.
  • Maps of stashes have been added to the game. Use of the map allows the player to find more items after the battle; Stash maps can be both found after the battle and bought in the store.
  • The possibility to change your character's nickname added to the game.
  • The mechanism of gear breakdown during the battle has been activated. Items wear out after being actively used in battles. At the item's condition lower than 80% increases the chances of malfunction which will lower the effectiveness of your weapons and gear.
  • Smallshot scatter broadened, while its short-distance effectiveness has been considerably increased;
  • Bonus of damage and armor-piercing for 9x19, 7N21 and 9x18 PBM lowered to 20%
  • Financial reward for enemy killing reduced from 50 to 15 rubles.
  • Enemy killing experience bonus reduced from 10 to 3.


  • Tasks system modified. Now the player can only accept tasks from one faction. Completing missions for the faction will give you a reputation increase and increase the faction's loyalty towards you. Mission failures decrease loyalty, while change of faction nullifies it completely.
  • Number of tasks simultaneously given by a faction increased to 3.
  • Requirements for accuracy and headshots quests lowered.


  • One of the bases on Mamayev Kurgan has been moved.
  • Damage for most of the in-game anomalies modified.

Black Market:

  • From-the-hip shooting damage accuracy for AKS-74u decreased, recoil increased.

The Renaissance Army:

  • New gear added: RPD.
  • New gear added: 'Storm' amror set.

The Fringe Settlers:

  • Added a new weapon: SV-98 (another sight has been temporarily installed instead of 1P69 "Hyperion").
  • Added new gear: Stalker armor set.
  • Significantly reduced recoil of APS.
  • Weight of Hunter’s Boots reduced to 0.6 kg.
  • Hunter’s Boots and Hunter’s Pants speed bonus reduced to 2 %.
  • Weight of Hunter’s Jacket reduced to 6 kg.

User Interface:

  • Changed interface of the matchmaking window. Now it shows a range of levels of matches which the player is ready to join, and the number of people in the queue for each level. This change will allow players to better understand the reasons why it takes some time to find a match. It will also help players to see what equipment to wear in order to speed up the matchmaking;
  • The item level is displayed now.
  • The average level of the worn equipment considering the modifier of ELO rating is now displayed in the character window.
  • Added detailed statistics on the received rating, experience, reputation and money in the match results window.


  • Optimized the use of memory.
  • Added support of the reflection of visible objects on the screen.
  • Improved algorithm of materials mixing.
  • Changed the algorithm of fog effects.
  • Improved clouds lighting.

Loader and installer:

  • Fixed a bug when time remained to finish installation wasn’t displayed correctly.
  • Fixed checking compliance to the minimum configuration in the installer.
  • The installer now requires the proper amount of disk space, not a minimal installation.
  • Disk space occupied by the game is now updated after each patch.
  • Version of the game that is displayed in the control panel is now updated after each patch.
  • Added support for user-defined ports when using torrent.
  • If upon installing a patch an error occurs (not enough disk space, can’t open file, etc.), then a dialog window with a request to repeat the action appears. Installation failed before now.
  • Fixed the progress of updates installation.
  • Installing updates now can’t interrupt the installation: you can always repeat the installation process now.
  • Accelerated download speed when using HTTP.


  • Copying user.cfg to another computer with stored authorization information will not lead to a loss of account.
  • Updates are digitally signed to prevent malicious software from getting into users’ computers in case the servers were hacked.
  • Table of the resources archive files is digitally signed and is verified upon connection; every resource is checked for integrity at launch.


  • We use Windows Quality of Service to ensure the stability of game messages channel; with appropriate support it prevents a scenario when copying files through a local network results in a loss of connection to match the server because of displacing UDP protocol packets by TCP protocol packets.
  • Network traffic was significantly optimization.
  • Fixed a crash when using network statistics.

Problems with starting the game:

  • Fixed detection of video memory amount.
  • Fixed a “not enough memory“ bug upon starting a match.

Y a mi no hace mas que caerseme el juego desde este parche. Es mas he tenido que reinstalar el juego y nada... T_T'

1 respuesta

#154 si ven que hay mucha gente con ese problema, lanzarán un hotfix, puede que hoy a última hora, o quizá mañana o ya el lunes, pero deberían arreglarlo pronto si se presenta en muchos casos.

#154 lo dicho, ya hay hotfix.

Version 0.22b

Problems with starting the game:

  • Fixed out of memory crash during match loading

31.05.2014 - Version 0.22c

Problems with starting the game:

  • Fixed camouflage baking during match loading;

Jamás me ha ido tan mal como ahora.... enfin de parche...


A mi igual, este finde he intentado jugar y en la misma partida me ha saltado fuera hasta 5 veces, y para que despues de cargar entre en la partida me tengo que salir y volver a entrar T_T


nuevo fix y desde entonces no he podido jugar más, se me peta al cargar..


03.06.2014 - Version 0.22d

Changes in the game:

  • Enemy marks on spotting switched off.
  • Enemy grenades marks switched off.
  • Balance tweaked.
  • New sounds of walking on wooden surfaces added.

Advances in the game:

  • Camouflage textures arrangement procedure sped up.
  • Lobby traffic decreased.
  • Redundant information sent by client when in lobby, but not in queue has been removed.
  • Extremely big character textures decreased. Smaller, but unique textures are used instead.

Game errors fixes:

  • Lobby server crash when loading squad fixed.
  • Bug on the side of the client which led to deviation of other players' inputs has been fixed.
  • Mouse controls disappearing in the game has been fixed.
  • Message delivery guarantee mechanism which could lead to 'parallel realities' has been fixed
  • Double reconnection to lobby server has been fixed.
  • Double reconnection to match bug has been fixed.

Installer fixes:

  • Bug on creation/removal of firewall rules has been fixed.
1 respuesta

al entrar se me queda un radar cargando y no entra :/


#158 si para cada hotfix tienen que meter un hotfix, mal vamos :(

Most common bugs currently being experienced in V0.22d

  1. Game crashing when loading a map.
  2. Stuck at the lobby loading screen (green oscilloscope).
  3. Inventory button is greyed out unless client is restarted.
  4. Premium currency not displaying.
  5. Waiting For Players (at the start of a match).
  6. Character Not Loading.
  7. Match-Making (Infinite loop)
  8. After match statistics not loading.

If you are experiencing any of these bugs, please just confirm by saying "yes I am experiencing bug 1,2 and 3" for example. No need to post a long message. Thank you.

reportadlo aquí, please:

1 respuesta

Donde se puede pillar a buen precio? y segunda ocpión que tal podría moverlo con un dual core 2,4hz 4gb ram?

1 respuesta

#161 que yo sepa solo se puede comprar en su página por ahora, son $10 por una key. No vas a poder correrlo bien con un dual core, está bastante mal optimizado por ahora.


#160 Es una beta, habran muchos parches y hotfix hasta dejarlo pulido. Lo malo sería que lo dieran por hecho teniendo esos errores, y lo publicaran (Como hacen las grandes compañias).

1 respuesta

#163 Si yo lo comprendo, pero otros muchos estarán echándose las manos a la cabeza.

1 respuesta

#164 ya ves, mucha gente no entiende lo que significa BETA. Pero bueno, para mi lo importante es que sigan con este ritmo de desarrollo y poco a poco tengamos un juego acabado y pulido.

Por tiene una pintaza tremenda!!! ;D

Por cierto, tengo una KEY para la BETA y no se que hacer con ella, estoy pensando en sortearla por stream o algo asi. Ya os dire ;)


Version 0.22e

Game error fixes:

  • Fixed memory leak which could lead to crash during match loading.
  • Fixed packet sending mechanism, which could lead to 'parallel realities' and lobby and match servers hanging.
1 respuesta

#166 Tio, estás más que al loro ;)


0.22f lanzada.. aver q tal

03.06.2014 - Version 0.22f

Game error fixes:

  • Fixed model LOD (Level of Detail) flickering.
  • Texture streaming in lobby has been turned off.
  • We switched enemy spotting off :)
  • SV-98 reload time has been doubled.
  • Fixed resources archive consistency check when game is installed to a path, which contains UNICODE characters.
  • Fixed lobby server crashes.
1 respuesta

#168 lo de spotear enemigos ya van 3 veces que dicen que lo quitan xD


muestra material antiguo, pero la información proporcionada sobre el juego es bastante precisa.

este muestra gameplay, aunque también es viejo y anterior al reciente parche de balanceo de armas.


bueno, parece que me toca postear después de mí de nuevo D:

Version 0.22g

Game error fixes:

  • Client and server crash during playing the game, fixed.
  • Fixed resynchronization on breath holding.
  • Fixed resynchronization on got hit.
  • Fixed reconnection to already connected match server
  • Removed possibility to enter a match with two double handed weapons
  • Fixed auto-repair of free items

Quien no tiene aun BETA KEY?

2 respuestas

#172 yo no tengo :(


#172 yo querer.


Muchos no tenemos y muchos queremos :3


Esto significa que van a repartir keys? O es más para restregarme que no tengo beta? XDDDDD Que sea lo primero!!

1 respuesta

#176 Hay Key, atentos al twitter.


Queremos sortear una KEY para acceder a la closed beta de Survarium. Un FPS free 2 play en desarrollo por Vostok Games, estudio formado por responsables de la famosa saga STALKER.

El concurso dará comienzo desde el Lunes 9 de Junio al Sábado 14 de Junio, día en el que anunciaremos al ganador.

Si te gustan los videojuegos y la competición no olvides pasarte por



Tomaaa!!!!!!!! por fin me toca algo en mi vida XD

nos vemos en el juego, tiene muy buena pinta!.

Hay alguna comunidad Española o algo asi?

1 respuesta

#179 Pues por el momento diria que no. Porque la unica web que vi donde hablan de la saga STALKER y de survarium esta algo muerto, no tiene mucha actividad.